Getting started with MotionFX sensor fusion library in X-CUBE-MEMS1
expansion for STM32Cube
The MotionFX is a middleware library component of the X-CUBE-MEMS1 software and runs on STM32. It provides real-time
motion-sensor data fusion. It also performs gyroscope bias and magnetometer hard iron calibration.
This library is intended to work with ST MEMS only
The algorithm is provided in static library format and is designed to be used on STM32 microcontrollers based on the ARM
Cortex® -M0+, ARM® Cortex®-M3, ARM® Cortex®-M4 or ARM® Cortex®-M7 architectures.
It is built on top of STM32Cube software technology to ease portability across different STM32 microcontrollers.
The software comes with sample implementation running on an X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 or X-NUCLEO-
IKS02A1 expansion board on a NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-L476RG, NUCLEO-L152RE or NUCLEO-L073RZ development
UM2220 - Rev 8 - April 2021
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1Acronyms and abbreviations
Table 1. List of acronyms
APIApplication programming interface
BSPBoard support package
GUIGraphical user interface
HALHardware abstraction layer
IDEIntegrated development environment
Acronyms and abbreviations
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MotionFX middleware library in X-CUBE-MEMS1 software expansion for STM32Cube
2MotionFX middleware library in X-CUBE-MEMS1 software
expansion for STM32Cube
2.1MotionFX overview
The MotionFX library expands the functionality of the X-CUBE-MEMS1
The library acquires data from the accelerometer, gyroscope (6-axis fusion) and magnetometer (9-axis fusion)
and provides real-time motion-sensor data fusion.
The MotionFX filtering and predictive software uses advanced algorithms to intelligently integrate outputs from
multiple MEMS sensors, regardless of environmental conditions, for an optimum performance.
The library is designed for ST MEMS only. Functionality and performance when using other MEMS sensors are
not analyzed and can be significantly different from what described in the document.
The complexity of the library dedicated to the Cortex-M0+ core is reduced due to the performance limitation of
Cortex-M0+ architecture. This library uses different APIs and has less features in comparison with the version for
Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7 (for further details, see the following chapters).
A sample implementation is available on X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 and X-NUCLEO-IKS01A3 expansion board,
mounted on a NUCLEO-F401RE, NUCLEO-L476RG, NUCLEO-L152RE or NUCLEO-L073RZ development
2.2MotionFX library
Technical information fully describing the functions and parameters of the MotionFX APIs can be found in the
MotionFX_Package.chm compiled HTML file located in the Documentation folder
2.2.1MotionFX library description
The MotionFX sensor fusion library manages data acquired from accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer
sensor; it features:
•real-time 9-axis motion-sensor data fusion (accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer)
•real-time 6-axis motion-sensor data fusion (accelerometer, gyroscope)
•computation of rotation, quaternions, gravity and linear acceleration data
•gyroscope bias calibration
•magnetometer hard iron calibration
•recommended sensor data sampling frequency of 100 Hz
•resources requirements:
–Cortex-M0+: 15.9 kB of code and 2.1 kB of data memory
–Cortex-M3: 49.3 kB of code and 1.1 kB of data memory
–Cortex-M4: 44.1 kB of code and 1.1 kB of data memory
–Cortex-M7: 42.6 kB of code and 1.1 kB of data memory
•available for ARM Cortex-M0+, Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7 architecture
2.2.2MotionFX 6-axis and 9-axis sensor fusion modes
The MotionFX library implements a sensor fusion algorithm for the estimation of 3D orientation in space. It uses
a digital filter based on the Kalman theory to fuse data from several sensors and compensate for limitations of
single sensors. For instance, gyroscope data can drift and this impacts the orientation estimation; this issue can
be fixed by using the magnetometer to provide absolute orientation information.
these weaknesses can be compensated with a gyroscope.
9-axis sensor fusion uses data from the accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer and provides absolute
orientation in 3D space including heading (i.e., the magnetic North direction).
6-axis sensor fusion uses the accelerometer and gyroscope data only. It has lower computational requirements,
but does not provide information about the device absolute orientation.
6-axis sensor fusion is fit for fast movements (e.g., for gaming) and when absolute orientation is not necessary.
, the magnetometer does not have a very high bandwidth and suffers from magnetic disturbance, but
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2.2.3MotionFX library operation
The MotionFX library integrates 6- and 9-axis sensor fusion algorithms in one library; they can even run
simultaneously to provide both rotation vector (9X) and game rotation vector (6X).
Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7
The library implements the following critical internal functions associated with sensor fusion computation:
the MotionFX_propagate is a prediction function used to estimate the orientation in 3D space; gyroscope
data is given more weight in this phase.
2.the MotionFX_update is the corrective function which adjusts the predicted value when necessary;
accelerometer and magnetometer data are given more weight in this phase.
The MotionFX_update function can be called whenever the MotionFX_propagate is invoked, or less often in
systems that have less computation power.
The MotionFX_update function takes approximately three times more MCU computation time than the
MotionFX_propagate function.
The sensor fusion computation is concentrated in only one function MotionFX_CM0P_update.
2.2.4MotionFX library parameters
Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7
The library is "parametrized" using an MFX_knobs_t
The parameters for the structure are:
•ATime, MTime, FrTime represent the weighting stability of sensors for prediction (trust factor), from 0 to 1.
Default values are recommended.
–ATime: lowering the value will increase the accelerometer weight and sensitivity towards external
acceleration. If the application experiences low acceleration (<1g) most of time, it is recommended to
increase the value.
–MTime, FrTime: for 9X solution, the lower value will increase the weight of magnetometer reading.
If the application experiences low magnetic interference (<50 μT) most of time, it is recommended to
increase the value.
•LMode represents the gyroscope bias learning mode; the library automatically tracks and calibrates gyro
zero-rate bias drift.
This possible parameter values are:
–LMode = 0 – learning off; use this mode if the gyro is already calibrated
–LMode = 1 – static learning; learning is performed only when the system is not moving
–LMode = 2 – dynamic learning; learning is also performed when the system is moving
•gbias_acc/gyro/mag_th_sc represents the thresholds below which the gbias algorithm automatically
starts. These values should be established through testing (they are different for different part numbers).
The values in the example project are usually correct. The value can be determined by enabling
start_automatic_gbias_calculation, placing the device stationary for 10 seconds and reading the
value of knobs.
–modx represents the decimation of MotionFX_update call frequency
–start_automatic_gbias_calculation: this flag allows computing gbias_acc/gyr/
mag_sens_th_sc for an application, by placing the device stationary for 10 seconds and setting this
flag to 1 by calling MotionFX_setKnobs API. After 10 seconds or more, call MotionFX_getKnobs
API to get the value of these thresholds.
–acc/gyro/mag_orientation is the acc/gyro/mag data orientation string of three characters
indicating the direction of each positive orientation of the reference frame used for the accelerometer
data output, in the sequence x, y, z. Valid values are: n (north) or s (south), w (west) or e (east), u (up)
or d (down).
As shown in the figure below, the X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 accelerometer sensor has an NWU orientation
(x - East, y - North, z - Up), so the string is: “nwu”.
MotionFX library
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Figure 1. Example of sensor orientations
MotionFX library
Only the sensor orientation must be set using MotionFX_CM0P_setOrientation function. The parameters of
this function are orientation strings which are composed in the same manner as for Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4 and
Cortex-M7 (see above).
The MotionFX_propagate and the MotionFX_update (MotionFX_CM0P_update) functions receive input
from sensors in the MFX_input _t (MFX_CM0P_input_t) structure:
•mag represents magnetometer data after calibration in μT/50
•acc represents accelerometer data in g
•gyro represents gyroscope data in dps
The MotionFX_propagate and the MotionFX_update (MotionFX_CM0P_update) functions provide the
sensor fusion output in the MFX_output_t (MFX_CM0P_output_t) structure:
•rotation represents the system orientation in three-angle format: yaw, pitch and roll
MotionFX library uses the following convention yaw range: 0-360 degrees, pitch range ±180 degrees and roll
range ±90 degrees
•quaternion represents the system orientation in four-number format; this format gives the same
information as rotation but it has advantages for computation and is therefore usually used by other
algorithms (based on the sensor fusion)
•gravity represents the static acceleration (i.e., Earth gravity) vector extracted from the acceleration data
•linear_acceleration represents the dynamic acceleration (i.e., movement) vector extracted from the
acceleration data
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•heading represents the heading of the device in degrees. Heading 0 degree represents the magnetic North
direction for 9-axis sensor fusion, while, for 6-axis sensor fusion, it represents heading of device at the
algorithm start.
•headingErr represents the heading error of the device in degrees
2.2.5MotionFX library output data rate
It is important to set up the sensor fusion library output data rate properly; 100 Hz is recommended.
The output data rate for:
the gyroscope and the accelerometer should be equal to or greater than 100 Hz;
•the magnetometer can be lower - 20/40 Hz is typically good for a magnetic field sensor.
Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7
It is possible to scale the library system requirements in terms of MCU/MPU load. As the MotionFX_update
function requires approximately three times more computation power than the MotionFX_propagate function,
it can be called at a lower frequency than the library output data rate if the system resources are limited (e.g., in
embedded systems).
Use the modx parameter in MFX_knobs_t structure to decrease the frequency of MotionFX_update
function calls. For example, setting modx to 2 calls the MotionFX_update function once every two
MotionFX_propagate function calls.
The recommended settings are:
•modx = 1, for tablets or other systems with MCU/MPU and for STM32F4;
•modx = 2, for STM32F1.
MotionFX library
2.2.6Sensor calibration in the MotionFX library
Gyroscope and accelerometer calibration
Accelerometer calibration is not necessary for sensor fusion except for applications demanding very high
orientation precision; it involves aligning the system in several positions according to the gravity direction.
Gyroscope calibration is handled automatically by the MotionFX library by continuously compensating the zerorate of
fset effect.
Magnetometer calibration
The MotionFX library contains routines for magnetometer hard iron calibration.
The magnetometer is affected by the hard-iron and soft-iron phenomena described below.
Hard-iron distortion
Hard-iron distortion is normally generated by ferromagnetic material with permanent magnetic fields that are part
of the object (e.g., a tablet) in use. These materials can be permanent magnets or magnetized iron or steel. They
are time invariant and deform the local geomagnetic field with different offsets in different directions.
As each board can be magnetized differently, the hard iron effect is specific to the individual board.
If you move the board around a space approximating (as much as possible) a 3D sphere in an ideal environment
(no hard-iron/soft-iron distortion) and plot the collected magnetic sensor raw data, the result is a perfect sphere
with no offset.
The hard-iron distortion effect offsets the sphere along the x, y and z axes; in the x-y plane, the hard-iron
distortion is identified by an offset of the origin of the ideal circle from (0, 0), scatter plots for XY and XZ axes are
sufficient to determine if there is an offset.
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Soft-iron distortion
Soft-iron distortion is generated by magnetically soft materials or current carrying PCB traces. While hard-iron
distortion is constant regardless of the orientation, the soft-iron distortion changes with the orientation of the
object in the Earth’s field (soft magnetic materials change their magnetization direction).
The local geomagnetic field is deformed with different gain on different directions. The effect of the soft-iron to
distort the ideal full round sphere into a tilted ellipsoid; in the x-y plane, the soft-iron distortion is identified by a
tilted ellipse with the origin at (0,0) for the XY axis (XZ).
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MotionFX library
The soft iron effect is the same across all boards of the same design, which is why a good PCB design which
takes magnetometer placement (high current traces/other component clearance) into account can generally avoid
any soft iron effects (valid for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A2 expansion board).
Calibration procedure
The MotionFX library magnetometer calibration library compensates for hard-iron distortions.
The magnetometer calibration can be performed at a slower frequency than the sensor fusion output data rate
(e.g., 25 Hz).
To run the calibration:
1.initialize magnetometer calibration library (MotionFX_MagCal_init or MotionFX_CM0P_MagCal_init) periodically calibration function (MotionFX_MagCal_run or MotionFX_CM0P_MagCal_run) until the
calibration is successfully performed
3.check if calibration was successful (MotionFX_MagCal_getParams or
MotionFX_CM0P_MagCal_getParams); if the function returns mag_data_out.cal_quality =
MFX_MAGCALGOOD or MFX_CM0P_CALQSTATUSBEST, the calibration was successfully performed
After calibration routine initialization, slowly rotate the device in a figure 8 pattern in space. While performing
this movement, keep the device clear of other magnetic objects such as cell phones, computers and other steel
Figure 2. STM32 Nucleo board rotation during calibration
To check that the calibration was performed correctly, check magnetometer data (after applying calibration results)
using the scatter plot.
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MotionFX library
2.2.7MotionFX APIs
The MotionFX APIs are:
Cortex-M3, Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7
•size_t MotionFX_GetStateSize(void)
retrieves the size of the library to be allocated prior to run
–every instance of motionFX requires the allocation of this size
•void MotionFX_initialize(MFXState_t mfxstate_pt)
–performs MotionFX library initialization and setup of the internal mechanism
–mfxstate_pt is the pointer to the allocated memory for the instance of MotionFX
Note:This function must be called before using the sensor fusion library and the CRC module in the STM32
microcontroller (in RCC peripheral clock enable register) has to be enabled.
•uint8_t MotionFX_GetLibVersion(char *version)
–retrieves the version of the library
–*version is a pointer to an array of 35 characters
–returns the number of characters in the version string