Sun Microsystems Java System Web Server 7 User Manual

Sun Java SystemWeb Server 7.0 Update 1 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide

Sun Microsystems,Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.
Part No: 820–1067
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Preface ...................................................................................................................................................11
1 Performance and MonitoringOverview ..........................................................................................19
Performance Issues .............................................................................................................................. 19
Conguration ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Virtual Servers ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Server Farms ......................................................................................................................................... 21
64–Bit Servers ...................................................................................................................................... 21
SSL Performance .................................................................................................................................. 21
Monitoring Server Performance ........................................................................................................ 22
About Statistics ............................................................................................................................. 23
Monitoring Current Activity Using the Admin Console ........................................................ 25
To Monitor Statistics from the Admin Console ............................................................... 25
Monitoring Current Activity Using the CLI ............................................................................. 26
To Monitor Statistics from the CLI .................................................................................... 26
Monitoring Current Activity Using stats.xml .......................................................................... 29
To Enable the stats-xml URI from the Admin Console ................................................... 29
To Enable the stats-xml URI from the CLI ........................................................................ 30
To Limit the stats-xml Statistics Displayed in the URI .................................................... 30
To View stats-xml Output from the CLI ............................................................................ 31
Monitoring Current Activity Using perfdump ........................................................................ 31
To Enable the perfdump URI from the Admin Console ................................................. 31
To Enable the perfdump URI from the CLI ...................................................................... 32
To View the perfdump Data from the CLI ........................................................................ 33
Monitoring Current Activity Using the Java ES Monitoring Console ................................... 37
2 TuningSun Java System Web Server ................................................................................................ 39
General Tuning Tips ........................................................................................................................... 39
Understanding Threads, Processes, and Connections ................................................................... 40
Connection-Handling Overview ............................................................................................... 40
Custom Thread Pools .................................................................................................................. 42
The Native Thread Pool ............................................................................................................... 43
Process Modes .............................................................................................................................. 44
Mapping Web Server 6.1 Tuning Parameters to Web Server 7.0 ................................................... 46
Using Monitoring Data to Tune Your Server .................................................................................. 48
Connection Queue Information ................................................................................................ 49
HTTP Listener (Listen Socket) Information ............................................................................ 51
Keep-Alive Information .............................................................................................................. 53
Session Creation (Thread) Information .................................................................................... 57
File Cache Information (Static Content) .................................................................................. 59
Thread Pool Information ............................................................................................................ 65
DNS Cache Information .............................................................................................................68
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Information ................................................................................ 70
Web Application Information .................................................................................................... 71
To Access Web Application Statistics From the Admin Console ................................... 71
JDBC Resource Information ...................................................................................................... 72
Tuning the ACL User Cache .............................................................................................................. 77
Tuning Java Web Application Performance .................................................................................... 78
Using Precompiled JSPs .............................................................................................................. 78
Using Servlet/JSP Caching .......................................................................................................... 79
Conguring the Java Security Manager ..................................................................................... 79
Conguring Class Reloading ...................................................................................................... 79
AvoidingDirectories in the Classpath ....................................................................................... 80
Conguring the Web Application’s Session Settings ............................................................... 80
Tuning CGI Stub Processes (UNIX/Linux) ..................................................................................... 81
Using nd-pathinfo-forward ............................................................................................................. 82
Using nostat ......................................................................................................................................... 82
Using Busy Functions ......................................................................................................................... 83
3 Common Performance Problems ......................................................................................................85
check-acl Server Application Functions ........................................................................................... 85
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •4
Low-Memory Situations ..................................................................................................................... 86
Too FewThreads ................................................................................................................................. 86
Cache Not Utilized .............................................................................................................................. 87
Keep-Alive Connections Flushed ...................................................................................................... 87
Log File Modes ..................................................................................................................................... 88
4 Platform-Specic Issues andTips .....................................................................................................89
Solaris Platform-Specic Issues ......................................................................................................... 89
Files Open in a Single Process (File Descriptor Limits) ........................................................... 89
Failure to Connect to HTTP Server ........................................................................................... 90
Connection Refused Errors ........................................................................................................ 91
Tuning TCP Buering ................................................................................................................. 91
Using the Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator (SNCA) ................................................... 91
To Enable SNCA to Work With Web Server .................................................................... 92
Solaris File System Tuning ................................................................................................................. 93
High File System Page-In Rate .................................................................................................... 93
Reduce File System Housekeeping ............................................................................................. 93
Long Service Times on Busy Disks or Volumes ....................................................................... 93
Solaris Platform-Specic Performance Monitoring ........................................................................ 94
Short-Term System Monitoring ................................................................................................ 94
Long-Term System Monitoring ................................................................................................. 95
“Intelligent” Monitoring ............................................................................................................. 95
Solaris 10 Platform-Specic Tuning Information ........................................................................... 95
Tuning Solaris for Performance Benchmarking .............................................................................. 96
Tuning UltraSPARC T1–Based Systems for Performance Benchmarking .................................. 97
Tuning Operating System and TCP Settings ............................................................................ 97
Disk Conguration ...................................................................................................................... 98
Network Conguration ............................................................................................................... 98
Web Server Start Options ...........................................................................................................99
5 Sizing and ScalingYour Server ........................................................................................................101
64-Bit Server ....................................................................................................................................... 101
Processors ........................................................................................................................................... 101
Memory .............................................................................................................................................. 102
Drive Space ......................................................................................................................................... 102
Networking ........................................................................................................................................ 102
6 Scalability Studies .............................................................................................................................103
Study Goals ......................................................................................................................................... 103
Study Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 104
Hardware ............................................................................................................................................ 104
Software .............................................................................................................................................. 105
Conguration and Tuning ............................................................................................................... 105
Network Conguration ............................................................................................................. 106
Web Server Tuning .................................................................................................................... 107
Performance Tests and Results ........................................................................................................ 108
Static Content Test ..................................................................................................................... 108
Dynamic Content Test: Servlet ................................................................................................ 110
Dynamic Content Test: C CGI ................................................................................................. 111
Dynamic Content Test: Perl CGI ............................................................................................. 113
Dynamic Content Test: NSAPI ................................................................................................ 114
PHP Scalability Tests ................................................................................................................. 115
SSL Performance Test: Static Content ..................................................................................... 118
SSL Performance Test: Perl CGI ............................................................................................... 119
SSL Performance Test: C CGI ................................................................................................... 120
SSL Performance Test: NSAPI .................................................................................................. 121
E-Commerce Web Application Test ....................................................................................... 122
Index ................................................................................................................................................... 127
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •6
TABLE 1–1 Methods of MonitoringPerformance ..................................................................... 22
TABLE 2–1 Parameter Mapping toserver.xml ........................................................................ 46
TABLE 2–2 Connection Queue Statistics .................................................................................... 50
TABLE 2–3 Keep-AliveStatistics .................................................................................................. 53
TABLE 2–4 File Cache Statistics ................................................................................................... 60
TABLE 2–5 Thread Pools Statistics .............................................................................................. 66
TABLE 2–6 DNS Cache Statistics ................................................................................................. 69
TABLE 2–7 Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Statistics .................................................................... 70
TABLE 2–8 Web Application Statistics ....................................................................................... 72
TABLE 2–9 JDBC Resource Statistics .......................................................................................... 73
TABLE 4–1 Tuning Solarisfor Performance Benchmarking .................................................... 96
TABLE 4–2 Tuning 64–bitSystems forPerformance Benchmarking .....................................97
TABLE 6–1 Web Server Tuning Settings ................................................................................... 107
TABLE 6–2 SSL SessionCache TuningSettings ....................................................................... 107
TABLE 6–3 File Cache Conguration ....................................................................................... 109
TABLE 6–4 Static Content Scalability ........................................................................................109
TABLE 6–5 JVM Tuning Settings ............................................................................................... 110
TABLE 6–6 Dynamic Content Test: Servlet Scalability ...........................................................111
TABLE 6–7 CGI Tuning Settings ...............................................................................................112
TABLE 6–8 Dynamic Content Test: C CGI Scalability ............................................................112
TABLE 6–9 CGI Tuning Settings ...............................................................................................113
TABLE 6–10 Dynamic Content Test: PerlCGI Scalability ........................................................ 113
TABLE 6–11 Dynamic Content Test: NSAPI Scalability ...........................................................114
TABLE 6–12 Tuning Settings for FastCGI Plug-inTest ............................................................116
TABLE 6–13 PHP Scalability with Fast CGI ................................................................................ 116
TABLE 6–14 NSAPI Plug-in Conguration forPHP ................................................................ 117
TABLE 6–15 PHP Scalability with NSAPI ................................................................................... 118
TABLE 6–16 SSL Performance Test: Static Content Scalability ................................................ 119
TABLE 6–17 SSL Performance Test: Perl CGIScalability ......................................................... 120
TABLE 6–18 SSL Performance Test: C CGI Scalability .............................................................121
TABLE 6–19 SSL Performance Test: NSAPI Scalability ............................................................122
TABLE 6–20 PerformanceTest Pass Criteria .............................................................................. 124
TABLE 6–21 E-Commerce Web ApplicationScalability .......................................................... 125
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •8
FIGURE 2–1 Web Server Connection Handling .......................................................................... 40


This guide discusses adjustments you can make that may improve the performance of Sun Java System Web Server (henceforth known as Web Server). The guide provides tuning, scaling, and sizing tips and suggestions; possible solutions to common performance problems; and data from scalability studies. It also addresses miscellaneous conguration and platform-specic issues.

Who Should UseThis Book

This guide is intended for advanced administrators only. Be sure to read this guide and other relevant server documentation before making any changes. Be very careful when tuning your server, and always back up your conguration les before making any changes.

BeforeYou Read This Book

Web Server can be installed as a stand-alone product or as a component of Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES), a software infrastructure that supports enterprise applications distributed across a network or Internet environment. If you are installing Web Server as a component of Java ES, you should be familiar with the system documentation at

WebServer Documentation Set

The Web Server documentation set describes how to install and administer the Web Server. You can access the Web Server documentation at For an introduction to Web Server , refer to the books in the order in which they are listed in the following table.
TABLE P–1 Books inthe Web Server Documentation Set
DocumentationTitle Contents
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Documentation Center
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Release Notes
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Installation and Migration Guide
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrator’s Guide
Web Server documentation topics organized by tasks and subject
Late-breaking informationabout the software and documentation
Supported platforms and patch requirements for installing Web Server
Performing installation and migration tasks:
Installing Web Server and its various components,
Migrating data from Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 or 6.1 to Sun Java System Web Server 7.0
Performing the following administration tasks:
Using the Administration GUI and command-line interface
Conguring serverpreferences
Using server instances
Monitoring and logging server activity
Using certicates and public key cryptography to secure the server
Conguring accesscontrol to secure the server
Using Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE) security features
Deploying applications
Managing virtual servers
Dening server workload and sizing the system to meet performance needs
Searching the contents and attributes of server documents, and creating a text search interface
Conguring theserver for content compression
Conguring theserver for web publishing and content authoring using WebDAV
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Developer’s Guide
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 NSAPI Developer’s Guide
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •12
Using programming technologies and APIs to dothe following:
Extend and modify Sun Java System Web Server
Dynamically generatecontent in response to client requests and modify the content of the server
Creating custom Netscape Server Application Programmer’s Interface (NSAPI) plug-ins
TABLE P–1 Books inthe Web Server Documentation Set (Continued)
DocumentationTitle Contents
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Developer’s Guide to Java Web Applications
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrator’s Conguration File Reference
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Performance Tuning, Sizing, and Scaling Guide
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Troubleshooting Guide
Implementing Java Servlets and JavaServer PagesTM(JSPTM) technology in Sun Java System Web Server
Editing conguration les
Tuning Sun Java System Web Server to optimize performance
Troubleshooting Web Server

Related Books

The URL for all documentation about Sun Java Enterprise System (Java ES) and its components is

Default Paths and File Names

The following table describes the default paths and le names that are used in this book.
TABLE P–2 Default Paths andFile Names
Placeholder Description Default Value
install-dir Represents the base installation directory for Web
instance-dir Directory that contains the instance-specic
Sun Java Enterprise System (JavaES) installations on the
Java ES installations on the Linux andHP-UX platform:
Java ES installations on the Windows platform:
system-drive:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\WebServer7
Other Solaris, Linux, and HP-UXinstallations, non-root user:
Other Solaris, Linux, and HP-UXinstallations, root user:
Windows, all installations:
system-drive:\Program Files\Sun\WebServer7
For Java ESinstallations, the default location for instances on Solaris:
For Java ESinstallations, the default location for instances on Linux and HP-UX:
For Java ESinstallations, the default location for instance on Windows:
system-drive:\Program Files\Sun\JavaES5\WebServer7
For stand-alone installations, the default location for instance on Solaris, Linux, and HP-UX:install-dir
For stand-alone installations, the default location for instance on Windows:
system-drive:\Program Files\sun\WebServer7
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •14

Typographic Conventions

The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.
TABLE P–3 TypographicConventions
Typeface Meaning Example
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, les, and
directories, and onscreen computer output
AaBbCc123 What you type, contrasted with onscreen
computer output
AaBbCc123 A placeholder to be replaced with a real
name or value
AaBbCc123 Book titles,new terms, and terms to be
emphasized (note that some emphasized items appear bold online)
Edit your .login le.
Use ls -a to list all les.
machine_name% you have mail.
machine_name% su
The command to remove a le is rm lename.
Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
A cache is a copy that is stored locally.
Do not save the le.

Symbol Conventions

The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.
TABLE P–4 SymbolConventions
Symbol Description Example Meaning
[] Contains optionalarguments and
command options.
ls [-l] The -l option is not required.
{|} Contains aset of choices for a
required command option.
${ } Indicates a variable reference. ${com.sun.javaRoot} References the value of the com.sun.javaRoot
- Joins simultaneous multiple keystrokes.
+ Joins consecutive multiple
-d {y|n} The -d option requires that you use either the y argument or the n argument.
Control-A Press the Control key while you press the A
Ctrl+A+N Press the Control key,release it, and then press
the subsequent keys.
TABLE P–4 SymbolConventions (Continued)
Symbol Description Example Meaning
Indicates menu item selection in a
graphical user interface.
File New Templates From the File menu, choose New. Fromthe

Documentation, Support, and Training

The Sun web site provides information about the following additional resources:
Documentation (
Support (
Training (

Searching Sun Product Documentation

Besides searching Sun product documentation from the web site, you can use a search engine by typing the following syntax in the search eld:
For example, to search for “Web Server,” type the following:
Web Server
New submenu, choose Templates.
To include other Sun web sites in your search (for example,,, and, use “” in place of “” in the search eld.

Third-PartyWeb Site References

Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.
Note – Sun is notresponsible for the availability of third-party web sitesmentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •16

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. To share your comments, go to and click Send Comments. In the online form, provide the full document title and part number. The part number is a 7-digit or 9-digit number that can be found on the book's title page or in the document's URL. For example, the part number of this book is 819-2635.

Performance and Monitoring Overview

Sun Java System Web Server (henceforth known as Web Server) is designed to meet the needs of the most demanding, high-trac sites in the world. It can serve both static and dynamically generated content. Web Server can also run in SSL mode, enabling the secure transfer of information.
This guide helps you to dene your server workload and size a system to meet your performance needs. Your environment is unique, however, so the impacts of the suggestions provided here also depend on your specic environment. Ultimately you must rely on your own judgement and observations to select the adjustments that are best for you.
This chapter provides a general discussion of server performance considerations, and more specic information about monitoring server performance.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Performance Issues” on page 19
“Conguration” on page 20
“Virtual Servers” on page 20
“Server Farms”on page 21
“64–Bit Servers” on page 21
“SSL Performance” on page 21
“Monitoring Server Performance” on page 22

Performance Issues

The rst step toward sizing your server is to determine your requirements. Performance means dierent things to users than to webmasters. Users want fast response times (typically less than 100 milliseconds), high availability (no “connection refused” messages), and as much interface control as possible. Webmasters and system administrators, on the other hand, want to see high connection rates, high data throughput, and uptime approaching 100%. In addition, for virtual
servers the goal might be to provide a targeted level of performance at dierent price points. You need to dene what performance means for your particular situation.
Here are some areas to consider:
The number of peak concurrent users
Security requirements
Encrypting your Web Server’s data streams with SSL makes an enormous dierence to your site’s credibility for electronic commerce and other security conscious applications, but it can also seriously impact your CPU load. For more information, see
page 21
The size of the document tree
Dynamic or static content
The content you serve aects your server’s performance. A Web Server delivering mostly static HTML can run much faster than a server that must execute CGIs for every query.
Certain tuning parameters are set at the conguration level, so that every server instance that is based on the conguration has the same tuning information. In addition, some monitoring information is available at the conguration level, so you can monitor the performance of all instances based on the conguration. However, the bulk of the monitoring information is available at the individual server instance, or virtual server level. If you are using a single Web Server instance per conguration (your server is not part of a server farm), the conguration-level statistics show the information for the single server instance based on that conguration.
“SSL Performance” on

Virtual Servers

Virtual servers add another layer to the performance improvement process. Certain settings are tunable for the conguration, while others are based on an individual virtual server.
You can also use the quality of service (QoS) features to set resource utilization constraints for an individual virtual server. For example, you can use QoS features to limit the amount of bandwidth and the number of connections allowed for a virtual server. You can set these performance limits, track them, and optionally enforce them.
For more information about using the quality of service features, see Sun Java System Web Server 7.0 Update 1 Administrator’s Guide.
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •20

Server Farms

The clustering features of Web Server allow you to easily deploy to a server farm. Because all servers in a server farm share identical congurations, tuning is not done on a server-by-server basis.

64–Bit Servers

The performance for the 64–bit Web Server is not necessarily better than the performance for the 32–bit Web Server, but the 64–bit server scales better. Because the 32–bit Web Server process is conned to 4 GB of address space, it can run out of address space attempting to support simultaneous sessions beyond a certain limit. Even if the host machine has available memory and CPU resources, the 32–bit Web Server might not be able to take advantage of it because of the address space limit. The 64–bit Web Server can run more applications and servlets than the 32-bit server. Also, the 64–bit Web Server can cache several GBs of static content, while the 32-bit Web Server is conned to 4 GB of address space.
In general, the tuning for the 64–bit Web Server is similar to the tuning for the 32–bit Web Server. The dierences are mostly tuned at the operating system level. Tuning specics are discussed in
page 97

SSL Performance

“Tuning UltraSPARC T1–Based Systems for Performance Benchmarking” on
SSL Performance
SSL always has a signicant impact on throughput, so for best performance minimize your use of SSL, or consider using a multi-CPU server to handle it.
For SSL, the Web Server uses the NSS library. However, there are other options available for SSL:
If you are using the Solaris 10 operating system, kernel SSL (KSSL) is available. It does not contain all the algorithms available, as does NSS, but it often provides better performance.
A cryptographic card hardware accelerator for SSL can also improve performance.
If you are using the 64–bit Web Server on Solaris, you can use the cryptographic accelerator of the UltraSPARC T1 processor.
Chapter 1 • Performanceand Monitoring Overview 21

Monitoring Server Performance

Monitoring Server Performance
Making the adjustments described in this guide without measuring their eects doesn’t make sense. If you don’t measure the system’s behavior before and after making a change, you won’t know whether the change was a good idea, a bad idea, or merely irrelevant. You can monitor the performance of Web Server in several dierent ways.
TABLE 1–1 Methods of Monitoring Performance
Monitoring Method How to Enable How to Access Advantages and Requirements
Statistics through the Admin Console
Statistics through individual wadm commands
XML-formatted statistics (stats-xml) through a browser
XML-formatted statistics (stats-xml) through the command-line interface
perfdump through a browser
perfdump through the command-line interface
Enabled by default In the Admin Console, for a
conguration, click the Monitor tab
Enabled by default Through wadm commands:
Enable through Admin Console or through editing a conguration le
Enabled by default Through the wadm command
Enable through Admin Console or through editing a conguration le
Enabled by default Through wadm command
Through a URI Administration Server
Through a URI Administration Server
Accessible when session threads are hanging. Administration Server must be running.
Accessible when session threads are hanging. Administration Server must be running.
need not be running.
Accessible when session threads are hanging. Administration Server must be running.
need not be running.
Accessible when session threads are hanging. Administration Server must be running.
Java ES Monitoring Enabled by default Through the Java ES
Monitoring Console
Only for Java ES installations. Administration Server must be running.
Monitoring the server does have some impact on computing resources. In general, using perfdump through the URI is the least costly, followed by using stats-xml through a URI.
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •22
Monitoring Server Performance
Because using the Administration Server takes computing resources, the command-line interface and the Admin Console are the most costly monitoring methods.
For more information on these monitoring methods, see the following sections:
“About Statistics” on page 23
“Monitoring Current Activity Using the Admin Console” on page 25
“Monitoring Current Activity Using the CLI” on page 26
“Monitoring Current Activity Using stats.xml” on page 29
“Monitoring Current Activity Using perfdump” on page 31
“Monitoring Current Activity Using the Java ES Monitoring Console” on page 37

About Statistics

You can monitor many performance statistics through the Admin Console user interface, through the command-line interface, through the stats-xml URI, and through perfdump.For all these monitoring methods, the server uses statistics it collects. Noneof these monitoring methods will work if statistics are not collected.
The statistics give you information at the conguration level, the server instance level, or the virtual server level. The statistics are broken up into functional areas.
For the conguration, statistics are available in the following areas:
Response Time
For the server instance, statistics are available in the following areas:
Response Time
Java Virtual Machine (JVMTM)
Connection Queue
Keep Alive
File Cache
Thread Pools
Session Replication
Session Threads, including Proling data (available if proling is enabled)
Chapter 1 • Performanceand Monitoring Overview 23
Monitoring Server Performance
For the virtual server, statistics are available in the following areas:
Some statistics default to zero if Quality of Service (QoS) is not enabled, for example, the count of open connections, the maximum open connections, the rate of bytes transmitted, and the maximum byte transmission rate.
Enabling Statistics
Statistics are activated by default on Web Server. However, if you have disabled them, you need to enable them again to monitor your server for performance. To enable statistics, use Admin Console or the wadm command-line utility (CLI).
Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBCTM) (available if a JDBC resource is created and the connection pool is accessed)
Web Applications
Proling Data (available if proling is enabled)
Servlet and Servlet Response Cache (available if the Servlet cache is enabled in sun.web.xml)
Note – Collecting statistics causesa slight hit to performance.
To Enable Statistics from the Admin Console
From the AdminConsole Common Tasks page, select the conguration.
Click Edit Conguration.
Click the General tab.
Click the Monitoring Settings sub tab.
On the Monitoring Settings page,under GeneralSettings, select the Statistics Enabled checkbox.
Congure the interval and proling.
The Interval is the period in seconds between statistics updates. A higher setting (less frequent) improves performance. The minimum value is .001 seconds; the default value is 5 seconds.
Proling is activated by default. Deactivating it results in slightly less monitoring overhead.
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •24
Monitoring Server Performance
Restart theserver.
To Enable Statistics from the CLI
Enter the followingCLI commandto enable statistics collection:
./wadm set-stats-prop --user=admin_user –password-file=password-le
--config=mycong enabled=true
To disable statistics, set enabled to false.
To setthe interval and enableproling, use the set-stats-prop interval and profiling properties. For moreinformation, see the help forset-stats-prop.
Restart theserver.

Monitoring Current Activity Using the Admin Console

Frequently-used statistics are available through the Admin Console, viewed as general statistics, instance statistics, and virtual server statistics.
To Monitor Statistics from the Admin Console
In the Admin Console, from the Common Tasks page, select the Monitoringtab.
Select theconguration.
The conguration statistics are displayed.
From the drop-down list, select a View interval.
The statistics displayed in your browser are automatically updated at this interval.
Select thetype ofstatistics to display.
The initial list of statistics types includes General Statistics, Instance Statistics, and Virtual Server Statistics.
If you choose Instance Statistics, click the name of the instance to monitor. Detailed statistics are then displayed, including information on processes and session replications.
If you choose Virtual Server Statistics, click the name of the virtual server to monitor. Statistics for the virtual server are displayed, including response statistics and web application statistics. This information is not provided through perfdump.
Chapter 1 • Performanceand Monitoring Overview 25
Monitoring Server Performance

Monitoring Current Activity Using the CLI

You can also view statistics information using the wadm commands get-config-stats, get-virtual-server-stats, get-webapp-stats and get-servlet-stats. Note that the
examples below do not contain all possible command options. For the complete syntax, see the help for the command.
To Monitor Statistics from the CLI
To getstatistics for a conguration deployed on a singlenode, enter:
./wadm get-config-stats --user=admin-user --password-file=admin-password-le
--config=cong-name --node=node-name
Using the node option in this syntax restricts the output to a single node. To get the statistics at the conguration level, use the command without the node option.
The following shows an example of the output for a single node:
timeStarted=1168035653 secondsRunning=1404 countRequests=690546 rpsLast1MinAvg=4491.7666 rpsLast5MinAvg=1844.6061 rpsLast15MinAvg=637.37305 countErrors=0 epsLast1MinAvg=0.0 epsLast5MinAvg=0.0 epsLast15MinAvg=0.0 maxResponseTime=0.30789953 rtLast1MinAvg=5.3970284 rtLast5MinAvg=5.208407 rtLast15MinAvg=35.56042 countBytesReceived=96800935 countBytesTransmitted=689929574 countChildDied=0 countVirtualServers=2 instanceName=https-test process.1.countThreadPools=2 process.1.jdbcPoolCount=1 process.1.countThreads=64 process.1.fractionSystemMemoryUsage=2887.0 process.1.countConnectionQueues=1 process.1.sizeResident=0 process.1.countIdleThreads=32 process.1.mode=1 process.1.sizeVirtual=0 process.1.countConfigurations=1
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •26
process.1.timeStarted=Jan 5, 2007 2:20:53 PM process.1.DNSCache.countCacheHits=687804 process.1.DNSCache.countAsyncNameLookup=0 process.1.DNSCache.countAsyncLookupsInProgress=0 process.1.DNSCache.flagAsyncEnabled=false process.1.DNSCache.countAsyncAddrLookups=0 process.1.DNSCache.flagCacheEnabled=true process.1.DNSCache.countCacheMisses=75 process.1.JDBCPool.1.countQueued=32 process.1.JDBCPool.1.countFreeConnections=0 process.1.JDBCPool.1.peakConnections=32 process.1.JDBCPool.1.millisecondsPeakWait=72 process.1.JDBCPool.1.countWaitQueueTimeouts=288 process.1.JDBCPool.1.peakQueued=64 process.1.JDBCPool.1.maxConnections=32 process.1.JDBCPool.1.currentConnections=32 process.1.JDBCPool.1.millisecondsAverageQueued=1.0 process.1.JDBCPool.1.countTotalFailedValidationConnections=0 process.1.JDBCPool.1.countLeasedConnections=32 process.1.JDBCPool.1.countTotalLeasedConnections=414 process.1.JDBCPool.1.countConnectionIdleTimeouts=1 process.1.connectionQueue.1.countQueued15MinuteAverage=4.3203125 process.1.connectionQueue.1.countQueued=0 process.1.connectionQueue.1.countQueued1MinuteAverage=0.046875 process.1.connectionQueue.1.countTotalQueued=79171 process.1.connectionQueue.1.countQueued5MinuteAverage=4.03125 process.1.connectionQueue.1.countOverflows=0 process.1.connectionQueue.1.maxQueued=1288 process.1.connectionQueue.1.ticksTotalQueued=724956383 process.1.connectionQueue.1.countTotalConnections=863 process.1.connectionQueue.1.peakQueued=64 process.1.fileCache.countContentMisses=7 process.1.fileCache.maxMmapCacheSize=0 process.1.fileCache.sizeHeapCache=27520 process.1.fileCache.countMisses=22 process.1.fileCache.countContentHits=620662 process.1.fileCache.maxEntries=1024 process.1.fileCache.flagEnabled=true process.1.fileCache.secondsMaxAge=30 process.1.fileCache.sizeMmapCache=0 process.1.fileCache.countInfoHits=1862013 process.1.fileCache.maxHeapCacheSize=10747924 process.1.fileCache.countOpenEntries=0 process.1.fileCache.countHits=2482682 process.1.fileCache.maxOpenEntries=1024 process.1.fileCache.countEntries=12
Monitoring Server Performance
Chapter 1 • Performanceand Monitoring Overview 27
Monitoring Server Performance
process.1.fileCache.countInfoMisses=19 process.1.jvm.countGarbageCollections=96 process.1.jvm.sizeHeap=67762048 process.1.jvm.countThreads=79 process.1.jvm.countClassesUnloaded=0 process.1.jvm.vMVendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. process.1.jvm.countTotalClassesLoaded=3170 process.1.jvm.vMName=Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM process.1.jvm.countTotalThreadsStarted=81 process.1.jvm.countClassesLoaded=3170 process.1.jvm.peakThreads=79 process.1.jvm.millisecondsGarbageCollection=1981 process.1.jvm.vMVersion=1.5.0_09-b03 process.1.keepalive.countConnections=32 process.1.keepalive.maxConnections=200 process.1.keepalive.countFlushes=0 process.1.keepalive.countRefusals=0 process.1.keepalive.countTimeouts=6 process.1.keepalive.countHits=686943 process.1.keepalive.secondsTimeout=30 process.1.threadPool.1.countQueued=0 process.1.threadPool.1.countThreadsIdle=1 process.1.threadPool.1.threadPoolId=NativePool process.1.threadPool.1.maxThreads=128 process.1.threadPool.1.countThreads=1 process.1.threadPool.1.maxQueued=0 process.1.threadPool.1.peakQueued=0 process.1.threadPool.2.countQueued=0 process.1.threadPool.2.countThreadsIdle=1 process.1.threadPool.2.threadPoolId=my-custom-pool process.1.threadPool.2.maxThreads=128 process.1.threadPool.2.countThreads=1 process.1.threadPool.2.maxQueued=0 process.1.threadPool.2.peakQueued=0
To getstatistics for a virtual server,enter:
./wadm get-virtual-server-stats --user=admin-user
--password-file=admin-password-le --config=cong-name --vs=virtual-server-name
Because the node option is not used, this syntax gives the aggregate statistics for the virtual server across all the nodes where the conguration has been deployed. Using the node option restricts the output to a single node.
To getstatistics for a deployed web application, enter:
./wadm get-webapp-stats --user=admin-user --password-file=admin-password-le
--config=cong-name --node=node-name --vs=virtual-server-name --uri=URI
Sun Java System Web Server 7.0Update 1 Performance Tuning,Sizing, and Scaling Guide •28
Monitoring Server Performance
The syntax gets the statistics for a given web application deployed on the given virtual server of the given instance. To get the aggregated web application statistics for a given conguration across all the nodes where the conguration has been deployed, use the command without the node option.
The following example shows the output for the URI hello:
countActiveSessions=1 countExpiredSessions=0 countJsps=1 countRejectedSessions=0 countReloadedJsps=1 countSessions=1 peakActiveSessions=1 secondsSessionAliveAverage=0 secondsSessionAliveMax=0 uri=/hello

Monitoring Current Activity Using stats.xml

You can also display statistics using stats-xml, which displays statistics in XML format. The output of stats-xml is in XML so that various tools can easily parse the statistics. You can view the stats-xml output through a URI, which you have to enable, or you can view the stats-xml output through the CLI, which is enabled by default.
To Enable the stats-xml URIfrom the Admin Console
If you enable the stats-xml URI, you can access statistics for your server in XML format through a browser. Note that when you use the stats-xml URI, you can access statistics even when the Administration Server is not running. Also, with the stats-xml URI activated, users can see the statistics information for your server, unless you take precautions to deny access.
On the CommonTaskspage, select the conguration fromthe pull-down menu on the left.
Select thevirtual server from thepull-down menuon the right, then click Edit Virtual Server.
On the Server Settings tab, click theMonitoring Settings sub tab.
Select theXML Report enabled checkbox.
Provide a URI,for example, /stats-xml.
Click Save.
Deploy the conguration.
Chapter 1 • Performanceand Monitoring Overview 29
Monitoring Server Performance
Access the stats-xml URI, forexample:
The statistics are displayed in XML format.
To Enable the stats-xml URIfrom the CLI
Use the followingcommand to enable stats-xml:
./wadm enable-stats-xml --user=admin-user --password-file=admin-password-le [--uri-prefix=prex]--config=cong-name --vs= virtual-server-name
Use the uri-prefix option to set the stats-xml URI.
Deploy the conguration using the wadm deploy-config command.
Access the stats-xml URI, forexample:
The statistics are displayed in XML format.
To Limit the stats-xml StatisticsDisplayed in theURI
You can modify the stats-xml URI to limit the data it provides.
Modify the stats-xml URI to limit theinformation by setting elements to0 or1. An element set
to 0 is not displayedon the stats-xml output. Forexample:
This syntax limits the stats-xml output so that thread and process statistics are not included. By default all statistics are enabled (set to 1).
Most of the statistics are available at the server level, but some are available at the process level.
Use the following syntax elements to limit stats-xml:
connection-queue-bucket (process-level)
profile-bucket (process-level)
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