Sun Microsystems HIPPI/P 1.1 User Guide

Sun™ HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and
User Guide
Sun Microsystems, Inc. 901 San Antonio Road Palo Alto,CA 94303-4900 U.S.A. 650-960-1300
Part No.
February 2000
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Preface xi
Before You Read This Book xi How This Book Is Organized xi Using UNIX Commands xii Typographic Conventions xiii Shell Prompts xiii Related Documentation xiv Ordering Sun Documentation xiv Accessing Sun Documentation Online xiv Sun Welcomes Your Comments xiv
1. Sun HIPPI/P Overview 1
Feature Summary 1 HIPPI/P Conformance 2
2. Installing the Sun HIPPI/P Adapter 3
Device Instances and Device Names 3 Inventory Items 4 Installing Sun HIPPI/P PCI Cards 4
To Install the Sun HIPPI/P PCI Card 4
Connecting Fiber-Optic Cables 6
To Connect the Fiber-Optic Cables 6
Cleaning the Fiber-Optic Cable 8
To Clean the Fiber-Optic Cable 8
3. Installing the Sun HIPPI/P Software 9
Declaring IP Addresses for Sun HIPPI/P 9
To Declare IP Addesses for Sun HIPPI/P 10
Removing Conflicting Packages 10
To Remove Conflicting Packages 10
Installing and Configuring Sun HIPPI/P 10
To Load and Mount the CD-ROM 11 To Install Sun HIPPI/P By Using pkgadd(1M) 11 To Install the Device Driver 12 To Finish the Installation 16 To Verify the Installation 17
Testing the Installation and Operation of the NIC 18
To Test the Installation and Operation of the NIC 18
Deinstalling the Sun HIPPI/P Packages 19
To Deinstall the Sun HIPPI/P Packages 19
4. Configuring the Sun HIPPI/P Interface 21
High Performance HIPPI/P Networks 21 Data Throughput Improvement 21 Improving Performance 22
To Tune the High-Water Marks 22 To Tune the Window Scaling Flag 24 To Tune the Congestion Window Maximum 24
Tuning the High- and Low-Water Marks at Boot Time 24
iv Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000
Tuning the Socket Options 25
5. Troubleshooting and Diagnostics 27
Troubleshooting Checklist 27
To Check the Sun HIPPI/P Driver 27 To Check the IP Addresses 28 To Check the IP Routing 28 To Check the Protocol Statistics 29 To Check the HIPPI/P Components 30
Checking the MAC Address 30
Solving Common Problems 31 Loading the Device Driver Manually 32
To Manually Load the Device Driver 32
6. HIPPI Network Architecture 35
Introduction to HIPPI Networking 35 Network Architecture 35
Switched Network Topology 36 I-Field 36 Framing Protocol 38
HIPPI/P Network Model 38 HIPPI Network Configuration 39 HIPPI Performance 40
7. Using the Sun HIPPI/P Network Utilities 43
Changing the Default MAC Address 43
To Change the Default MAC Address 43
Using the Sun HIPPI/P Device Driver Utilities 45
Displaying Sun HIPPI/P Statistics (hippistat)46
A. Frequently Asked Questions About Sun HIPPI/P 47
B. Developing Applications for Sun HIPPI/P Networks 51
Developing Applications with DLPI 51 DLPI Connectionless Service Primitives 52 DLPI Addressing 53
Glossary 55
vi Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000


FIGURE 2-1 HIPPI/P PCI Card 6 FIGURE 2-2 Aligning SC Type Fiber-Optic Cable Connectors 7 FIGURE 2-3 Cleaning the End of a Fiber-Optic Cable 8 FIGURE 6-1 I-Field 36 FIGURE 6-2 HIPPI Architectural Model 39 FIGURE 6-3 Basic HIPPI Point-to-Point Configuration 39 FIGURE 6-4 HIPPI Network Configuration Using a Switch 40 FIGURE B-1 DLPI Access to HIPPI/P 52
viii Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000


TABLE P-1 Typographic Conventions xiii TABLE P-2 Shell Prompts xiii TABLE 3-1 Installation Requirements 9 TABLE 5-1 Release Support 30 TABLE 5-2 Problems Installing Sun HIPPI/P 31 TABLE 5-3 Problems Running Sun HIPPI/P 32 TABLE 6-1 Control Byte Information Fields 37 TABLE 7-1 Device Driver Utilities 45 TABLE B-1 DL_INFO_REQ Frame 53
x Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide February 2000


The Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide provides instructions for the Sun™ HIPPI/P adapter supported by the Sun HIPPI/P software. This manual also describes how to install and configure the Sun HIPPI/P software.

Before You Read This Book

This guide is intended for the Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 system administrator who has a working knowledge of UNIX® systems, particularly those based on the Solaris™ operating environment. If you do not have such knowledge, first read all of the books in the Solaris System Administration collection in AnswerBook2™ format provided with your server and consider UNIX system administration training.

How This Book Is Organized

The Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide is organized as follows: Chapter <$elemparanumonly describes the Sun HIPPI/P implementation of the
HIPPI protocols and includes a list of the specifications to which it conforms. Chapter <$elemparanumonly provides detailed instructions on how to install your
Sun HIPPI/P PCI card in your machine and describes how to connect the HIPPI cable.
Chapter <$elemparanumonly describes how to install the Sun HIPPI/P device driver and utilities on machines running the Solaris 8 environment.
Chapter <$elemparanumonly describes the configurable network parameters and provides general advice on how to obtain the best performance from your network.
Chapter <$elemparanumonly tells you how to detect and resolve problems with your HIPPI network.
Chapter <$elemparanumonly provides an overview of the HIPPI network model and describes how HIPPI networks operate.
Chapter <$elemparanumonly describes the network utilities delivered with Sun HIPPI/P and tells you how to use them to recover network statistics.
Appendix <$elemparanumonly contains a list of common questions and their responses.
Appendix <$elemparanumonly describes how to create applications that run over Sun HIPPI/P, using the DLPI interface for a Solaris environment.

Using UNIX Commands

This document does not contain information on basic UNIX® commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. See one or more of the following for this information:
Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals
AnswerBook online documentation for the Solaris software environment
Other software documentation that you received with your system
xii Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000

Typographic Conventions

TABLEP-1 Typographic Conventions
Typeface Meaning Examples
AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
and directories; on-screen computer output
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output
words to be emphasized
Command-line variable; replace with a real name or value
Edit your .login file. Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail. % su
Read Chapter 6 in the User Guide. These are called class options. You must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.

Shell Prompts

TABLEP-2 Shell Prompts
Shell Prompt
C shell machine_name% C shell superuser machine_name# Bourne shell and Korn shell $ Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #

Related Documentation

Application Title Part Number
Reference Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Reference Manual 806-3674
Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Release Notes 806-3677

Ordering Sun Documentation, an Internet professional bookstore, stocks select product documentation from Sun Microsystems, Inc.
For a list of documents and how to order them, visit the Sun Documentation Center on at:

Accessing Sun Documentation Online

The docs.sun.comSMweb site enables you to access Sun technical documentation on the Web. You can browse the archive or search for a specific book title or subject at:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

We are interested in improving our documentation and welcome your comments and suggestions. You can email your comments to us at:
xiv Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000
Please include the part number of your document in the subject line of your email.
xvi Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000

Sun HIPPI/P Overview

This chapter describes the Sun HIPPI/P (High Performance Parallel Interface) implementation of the HIPPI/P protocols, including a list of the ANSI/HIPPI standards to which it conforms. See Chapter <$elemparanumonly<$elemtext for more information on HIPPI/P architecture.

Feature Summary

The Sun HIPPI/P PCI Adapter 1.1 is a combination of hardware and software that adds HIPPI/P networking support to your system.
Sun HIPPI/P is a high-speed networking product that provides significantly greater bandwidth (up to 80 times) compared to 10-megabit Ethernet networks. It is designed for SPARC™ system architectures running the Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, or Solaris 8 operating environment.
Sun HIPPI/P does the following:
Provides connection to multimode fiber networks
Supports data transfer rates of up to 100 MBps or 800 Mbps
Provides full support for existing SunOS™ 5.x operating system network services
and utilities
Provides power-up self test and system diagnostic tests
Supports up to four Sun HIPPI/P PCI cards installed in one machine

HIPPI/P Conformance

Sun HIPPI/P conforms to the following standards and specifications:
ANSI X3.183-1991 - Physical sublayer
ANSI X3.222-1993 - Framing protocol
ANSI X3.218-1993 - Link encapsulation
PCI specification, revision 2.1, part number 802-2387
RFC 2067 - IP over HIPPI
2 Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000

Installing the Sun HIPPI/P Adapter

This chapter tells you where to find step-by-step procedures for installing PCI cards. It describes the convention used to assign device names to Sun HIPPI/P PCI cards, and tells you how to connect fiber-optic cables.
Caution – For your personal safety and to protect your machine, observe the
following precautions when you install a PCI card in a SPARC workstation or server.
Before opening your machine, always ensure that the power switch is off (0 position). When the power is off, the green light on the front of the machine is unlit and the fan in the power supply is not running. Always take care to protect your equipment from the effects of static electricity.
Be sure to wear a wrist strap when performing any of these procedures.

Device Instances and Device Names

You can install a Sun HIPPI/P PCI card in any available PCI slot. Sun HIPPI/P supports up to four Sun HIPPI/P PCI cards installed in one machine.
Sun HIPPI/P PCI cards are assigned device names of the form hipipinst, where the instance number inst is determined by the number and relative positions of the cards installed. When you install a Sun HIPPI/P card in your machine for the first time, it has instance number 0 and a device name hipip0. If multiple cards are installed, the device name hipip0 is associated with the card in the lowest numbered slot, the device name hipip1 is associated with the card in the next higher numbered slot, and so on.
Refer to the hardware installation manual that came with your system for detailed instructions on how to identify the PCI slots in your machine.
Note – For a machine running the Solaris environment, if a Sun HIPPI/P PCI card
is moved from its initial slot to a different one, the operating system will find the device in the new slot and assume that it is a new instance of the device. As a result, the operating system will assign the next instance number to it and there will appear to be two devices installed in the machine.

Inventory Items

Before proceeding with the installation, make sure you have received the following items:
One Sun HIPPI/P PCI adapter
Disposable grounding wrist strap
CD-ROM containing Sun HIPPI/P software
15-meter cable
Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide
Contact your sales representative if any of these items are missing.

Installing Sun HIPPI/P PCI Cards

Caution – The Sun HIPPI/P PCI card is sensitive to static electricity. Always use the
wrist strap supplied with Sun HIPPI/P when handling the card and ensure that the wrist strap is properly grounded. Handle the Sun HIPPI/P PCI card by the edges, and avoid touching any of the components.

To Install the Sun HIPPI/P PCI Card

1. Confirm that your system supports 33-MHz PCI operation, which is required for this HIPPI/P PCI card.

2. Attach a properly grounded antistatic strap to your wrist.

3. Remove the PCI card from the antistatic bag.

4 Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000
Caution – Handle circuit cards only while wearing a properly grounded wrist
strap. This prevents potential damage to the card from static electricity.

4. Remove covers and boards as required to access the PCI slots in your system.

Refer to the hardware installation manual that came with your system for detailed instructions on how to access the PCI slots in your machine.

5. Select a PCI slot and remove the lock-down screw securing the PCI cover plate.

6. Remove the cover plate.

7. If used, confirm that the riser card in your system is 5 volts.

Riser cards have etches noting the voltages. Also, riser cards are keyed to prevent damage.

8. Install the PCI card into the selected slot.

Refer to the hardware installation manual that came with your system for detailed instructions on how to install a PCI card in your machine.
9. Confirm that the card is firmly installed into the PCI connector then secure the card with the lock-down screw.

10. Replace all covers and boards as required.

Note – There are no user-configurable jumpers or switches on the Sun HIPPI/P PCI
card. Altering any of the components on the card can affect its operation adversely and will render any product warranty void.
Chapter 5

Connecting Fiber-Optic Cables

Fiber-optic cable is fragile and should not be subjected to mechanical stress or impact. Always observe the following precautions when handling fiber-optic cable and connectors:
Fiber-optic cable connectors consist of a ceramic or steel ferrule through which
the optical fiber passes. Do not touch the tip of the ferrule, as marring or depositing oil or dirt on its delicate surface will destroy its ability to transmit light.
Use the protective caps provided on the fiber-optic cable connectors and optic
data links whenever the cable is not connected.
Fiber-optic cable has a limited turn radius. Do not bend it in a way that could
damage the fiber or cause signal loss.

To Connect the Fiber-Optic Cables

1. Unpack the cable, remove the plastic protective caps from each end, and remove the cap from the transceiver unit on the card.
6 Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000

2. Make sure the fiber-optic cable is properly oriented with its connector on the Sun HIPPI/P card.

Most fiber-optic cables have raised keys on one side of the connectors. There are also keyway notches on the inside of the connector on the card; the fiber-optic cable should be oriented so that the keys on the cable connectors line up with the keyway notches on the card (
FIGURE 2-2).
Caution – Some cables do not possess raised keys to help you properly orient the
connection. When installing the cables, verify the source on one end of the cable connects to the destination on the other end of the cable.
Port A
Port B
FIGURE 2-2 Aligning SC Type Fiber-Optic Cable Connectors
3. After you have verified that the fiber-optic cable and the connector on the Sun HIPPI/P card are properly oriented (see caution statement), insert the cable into the card connector.
You should hear a distinctive click sound, indicating that the cable is properly mated with the card connector.
Chapter 7

Cleaning the Fiber-Optic Cable

Fiber-optic cable connectors can be cleaned if they become contaminated with dirt, dust, or oil, which can cause signal noise on the network.

To Clean the Fiber-Optic Cable

1. Gently wipe the end of the ferrule with an alcohol-moistened cotton swab.

FIGURE 2-3 Cleaning the End of a Fiber-Optic Cable
2. Blow clean, dry compressed air around the end of the connector and around the ferrule to dislodge loose dust and grit.
3. Clean the adapter by moistening the end of a pipe cleaner in alcohol and running the pipe cleaner though the adapter.
Repeat with a dry pipe cleaner.

4. Blow the adapter with clean, dry compressed air again to finish drying the clean adapter.

8 Sun HIPPI/P 1.1 Installation and User Guide • February 2000
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