User manual
Getting started with P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 IO-Link (v1.1.3) multi-sensor node
The P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 is an STM32 Nucleo pack composed of the NUCLEO-L073RZ
IOD003V1 evaluation board and the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 expansion board.
The STEVAL-IOD003V1 offers an IO-Link device PHY layer (L6362A) while the NUCLEO-L073RZ runs the IO-Link stack v1.1.3
included in the STSW-IOD01 (developed by and property of TEConcept Gmbh) and the firmware controlling the X-NUCLEO-
IKS01A2 sensors.
The STM32 Nucleo pack provides an affordable and easy-to-use solution for the development of IO-Link and SIO applications,
L6362A communication features and robustness, together with the STM32L073RZT6 computation performance.
Figure 1. P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 STM32 Nucleo evaluation pack
development board, the STEVAL-
UM2425 - Rev 3 - June 2020
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1 Architecture overview
A generic IO-Link system is composed of an IO-Link master and an IO-Link device connected by an unshielded
cable. Normally
The IO-Link master is installed in the control cabinet or, as a remote I/O, directly in the field. It can have several
IO-Link ports (channels): an IO-Link device can be connected to each port, hence, it is a point-to-point
communication and not a fieldbus.
An IO-Link device, as the P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1, can be basically schematized as the arrangement of three main
blocks (see Figure 2. P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 block details):
• Control sub-system: the NUCLEO-L073RZ board runs the control software, the IO-Link stack and sensors
firmware, accepting the commands and configuration parameters from the IO-Link master. It also provides
all digital signals to perform the proper control of the whole IO-Link device system.
• IO-Link physical: the STEVAL-IOD003V1 mounts the ST transceiver L6362A, which interfaces with the
micro-controller by digital interfaces UART for IO-Link data transfer, GPIO and interrupts) and the IO-Link
master by the IO-Link interface (connector CN1).
• Sensor: the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 multi-sensor shield, with on-board temperature and humidity sensor
(HTS221), MEMS 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope (LSM6DSL), MEMS 3D accelerometer and
magnetometer (LSM303AGR), MEMS pressures sensor (LPS22HB).
, the IO-Link master is the connection point between the IO-Link device and the automation
Architecture overview
Figure 2. P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 block details
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2 Getting started
2.1 Hardware requirements
To evaluate the system, the hardware requirements are:
• an IO-Link master (e.g. P-NUCLEO-IOM01M1) together with a power supply (18-32.5 V for the P-NUCLEO-
• a USB cable (type A to mini-B)
• connection cable/wires between IO-Link master and IO-Link device
• a laptop/PC
The P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 is a complete IO-Link multi-sensor composed of three application boards (STEVAL-
IOD003V1, NUCLEO-L073RZ and X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2) connected via the Arduino connectors (CN5, CN6, CN8
and CN9).
A supply rail (up to 35 V) is necessary to supply the STEVAL-IOD003V1 via CN1 connector, while the NUCLEO-
L073RZ can be supplied in two different ways:
1. by enabling the LDO1 mounted on the STEVAL-IOD003V1 (open JP3; close JP4 and JP5) and setting JP5
on the STM32 Nucleo development board to position “E5V”;
2. by connecting the mini-USB port of the STM32 Nucleo development board to your laptop/PC through a USB
type A to mini-B USB cable. In this case, the STM32 Nucleo development board JP5 must be closed in the
position “U5V” and the STEVAL-IOD003V1 jumpers JP3, JP4 and JP5 must be open.
Getting started
2.2 Software requirements
To complete the system, you need a PC/laptop with:
Windows®(version 7 or above)
• STSW-LINK009 driver installed
For system evaluation only:
• the IO-Link master control tool provided with your IO-Link master hardware. If you are using the P-NUCLEO-
IOM01M1 as IO-Link master, then the control tool is the IO-Link Control Tool©, property of TEConcept GmbH
• the P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 IODD file (included in the STSW-IOD01 and available on www.st.com)
For application development:
• a software development environment (STM32CubeIDE 1.3.0, EWARM v8.32.3 or MDK-ARM v5.29.0)
• the STSW-IOD01 software package (including source code and IO-Link stack library, available on
• the IODD file of your application
The P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 is provided with the IO-Link stack included in the STSW-IOD01 software.
The software also includes an IO-Link library that developers can use to compile and link their sensor code.
The stack library contains a 30-minute runtime limited version of the TEConcept IO-Link stack.
The library is intended for evaluation purposes and its limitations are:
• data storage and block parametrization are not supported
• vendor ID, product ID, product name and device ID cannot be changed
• 30-minute execution time
After 30 minutes, a notification event that indicates “FW test phase expired” is shown and the IO-Link stack stops
working. A power-on reset is required to restore the operation.
2.2.1 IODD file
The IODD file (IO device description) is the electronic device description file necessary for each IO-Link device.
The file stores a variety of information for the system integration:
communication properties
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Software requirements
• device parameters with value range and default value
identification, process and diagnostics data
• device data
• text description
• device illustration
• manufacturer logo
To ensure the same handling of all IO-Link devices, independently of the manufacturer, the IODD file structure is
always the same for all manufacturer devices and it is always represented in the same way by the IO-Link
configuration tools of the master manufacturers.
The STSW-IOD01 software package includes an IODD file for P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 complete evaluation.
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