rEgUlatIonS and gUIdElInES/dIrEctIvES
DIN standards
– DIN EN 12831 Heating systems in
buildings – procedure to calculate
the standard heating load.
– DIN 4108 Thermal insulation and
energy saving in buildings.
– DIN 4109 Sound insulation in
– DIN 8901 Refrigerating systems
and heat pumps – protection of
the ground, groundwater and
surface water – technical safety,
environmental requirements and
– DIN 4701-10 Energy assessment of
heating and air handling system:
Heating, DHW heating, ventilation.
VDI guidelines
– VDI 2067 Efficiency of technical
building systems.
– VDI 2068 Measuring/monitoring
and control equipment in heating
systems with water as heat transfer
– VDI 2715 Noise reduction in hot
water heating systems.
– VDI 4640-2 Thermal utilisation of
the ground – ground source heat
pump systems.
– VDI 4650 (Draft) Heat pump
calculations. Abridged procedure for
calculating the annual expenditure
of energy values of heat pump
– VDI 2078 Cooling load calculation
for air conditioned rooms.
Regulations regarding the water side
– DIN EN 806 Technical rules for DHW
– DIN 4708-1 Central DHW heating
systems – part 1: Terminology and
calculation principles.
– DIN EN 378 Refrigeration systems
and heat pumps – technical safety
and environmental requirements.
– DIN EN 14511-1 to 4 Air handling
units, chillers and heat pumps with
electrically operated compressors
for central heating and cooling –
part 1: Terminology, part 2: Test
conditions, part 3: Test procedures,
part 4: Requirements.
– DIN EN 12828 Heating systems in
buildings - Designing hot water
heating systems.
– TRD 721 Safety equipment to
prevent excess pressure; safety
valves for steam boilers category II.
– DVGW Code of Practice W 101
Guideline for protected potable
water areas, part 1: Protected
groundwater areas.
– DVGW Code of practice W501
Potable water heating and routing
systems - technical measures for the
reduction of the growth of legionella
bacteria – engineering, installing,
operating and modernising potable
water installations.
Regulations regarding the power side
– VDE 0100 Regulations for the
installation of HV systems up to
1000 V.
– VDE 0105 Regulations for the
operation of three-phase systems.
– VDE 0700 Safety of electrical
equipment for domestic use and
similar purposes.
Accident prevention instructions
by the governing body of the trade
– BGV D4 Accident prevention
instructions; refrigerating
equipment, heat pumps and cooling
Additional standards and regulations
for dual-mode heat pump systems.
Observe the following acts, standards,
regulations and orders during
the installation of an additional
combustion system for solid, liquid or
gaseous fuels:
Combustion Order [or local/national
– Feu Vo part II, para. 4, sect. 2, sect.
– DIN EN 267 Oil combustion system
– technical rules - oil combustion
installation (TRÖ) - test.
Safety principles
– DIN 4787 Oil atomisation burners,
terminology, technical safety
requirements, testing, identification.
– DIN EN 12285-1 Factory-produced
steel tanks – part 1: Horizontal
single or twin-wall cylindrical tanks
for the subterranean storage of
combustible and non-combustible
liquids that represent a risk to
– DIN EN 12285-2 Factory-produced
steel tanks – part 2: Horizontal
single or twin-wall cylindrical tanks
for the above-ground storage of
combustible and non-combustible
liquids that represent a risk to
– DIN 6618-1 Vertical steel containers
(tanks), single wall, for above-
ground storage of combustible
and non-combustible liquids that
represent a risk to groundwater.
– DIN 6619-1 Vertical steel
containers (tanks), single wall, for
subterranean storage of combustible
and non-combustible liquids that
represent a risk to groundwater.
– DIN 6620-1; Cylinder banks (tanks)
made from steel for the above-
ground storage of combustible
liquids, safety category A III.
– DIN 6625-1 Locally manufactured
steel containers (tanks), for above-
ground storage of combustible
liquids safety category A III that
represent a risk to groundwater
and non-combustible liquids that
represent a risk to groundwater.
– DIN 18160-1; Flue systems.
– DIN 18381 VOB Payment and
contract order for construction
services – part C: General technical
contract conditions for construction
services (ATV) – gas, water and
drainage installation systems inside
DVGW guidelines
(DVGW Codes of practice)
– TRF 1996 Technical rules for LPG.
– G 430 Guideline for the installation
and operation of low pressure gas
– G 600 Technical rules for gas
– G 626 Technical rules for the
mechanical routing of flue gases for
open flue combustion equipment in
flue and central ventilation systems.
– G 666 Guidelines for the cooperation
between the gas supply utilities and
the contract installation companies.