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Your comments on this manual will be welcome.
A sheet is appe nded for you to submit your rema rks.
Table 10 ACE Memory Space Address Mapping...................................................................................2-10
Table 11 Pn4 Signal Definitions.............................................................................................................2-12
Table 12 Power Requirements................................................................................................................2-13
Thales Computers - i - CPMC-1553R User’s Guide, CA.DT.356-0e
Chapter 1 −−−− Introduction
1.1 Manual Overview
This manual describes the CPMC-1553R board from Thales Computers. Chapter 1 summarizes the board’s
features and provides installation instructions. Chapter 2 describes its functional characteristics. Appendix
A is a list of the abbreviations used in this manual.
This manual uses the following terminology conventions:
• Addresses and signal names are shown in capital letters.
• An asterisk* after a signal name indicates active low.
• Hexadecimal notation is indicated by the prefix 0x.
Thales Computers products are designed to meet several industry specifications and standards. Board
installers and operators should be familiar with the concepts of these documents.
Table 1. Industry Specifications and User Documentation
CategoryDocumentOrdering Information
PCI Local BusPCI Local Bus Specification,
Rev. 2.1, June 1, 1995
PMCDraft Standard Physical and
Environmental Layers for PCI Mezzanine
Cards: PMC, P1386.1/Draft 2.0, 5/4/95
MIL-STD1553B Bus
MIL-STD-1553 Designer’s Guide,
Fifth Edition,
BU-65170/61580 and BU-61585
ACE Series BC/RT/MT Advanced
Communication Engine Integrated 1553
Terminal BU-65170, BU-61580,
BU-61590, BU-65178,BU- 615 88,
BU-61582, BU61583, BU-65620, and
BU-65621 User’s Guide, Rev. G
Miniature Ad va nce d Co mmuni c at io n s
Engine (Mini-ACE) and Mini-ACE
Plus*, BU-61688
Altera Flex 10K
Altera Data Book, 1998
PCI Special Interest Group
P.O. Box 14070
Portland, OR 97214
IEEE Standards Department
Order Department
445 Hoes Lane,
P.O. Box 1331
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
ILC Data Device Corporation
105 Wilbur Place
Bohemia, NY 11716
Altera Corporation
101 Innovation Drive
San Jose, CA 95134
Electrostatic discharge can damage many of the components of the CPMC-1553R. Therefore, it should be
kept in its protective antistatic bag until it is ready to be configured and installed. During installation or
whenever the CPMC-1553R is removed from the bag, it is important to follow proper grounding
procedures. Such procedures include use of an antistatic workstation, an operator wrist strap, and a
grounded bench mat. Save the antistatic bag for use in storing or shipping the CPMC-1553R.
Closely inspect the board for any signs of shipment-related damages such as loose components or bent pins.
If any evidence of damage is discovered, please notify the carrier and Thales Computers immediately.
1.4.2 Installation
The CPMC-1553R board attaches to a PMC carrier board. The attaching hardware for the CPMC-1553R
board is included with your order.
Attach the CPMC-1553R board to the PMC carrier board according to the following instructions.
a. Remove the PMC carrier board from the chassis.
b. Align the PCI connectors on the component side of the CPMC-1553R board with the PCI connectors
on the component side of the PMC carrier board. Press them together so that the friction from the pins
holds them together. After inserting the board make sure that the connectors have not shifted.
c. Insert the screws supp lied with the board , through the botto m of the PMC carrier b oard and into the
standoffs attached to the CPMC-1553R.
d. For a conduction-cooled board, install the remaining screws through the CPMC-1553R into the
reinforcing bars on the PMC carrier board.
e. Insert the PMC carrier board back into the chassis making sure it is plugged into the backplane.