Install a 9V battery in the unit (see below) or plug in a suitable 9Vdc, center negative
power supply. Plug your guitar into the input jack and connect your amp to the output
jack. (Note: as in virtually all pedals, connecting a cable to the input jack will also power
up the pedal.) If using the internal battery, remember to unplug your cable from the input
jack when you are done playing in order to insure a long battery life. Tap the footswitch to
engage the Jack Rabbit. The LED will flash at the current tempo.
Tempo Mode s :
To ac t iv at e e it h er Ta p Tem po or St ru m Tem po mo de , pr e ss a nd h ol d th e f o ot sw ti ch fo r 2
seconds. The LED will change color to indicate the tempo mode. During Tempo mode,
the rate control will not affect the modulation rate. Rather it can be used to change the
Tempo mode to/from Tap Tempo and Strum Tempo. To switch the Tempo mode, press
and hold the footswitch while turning the Rate control. Turning clockwise will activate
Strum Tempo, whereas turning counter clockwise will activate Tap Tempo. The
Subdivision switch is active in either tempo mode. To return to normal mode, press and
hold the footswtich for 2 seconds. When returning to normal mode, the Rate control will
be active again, allowing the user to override the Tap or Strum tempo setting.
Tap Te mp o Mo de :
To se t th e mo d ul at io n ra te , p r es s a nd r el e as e t he fo o ts wi tc h tw ic e t o m a rk t he b eg in ni ng
and end of the modulation rate.
The first footswitch press will turn off the LED. Should only one press be detected within
the minimum 1 second period, the LED will begin to flash at the current rate,
indicating that a new sequence is ready. The rate will only be updated once the second
switch press is detected within the 1 second period.
Strum Tempo Mode:
Strum tempo works the same as Tap tempo, except that, instead of using your foot, you
simply strum the guitar. Ensure that there is sufficient level from your guitar in order for
the signal detector to work properly. The same requirements must be met for Strum
tempo: 2 strums must be detected to mark the beginning and end of the modulation rate.
Boost Mode:
The Jack Rabbit can be used as a boost pedal simply by setting the Depth
control fully counter clockwise. Set the desired boost with the Level control.
Activate the boost by turning the pedal on.