Thank you for purchasing the Suhr Koko Boost™. Please take the time to read this manual to get the most out of your
pedal. The more you familiarize yourself with the features of this pedal, the more you will enjoy its benefits and maximize its
Koko Boost is a unique boost pedal that incorporates both a clean transparent
boost and a selectable midrange boost. Koko will expand the range of your tube
amplifier and Overdrive / Distortion pedals.
Koko Boost features an easy to tweak layout which includes Boost and Mid knobs,
plus a Freq (Frequency) select switch.! The two foot-switches allow instant access
of each boost mode.
Clean Boost mode = Green LED
Mid Boost mode = Red LED
Note: Boost knob is active when the Mid Boost mode is engaged.
Boost: Adjusts the overall output of the boost circuit. The Boost control offers 0dB
(unity gain) to +20dB of gain. Tuning this control to higher settings will efficiently
push the front-end of your amplifier and create a broad range of natural overdriven
Mid: Adjusts the output of the selected Mid frequency (via the Freq switch) that is
added to the clean boosted signal.
Freq Switch (Three Position):
Left (Mids): Full and Smooth, tuned specifically to bring out your guitars natural
midrange characteristics.
Middle (High Mids): Clear and articulate, voiced to cut through a mix for solo
Right (Low Mids): Fat and Creamy, excellent for thickening up rhythm and lead

Install a 9V battery or use a suitable 9Vdc, center negative power supply. Plug your guitar into the input jack and connect your amp to the output jack. (Note:
connecting a cable to the input jack will power up the pedal.) If using the internal battery, remember to unplug your cable from the input jack when you are done playing in
order to insure a long battery life. Tap t he f oot sw it ch es t o en ga ge t he Koko Boost. The LED will turn on.