Sun Microsystems GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter User Manual

Sun™GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and
User’s Guide
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Preface xix
1. Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Overview 1
Hardware Overview 1
Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF Adapter 1 LED Displays on the MMF Adapter 2 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP Adapter 2
LED Displays on the UTP Adapter 3 Hardware and Software Requirements 4 Patch Requirements 4 Product Features 5
Key Protocols and Interfaces 5
Diagnostic Support 6
Support for Solaris 9 x86 Operating System 6
2. Installing the Adapter 7
Installing the Adapter With Dynamic Reconfiguration 7 Installing the Adapter Without Dynamic Reconfiguration 8
To Install the Adapter 8
To Verify the Hardware Installation 9
Setting the local-mac-address? Variable 13 Rebooting the System 14
Using the Installation Script 14
To Install the Software Using the Installation Script 15
Verifying the Software Installation 21 Configuring the Network Host Files 22
3. Network Configuration 25
Configuring the Network Host Files 25 Setting Up a GigaSwift Ethernet Network on a Diskless Client System 27
To Set Up a GigaSwift Ethernet Port on a Diskless Client 27
Installing the Solaris Operating System Over a GigaSwift Ethernet Network 28
To Install the Solaris Operating System Over a GigaSwift Ethernet
Network 29
Booting Over the GigaSwift Ethernet Network 32
4. Configuring Driver Parameters 37
GigaSwift Ethernet Device Driver Parameters 37
GigaSwift Ethernet Driver Parameter Values and Definitions 38 Operational Mode Parameters 39 Flow Control Parameters 40 Gigabit Link Clock Mastership Controls 41 Interpacket Gap Parameters 41 Interrupt Parameters 43 Random Early Drop Parameters 43 PCI Bus Interface Parameters 44 Jumbo Frames 45
Setting ce Driver Parameters 46
Setting Parameters Using the ndd Utility 47
To Specify Device Instances for the ndd Utility 47
iv Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004
Setting Parameters Using the ce.conf File 50
To Set Driver Parameters Using a ce.conf File 51
Usability Enhancements to the Driver 52 GigaSwift Ethernet Driver Operating Statistics 54
Reporting the Link Partner Capabilities 55
5. Configuring VLANs 63
Overview of VLANs 63 Configuring VLANs 66
To Configure Static VLANs 67
A. Installing the Software Manually 69
Installing the Driver Software Manually 69
To Install the Driver Software Manually 69
Verifying Patches 74
To Install Patches 74
To Install a Sun VLAN Utility Patch 76
B. Using the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Driver in Solaris 9 x86 Operating Systems
Hardware and Software Requirements 79 Patch Requirements 80 Product Features 80
Key Protocols and Interfaces 80 Features Not Currently Supported 81 Using the Installation Script 81
To Install the Software Using the Installation Script 81
Installing the Software Manually 84
To Install the Software Manually 84
Verifying the Software Installation 87
Contents v
Configuring Driver Parameters 87 Configuring VLANs 87
C. Specifications 89
Connectors 89 Performance Specifications 91 Physical Characteristics 91 Power Requirements 91
D. Diagnostic Software and Troubleshooting Issues 93
SunVTS Diagnostic Software 93 Using the SunVTS netlbtest 94
To Use the netlbtest 94
Using the OpenBoot PROM FCode Self-Test 95
To Run the FCode Self-Test Diagnostic 95
Troubleshooting Issues 98
Known Incompatibilities With Pre-IEEE 802.3z Network Switches 98
To Set Autonegotiation to off for a SunSwitch or an Alteon ACE 110
Switch 98
To Set Autonegotiation to off for Other Noncompliant Network
Equipment 100 Failure to Configure GigaSwift Ethernet Instance 100 Nonspecific Issues 101
Problem With DR Attach on Sun Enterprise Platforms 102
Index 103
vi Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004


FIGURE 1-1 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF Adapter 2 FIGURE 1-2 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP Adapter 3 FIGURE 5-2 Ethernet Tag Header Format 66 FIGURE C-1 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF Adapter Connector 89 FIGURE C-2 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP Adapter Connector 90
viii Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004


TABLE 1-1 Front Panel Display LEDs for the MMF Adapter 2 TABLE 1-2 Front Panel Display LEDs for the UTP Adapter 3 TABLE 3-1 Device Link Parameters 33 TABLE 3-2 link-clock Capabilities for Link Up 34 TABLE 4-1 ce Driver Parameter, Status, and Descriptions 38 TABLE 4-2 Operational Mode Parameters 39 TABLE 4-3 Read-Write Flow Control Keyword Descriptions 40 TABLE 4-4 Forced Mode Parameters 41 TABLE 4-5 Parameters Defining enable_ipg0 and ipg0 42 TABLE 4-6 Read-Write Interpacket Gap Parameter Values and Descriptions 42 TABLE 4-7 RX Blanking Register for Alias Read 43 TABLE 4-8 RX Random Early Detecting 8-Bit Vectors 43 TABLE 4-9 PCI Bus Interface Parameters 44 TABLE 4-10 accept-jumbo Parameters 45 TABLE 4-11 Read-Only ce Device Capabilities 54 TABLE 4-12 Read-Only Link Partner Capabilities 55 TABLE 4-13 Transmit and Receive Parameters 56 TABLE A-1 Files and Directories on the CD-ROM 70 TABLE A-2 Patch Versions 74 TABLE B-1 Files and Directories on the CD-ROM 84
TABLE C-1 SC Connector Link Characteristics (IEEE P802.3z) 89 TABLE C-2 Cat-5 Connector Link Characteristics 90 TABLE C-3 Performance Sepcifications 91 TABLE C-4 Physical Characteristics 91 TABLE C-5 Power Requirements 91 TABLE D-1 SunVTS Documentation 94 TABLE D-2 Troubleshooting the GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter 101
x Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004
Declaration of Conformity
Compliance Model Number: GCS Product Family Name: Sun GigaSwift Copper Ethernet PCI Adapter Card (X4050A)
USA - FCC Class A This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) This equipment may not cause harmful interference.
2) This equipment must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
European Union
This equipment complies with the following requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC:
As Telecommunication Network Equipment (TNE) in both Telecom Centers and Other Than Telecom Centers per (as applicable):
EN300-386 V.1.3.1 (09-2001) Required Limits: EN55022/CISPR22 Class A EN61000-3-2 Pass EN61000-3-3 Pass EN61000-4-2 6 kV (Direct), 8 kV (Air) EN61000-4-3 3 V/m 80-1000MHz, 10 V/m 800-960 MHz and 1400-2000 MHz EN61000-4-4 1 kV AC and DC Power Lines, 0.5 kV Signal Lines, EN61000-4-5 2 kV AC Line-Gnd, 1 kV AC Line-Line and Outdoor Signal Lines, 0.5 kV
Indoor Signal Lines > 10m. EN61000-4-6 3 V EN61000-4-11 Pass
As Information Technology Equipment (ITE) Class A per (as applicable):
EN55022:1998/CISPR22:1997 Class A EN55024:1998 Required Limits:
EN61000-4-2 4 kV (Direct), 8 kV (Air) EN61000-4-3 3 V/m EN61000-4-4 1 kV AC Power Lines, 0.5 kV Signal and DC Power Lines EN61000-4-5 1 kV AC Line-Line and Outdoor Signal Lines, 2 kV AC Line-Gnd, 0.5 kV DC
Power Lines
EN61000-4-6 3 V EN61000-4-8 1 A/m EN61000-4-11 Pass EN61000-3-2 Pass EN61000-3-3 Pass
This equipment complies with the following requirements of Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC:
EC Type Examination Certificates: EN 60950:2000, 3rd Edition TÜV Rheinland Certificate No. IEC 60950:2000, 3rd Edition, CB Scheme Certificate No. Evaluated to all CB Countries UL 60950, 3rd Edition, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-00 File: Vol. Sec.
Supplementary Information: This product was tested and complies with all the requirements for the CE Mark.
________________/S/____________________________ _____________/S/_______________________________ Dennis P. Symanski DATE Donald Cameron DATE Manager, Compliance Engineering Program Manager Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Microsystems Scotland, Limited 4150 Network Circle, MPK15-102 Blackness Road, Phase I, Main Bldg Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA Springfield, EH49 7LR Tel: 650-786-3255 Scotland, United Kingdom Fax: 650-786-3723 Tel: +44 1 506 672 539
Fax: +44 1 506 670 011
xii Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004
Declaration of Conformity
Compliance Model Number: GFS Product Family Name: Sun GigaSwift Fiber Ethernet PCI Adapter Card (X4051A)
USA - FCC Class A This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1) This equipment may not cause harmful interference.
2) This equipment must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
European Union
This equipment complies with the following requirements of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC:
As Telecommunication Network Equipment (TNE) in both Telecom Centers and Other Than Telecom Centers per (as applicable):
EN300-386 V.1.3.1 (09-2001) Required Limits: EN55022/CISPR22 Class A EN61000-3-2 Pass EN61000-3-3 Pass EN61000-4-2 6 kV (Direct), 8 kV (Air) EN61000-4-3 3 V/m 80-1000MHz, 10 V/m 800-960 MHz and 1400-2000 MHz EN61000-4-4 1 kV AC and DC Power Lines, 0.5 kV Signal Lines, EN61000-4-5 2 kV AC Line-Gnd, 1 kV AC Line-Line and Outdoor Signal Lines, 0.5 kV
Indoor Signal Lines > 10m. EN61000-4-6 3 V EN61000-4-11 Pass
As Information Technology Equipment (ITE) Class A per (as applicable):
EN55022:1998/CISPR22:1997 Class A EN55024:1998 Required Limits:
EN61000-4-2 4 kV (Direct), 8 kV (Air) EN61000-4-3 3 V/m EN61000-4-4 1 kV AC Power Lines, 0.5 kV Signal and DC Power Lines EN61000-4-5 1 kV AC Line-Line and Outdoor Signal Lines, 2 kV AC Line-Gnd, 0.5 kV DC
Power Lines
EN61000-4-6 3 V
EN61000-4-8 1 A/m
EN61000-4-11 Pass EN61000-3-2 Pass EN61000-3-3 Pass
This equipment complies with the following requirements of Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC:
EC Type Examination Certificates: EN 60950:2000, 3rd Edition TÜV Rheinland Certificate No. IEC 60950:2000, 3rd Edition, CB Scheme Certificate No. Evaluated to all CB Countries UL 60950, 3rd Edition, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-00 File: Vol. Sec.
Supplementary Information: This product was tested and complies with all the requirements for the CE Mark. ________________/S/____________________________ _____________/S/_______________________________ Dennis P. Symanski DATE Donald Cameron DATE Manager, Compliance Engineering Program Manager Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Microsystems Scotland, Limited 4150 Network Circle, MPK15-102 Blackness Road, Phase I, Main Bldg Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA Springfield, EH49 7LR Tel: 650-786-3255 Scotland, United Kingdom Fax: 650-786-3723 Tel: +44 1 506 672 539
Fax: +44 1 506 670 011
xiv Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004

Regulatory Compliance Statements

Your Sun product is marked to indicate its compliance class:
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) USA
Industry Canada Equipment Standard for Digital Equipment (ICES-003) Canada
Voluntary Control Council for Interference (VCCI) — Japan
Bureau of Standards Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) Taiwan
Please read the appropriate section that corresponds to the marking on your Sun product before attempting to install the product.

FCC Class A Notice

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

1. This device may not cause harmful interference.

2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: This equipment has beentested and found to complywith the limitsfor a ClassA digitaldevice, pursuant toPart 15 of
the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference whenthe equipment is operated in a commercialenvironment. This equipmentgenerates, uses, andcan radiate radio frequency energy,and ifit is not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Modifications: Any modications made to this device that are not approved by Sun Microsystems, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this equipment.

FCC Class B Notice

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

1. This device may not cause harmful interference.

2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: This equipment hasbeen testedand foundto complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant toPart 15of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for help.
Modifications: Any modications made to this device that are not approved by Sun Microsystems, Inc. may void the authority granted to the user by the FCC to operate this equipment.

ICES-003 Class A Notice- Avis NMB-003,Classe A

This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

ICES-003 Class B Notice- Avis NMB-003,Classe B

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Graphic showing the Japanese VCCI-A regulatory statement.
Graphic showing the Japanese VCCI-B regulatory statement.
viii Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004

BSMI Class A Notice

The following statement is applicable to products shipped to Taiwan and marked as Class A on the product compliance label.
Graphic showing the BSMI Class A Notice for products shipped to Taiwan.
GOST-R CerticationMark
Graphic showing the GOST-R Certification Mark.
x Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004


The Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide provides installation instructions for both the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP adapter and the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF adapter. This manual also describes how to configure the driver software.
These instructions are designed for enterprise system administrators with experience installing network hardware and software.

How This Book Is Organized

Chapter 1 provides a description of the adapter, including hardware and software. Chapter 2 describes how to install the adapter in your system and how to verify that
it has been installed correctly. It then describes how to install the driver software using the automated script. Finally, the chapter describes how to edit the network host files after installing the adapter on your system.
Chapter 3 describes how to edit the network host files after the hardware and software have been installed on your system.
Chapter 4 describes how to configure the driver parameters used by the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter.
Chapter 5 explains VLANs in detail and provides configuration instructions and examples.
Appendix A describes how to install the driver software manually. Appendix B describes the features and limitations of using the Sun GigaSwift
Ethernet driver software in the Solaris 9 x86 Operating System.
Appendix C lists the specifications for the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter. Appendix D provides an overview of the SunVTS diagnostic application and
instructions for testing the adapter using the onboard FCode selftest. There is also a section outlining some common troubleshooting issues.

Using UNIX Commands

This document might not contain information on basic UNIX®commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. See the following for this information:
Software documentation that you received with your system
SolarisOperating System documentation, which is at

Typographic Conventions

AaBbCc123 The names of commands, files,
AaBbCc123 Book titles, new words or terms,
1 The settings on your browser might differ from these settings.
xx Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004
Meaning Examples
Edit your.login file. and directories; on-screen computer output
What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output
words to be emphasized. Replace command-line variables with real names or values.
Use ls -a to list all files.
% You have mail.
% su
Read Chapter 6 in the User ’s Guide.
These are called class options.
You must be superuser to do this.
To delete a file, type rm filename.

Shell Prompts

Shell Prompt
C shell machine_name% C shell superuser machine_name# Bourne shell and Korn shell $ Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser #

Related Documentation

Application Title
PCI Adapter Installation Your system installation or service manual Storage Device Installation Your storage device installation or service manual Dynamic Reconfiguration
Installation Diagnostic Software SunVTS User’s Guide
OpenBootCommands OpenBoot 4.x Command Reference Manual
Sun Enterprise 6x00, 5x00, 4x00, and 3x00 Systems Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide
SunVTS Test Reference Manual

Accessing Sun Documentation

You can view, print, or purchase a broad selection of Sun documentation, including localized versions, at:
Preface xxi

Third-Party Web Sites

Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.

Contacting Sun Technical Support

If you have technical questions about this product that are not answered in this document, go to:

Sun Welcomes Your Comments

Sun is interested in improving its documentation and welcomes your comments and suggestions. You can submit your comments by going to:
Please include the title and part number of your document with your feedback: Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide, part number 817-4341-10
xxii Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004

Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Overview

This chapter provides a description of the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP and MMF adapter hardware and software. This chapter includes the following sections:
Hardware Overviewon page 1
Hardware and Software Requirementson page 4
Patch Requirementson page 4
Product Featureson page 5

Hardware Overview

The adapter relieves congestion experienced at the backbone and server levels by todays networks, while providing a future upgrade path for high-end workstations that require more bandwidth than Fast Ethernet can provide.

Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF Adapter

The Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF adapter is a low-profile, single-port gigabit Ethernet fiber optics PCI bus card. It operates in 1000 Mbps Ethernet networks only.
FIGURE 1-1 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF Adapter

LED Displays on the MMF Adapter

Four LEDs are displayed on the front panel of Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF adapter. They are labeled on the front panel as shown in
TABLE1-1 Front Panel Display LEDs for the MMF Adapter
Label Meaning if Lit Color Source
LINK Link is up. Green* MAC FDX Link is in full-duplex mode. Green MAC TX Link is transmitting. Green MAC RX Link is receiving. Green MAC
*LED will not light until the latest version of the driver software is installed.
TABLE 1-1.

Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP Adapter

The Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP adapter is a low-profile, single-port gigabit Ethernet copper-based PCI bus card. It can be configured to operate in 10, 100, or 1000 Mbit/sec Ethernet networks. At 10 or 100 Mbit/sec the adapter can be set to either half or full-duplex. At 1000 Mbit/sec, the adapter must operate at full-duplex.
2 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and User’s Guide • August 2004
FIGURE 1-2 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP Adapter

LED Displays on the UTP Adapter

Two LEDs are displayed on the front panel of the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet UTP adapter. They are labeled on the front panel as shown in
TABLE1-2 Front Panel Display LEDs for the UTP Adapter
Label Meaning if On/Active Color Source
LINK Gigabit link is up. Green PHY ACT Link is transmitting or receiving data. Yellow PHY
TABLE 1-2.
Chapter 1 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Overview 3

Hardware and Software Requirements

Before using the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter, make sure your system meets the following hardware and software requirements:
Hardware and Software Requirements
Hardware Sun Ultra60, 80
Sun Enterprise280, 420, 3000/3500, 4000/4500, 5000/5500, 6000/6500/6800, 15000
Netra20, 100 T1, 200 T1, 240, 1280 (lw8T8), 1405 Sun Fire4900, 4800, 280R, v1280, v880, V480, v440, v240, v20Z*
Sun Blade1000, 100 OpenBoot PROM** Revision 4.x for SPARC platforms only Operating System SPARC Solaris 7, 8, and 9 releases
x 86 Solaris 9 release
*Opteron platforms such as the Sun Fire v20Z are the only platforms that currently support the Sun GigaSwift
Ethernet adapter with the Solaris 9 x86 Operating System.
**the Solaris 9 x86 Operating System does not support OpenBoot PROM.
Sun Enterprise 3000, 4000, 5000, and 6000 series systems using the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter require a shielded twisted-pair Ethernet cable.
Caution – Installing the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter on the Sun Enterprise 3000,
4000, 5000, and 6000 series systems is prohibited if option (X)1080A Sun Enterprise Systems interface card is already installed on the 2632A PCI I/O board for these platforms. Install the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter on the next available 2632A PCI I/O card.

Patch Requirements

The software driver package provided on the CD-ROM has the following patches preinstalled.
Solaris 7 Operating System Patch-ID Number 112327-18
Solaris 8 Operating System Patch-ID Number 111883-24
Solaris 9 Operating System Patch-ID Number 112817-17
Solaris 9 x86 Operating System Patch-ID Number 117714-01
4 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and Users Guide August 2004
The Solaris 8 2/02 release includes Patch-ID Number 111883-05. Subsequent versions of the Solaris operating system may include the correct version.
Following are the current driver patch versions (at the time this document was created):
Patch-ID Number 112327-18 for Solaris 7 Operating System
Patch-ID Number 111883-24 for Solaris 8 Operating System
Patch-ID Number 112817-17 for Solaris 9 Operating System
Patch-ID Number 117714-01 for Solaris 9 x86 Operating System
Install the latest version of the Patch-ID number. For example, the Patch-ID number for the Solaris 9 OS is 112817-17. The dash number -17 becomes higher with each new version of the patch.
If you install Solaris 8 2/02 or any previous version of the Solaris Operating System after installing the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet driver software, you must install the latest version of the patch from the following web site:
If the patch is not available on SunSolve, contact your local sales or service representative.

Product Features

You can install or replace the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter. You can also diagnose a failure using the built-in diagnostic tools.

Key Protocols and Interfaces

The Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter is interoperable with existing Ethernet equipment, assuming standard Ethernet minimum and maximum frame size (64 to 1518 bytes), frame format, and compliance with the following standards and protocols:
SNMP (limited MIB)
Full-duplex gigabit Ethernet interface
Low CPU utilizationFrees up server system resource and bandwidth
Dynamic reconfiguration (DR) and redundancy/failover support
Full flow control support
Duplex SC fiber connector (850 nm, SX)
33/66-MHz, 32- or 64-bit bus master
Universal dual voltage signaling (3.3V and 5V)
Chapter 1 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Overview 5
PCI Local Bus Rev 2.2-compliant (6.6-inch x 2.5-inch short card)
IPv4 and IPv6 support
Load balancing for RX packets among multiple CPUs
Jumbo frames enables the Ethernet interfaces to send and receive packets of up to
9216 bytes
IEEE 802.1P/802.1D Priority Tagging/Quality Of Service
RAS support
Energy Star® support

Diagnostic Support

User-executable self-test using OpenBoot PROM
SunVTSdiagnostic tool

Support for Solaris 9 x86 Operating System

The Sun GigaSwift Ethernet MMF/UTP adapter supports the Solaris 9 x86 Operating System in the Sun Fire v20Z.
6 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and Users Guide August 2004

Installing the Adapter

This chapter describes how to install the adapter in your system and verify that it has been installed correctly. It then describes how to install the driver software using the automated script. Finally, this chapter describes how to edit the network host files after installing the adapter on your system.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Installing the Adapter With Dynamic Reconfigurationon page 7
Installing the Adapter Without Dynamic Reconfigurationon page 8
Using the Installation Scripton page 14
Verifying the Software Installationon page 21
Configuring the Network Host Fileson page 22
Note – If you are installing the Sun GigaSwift Ethernet adapter in a machine
running the Solaris 9 x86 Operating System, the following features are not supported: diskless client, installing the Solaris Operating System over this adapter, using this adapter as the primary boot device.

Installing the Adapter With Dynamic Reconfiguration

If you have a Sun Enterprise system that supports dynamic reconfiguration (DR), you do not have to reboot your system after installing the adapter.
The process of adding and configuring an adapter with DR involves connecting the attachment point and configuring its occupant. I n most cases, the cfgadm(1M) command can perform both steps at once.
Note – Dynamic reconfiguration (DR) is a system-specific feature. If you have a Sun
Enterprise system that supports DR, refer to the Sun Enterprise Dynamic Reconfiguration User’s Guide and your systems documentation for further
information about DR.

Installing the Adapter Without Dynamic Reconfiguration

To Install the Adapter

Note – The following instructions describe the basic tasks required to install the
adapter. Refer to your system installation or service manual for detailed PCI adapter installation instructions.
1. Halt and power off your system.
2. Power off all of the peripherals connected to your system.
3. Open the system unit.
4. Attach the adhesive copper strip of the antistatic wrist strap to the metal casing of the power supply. Wrap the other end twice around your wrist, with the adhesive side against your skin.
5. Holding the PCI adapter by the edges, unpack it and place it on an antistatic surface.
6. Using a No. 1 Phillips screwdriver, remove the PCI filler panel from the slot in which you want to insert the PCI adapter.
Save the filler panel screw for Step 9.
7. Holding the PCI adapter by the edges, align the adapter edge connector with the PCI slot. Slide the adapter face plate into the small slot at the end of the PCI opening.
8. Applying even pressure at both corners of the adapter, push the PCI adapter until it is firmly seated in the slot.
8 Sun GigaSwift Ethernet Adapter Installation and Users Guide August 2004
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