STMicroelectronics FP-SNS-FLIGHT1 Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

STM32Cube function pack for IoT node with NFC, BLE connectivity and time-of-flight sensors (FP-SNS-FLIGHT1)

Version 3.2 (Sep 28, 2020)


1 Hardware and Software overview

2 Setup & Demo Examples


Documents & Related Resources



4 STM32 Open Development Environment: Overview


1- Hardware and Software overview

Sample implementations are available for:

Hardware Overview

1.STM32 Nucleo with expansion boards


2.STM32 Nucleo with expansion boards



STMicroelectronics FP-SNS-FLIGHT1 Quick Start Guide

Bluetooth Low Energy Expansion Board

STM32 Nucleo with Expansion boards - Hardware Overview (1/4)

X-NUCLEO-IDB05A2 Hardware Description

Arduino UNO R3 connector

The X-NUCLEO-IDB05A2 Bluetooth low energy expansion board is based on the BlueNRG-M0 BLE network processor module.

The BlueNRG-M0 is Bluetooth v4.2 compliant. It supports simultaneous master/slave roles and can behave as a Bluetooth low energy sensor and hub device at the same time.

The BlueNRG-M0 provides a complete RF platform in a tiny form factor, with integrated radio, antenna, high frequency and LPO oscillators.

Key Product on board

• STM32 Nucleo expansion board based on the BlueNRG-M0 Bluetooth v4.2 compliant, FCC and IC certified module (FCC ID: S9NBNRGM0AL; IC: 8976C-BNRGM0AL)

• BlueNRG-M0 main features:

• Embedded Bluetooth low energy protocol stack (GAP, GATT, SM, L2CAP, LL, RFPHY)

• Embedded BlueNRG-MS network processor

• On-board chip antenna

• M95640-RMC6TG 64-Kbit serial SPI bus EEPROM with high-speed clock interface

BlueNRG-M0 Module


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Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC expansion board

STM32 Nucleo with Expansion boards - Hardware Overview (2/4)

Arduino UNO R3 connector

X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 Hardware Description

The X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC expansion board is based on the ST25DV04K NFC Type V/RFID tag IC with a dual interface 4 Kbits EEPROM that also features an I²C interface. It can be powered by the pin of Arduino connector or directly by the received carrier electromagnetic field.

The X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 expansion board is compatible with the Arduino™ UNO R3 connector pin assignment and can easily be plugged onto any STM32 Nucleo board. Various expansion boards can also be

stacked to evaluate different devices operating together with the dynamic NFC tag. The board also features an antenna with a 54 mm ISO 24.2 diameter, single layer, copper etched on PCB.

Key Product on board

ST25DV04KV Dynamic NFC/RFID tag IC with 4-Kbit, 16-Kbit or 64-Kbit EEPROM, and Fast

Transfer Mode capability


Printed Antenna

Latest info available at




VL53L1 Nucleo expansion board (X-NUCLEO-53L1A2)

STM32 Nucleo with Expansion boards - Hardware Overview (3/4)

X-NUCLEO-53L1A2 Hardware Description

The X-NUCLEO-53L1A2 is an expansion board that provides a complete evaluation kit which allows anyone to learn, evaluate, and develop their applications using the VL53L1 ToF ranging sensor with advanced multi object detection and FoV programming.

The X-NUCLEO-53L1A2 expansion board is delivered with a cover glass holder in which three different spacers of 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mm height can

be fitted below the cover glass to simulate various air gaps. Two VL53L1 breakout boards can be connected using two 10-pin connectors.

The X-NUCLEO-53L1A2 expansion board is compatible with the STM32 nucleo board family, and with the Arduino UNO R3 connector layout.

Key Product on board

VL53L1 Time-of-Flight ranging sensor with multi object detection and field of view (FoV) programming


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Important Hardware Additional Information

STM32 Nucleo with Expansion boards - Hardware Overview (4/4)

Before connecting the X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 to the X-NUCLEO-IDB05A2 expansion board through the Arduino UNO R3 extension connector, remove the resistors R1 and R11 onto X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 board, as shown the Figure below in green

Modifications on the X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 board


Software Description

The FP-SNS-FLIGHT1 is an STM32Cube function pack which let your IoT node connect to a smartphone via BLE and uses a suitable Android™ or iOS™ application like the STBLESensor app to view real-time environmental time-of-flight sensor data.

It uses the NDEF standard for simple and secure Bluetooth pairing, storing the necessary information on the NFC tag, thus simplifying the device configuration.

This package, together with the suggested combination of the STM32 and ST devices, can be used to develop wearable applications, or smart things applications in general.

Key features

Complete firmware to develop an IoT node with NFC, BLE connectivity and time-of-flight sensors

Sample implementation available for X-NUCLEO-NFC04A1 (optional), X-NUCLEO-53L1A2 and X- NUCLEO-IDB05A2 connected to a NUCLEO-F401RE or NUCLEO-L476RG

Compatible with STBLESensor application for Android/iOS, to perform sensors data reading, audio and motion algorithms features demo, and firmware update (FOTA).

Easy portability across different MCU families, thanks to STM32Cube.

Free, user-friendly

Important Software Additional Information

The 53L1A2 BSP has been treated as an exception in this package since its version is not compatible with the other BSPs used in this firmware .A patch (53L1A2_Patch.c), located in userspace (\Applications\FLIGHT1\Patch), replaces the original BSP file which has been disabled, allowing the whole software structure to work flawlessly license terms.


Software Overview

Overall Software Architecture

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