STMicroelectronics L9963E User Manual


User manual

L9963E evaluation graphical user interface


This document describes the graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the initialization and control of the EVAL-L9963E-MCU evaluation board by changing parameters through the SPI protocol. The STSW-L9963E GUI has been developed using Labview and it uses, as microcontroller interface, the on board microcontroller SPC574S64E3 with preloaded FW.

Hardware connection

The STSW-L9963E GUI is intended to be used with the EVAL-L9963E-MCU for system with up to 14 Li-Ion cells. In case more cells need to be controlled it’s necessary to add the EVAL-L9963E-NDS expansion board to control them. Up to 14 EVAL-L9963E-NDS, for a grand total of 15 boards with EVAL_L9963E-MCU, can be added to the system and controlled by the STSW-L9963E GUI.

Figure 1. EVAL-L9963E-NDS connection schemes

Figure 2. PC connection to EVAL-L9963E-MCU

UM2845 - Rev 1 - March 2021

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Preliminary actions

1Preliminary actions

Before running the STSW-L9963E GUI on your PC some third part SW packages has to be installed:

NI Labview-runtime 2014


FTDI driver

Before using the UART/USB bridge FT2232H on the EVAL-L9963E-MCU, the Virtual Com Port (VCP) driver needs to be installed. It can be downloaded by the FTDIChip website.

When all the above packages have been installed reboot your PC.

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GUI description

2GUI description

When the setup has finished, the user needs to check whether all the hardware connections are correct (see the EVAL-L9963E-MCU user manual for further information) and run GUI by clicking on: STSW-L9963E.exe

Figure 3. Main GUI interface

There are 4 areas in the GUI which are: battery and diagnostic information, configuration and diagnostics Tabs and general operation buttons such as “COM selection”, “save”, “load” configurations, and “diagnostic” as well as “data logger enable” etc.

2.1Voltage, current and temperature indicators

Figure 4. Voltage, current and temperature indicators

With reference to Figure 4. Voltage, current and temperature indicators, in the main GUI interface we have the following gauge indicators:

1.Cell voltage indicators

2.Temperature sensor indicators

3.Total battery voltage indicator

4.VTREF measurement indicator

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Voltage, current and temperature indicators

Each indicator has the following structure:

Figure 5. Gauge indicator structure


The indicator shows the voltage measured by ADC and converted in volt, the EN flag that allows the user to enable the channel, a LED on the left indicating the under-voltage condition and a LED on the right indicating

the overvoltage condition. Under and overvoltage threshold can be configured in the “configuration tab” described below in this manual.

Figure 6. Chart option


By selecting the check box “Chart” all the gauges will be converted into graphs with the history of the value over the time.

2.1.1IC temperature

The chip temperature is available in the indicator of Figure 7. IC temperature indicator:

Figure 7. IC temperature indicator


The chip temperature and the possible overtemperature are calculated from the SPI register of L9963E.

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Voltage, current and temperature indicators

2.1.2Configurable GPIO voltage values

The Figure 8. GPIO voltage and under-voltage, over-voltage condition shows the GPIO configurations and the selectable limits in "configuration tab". The indicators describe the voltage values, over-voltage and under-voltage (LED) conditions.

Figure 8. GPIO voltage and under-voltage, over-voltage condition


2.1.3Coulomb counter

The GUI allows to use the Coulomb counting capability of the L9963E. The Coulomb counter can be enabled in the “configuration tab” described below in this manual.

Figure 9. Coulomb counter


In the Coulomb counter section, the user can select the shunt resistor in mΩ and visualize the Instantaneous current value synchronized with voltage measurements, the instantaneous current value calibrated, the time base, the accumulator value (A) and the calculated accumulator capability in (Ah). Three LEDs represent the available diagnostics: open of positive or negative sense resistor lead and the Coulomb counter accumulator overflow. With the RST button the Coulomb counter accumulator can be reset.

2.1.4Manual balancing

The GUI allows the user to select, using the checkbox, the cell to discharge using the manual balancing capability of the L9963E. The discharge will be activated till the check box is selected or till the maximum balancing time

is reached (see the L9963E datasheet) or the undervoltage of the cell is reached. For further information please check the L9963E datasheet.

Figure 10. Manual cell balancing checkbox


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Devices ID configuration

2.2Devices ID configuration

The STSW-L9963E allows the use of a single EVAL-L9963E-MCU board or a chained system composed by an EVAL-L9963E-MCU and up to 14 EVAL-L9963E-NDS connected using the vertical isolated interface (please see the Figure 1. EVAL-L9963E-NDS connection schemes). For each device in the system it is necessary to define a unique ID in order to be addressed and configured. The first operation to start working with the L9963E is

to configure the device ID. The section represented in Figure 11. ID configuration section allows the user to configure the devices IDs.

Figure 11. ID configuration section

In the ID text box, the user has to write the ID of the devices present in the system, up to 15 devices can be configured (1x EVAL-L9963E-MCU and up to 31x EVAL-L9963E-NDS). In case of a single device (only EVAL-L9963E-MCU) only “1” has to be written in the box Figure 12. Single board configuration.

Figure 12. Single board configuration


Once the ID has been correctly written in the box, the user has to press “Configure IDs” button in order to configure the devices it with the procedure described in the L9963E DS. If the connection is correct the ACK LED will be green, otherwise will turn red. The user can clear all the IDs pressing on the “Clear IDs” button, if the IDs are correctly cleared the ACK LED will be green, otherwise it will turn red.

2.3GUI communication time interval configuration

STSW-L9963E allows to configure the time interval communication with the onboard microcontroller: There are 6 options:

80 ms, 100 ms, 200 ms, 300 ms, 400 ms, 500 ms.

Figure 13. Communication time interval configuration


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Automatic device configuration

When the desired time interval has been chosen, to be activated the user must click on “Time interval button”. If the operation has been correctly accomplished the ACK LED will be green, otherwise it will turn red. The time interval will impact on the refresh rate of the whole GUI and on the time scale of voltage charts.

2.4Automatic device configuration

With the automatic device configuration feature, the user can configure multiple devices.

Figure 14. Automatic configuration


The user can try different device configurations, when he has found the preferred one, he can save it using the “Save configuration” button. If in a second time he wants to reuse the same configuration, he can reload it using the “Load configuration” button and apply it to the device selected by the “Dev ID display” dropdown menu and pressing the “Configure device” button; if the operation has been correctly accomplished the ACK LED will be green, otherwise it will turn red. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the configuration will be applied only to the selected device.

2.5Firmware version

The EVAL-L9963E-MCU board comes with a preloaded FW in the microcontroller flash memory. Using the button in Figure 15. Firmware version check, the user is informed on which version is loaded on the microcontroller. This feature helps to debug the correct communication between PC and microcontroller and allows to check the correct FW download on the EVAL-L9963E-MCU.

Figure 15. Firmware version check

Clicking on the “Get Firmware version” if the board is correctly connected via USB cable to the PC, the whole driver has been correctly installed, and the microcontroller is correctly working, the user can get the preloaded firmware version. The correct value is version 1.5 as in Figure 15. Firmware version check.

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Data logger

2.6Data logger

The STSW-L9963E GUI allows to log the measurement on a text file in order to be post-elaborated.

Figure 16. Data logging procedure


In order to enable the datalogging feature, the following procedure has to be followed:

Configure the device ID

Configure the device register as described below in this manual

Enable the cell voltage to be logged clicking on the EN box of the gauges

Click on the “Single write/read” button to send the configuration to the L9963E

Select the “Data logger” check box and finally select the “Diagnostic” check box in order to enable the cyclic measurement in the GUI.

When the user decides to stop the data logging, the “Diagnostic” check box has to be unselected. A text file will be generated in the data directory where the GUI is located. The file will be named with date and time of acquisition.

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STMicroelectronics L9963E User Manual


Data logger

Figure 17. Data logging file location and name


The generated file is a text file with equally spaced values that can be easily imported in Excel or other data analysis tools.

The file structure is described in Figure 18. Data log file organization. Each line is acquired with the timing defined in the GUI communication time interval configuration (Section 2.3 GUI communication time interval configuration).

Figure 18. Data log file organization


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Transceiver selection

2.7Transceiver selection

On the EVAL-L9963E-MCU two transceivers L9963T are present. In Figure 19. EVAL-L9963E-MCU transceiver schematization there is a schematization of the transceiver connection.

Figure 19. EVAL-L9963E-MCU transceiver schematization

Under normal functioning condition, the microcontroller communicates with the onboard L9963E thanks to the L9963T marked as U16. By checking the “SWAP” checkbox (see the Figure 20. Transceiver SWAP checkbox) the communication is swapped from U16 to U18 allowing the microcontroller to communicate with a remote L9963E (i.e. an EVAL-L9963E-NDS) connected on ISOPORT2.

Figure 20. Transceiver SWAP checkbox


By checking the box if the operation has been correctly accomplished the ACK LED it will be green, otherwise it will turn red.

2.8COM port communication

The STSW-L9963E GUI communicates with the onboard microcontroller on the EVAL-L9963E-MCU through a virtual COM port over USB. In order to correctly establish the communication between GUI and EVAL-L9963E- MCU it’s necessary to correctly select the COM port where the board is connected.

Figure 21. COM port selection


Using the I/O dropdown menu the user can select the COM port where the board is connected. If the communication is correctly established the COM LED and the ACK LED will be green, if something goes wrong, they will turn red. With the “Reset COM port” button it’s possible to reset the COM port and reinitialize the microcontroller.

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