When using your dishwasher, follow the precautions listed below:
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of a
malfunction or breakdown, grounding will reduce
the risk of electric shock by providing a path of
least resistance of electric current. This appliance
is equipped with a cord having an equipmentgrounding conductor and a grounding plug.
The plug must be plugged into an appropriate outlet
that is installed and grounded in accordance with
all local codes and ordinances.
Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish
rack of the dishwasher.
Do not touch the heating element during or
immediately after use.
(This instruction is only applicable to machines
with a visual heating element.)
Do not operate your dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly in place. Open
the door very carefully if the dishwasher is
operating, there is a risk of water squirting out.
Do not place any heavy objects or stand on the
door when it is open. The appliance could tip
When loadi ng i te ms t o be w as he d:
1) Secure sh ar p it ems so t ha t th ey are not
likely t o da mage t he d oo r se al .
2Kniv es a nd o th er u tens ils wi th
shar p poin ts m us t be loaded in the basket
wi th the ir poi nt s do wn or placed in a
horizo nt al p osit ion.
When usi ng y our di sh wa sh er, you should
prev ent pl asti c it em s fr om c oming into contact
with h eating eleme nt . (T hi s instruction is only
applicab le to ma ch in es w it h a visual heating
Check that t he d et er gentis emp ty
after comp leti on of th e wa sh c yc le.
Do not wash plastic items unless they are marked
dishwasher safe or the equivalent. For plastic items
ot so marked, check the manufacturer's
Use only deterge nt a nd r inse additive s
designed for a n au to ma tic dish wa sher.
Never use soap , laun dr y de te rg ent, or hand
washing de te rg ent in y ou r dishwasher. Keep
these prod ucts o ut o f th e re ac h of chi ldren.
rece pt acle
Improper connection of the equipment-grounding
conductor can result in a risk of electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service
representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly grounded. Do not modify the
plug provided with the appliance; If it is not fit for
the outlet. Have a proper outlet installed by a
qualified electrician.
Keep children away from detergent and rinse aid, keep
childaway from the open door of the dishwasher,
there could still be some detergent left inside.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the appliance.
Dish washer d et er ge nts are st ro ngly alkaline, they
can be extreme ly d an ge ro us i f swallowed. Avoid
contact wi th s ki n an d ey es and keep children away
from the dis hw as he r wh en the door is op en.
The door s houl d no t be l ef t in the open position
since this cou ld p re se nt a tripping hazard.
If the s uppl y cord is damaged, it must b e replaced
by the manufactur er o r it s se rvic e agent or a
simi larly qualified person in order to avoid a
haza rd .
Remove the door to the washing compartment when
removing an old dishwasher from service or discarding
Please d ispo se o f pa ck ing materials properly.
Use the dishwasher only for its intended function.
During ins ta ll at io n, the power supply m us t no t
be exc essi vely o r da nger ously bent or flattened.
Do not tamper with controls.
The applia nc e is t o be con ne cted to the water
ma ins usin g ne w ho se sets an d ol d ho se-sets
should n ot b e re us ed .
The maximu m nu mb er o f pla ce s ettings to be
washed is 6.
The maximu m pe rm is si ble inlet wa ter pressure is
1M pa.
The mini mum perm issi ble in let water pressure is
0.04 Mpa.
To get the b est performance from your dishwasher, read all operating instruction s
before using it for the first time.
Power Button : To turn on/off the power supply.
Was h Cycle Se lector: Press the button
to select wash cyc le s.
Cycle Indi cato r Li gh t.
Delay Button : Pr es s th e bu tt on to delay.
Start/Paus e Butt on : Pr es s this button to s ta rt
or p ause t he d ishw as he r.
Rins e aid func ti on i nd icat or
Cycle en ding i ndic at or
Cup Shel f
Detergen t Di sp en ser
Filt er Asse mb lyBasket
Cutlery Bask et
Rins e Aid Dis pens er
Spray Arms
Inle t Pipe Con ne ct or
Drain Pi pe
Connec tor
Rinse Aid Dispenser
Th e rins e ai d is rel eased du ring the fin al rinse to prevent wa ter from formin g droplets on yo ur dishes. That can leave
sp ots an d st re aks. It al so improves dr yi ng by allo wi ng water to sheet off the dishes. Your dis hwasher is designed to
us e li qu id r inse a ids. The rinse a id dis pens er i s lo ca ted inside the door next to the detergent dispenser. To fil l the
di sp enser, open the cap and pour the rinse aid int o th e di spen ser unti l the level indi cator tu rns completely black.
Th e volu me o f th e ri nse aid contai ne r is abo ut 3.7 ounc es .
Function of Rinse Aid
Rins e ai d is a ut omatical ly added during the last rinse, ensuring thorough r insing , and spot a nd streak free dr ying.
Attenti on!
Only use bra nded r in se a id for dis hwasher. Never fill the rinse aid dis penser with any other substanc es ( e. g. Dishwasher
cleaning age nt , li qu id d et erge nt). This wo ul d dama ge t he appliance.
When to Refill the Rinse Aid Dispenser
If there is no rin se a id warni ng light in the control panel, you ca n ju dge the amount of rinse aid by the color
of the optical lev el ind icat or l ocat ed next to the cap. When the ri ns e aid container is full, the whole
indicato r wi ll b e dark . As th e ri ns e aid dimini shes , the si ze o f the dark dot decreases. You should neve r le t
the rinse aid ge t be lo w1 /4 ful l.
As the rinse a id dim in is hes, t he size of the black dot
on the rin se a id l ev el i nd ic ator changes, as illustrated below.
3/4 full
1/2 full
1full - S houl d re fill to eliminate spottin g
Rinse Aid Indicator
To open the dispenser, turn the cap t o th e "open " (l ef t) arrow and lift it out.
Pour the rinse aid into th e di spen se r, be ing ca reful not to overfill.
Replace th e cap by inse rt ing it a li gned wit h "open" arrow and turning it to the closed (right) arrow.
Clean up a ny rin se a id s pi lled duri ng fil ling w it h an a bsor be nt cloth to avoid excessive foaming during the
next wash.
Don' t forget t o repl ac e th e ca p be fo re you cl ose dish wa sh er doo r.
Adjusting Rinse Aid Dispenser
The rinse aid disp en ser has four settings. The rec omme nded setting is "3".
If the dishes sti ll are n ot d ry ing pr op er ly or ar e spot te d, adj ust the dial to the
next highes t level "4 ".
Increase the dose if there are drops o f water or l im e sp ot s on t he d is hes after washing. Reduce
it if there are sticky w hiti sh stains on you r dish es or a bl ui sh f ilm on glassware or knife blades.
Proper Use of Detergent
Detergen ts w ith it s ch emic al ingredients are necessary to remove dirt and transport it ou t of t he d is hw ashe r.
Use only deterge nt s pe cifi cally made for use in dishwashers. Keep your detergen t fres h
Don' t put powd er d et er ge nt int o the dispenser until you're ready to wash dishes.
and dr y.
Concentrated Detergent
Base d on t heir c hemi cal comp osit ion, detergent can be split in two basic types:
conven ti on al, al kali ne detergents with caustic components
low al kali ne c on ce nt ra ted detergents with natural enzymes
The use of norm al wa sh in g cy cl es i n co njunction with concentrated detergents reduces poll utio n an d is g oo d fo r
your dis hes; t hese w as h cycl es are specially matched to the dirt-dissolving pro perties of t he enz ymes o f th e
concen trat ed d et er ge nt. Fo r this reasonwash cycles in whi ch c once ntrated detergents are used can achieve
the same
“”norm al
results that c an o th er wi se onl y be achieved using heavy cycle.“”
Detergent Tablets
Detergen t tabl et s of d ifferent b ra nds diss ol ve at different speeds. For this reason some de te rg ent ta bl ets cann ot
dissol ve a nd d ev el op t heir f ull cleaning power during short wash cycles. Therefore please use long wash cycle s when
using de tergen t ta blet s, to ensure the comp lete r em oval of deterge nt res id uals .
Detergen t tabl et s ar e only for the models w ith 3 in 1 funct io n or 3 i n 1 cy cl e.
Detergent Dispenser
The disp ense r mu st b e re fi lled before the start o f each w as h cycl e fo llowing the instructions provided in the Was h Cy cl e
Table. You r dish wa sh er u ses less detergen t and ri nse ai d th en conventional dis hw as he r. Ge ne rally, only one
tabl espo on of de te rgen t is needed for a normal wash load. Also, more heavily soile d items ne ed m or e de te rg ent.
Always add t he d et er gent j ust before starting the dishwasher, otherwise it could get dam p an d wi ll n ot d is solv e
proper ly.
Amount of Detergent to Use
Deterge nt powder
Deterge nt t ablet
If the lid is clos ed: pr es s re leas e butt on. The li d sp ri ngs open .
Always add t he d et er gent j ust before starting each wash cycle.
Only use b ra nded d eter ge nt aid for dishwash er.
Dish washer dete rgent is corrosive! Ta ke care to ke ep it out of reac h of children .
Filling the Detergent Dispenser
Fill the deterge nt d is pe nser with d et er gent .
The mark ing in dica te s th e do sing levels, as
illustrate d on r ig ht:
The dcan load 0.5 o un ce s de te rg ent.etergent dispens er
The dcan load 0.9 o un ce s de te rg ent.etergent dispens er
Please observe t he m anuf ac turers dosing and storage
reco mmen dati on s as stated on the detergen t pa ck ag in g.
Clos e the lid an d pr es s un ti l it locks in place .
If the dishes ar e he avil y so iled, place an additional
dete rg ent do se i n th e pr e-wa sh detergent chambe r. This detergent wil l ta ke e ffect during the pre-w ash ph as e.
Refer to informa ti on a bout t he amount of detergent for single wash cycles on page 9.
Please be aw ar e, t ha t acco rding to the le vel of s oi li ng a nd speci fic hardness of water differ en ces are possible.
Please observe t he m anuf ac turer's recommendations on the detergent packagin g.
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