2010 Subaru Legacy Specifications
2.5i – 2.5i Premium – 2.5i Limited
170-hp 4-cylinder SUBARU BOXER® engine
6-speed manual transmission or
Lineartronic™ CVT with manual
and paddle shifters
17-inch aluminum-alloy wheels
2.5GT Premium – 2.5GT Limited
Turbocharged 265-hp 4-cylinder
6-speed manual transmission
18-inch aluminum-alloy wheels
Subaru Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive (AWD
Vehicle Dynamics Control (VDC)
electronic stability control
Double-wishbone rear suspension
Quick-ratio steering
Brake Assist
All-Weather Package
Bluetooth® hands-free phone and
streaming audio capability
Auxiliary audio USB port
3.6R – 3.6R Premium – 3.6R Limited
256-hp 6-cylinder SUBARU BOXER engine
5-speed SPORTSHIFT® automatic transmission
17-inch aluminum-alloy wheels
1 Availability varies depending on mo del.
2 The Supplemental Res traint System ( SRS) (airbags) af fords the driver and the front and rear outboard p assengers additional protec-
tion in moderate to severe frontal and side -impact c ollisions. This system provides supple mental protection only, and seatbelts
must be worn in order to avoid injuri es to out-of-p osition oc cupants upon b ag deployment and to provide the best co mbined
protection in a serious a ccident. Children should always be prop erly restrained in the rear sea t.
525 .10. LEG NY.AS B (F -9375 , 50K , 3/ 09, C G) So me imag es show n are for illu strati on purp oses on ly. Spec ificati ons in th is broc hure are based
on t he latest product information available at the time of publication. For the most u p-to- date produ ct inform ation, log on to www.s ubaru.
com. Some equipment shown in photo graphy in this brochure is optional at extra cos t. Specific options may be available only in combina tion
with ot her op tions. Specific com binati ons of equip ment o r feat ures m ay var y fro m time to time and by geogr aphic area. Certain a ccess ories
and eq uipment may not be available at the time of publicatio n. Suba ru of Americ a, Inc., reserves the right to chan ge or discontin ue at any
time, without notice, prices, colors, materials, equipment, accessories, specifications, models and packages without incurring any obligation
to make th e same or simil ar chang es on vehicles p reviously sold. Co lors show n may va ry due to repr oduction and pri nting proc esses. This
brochu re wa s pr epare d by Subaru of America, Inc. A warran ty from Subaru of America, Inc., is availab le on ly o n ca rs sold to the fir st r etail
purcha ser through an autho rized Subaru dealer in the cont inenta l U.S. or Alask a. Every ow ner of the car du ring the war ranty period shall
be en titled to the be nefit of th ese warran ties. Subaru, SU BARU BOXER and Legacy are regi stered trademarks . Lin eart ronic is a trad emark .
SPORTS HIFT is a registered trademar k of Prodri ve L td. Harma n K ardon is a registered tradema rk of Harma n I nterna tional Industri es, Inc.
Bluetoo th is a registe red tradem ark of Bl uetooth SIG, Inc. For more inform ation, contact y our S ubaru dealer o r log on to w ww.suba ru.com.
©2009 Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. This brochure is printed in the U.S.A. on recycled paper.
440-watt Harman Kardon®
premium audio system
Touch-screen GPS navigation system
with voice-activated control and rear
vision camera
10-way power driver’s seat
65/35-split flat-folding rear seats
Electric parking brake
Front, front-side and side-
curtain airbags (SRS
Ring-shaped Reinforcement
Frame body structur
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By producing this brochure in a green way rather than
by traditional methods, we saved 9.06 fully grown trees;
3,848 gallons of water; 6,417,075 BTUs of energy; 426 lbs.
of solid waste; and 838 lbs. of greenhouse gases!

Legacy 2.5i Limi ted in Gr aphite G ray Met allic.
The all-new Subaru Legacy mid-size sedan doesn’t just look different this year,
it feels different. You feel the difference behind the wheel. In the turns. Even your
passengers feel it in the extra room in the rear seats. From the smart engineering
and dynamic performance to the strength and presence evident in the exterior
design, the Legacy gives you a greater sense of confidence, comfort and
excitement. Don’t just see for yourself. Feel for yourself.

Legacy 2.5i Limi ted in Ste el Silve r Metal lic.
Subaru Boxer Engine
Every time you accelerate, you feel the power, the exhilaration and the
immediate response of the SUBARU BOXER® engine. The cylinders are
horizontally opposed providing a more efficient distribution of smooth
power. The shorter profile and lower placement of the engine give the
Legacy a lower center of gravity assuring a more stable, yet responsive
drive. And the new Subaru Legacy has three distinct engine choices—the
fuel-efficient 2.5-liter 4-cylinder, the powerful turbocharged 2.5-liter
4-cylinder and the thrilling 3.6-liter 6-cylinder engine.
instant gratification
Lineartronic™ CVT
We are shifting away from convention by replacing a standard automatic
transmission with a smoother, more efficient Lineartronic™ CVT (Continuously
Variable Transmission)
inherent efficiency of our unique SUBARU BOXER
AWD system, we created the lightweight, compact Lineartronic™ CVT. Simply
put it in Drive and this gearless transmission can automatically adjust as
needed, seamlessly keeping the optimal rev range at all times. Resulting in
smooth, uninterrupted power that maximizes both performance and fuel
efficiency. You can even switch into the 6-speed manual mode and take
direct control using the paddle shifters.
1 Available on 2.5 i model s only.
. To maintain the superior balance and enhance the
engine and Symmetrical