Sun Microsystems, Inc.
4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Part No: 820–4335–10
December 2008
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Index ................................................................................................................................................... 253
FIGURE 1–1Enterprise Server Instance ........................................................................................29
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide • December 200816
EXAMPLE 18–1ApplicationsNode Tree Structure ......................................................................... 173
EXAMPLE 18–2HTTP Service Schematic (DeveloperProle Version) ........................................ 173
EXAMPLE 18–3HTTP Service Schematic (Cluster and Enterprise Prole Version) ..................174
EXAMPLE 18–4ResourcesSchematic ............................................................................................... 174
EXAMPLE 18–5Connector Service Schematic ................................................................................174
EXAMPLE 18–6JMS Service Schematic ............................................................................................ 175
EXAMPLE 18–7ORBSchematic ........................................................................................................175
EXAMPLE 18–8Thread PoolSchematic ...........................................................................................175
EXAMPLE C–1Passwordlecontents .............................................................................................. 233
The Administration guide describes the administrative tasks of the Enterprise Server.
This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Sun GlassFish
Enterprise Server documentation set.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server Documentation Set
TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set
Book TitleDescription
Documentation CenterEnterprise Server documentation topics organized by task and subject.
Release NotesLate-breaking information about the software and the documentation. Includes a
comprehensive, table-based summary of the supported hardware, operating system, Java
Development Kit (JDKTM), and database drivers.
Quick Start GuideHow to get started with the Enterprise Server product.
Installation GuideInstalling the software and its components.
Application Deployment GuideDeployment of applications and application components to the Enterprise Server. Includes
information about deployment descriptors.
Developer’s GuideCreating and implementing Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE platform) applications
intended to run on the Enterprise Server that follow the open Java standards model for Java
EE components and APIs. Includes information about developer tools, security, debugging,
and creating lifecycle modules.
Java EE 5 TutorialUsing Java EE 5 platform technologies and APIs to develop Java EE applications.
Java WSIT TutorialDeveloping web applications using the Web Service Interoperability Technologies (WSIT).
Describes how, when, and why to use the WSIT technologies and the features and options
that each technology supports.
Administration GuideSystem administration for the Enterprise Server, including conguration, monitoring,
security, resource management, and web services management.
TABLE P–1 Books in the Enterprise Server Documentation Set(Continued)
Book TitleDescription
High Availability Administration
Administration ReferenceEditing the Enterprise Server conguration le, domain.xml.
Performance Tuning GuideTuning the Enterprise Server to improve performance.
Reference ManualUtility commands available with the Enterprise Server; written in man page style. Includes
Setting up clusters, working with node agents, and using load balancers.
the asadmin command line interface.
Default Paths and File Names
The following table describes the default paths and le names that are used in this book.
TABLE P–2 Default Pathsand File Names
PlaceholderDescriptionDefault Value
as-installRepresents the base installation directory for
Enterprise Server.
SolarisTMand Linux installations, non-root user:
Solaris and Linux installations, root user:
Windows, all installations:
domain-root-dir Represents the directory containing all
domain-dirRepresents the directory for a domain.
In conguration les, you might see
domain-dir represented as follows:
instance-dirRepresents the directory for a server instance.domain-dir/instance-dir
samples-dirRepresents the directory containing sample
docs-dirRepresents the directory containing
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide • December 200820
All installations:
Typographic Conventions
The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.
TABLE P–3 TypographicConventions
AaBbCc123Thenames of commands, les, and
directories, and onscreen computer
AaBbCc123Whatyou type, contrasted with onscreen
computer output
AaBbCc123A placeholder to be replaced with a real
name or value
AaBbCc123Book titles, new terms, and terms to be
emphasized (note that some emphasized
items appear bold online)
Symbol Conventions
The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.
TABLE P–4 SymbolConventions
[]Contains optional arguments
and command options.
Edit your .login le.
Use ls -a to list all les.
machine_name% you have mail.
machine_name% su
The command to remove a le is rm lename.
Read Chapter 6 in the User's Guide.
A cache is a copy that is stored locally.
Do not save the le.
ls [-l]The -l option is not required.
{|}Contains a set of choices for a
required command option.
${ }Indicates a variable
-Joins simultaneous multiple
+Joins consecutive multiple
-d {y|n}The -d option requires that you use
either the y argument or the n
${com.sun.javaRoot}References the value of the
com.sun.javaRoot variable.
Control-APress the Control key while you press
the A key.
Ctrl+A+NPress the Control key, release it, and
then press the subsequent keys.
TABLE P–4 SymbolConventions(Continued)
→Indicates menu item
selection in a graphical user
File → New → TemplatesFrom the File menu, choose New.
Documentation, Support, andTraining
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Third-party URLs are referenced in this document and provide additional, related information.
Note – Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this
document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising,
products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not
be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by
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To share your comments, go to
provide the document title and part number. The part number is a seven-digit or nine-digit
number that can be found on the title page of the book or at the top of the document.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide • December 200822 and click Feedback. In the online form,
Enterprise Server Overview
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server administration includes many tasks such as deploying
applications, creating and conguring domains, server instances and resources; controlling
(starting and stopping) domains and server instances, managing proles and clusters,
monitoring and managing performance, and diagnosing and troubleshooting problems.
Enterprise Server provides a Java EE compatible server for the development and deployment of
Java EE applications and Java Web Services. Key features include scalable transaction
management, container-managed persistence runtime, performant web services, clustering,
high availability, security, and integration capabilities.
Enterprise Server Overview and Concepts
This section contains the following topics:
“Enterprise Server Overview” on page 23
“Tools for Administration” on page 24
Enterprise Server Overview
You can congure and monitor Enterprise Server instances and clusters securely and remotely,
from a web-based central administration console. The command line interface (CLI) can be
used to script and automate processes. A stable JMX API is made available to programmatically
monitor the server, query conguration and change conguration data. Monitoring is
supported through JMX and SNMP interfaces. Monitoring level may be varied dynamically
from OFF to LOW and high, changing the amount of information that is collected.
You can congure and optimize Enterprise Server for a particular type of use by specifying the
appropriate prole when you create the application server domain.
Enterprise Server Overview and Concepts
Enterprise Server includes the Metro web services stack ( Metro
implements important WS-* standards and WS-I standardized interoperability proles in
order to assure interoperability between Java and .NET web services.
Enterprise Server includes the implementation of Java Business Integration (JBI) specications.
JBI is a Java standard for structuring business systems according to a Service-Oriented
Architecture (SOA).
Tools for Administration
The Enterprise Server provides the following administration tools and APIs:
“Admin Console” on page 24
“Command-line Interface (asadmin Utility)” on page 25
“JConsole” on page 25
Admin Console
The Admin Console is a browser-based tool that features an easy-to-navigate interface and
online help. The administration server (also called the Domain Administration Server or DAS)
must be running to use the Admin Console. To, launch the Administration Console, you must
know the administration server hostname and port number. When the Enterprise Server was
installed, you chose a port number for the server, or used the default port of 4848. You also
specied a user name and master password.
To start the Admin Console, in a web browser type:
For example:
If the Admin Console is running on the machine on which the Enterprise Server was installed,
specify localhost for the host name.
On Windows, start the Enterprise Server Admin Console from the Start menu.
The installation program creates the default administrative domain (named domain1) with the
default port number 4848, as well as an instance separate from the domain administration
server (DAS). After installation, additional administration domains can be created. Each
domain has its own domain administration server, which has a unique port number. When
specifying the URL for the Admin Console, be sure to use the port number for the domain to be
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide • December 200824
Enterprise Server Overview and Concepts
If your conguration includes remote server instances, create node agents to manage and
facilitate remote server instances. It is the responsibility of the node agent to create, start, stop,
and delete a server instance. Use the command line interface (CLI) commands to set up node
Command-line Interface (asadmin Utility)
The asadmin utility is a command-line interface for the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. Use
the asadmin utility and the commands associated with it to perform the same set of
administrative tasks oered by the Admin Console. The default installation root directory on
Solaris is /opt/SUNWappserver.
To start the asadmin utility, go to the as-install/bin directory and enter:
$ ./asadmin
To list the commands available within asadmin:
asadmin> help
It is also possible to issue an asadmin command at the shell’s command prompt:
$ asadmin help
To view a command’s syntax and examples, type help followed by the command name. For
asadmin> help create-jdbc-resource
The asadmin help information for a given command displays the UNIX man page of the
command. These man pages are also available in HTML and PDF format in the
Enterprise Server 2.1 Reference Manual
Sun GlassFish
JConsole is used to monitor the Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server. You can use either the
JConsole remote tab, or the advanced tab to connect to the Enterprise Server.
Remote Tab: identify the username, password, administration server host, and JMS port
number (8686 by default), and select Connect.
Advanced Tab: identify the JMXServiceURL as
service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host:jms-port/jmxrmi and select Connect. The
JMXServerURL is printed in the server.log le as well as output in the command window of
the domain creation command.
Chapter 1 • Enterprise Server Overview25
Enterprise Server Concepts
Enterprise Server Concepts
The Enterprise Server consists of one or more domains. A domain is an administrative
boundary or context. Each domain has an administration server (also called Domain
Administration Server or DAS) associated with it and consists of zero or more standalone
instances and/or clusters. Each cluster has one or more homogeneous server instances. A server
instance is a single Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs the Application Server on a single
physical machine. Server instances (whether standalone or clustered) in a domain can run on
dierent physical hosts.
This section contains the following topics:
“Domain” on page 26
“Domain Administration Server (DAS)” on page 26
“Usage Proles” on page 27
“Cluster” on page 28
“Node Agent” on page 28
“Server Instance” on page 29
A domain is a group of instances that are administered together. However, an application server
instance can belong to just one domain. In addition to the administration boundary, a domain
provides the basic security structure whereby dierent administrators can administer specic
groups (domains) of application server instances. By grouping the server instances into separate
domains, dierent organizations and administrators can share a single Enterprise Server
installation. Each domain has its own conguration, log les, and application deployment areas
that are independent of other domains. If the conguration is changed for one domain, the
congurations of other domains are not aected.
The Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server installer creates the default administrative domain (named
domain1). It also creates an associated domain administration server (named server). You
must provide the administration server port number. The default administration server port is
4848. The installer also queries for the administration username and master password. After
installation, additional administration domains can be created.
Domain Administration Server (DAS)
Each domain has its own Domain Administration Server (DAS) with a unique port number.
The Admin Console communicates with a specic DAS to administer the associated domain.
Each Admin Console session allows you to congure and manage the specic domain.
The Domain Administration Server (DAS), is a specially-designated application server instance
that hosts the administrative applications. The DAS authenticates the administrator, accepts
requests from administration tools, and communicates with server instances in the domain to
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide • December 200826
Enterprise Server Concepts
carry out the requests. The DAS is sometimes referred to as the admin server or default server. It
is referred to as the default server because it is the only server instance that gets created on Sun
GlassFish Enterprise Server installation and can be used for deployments. The DAS is simply a
server instance with additional administration capabilities.
Each Admin Console session allows you to congure and manage a single domain. If you
created multiple domains, you must start an additional Admin Console session to manage the
other domains. When specifying the URL for the Admin Console, be sure to use the port
number of the DAS associated with the domain to be administered.
Usage Proles
Every administrative domain is associated with a usage prole, which identies the capabilities
of that domain. Enterprise Server provides the following proles:
Developer: Use this prole if you are running your domain in a development environment
and if your applications do not need the NSS keystore or clustering features, such as load
balancing, and session persistence.
Cluster: Use this prole if you need to create clusters but do not require the high-availability
database (HADB) or the NSS keystore.
Enterprise:: Use this prole if you need HADB and NSS. This prole is usable only if you
install HADB and NSS separately or if you install Enterprise Server as part of enterprise
oerings, such as Java Enterprise System (JES). For information on how you can use the
enterprise prole with Enterprise Server, see Using the Enterprise Prole
The domain provides a precongured runtime for the user applications. Usage proles
facilitates the distinction between the Application Server binaries and the runtime
conguration. Proles enable you to use the same installation of Enterprise Server to create
dierent domains with proles that suit specic needs. For example, a developer may want to
use the Enterprise Server to get to know the latest Java EE specications. This developer does
not need stringent security settings. Another user who wants to deploy applications in a
production environment needs an inherently secure environment.
Table 1–1 lists the features available with each prole:
TABLE 1–1 Features Available for Each Prole
Enterprise Prole (not
FeatureDeveloper ProleCluster Prole
Security storeJKSJKSNSS
Clustering/Standalone instances Not availableAvailableAvailable
Chapter 1 • Enterprise Server Overview27
available with Sun GlassFish
Communications Server)
Enterprise Server Concepts
TABLE 1–1 Features Available for Each Prole(Continued)
Enterprise Prole (not
FeatureDeveloper ProleCluster Prole
Security ManagerDisabledEnabledEnabled
HADBNot availableNot availableAvailable
Load balancingNot availableAvailableAvailable
Node agentsNot availableAvailableAvailable
available with Sun GlassFish
Communications Server)
A cluster is a named collection of server instances sharing the same set of applications,
resources, and conguration information. A server instance can belong to exactly one cluster. A
cluster facilitates server instance load-balancing through distribution of a load across multiple
machines. A cluster facilitates high availability through instance-level failover. From an
administrative perspective, a cluster represents a virtualized entity in which operations on a
cluster (e.g. deployment of an application) act on all instances that make up the cluster.
Horizontal scaling is achieved by adding Enterprise Server instances to a cluster, thereby
increasing the capacity of the system. It is possible to add Enterprise Server instances to a cluster
without disrupting service. The HTTP, RMI/IIOP, and JMS load balancing systems distribute
requests to healthy Enterprise Server instances in the cluster.
High Availability - Availability allows for failover protection of Enterprise Server instances in a
cluster. If one application server instance goes down, another Enterprise Server instance takes
over the sessions that were assigned to the unavailable server. Session information is stored
using the session replication feature or by using the high-availability database (HADB). HADB
supports the persistence of HTTP sessions and stateful session beans.
Node Agent
A lightweight agent (e.g. hosting a JMX runtime only) is required on each node in the domain
to facilitate remote lifecycle management of instances. Its primary purpose is to start, stop, and
create server instances as instructed by the DAS. The Node Agent also acts as a watchdog and
restarts failed processes. Like the DAS, the Node Agent should only be required for certain
administrative operations and should not be expected to be highly available. However, the Node
Agent is an “always on” component, and must be congured to be started by the native O/S
node bootstrap (e.g. Solaris/Linux inetd, or as a Windows service). A Node Agent is not
required for the DAS.
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide • December 200828
Enterprise Server Concepts
Server Instance
The server instance is a single Java EE compatible Java Virtual Machine hosting an Enterprise
Server on a single node. Each server instance has a unique name in the domain. A clustered
server instance is a member of a cluster and receives all of its applications, resources, and
conguration from its parent cluster; ensuring that all instances in the cluster are
homogeneous. An unclustered server instance does not belong to a cluster and as such has an
independent set of applications, resources, and conguration. The following gure shows an
application server instance in detail. The application server instance is a building block in the
clustering, load balancing, and session persistence features of the Enterprise Server.
FIGURE 1–1 Enterprise Server Instance
The Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server creates one application server instance, called server,at
the time of installation. For many users, one application server instance meets their needs.
However, depending upon your environment, you might want to create one or more additional
application server instances. For example, in a development environment you can use dierent
application server instances to test dierent Enterprise Server congurations, or to compare
and test dierent application deployments. Because you can easily add or delete an application
server instance, you can use them to create temporary sandbox area for experimentation
In addition, for each application server instance, you can also create virtual servers. Within a
single installed application server instance you can oer companies or individuals domain
Chapter 1 • Enterprise Server Overview29
Enterprise Server Concepts
names, IP Addresses, and some administration capabilities. For the users, it is almost as if they
have their own web server, without the hardware and basic server maintenance. These virtual
servers do not span application server instances. For more information about virtual servers,
Chapter 13, “Conguring the HTTP Service.”
In operational deployments, for many purposes you can use virtual servers instead of multiple
application server instances. However, if virtual servers do not meet your needs, you can also
use multiple application server instances. On stopping, application server instance stops
accepting new connections, then waits for all outstanding connections to complete. If your
machine crashes or is taken oine, the server quits and any requests it was servicing may be
Ports in the Enterprise Server
The following table describes the port listeners of the Enterprise Server.
TABLE 1–2 Enterprise Server Listeners that Use Ports
ListenerDefault Port Number Description
HTTP8080The server listens for HTTP requests on a port. To access deployed Web applications and
HTTPS8181Web applications congured for secure communications listen on a separate port.
IIOP3700Remote clients of enterprise beans (EJB components) access the beans through the IIOP
IIOP, SSL3820Another port is used by the IIOP listener congured for secure communications.
SIP5060The server listens for SIP requests on a port.
SIPS5061SIP/converged applications congured for secure communications listen on a separate port.
4848A domain’s administrative server is accessed by the Admin Console and the asadmin utility.
For the Admin Console, specify the port number in the URL of the browser. When
executing an asadmin command remotely, specify the port number with the --port option.
services, clients connect to this port.
3920Another port is used by the IIOP listener congured for mutual (client and server)
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide • December 200830
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