STIEBEL ELTRON Heat pumps, WPW 22 M, WPW 7, WPW 10, WPW 13 Technical Manual

Hot wat e r rene w a b les a i r c ondit ion i n g room He at i n g
»ISSUE 2009
TEchnIcal GUIdE
hEaT pUmpS
Issue March 2009
Reprinting or duplication, even partially, only with our express permission.
STIEBEL ELTRON, D-37601 Holzminden
Legal note:
In spite of the care taken in the production of this brochure, no guarantee can be given regarding the accuracy of its contents. Information concerning equipment levels and specification are subject to modification. The equipment features described in this brochure are not stated as agreed properties of our products. Due to our policy of ongoing improvement, some features may have subsequently been changed or even removed. Our advisors will be happy to consult with you regarding the currently applicable equipment features. Pictorial illustrations in this brochure only represent application examples. The illustrations also contain installation components, accessories and special equipment, which is not part of the standard delivery.
Heat pumps protect our energy reserves 6 How does a heat pump work? 7 Energy sources for heat pumps 8 Heat pump operating modes 10 The right heat pump for every application 11 This is could be your solution 12 Energy Savings Order EnEV [Germany] 13 Cost calculation to VDI 2067 21 Terminology and descriptions 23 Summary of formulae 24 System design 25 Regulations and guidelines/directives 26 Heating load calculation 28 Flow temperatures of heating surfaces 29 Sizing of heat pumps 30 Power supply and tariffs 32 Integration into the heating system 33 Heat pumps with buffer cylinder 34 Heat pumps without buffer cylinder 35 DHW heating with heat pumps 36 Freshwater station 38 Modernisation of older buildings 39 Cooling with the heat pump system 40 Cooling load calculation 41 Heat sinks for cooling operation 43 Cooling capacity 44 Distribution system for cooling operation 45 Cooling capacity, underfloor heating system 46 Cooling capacity, fan convectors 47 Cooling capacity, cassettes 48 Passive cooling with the WPC cool heat pump 49 Passive cooling with the WPF...E heat pump 50 Passive cooling with the WPF heat pump 51 Active cooling with the WPC heat pump 52 Active cooling with the WPF heat pump 53 Active cooling with the WPL heat pump 54 Air | water heat pump; external installation 55 Condensate connection 58 Air | water heat pump - internal installation 59 Air routing 60 Condensate connection 61 Checklist 62 Air | water heat pumps 63 Air | water heat pump WPL 5 N 64 Connection WPL 5 N 66 Connection WPL 5 N 67 Air | water heat pump WPL 10 68 Output details WPL 10 70 External installation WPL 10 71 Internal installation WPL 10 72 Heating system connection WPL 10. 76 Power supply WPL 10. 77 Air | water heat pumps WPL 13/18/23 E/cool 78 Output details WPL 13/18/23 E/cool. 80 External installation WPL 13/18/23 E/cool 82 Internal installation WPL 13/18/23 E/cool 83 Air routing of WPL 13/18/23 E for internal installations 87 Heating system connection WPL 13/18/23 E/cool 88 Power supply WPL 13/18/23 E/cool 89 Air | water heat pump WPL 33 90
Output details WPL 33 92 External installation WPL 33 93 Internal installation WPL 33 94 Heating system connection WPL 33. 95 Power supply WPL 33. 96 Air | water heat pump WPL 14 HT 98 Output details WPL 14 HT 100 Internal installation WPL 14 HT 102 Heating system connection WPL 14 HT 104 Power supply WPL 14 HT 105 Air | water heat pump WPL 20/26 AZ 106 Installation WPL 20/26 AZ 108 Connection WPL 20/26 AZ 109 Notes 110 Geothermal collector 111 Sizing tables, geothermal collectors 115 Geothermal probe 117 Sizing tables, geothermal probes 121 Heat transfer medium 122 Checklist 123 Brine | water heat pumps 125 Brine | water heat pumps WPC 5/7/10/13 (cool) 126 Output details WPC 5/7/10/13 128 Installation WPC 5/7/10/13 130 Heating system connection WPC 5/7/10/13 131 Brine | water heat pump WPF 5/7/10/13/16 E/cool 132 Output details WPF 5/7/10/13/16 E/cool 134 Installation WPF 5/7/10/13/16 E/cool 136 Heating system connection WPF 5/7/10/13/16 E/cool 137 Brine | water heat pumps WPF 5/7/10/13/16 138 Output details WPF 5/7/10/13/16 140 Installation WPF 5/7/10/13/16 142 Heating system connection WPF 5/7/10/13/16 143 Brine | water heat pumps WPF 10/13/16 M 144 Output details WPF 10/13/16 M 146 Installation WPF 10/13/16 M 148 Heating system connection WPF 10/13/16 M 149 Power supply WPF 10/13/16 M (SET) 151 Brine | water heat pumps WPF 20/27/40/52/66 152 Output details WPF 20/27/40/52/66 154 Internal installation WPF 20/27/40/52/66 156 External installation WPF 20/27/40/52/66 157 Heating system connection WPF 20/27/40/52/66 158 Power supply WPF 20/27/40/52/66 160 Well installation 161 Assessing the water quality 164 Well installation with brine | water heat pumps 165 Checklist 166 Water | water heat pumps 167 Water | water heat pumps WPW 7/10/13/18 168 Output details WPW 7/10/13/18 170 Installation WPW 7/10/13/18 172 Heating system connection WPW 7/10/13/18 173 Water | water heat pumps WPW 13/18/22 M 174 Output details WPW 13/18/22 M 176 Installation WPW 10/13/16 M 178 Heating system connection WPW 10/13/16 M 179 Power supply WPW 13/18/22 M (SET) 181 Accessories for heating heat pumps 183 Heat pump manager 184
Mixer, swimming pool module 186 Remote control unit and sensors 188 Communication 189 Heat meter 191 Underfloor heating control system 192 Low loss header 193 Buffer cylinder SBP 100 Komfort 194 Compact installation for SBP 100 Komfort 195 Buffer cylinder SBP 200 E, SBP 200 E cool 196 Buffer cylinder SBP 400 E, SBP 400 E cool 197 Buffer cylinder SBP 700 E, SBP 700 E SOL 198 Compact installations for SBP 200/400/700 199 Buffer cylinder SBP 1000 E, SBP 1000 E SOL, SBP 1000 E cool 200 Buffer cylinder SBP 1500 E, SBP 1500 E SOL, SBP 1500 E cool 201 Thermal insulation for SBP 1000/1500 E cool 202 Circulation pumps 203 Pump assemblies 206 Pressure hoses 207 Threaded immersion heater BGC 209 Brine kit 210 Brine circuit pumps 212 Brine manifold, heat transfer medium 213 Expansion vessel, antifreeze tester, brine pressure switch 214 Convector heater module LWM 250 215 Cooling module 217 Air hoses and connections 218 Duct silencer, silencer, condensate pump 219 DHW cylinder SBB 301/302 WP 220 DHW cylinder SBB 401/501 WP SOL 221 DHW cylinder SBB 751/1001 222 DHW cylinder SBB 751/1001 SOL 223 DHW cylinder SBS 800/1000/1500 224 DHW cylinder SBS 800/1000/1500 SOL 225 Thermal insulation; DHW cylinder 226 Freshwater station 227 Plate-type heat exchanger 228 Convector replacement 229 Standard circuits 230 DHW heat pumps 247 Hot water out of "thin air" 248 WWK 300 249 Special accessories WWK 300..SOL 252 Installation WWK 300..SOL 253 Installation WWK 300..SOL 254 WWP 300 255 Installation WWP 300 258 Installation WWP 300 259
HEat pUmpS protEct oUr EnErgy rESErvES
Advanced heat pumps save energy and reduce emissions
Heat is a fundamental human need. Many people today not only consider economy when they think of heating, but also consider the environmental impact. That both can be combined effectively is shown by the development of the heat pump. This utilises the energy held in the air, water and under ground. This it converts into useful heating energy. The positive aspect of this type of "harvesting" available heat is that you can draw deep without damaging the environment. The heat pump is regulated subject to the outside temperature. This control unit safeguards the selected set temperature. As a result, the heat pump achieves an excellent quotient of "harvested" heat to expended primary energy. To put it into figures: Each kWh electrical energy spent generates up to 5 kWh available energy, subject to the respective heat source, i.e. from the air, from the groundwater and the ground of your own property. The compact design requires little space and ensures an easy installation. The lowest installation effort secures the air |water heat pump the top prize for easy installation. With internal and external versions, it can yield heat for domestic heating from outside air down to a temperature of –20°C. Future purchasing decisions will increasingly favour products with sound environmental credentials. Heat pumps from STIEBEL ELTRON already enable the basic premise of heating an apartment or entire houses with environmentally responsible and cost­effective methods to be achieved.
Future-proof solutions from STIEBEL ELTRON
Over the last 30 years, STIEBEL ELTRON has invested a lot of time and energy in the development of its heat pumps. This has created a reliable, standard technology that delivers every conceivable convenience. Our range of heat pumps satisfies the most divers requirements in the heating technology sector - conveniently and economically. Our heat pumps are part of the extensive range of systems by STIEBEL ELTRON, the predominant aim of which is to translate our high quality standards into future-proof, alternative technologies. As one of the most important manufacturers of products in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and domestic hot water equipment sector, we feel a great sense of responsibility for our environment. For that reason will we continue to adhere to our commitment to this sector.
Exclusive technology - hot water included.
Hot water and cosy ambience are our business. You can safeguard your domestic hot water supply with DHW cylinders from STIEBEL ELTRON. Or have you ever considered separating your hot water heating from your existing heating system? For larger DHW demand you could, for example in commercial operations, use STIEBEL ELTRON heat pumps exclusively for heating your domestic hot water, irrespective of whether you want to provide a centralised or decentralised supply. At STIEBEL ELTRON, a complete range of energy-efficient electric appliances awaits you.
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Heat pump principle
The most important contribution to the heat pump function is made by the refrigerant (in the following also referred to as "process medium"). This evaporates at the lowest temperatures. If you route outside air or water to a heat exchanger (evaporator), in which the process medium circulates, then that refrigerant extracts the required evaporation heat from the heat source and changes from a liquid into a gaseous state. During this process, the heat source cools down by a few degrees. A compressor draws the process medium in and compresses it. The increase in pressure also raises the temperature; in other words, the process medium is "pumped" to a higher temperature level. That requires electrical energy. As the compressor is of the suction gas­cooled design, the energy (motor heat) is not lost, but reaches the downstream condenser together with the compressed process medium. Here, the process medium transfers its absorbed energy to the circulating system of the hot water heating system by being returned into the liquid state again. An expansion valve reduces the still prevalent pressure and the circular process starts again.
Heat pump coefficient of performance
The coefficient of performance
is equal to the quotient of heating output Q
and electrical power
consumption P
in accordance with
the following equation
It provides a factor, by which yield exceeds expenditure. The coefficient of performance is subject to the temperature of the heat source and that of the heat consumer. The higher the heat source temperature and the lower the heat consumer temperature, the higher the coefficient of performance. It relates, as current value, always to a specific operating condition.
How doES a HEat pUmp work?
Main layout of a heat pump refrigeration circuit
Inlet line
Gaseous process medium low pressure
Pressure line
Gaseous process medium
high pressure
Liquid line
Liquid process medium
high pressure
Injection line
Liquid process medium low pressure
Expansion valve
Heating energy
Environmental energy
Heat source air
Air heated by the sun is universally available. Even at temperatures as low as –20 °C, heat pumps yield sufficient heat from the outside air. However, air as heat source has the disadvantage that it is coldest when the highest heat demand arises. Although it is still possible to extract heat from air as cold as –20 °C, the heat pump coefficient of performance is, however, regressive in line with the outside temperature. It is for that reason, that in most cases a combination with a second heat source is required that boosts the heating system, particularly during the colder season. One particular benefit is the ease of installation of air|water heat pumps, as no extensive ground work or well drilling is required.
Heat source water
Groundwater is a good store of solar energy. Even on the coldest days in winter, temperatures of +7 °C to +12 °C are achieved - and this is where its advantage lies. The near constant temperature level of this heat source enables the heat pump to achieve a favourable coefficient of performance all the year round. Regrettably, groundwater of adequate quality is not universally available. Where it is available, its utilisation is certainly worthwhile. The use of groundwater requires the approval of your local water board [check local regulations]. Utilising this heat source requires the drilling of a delivery and return well. Your local water board will advise you about the possibility of utilising these waterways.
EnErgy SoUrcES for HEat pUmpS
Main layout of an air source heat pump system
Main layout a groundwater heat pump system
EnErgy SoUrcES for HEat pUmpS
Heat source ground with geothermal collector
At a depth of 1.2 to 1.5 m, the ground remains warm enough, even on colder days, to enable an economical heat pump operation. However, this requires the availability of a property large enough to accommodate a pipe system for collecting the heat from the ground. In dry, sandy soil, the collector can extract between 10 and 15 W/m² and up to 40 W/m² in ground that carries groundwater. An environmentally-friendly brine mixture that cannot freeze and which transports the yielded energy to the heat pump evaporator courses through the pipes. As a rule of thumb, you would need approximately two to three times as much ground area as area to be heated. If your property is large enough, you have an inexhaustible reserve of energy and ideal conditions for a STIEBEL ELTRON brine |water heat pump.
Heat source ground with geothermal probe
Geothermal probes that are set up to 100 metres deep into the ground by specialist drilling contractors, require less space. Geothermal probes comprise a probe foot and endless, vertical probe pipes made from plastic. As with geothermal collectors, a brine mixture that extracts heat from the ground circulates through the plastic pipework. The extraction rate is subject to the ground characteristics, and generally lies between 30 and 100 W per metre geothermal probe. Subject to heat pump and ground conditions, several geothermal probes can be linked up in a single system. These systems must be notified to and possibly approved by your local water board.
Main layout geothermal probe heat source system
Main layout geothermal collector heat pump system
Operating modes
For the different types of heat pump operation, the heating technology world uses the following terminology:
The heat pump is the sole provider of heating in the building. This operating mode is suitable for all low temperature heating systems up to +60 °C flow temperature.
The heating system uses no second form of energy. The air | water heat pump operates down to an outside air temperature of –20 °C. Upon demand, an electric booster heater is started at very low outside air temperatures.
HEat pUmp opEratIng modES
Dual-mode - alternative
Down to a fixed outside temperature (e.g. 0 °C), the heat pump delivers the entire heating energy. When the temperature falls below that value, the heat pump switches itself OFF and the second heat source takes over the heating operation. This operating mode is suitable for all heating systems up to 90 °C.
Dual-mode - parallel
Down to a certain outside temperature, the heat pump alone delivers the required heating energy. A second heat source starts at low temperatures. However, contrary to the dual-mode alternative operation, the heat pump proportion of the annual output is higher. This operating mode is suitable for underfloor heating systems and radiators up to +60°C flow temperature.
Dual-mode - partially parallel
Down to a certain outside temperature, the heat pump alone delivers the required heating energy. The second heat source starts, if the temperature falls below that value. The heat pump is stopped if the heat pump flow temperature is inadequate. The second heat source supplies the entire heating output. This operating mode is suitable for all heating systems above 60 °C flow temperature.
Illustration of the possible operating modes of a heat pump system
mono-mode dual-mode -
dual-mode partially parallel
dual-mode - parallel, mono-energetic
Heat distribution system tv < 60 °C Heat distribution system tv > 60 °C
HP = Heat pump QN = Heating load TU = Changeover point
BV = Dual-mode point ZH = Booster heater TE = Booster heater start
tHE rIgHt HEat pUmp for EvEry applIcatIon
For the use of a water | water heat
pump, groundwater of sufficient volume and quality must be available at an economical depth. You have ideal conditions for a mono-mode operation, if this heat source is available to you.
The utilisation of a brine | water
heat pump requires the availability of property without buildings that can be used for a geothermal collector. The property should be at least two to three times the area to be heated. These systems can be operated in mono­mode in conjunction with a low temperature heating system.
We help before you start
Take an overview first; our table will assist you in that. A good analysis, from the building and heating technology point of view is crucial. In new build, generally all kinds of heat sources can be utilised, i.e. air, groundwater or ground. You judge which is the optimum one for you using the following criteria.
Using an air | water heat pump is
always possible, as the heat source air is available anywhere. It is suitable for dual-mode and mono­energetic operation.
Larger systems can be realised by
connecting several heat pumps together. The electric and hydraulic connection of brine | water or water | water heat pumps is easily achieved with the appropriate accessories.
Central heating
Specific heat demand 50 W/m² living space, low temperature heating system, max. flow temperature +60 °C (desirable is +35 °C)
Heat source
Groundwater exploration via a well
Operating mode
Heat pump size subject to m
heated living space
up to 120 m2WPW 7
up to 180 m²
WPW 10
up to 220 m²
WPW 13
up to 300 m²
WPW 18
up to 420 m²
WPW 22 M
up to 440 m²
up to 520 m²
up to 600 m²
up to 720 m²
up to 840 m²
Operating mode
Heat pump size subject to m
heated living space
up to 100 m2WPF/C 5
up to 140 m²
up to 180 m²
WPF/C 10
up to 240 m²
WPF/C 13
up to 300 m²
WPF 16
up to 360 m²
up to 420 m²
up to 480 m²
up to 540 m²
up to 600 m²
up to 380 m²
WPF 20
up to 500 m²
WPF 27
up to 800 m²
WPF 40
up t 950 m²
WPF 52
up to 1100 m²
WPF 66
Operating mode
mono-energetic dual­mode point -5 °C outside temperature
Heat pump size subject to m
heated living space
up to 160 m2WPF/C 5 up to 200 m²
up to 280 m²
WPF/C 10
up to 340 m²
WPF/C 13
up to 420 m²
WPF 16
up to 520 m²
up to 640 m²
up to 700 m²
up to 760 m²
up to 840 m²
up to 600 m²
WPF 20
up to 760 m²
WPF 27
up to 1200 m²
WPF 40
up to 1560 m²
WPF 52
up to 1880 m²
WPF 66
Operating mode
mono-energetic dual­mode point -5 °C outside temperature
Heat pump size subject to m
heated living space
up to 80 m² WPL 5 N up to 120 m2WPL 10
up to 180 m²
WPL 13
up to 220 m²
WPL 18
up to 300 m²
WPL 23
up to 360 m²
WPL 33
Operating mode
Heat pump size subject to m
heated living space
up to 200 m2WPL 14 HT
Heat source
Ground geothermal collectors -
geothermal probe
Heat source
Air universally available
tHIS coUld bE yoUr SolUtIon
General information
Naturally, all compact heat pumps from STIEBEL ELTRON can be installed in all new and existing heating systems. In many cases, a mono­mode operation is feasible, so that no additional, conventional heating system and associated additional investment is required, even on those few exceptionally cold days of the year. When deciding on the potential Part of this is of a heat pump, the heat distribution system too, and in particular the required flow temperature, must be given due consideration. Generally speaking, low temperature and conventional heating systems (radiators) can be supplied by heat pumps. When developing new systems, allow for low temperature heating systems with max. flow temperatures of +55°C. Existing systems with conventional heat distribution too can generally be combined with heat pumps without requiring major changes. Generally, such heating systems are designed for maximum flow temperature of 90 °C. However, most are oversized making substantially lower flow temperatures sufficient on account of subsequently installed thermal insulation of the building.
Heat pumps not only provide heating but also produce hot water economically. All STIEBEL ELTRON heating heat pumps also generate domestic hot water, e.g. with special accessories, such as the compact installation and DHW cylinders. The heat pump manager provides the automatic changeover between central heating and DHW heating operation.
Matching solutions for every application
For many years, STIEBEL ELTRON has been producing heat pumps for all applications. Part of this is an extensive installation accessory range, e.g. buffer cylinders, pressure hoses and control equipment. These enable an easy and consequently cost-effective installation. In the following, two examples of heat pump installations are shown. Naturally, alternative installation options are also feasible.
Design example 1 Water|water heat pump Operating mode: mono-mode
Mono-mode operation is only feasible in conjunction with a low temperature heating system (maximum flow temperature +60 °C). At a specific heat demand of 50 Watt/m², suitable heat pumps offer themselves from the heating system sizes listed in the table on page 11.
Important information:
A water analysis is part of the first
design phase.
Two results from that analysis are
relevant to the engineering of the system: free chlorine and chloride.
Iron and manganese content.
Construct the heat pump system in
accordance with the regulations of your local water board.
The system can be installed
subject to the availability of groundwater of adequate quantity and quality.
Design example 2 Air|water heat pump without additional boiler
The mono-energetic air | water heat pump WPL from STIEBEL ELTRON. As the description suggest, the heating system requires no second form of energy. This heat pump operates with outside air temperatures down to –20 °C where the outside air provides the heat source. Between –5 °C and –20 °C, the heating water is additionally heated by a small electric booster heater integrated into the heat pump. STIEBEL ELTRON offers the air | water heat pump WPL in different versions, from 10 to 30 kW heating output. This produces adequate heating for small to large houses with a living space of up to approx. 500 m².
Installation information:
The unrestricted air flow through
the inlet and discharge apertures must be assured at all times.
A thermal "short circuit" between
the inlet and discharge apertures must be prevented. The direction of the air flow should be in line with the main wind direction, where possible. An installation in a corner is advisable when selecting an internal installation. Design the air ducts as directly and as short as possible.
Maintain as small a clearance as
possible between heat pump and house to keep pipe runs short. Select the installation location so that no noise pollution is caused, even though these appliances are extremely quiet.
The heat pump by necessity
creates condensate that must be drained off in a suitable manner. For internal installations via a drain, possibly with a condensate pump.
EnErgy SavIngS ordEr EnEv [gErmany]
Energy Savings Order
The EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive obliged Member States to translate measures regarding energy and CO
reductions by 2006 into their national laws. The EnEV 2002/2004 already laid down requirements for new buildings and introduced the energy performance certificate. Adhering to the required limits meets the energy-technical requirements for new residential properties to obtain planning permission [in Germany]. The EnEV 2007 introduces the energy performance certificate for existing residential buildings as well as for non-residential buildings. The energy performance certificate details the energy-technical quality of a building and retains its validity for ten years.
EnEV for residential properties Calculation of the primary energy demand Q
Energy requirements made of residential buildings and the system technology employed are considered in unison. This global approach enables an overall statement appertaining the building envelope and the system technology to be established and is based on the primary energy which allows losses during energy generation and transmission to be taken into consideration. To calculate the annual primary energy demand Q
and the system expenditure of energy value e
, the annual heat demand
of the building and the available
surface area A
must be known. The system expenditure of energy value e
, which has no dimension and which relates to the primary energy for heating, ventilation and DHW, enables the assessment of the entire system technology. Furthermore, this parameter forms the basis for calculating the annual primary energy demand Q
of a building, and describes the system efficiency. The lower the system expenditure of energy value, the greater the scope for the building envelope, i.e. the physical building characteristics. This highlights the importance of the cooperation between all engineers and all those involved in the process.
Calculation of the primary energy demand
Effects of standards
Optional compensations between the building and the system
Total energy demand
Energy efficient version
Energy inefficient version
Ratio external surface area / volume (1/m)
= permissible annual energy demand (kWh/
(m² p.a.)) relative to the area of available space
Energy savings
System engineering
Calculating the structural
physical parameters
Max. annual energy demand
Annual heat demand
System expenditure of energy value
Primary energy
Heating energy
System expenditure
of energy value
* (QtW fixed value 12.5 kWh/m² p.a. acc. to EnEV)
QP = ( Qh + QtW* ) x e
( )
= + x
EnErgy SavIngS ordEr EnEv [gErmany]
Outline DIN V 18599 Part 1 General statement procedure, terminology,
zoning and assessing fuel types Part 2 Demand for useable energy for heating and cooling building zones Part 3 Demand of useable energy for air treatment with energy Part 4 Useable energy and net energy demand for lighting Part 5 Net energy demand of heating systems Part 6 Net energy demand of domestic ventilation systems
and air heating systems for residential buildings Part 7 Net energy demand for air handling and air conditioning systems
for non-residential buildings Part 8 Useable energy and net energy demand for DHW heating systems Part 9 Net and primary energy demand of CHP systems Part 10 Utilisation framework conditions, climate data Supplement 1
System description - reference system technology Central Low temperature boilers heating Pressure-jet boilers
Natural gas
Installation outside the thermal envelope
System temperature 55/45 °C
Hydraulically balanced
Twin-pipe heating system
Distribution lines - unheated area
Riser and connection lines, internal
Dp constant
Pump sized in accordance with demand WWB Common heat generation with the heating system (central) Indirectly heated cylinder
Installation outside the thermal envelope
with DHW circulation
Dp constant
Pump sized in accordance with demand
Compensation options
The better the equipment performs, the lower the requirement for thermal insulation of the building envelope. The EnEV opens up interesting compensation options. The optimum use of primary energy is ensured by systems such as heat pumps or domestic ventilation systems with heat recovery.
System technology
It is generally recommended to calculate the heat source expenditure of energy value in accordance with the detailed procedure in DIN 4701-10 applying manufacturer's details. Subject to heat source, performance factors are applied at different operating conditions that can sometimes vary significantly from standard values. This also applies to the expenditure as a result of losses and auxiliary energy, for example caused by components such as cylinders and auxiliary drives. STIEBEL ELTRON offers you a calculation service or the calculation basics and software free of charge on CD ROM.
EnEV for non-residential buildings
As part of the EnEV 2007 update, applicable from the 1st October 2007, the EU Energy Performance of Buildings Directive" for the statement of non-residential buildings was adopted in the form of the extensive standard DIN V 18599 that determines the calculations principles.
DIN V 18599 - Energy assessment of buildings
Contrary to the calculation for residential buildings to DIN 4108 part 6 and DIN 4701 part 10, the DIN V 18599 provides a statement not only for the energy demand for heating, DHW heating and domestic ventilation, but also for cooling and lighting. It comprises 10 parts that are linked through cross-references. The essential difference when considering non-residential buildings is the assessment of the respective utilisation profile. The primary energy demands are no longer simply dependent on the area and volume covered by the building envelope, but additionally relate to different room temperatures, lighting, air changes, times of utilisation, density
of occupation and the internal heating loads. A further update of the EnEV 2007 (scheduled for 1 January 2009) envisages replacement of the currently applicable method of calculation for residential buildings through that specified in the DIN V 18599.
The reference building procedure
To determine the permissible annual primary energy demand of a non­residential building, a reference building is determined that in geometry, net floor area, orientation and utilisation profile matches the building to be assessed perfectly. The energy quality of the building envelope of the reference building is specified in the EnEV via default transmission heat transfer coefficient HT ‘. System technology is also specified for the reference building
covering heating, DHW heating, air conditioning, air handling technology and lighting. For this reference building, in the first instance the permissible annual primary energy demand is determined. Then the actual value is determined applying the actual building characteristics and system technology. To meet the requirements of the EnEV the existing annual primary energy demand must be below the maximum permissible value of the reference building. Heat pumps are particularly suitable heat sources for heating and DHW heating, as they deliver a more favourable primary energy statement than the reference system technology. This enables the EnEV requirements to be met quite easily, given a corresponding quality of the building envelope.
The DIN V 18599 provides a segregation of the overall building into various zones, since diverse areas within the building are used for various purposes and these require different conditioning. A zone includes those rooms within a building that demand similar parameters on account of their use (temperature, ventilation, illumination, internal loads, daylight provision, technical equipment) with similar framework conditions. Every zone has one of 33 programmed utilisation profiles applied to it (e.g. office, hotel room, kitchen, toilet, transit areas). The energy demand for heating and cooling must be defined separately for each conditioned zone. Up to a proportion of 3% of the overall available floor area, living space may be appropriately assigned to different zones than those to which they should be designated, as long as the internal loads are not substantially different. To simplify the calculation process it is permissible to determine the annual primary energy demand in accordance with a single zone model for the following types of building: Schools, kindergartens, office buildings, hotels (without internal swimming pool), pubs and commercial premises. However, different framework conditions must still be applied. Main areas of use and passages must account for at least one third of the total area; the building must only be equipped with a central system used to provide DHW and central heating and must not be cooled. Illumination must largely correspond to the reference lighting technology. The calculations according to DIN V 18599 are extensive and can, because of the interactions that occur can only be resolved by iterative means, only be done with computer-aided support. STIEBEL ELTRON offers software solutions for this calculation. This enables complex calculations to be carried out, and even includes manufacturer's data. In this connection, our specialist department offers support in all areas concerning the Energy Savings Order 2007.
EnErgy SavIngS ordEr EnEv [gErmany]
Primary energy demand for non-residential buildings
Primary energy
demand = heating + cooling + steam + DHW + light + auxiliary energy
QP = Q
+ Q
P.c +
+ Q
P.w +
P.l +
ExpEndItUrE of EnErgy valUES of HEat pUmpS
EnEV – calculation to DIN V 4701-10
The EnEV provides three possible certification processes:
Diagram process Tabular process Detailed process
For the detailed certification process, verification can be provided using standard values or manufacturer's details. Generally, the certification process with standard values is sufficient for heat pumps, since their high efficiency level allows results to fall below the required expenditure of energy value.
Where better expenditure of energy values are demanded by more stringent subsidy stipulations, e.g. KFW 40 or KFW 60, these may possibly be achieved with verification based on the manufacturer's details.
IT programs or the calculation process of the EnEV should be applied where manufacturer's details are to be used. For calculating the ep figure, STIEBEL ELTRON offers the software "Energy efficiency in residential buildings". Where the certification utilises the tabular process, draw the expenditure of energy value eg from the DIN V 4701-10 according to "Table C3-4c expenditure of energy value eg and drive auxiliary energy qg, HE for heat pumps with electric drive".
Electrically operated heating heat pumps
The heat generation expenditure of energy value is calculated using the annual performance factor in accordance with the following equation:
= 1 : β
= Expenditure of energy value for the heat pump
= Seasonal performance factor of the heat pump, calculated subject to
type of heat pump
Brine|water heat pumps
The seasonal performance factor of brine | water heat pumps is calculated in accordance with the following equation:
= εN x Fϑ x F
βHP = Annual performance factor of heat pump
= Coefficient of performance to EN 14511 at B0/W35
= Correction factor to table 5.3.7
= Correction factor to table 5.3.8
Water|water heat pumps
The annual performance factor of water|water heat pumps is calculated in accordance with the following equation:
= εN x Fϑ x F
βHP = Annual performance factor of heat pump
= Coefficient of performance to EN 14511 at W10/W35
= Correction factor to table 5.3.7
= Correction factor to table 5.3.8
Air|water heat pumps
The annual performance factor of air|water heat pumps is calculated in accordance with the following equation:
βHP = (ε
x Fϑ + ε
x F
+ ε
x F
) x F
βHP = Annual performance factor of heat pump
= Coefficient of performance to EN 14511 at A-7/W35
= Coefficient of performance to EN 14511 at A2/W35
= Coefficient of performance to EN 14511 at A10/W35
= Correction factor to table 5.3.10
= Correction factor to table 5.3.10
= Correction factor to table 5.3.10
= Correction factor to table 5.3.8
ExpEndItUrE of EnErgy valUES of HEat pUmpS
Table 5.3.8 - Correction factors F for deviating temperature differentials at the condenser
Operation B (K)
Temperature differential at the test bed M (K) DIN EN 255
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.969 0.959 0.949 0.939 0.928 0.918 0.908 0.898 0.887 0.877 4 1.010 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.969 0.959 0.949 0.939 0.928 0.918 0.908 0.898 0.887 5 1.020 1.010 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.969 0.959 0.949 0.939 0.928 0.918 0.908 0.898 6 1.031 1.020 1.010 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.969 0.959 0.949 0.939 0.928 0.918 0.908 7 1.041 1.031 1.020 1.010 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.969 0.959 0.949 0.939 0.928 0.918 8 1.051 1.041 1.031 1.020 1.010 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.969 0.959 0.949 0.939 0.928 9 1.061 1.051 1.041 1.031 1.020 1.010 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.969 0.959 0.949 0.939
10 1.072 1.061 1.051 1.041 1.031 1.020 1.100 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.969 0.959 0.949
Table 5.3.7 - Correction factor Fϑ for brine | water heat pumps
Minimum brine temperature at the evaporator inlet (°C)
Heating circuit design temperature
35°C / 28°C 55 °C / 45 °C 2 1.113 0.917 1 1.100 0.904 0 1.087 0.890 –1 1.074 0.877 –2 1.062 0.864 –3 1.051 0.852
Table 5.3.9 - Correction factor Fϑ for water | water heat pumps
Minimum water temperature at the evaporator inlet (°C)
Heating circuit design temperature
35°C / 28°C 55 °C / 45 °C 12 1.106 0.892 11 1.087 0.873 10 1.068 0.853 9 1.049 0.834 8 1.030 0.815
Table 5.3.10 - Correction factor Fϑ for air | water heat pumps
Outside air inlet (°C) Heating circuit design temperature
35°C / 28°C 55 °C / 45 °C –7 0.103 0.080 +2 0.903 0.745 +10 0.061 0.053
Table C3-4c - Expenditure of energy value eg and auxiliary drive energy qgHE for electric heat pumps
Electric heat pump Heating circuit temperature Expenditure of energy value Auxiliary energy
g qgHE (kWh/m² p.a.)
Water/Water 55 °C / 45 °C 0.23
3.2 x A
35°C / 28°C 0.19
Ground/Water 55 °C / 45 °C 0.27
1.9 x A
35°C / 28°C 0.23
Air/Water 55 °C / 45 °C 0.37
35°C / 28°C 0.30
ExamplE 1: brInE | watEr HEat pUmp
Diagram system expenditure of energy value e
System description
Brine | water heat pump WPF with 100 litre buffer cylinder and 300 litre DHW cylinder
DHW heating
Centralised provision; no DHW circulation; distribution outside the thermal envelope; indirectly heated cylinder; installation outside the thermal envelope; heating heat pump brine|water powered by electricity.
No mechanical ventilation.
Central heating
Integral heating surface (e.g. underfloor heating system); individual room regulation with two-point controller, switching differential Xp=2 K; heating system design 35/28 °C; centralised system; horizontal distribution outside the thermal envelope, lines running internally; regulated pump; buffer cylinder installed; installation outside the thermal envelope; heating heat pump brine | water powered by electricity.
Annual heat demand 60 kWh/m² p.a. Heated living space 200 m²
System expenditure of energy value =
System layout
Diagram system expenditure of energy value e
Annual heating demand
Heated available area in A
in m²
kWh/m² p.a. 100 200 300 400 500 40 1.42 1.17 1.08 1.04 1.01 50 1.31 1.09 1.02 0.98 0.96 60 1.22 1.04 0.98 0.95 0.92 70 1.16 1.00 0.94 0.93 0.90 80 1.11 0.96 0.91 0.89 0.87 90 1.07 0.94 0.89 0.87 0.86
Underfloor heating system
Heated available area in AN in m²
System expenditure of energy value e
ExamplE 2: aIr | watEr HEat pUmp
Diagram system expenditure of energy value e
System description
Air | water heat pump WPL with 200 litre buffer cylinder and 300 litre DHW cylinder
DHW heating
Centralised provision; no DHW circulation; distribution outside the thermal envelope; indirectly heated cylinder; installation outside the thermal envelope; heating heat pump brine | water powered by electricity; peak load: Electric heater rod.
No mechanical ventilation.
Central heating
Integral heating surface (e.g. underfloor heating system); individual room regulation with two-point controller, switching differential Xp=2 K; heating system design 35/28°C; centralised system; horizontal distribution outside the thermal envelope, lines running internally; regulated pump; buffer cylinder installed; installation outside the thermal envelope; heating heat pump air | water powered by electricity. Electric heater rod.
Annual heat demand 60 kWh/m² p.a. Heated living space 200 m²
System expenditure of energy value =
System layout
Diagram system expenditure of energy value e
Annual heating demand
Heated available area in A
in m²
kWh/m² p.a. 100 200 300 400 500 40 1.72 1.44 1.35 1.30 1.27 50 1.60 1.37 1.29 1.25 0.23 60 1.52 1.31 1.25 1.23 1.20 70 1.46 1.28 1.22 1.20 1.17 80 1.41 1.25 1.20 1.18 1.16 90 1.37 1.23 1.18 1.16 1.14
Underfloor heating system
Heated available area in AN in m²
System expenditure of energy value e
ExamplE 3: aIr | watEr HEat pUmp wItH Solar
Diagram system expenditure of energy value e
System description
Air | water heat pump WPL with 200 litre buffer cylinder and 300 litre DHW cylinder
DHW heating
Centralised provision; no DHW circulation; distribution outside the thermal envelope; indirectly heated dual-mode cylinder; installation outside the thermal envelope; heating heat pump air|water powered by electricity; peak load: Electric heater rod; with solar DHW heating.
No mechanical ventilation.
Central heating
Integral heating surface (e.g. underfloor heating system); individual room regulation with two-point controller, switching differential Xp=2 K; heating system design 35/28°C; centralised system; horizontal distribution outside the thermal envelope, lines running internally; regulated pump; buffer cylinder installed; installation outside the thermal envelope; heating heat pump air | water powered by electricity. Electric heater rod.
Annual heat demand 60 kWh/m² p.a. Heated living space 200 m²
System expenditure of energy value =
System layout
Diagram system expenditure of energy value e
Annual heating energy demand
Heated available area in AN in m²
kWh/m² p.a. 100 200 300 400 500 40 1.17 1.04 1.00 0.97 0.95 50 1.13 1.02 0.98 0.96 0.94 60 1.10 1.00 0.97 0.95 0.94 70 1.08 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.94 80 1.06 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.93 90 1.05 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.93
Underfloor heating system
Heated available area in AN in m²
System expenditure of energy value e
coSt calcUlatIon to vdI 2067
Cost calculation
Calculation in accordance with VDI 2067 To establish the total costs, carry out the following calculations.
Hours run at full utilisation VDI 2067 sheet 1 to 6
The hours at full utilisation are required for calculating the annual heat demand. The calculation is based on the number of heating days during the heating season, the average building temperature, the average outside temperature and the lowest outside temperature.
Energy costs VDI 2067 sheet 1 to 6
The energy costs result from the energy consumption, the energy price and the standing charges.
Operating costs VDI 2067 sheet 1, table A2
Costs for maintenance, cleaning and chimney sweeping.
Capital costs VDI 2067 sheet 1, table A8
Interest and repayments of system costs.
Maintenance VDI 2067 sheet 1, table A2
The maintenance costs are calculated as a percentage of the system costs.
Annuity calculation
The VDI 2067 uses the annuity method. Part 6 is responsible for calculations in connection with heat pumps. The annuity factor determines the uniform payments in connection with an investment that are due annually. The annuity method provides a dynamic investment calculation that converts the payments received and made into equal annual contributions (annuities). Primarily, the annuity method is used in the investment and finance sector. In addition, it is used in cost calculation regarding long-term decisions, such as the selection of processes or whether to manufacture in-house or use outside suppliers.
Amortisation calculation
An investment is viable if, with the given interest rate, an average annual surplus can be achieved that is greater or equal to zero. Using the cash value and the cash value factor the amortisation can be calculated.
Cash value
The value of one or several capital sums due in future within the
reference time. The cash value or present value is the current value of future receipts or payments resulting from discounting. The cash value (K0) is determined when regular equal payments are made: a = periodically due retroactive payments (interest).
Cash value factor
The discounting total factor (cash value factor, interest cash value factor, discounting total factor, capitalisation factor) is one of the financial-mathematical factors. It applies interest to the segments g of a series of payments, taking the rate of interest and compound interest into consideration, and adds the cash values together.
Building heating load 7.0 kW Hours run at full utilisation 1744 Specific heat demand 50 W/m² (underfloor heating system 35/28 °C) Number of occupants 4 Energy consumption DHW 2.00 kWh/person/day Amortisation 0.0963 annuity table (depreciation 15 years with 5% interest)
Air | water heat
Brine | water
heat pump
Water | water
heat pump
Oil heating with
Gas condensing
with solar
Wood heating
1. System details
Energy price heating Ct/kWh 13.00 13.00 13.00 7.50 7.00 4.80 Domestic energy price Ct/kWh 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 Standing charge p.a. Euro 60.00 60.00 60.00 170.00 Efficiency distribution 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 Heat source efficiency 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.99 0.90 DHW efficiency 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.80 Annual performance factor 3.60 4.40 4.70 Heating coverage 0.98 1.00 1.00 DHW coverage 0.95 1.00 1.00 Coverage solar heating/DHW 5% 5%
2. Investment
Heat source complete Euro 10.000.00 9.000.00 7.200.00 3.000.00 4.000.00 10.000.00 Heating system with DHW Euro 4.800.00 4.800.00 4.800.00 4.800.00 4.800.00 4.800.00 Installation costs Euro 2.400.00 2.400.00 2.400.00 2.400.00 2.400.00 2.400.00 Electrical installation Euro 1.050.00 1.050.00 1.050.00 350.00 350.00 350.00 Solar thermal system Euro 4.600.00 4.600.00 Oil tank/storage room and gas connection
Euro 2.000.00 1.300.00 Chimney Euro 2.000.00 2.000.00 2.000.00 Heat source system Euro 7.000.00 5.000.00 Total Euro 18.250.00 24.250.00 20.450.00 19.150.00 19.450.00 21.550.00
3. Capital costs
Capital costs Euro 1.758.00 2.336.00 1.970.00 1.845.00 1.874.00 2.076.00 Maintenance Euro 183.00 243.00 205.00 192.00 195.00 216.00 Total Euro 1.941.00 2.579.00 2.175.00 2.037.00 2.069.00 2.292.00
4. Operational costs
Maintenance Euro 150.00 150.00 250.00 Chimney sweep Euro 70.00 70.00 70.00 Total Euro 220.00 220.00 320.00
5. Costs of consumption
Central heating Annual energy demand kWh 12.208 12.208 12.208 12.208 12.208 12.208 Energy consumption, heating kWh 3.391 2.831 2.650 13.149 11.954 13.841 Energy consumption, booster heater
kWh 249 Annual auxiliary energy demand kWh 200 400 400 200 200 200 DHW Annual energy demand kWh 2.920 2.920 2.920 2.920 2.920 2.920 Energy consumption DHW kWh 771 664 621 1.825 1.825 3.650 Energy consumption, booster heater
kWh 146 SOLAR Energy yield kWh 2.070 2.070 Energy consumption solar kWh 160 160
Total energy consumption kWh/p.a. 4.757 3.895 3.672 15.334 14.139 17.691 Emissions CO
in total kg/p.a. 3.235 2.648 2.497 4.928 3.690 245 System energy costs Euro/p.a. 688.00 586.00 558.00 1.187.80 1.199.80 875.00 Total system costs Euro/p.a. 2.629.00 3.165.00 2.733.00 3.444.80 3.488.80 3.487.00 Primary energy factor 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.1 1.1 0.2 Primary energy demand kWh/p.a. 12.843 10.516 9.914 16.868 15.553 3.538
ExamplE: coSt calcUlatIon to vdI 2067
Removal of a frost or ice coating from the evaporator of the air|water heat pump by supplying heat. STIEBEL ELTRON heat pumps are defrosted on demand through the refrigerant circuit.
Process medium
Special term for refrigerant in heat pump systems.
Dual-mode temperature
Outside temperature, which dictates when a second heat source is started.
According to its definition, it is the sum of internal energy and displacement work. The specific enthalpy (kJ/kg) is used for all calculations.
Expansion appliance
Component of the heat pump between the condenser and the evaporator for reducing the condensation pressure to the evaporation pressure that equates to the evaporation temperature. In addition the expansion valve regulates the injection volume of the process medium, subject to the evaporator load.
Fill level
The mass of the process medium inside the heat pump.
Heating output
The heating output is the available heat produced by the heat pump.
lg p, h-diagram
Graphic representation of the thermo­dynamic properties of process media (enthalpy h, pressure p).
Annual performance factor
Quotient of heat and compressor drive work over a definite period.
Annual expenditure of energy
The annual expenditure of energy is the flip-side of the annual performance factor.
Cooling capacity
Heat flow extracted by the heat pump evaporator.
Material with a low boiling point, which is evaporated by heat absorption and re-liquefied through heat transfer in a circular process.
Circular process
Constantly repeating changes in condition of a process medium by adding and extracting energy in a sealed system.
Coefficient of performance (COP)
Factor comprising the heating output and the compressor drive rating. The COP can only be quoted as an actual value at a defined operating condition. The heating load is always greater than the compressor drive rating; hence the COP is always > 1. Equation symbol: ε
Rated consumption (compressor)
The maximum power consumption of the heat pump during constant operation under defined conditions. It is decisive only for the power connection to the supply network and is given on the manufacturer's type plate.
Standard efficiency
Quotient derived from the used and related expended work or heat.
Heat exchanger of a heat pump, in which the thermal flow is extracted through condensation of the heat source process medium.
Machine for the mechanical transportation and compression of vapours and gases. Differentiation according to the type of construction.
Heat exchanger of a heat pump where the thermal flow is transferred to a heat transfer medium by condensing a process medium.
Heat pump
Machine that absorbs a thermal flow at a low temperature (cold side) and transfers it through energy supplied at a higher temperature (hot side). When using the "cold side" we refer to refrigerators, when using the "hot side" we refer to heat pumps.
Heat pump system
Total system, comprising a heat source and a heat pump system.
Compact heat pump system
Fully-wired appliance, where the complete refrigerant circuit, incl. safety and control equipment, has been manufactured and tested.
Heat source
Medium, from which the heat pump extracts energy.
Heat utilisation system
Equipment for heat transfer to the heating system.
Heat source system (WQA)
Equipment for the extraction of energy from a heat source and the transportation of the heat transfer medium between the heat source and the "cold side" of the heat pump, including all auxiliary equipment.
Heat transfer medium
Liquid or gaseous medium (e.g. water or air), with which heat is transported.
Auxiliary energy
Energy required for the operation of auxiliary equipment.
In Germany, heat pumps can be stopped, subject to your tariff, by the power supply utility for 3 x 2 hours daily.
tErmInology and dEScrIptIonS
SUmmary of formUlaE
Heat amount
Q = m
x c x (t
– t1)
Q = Heat amount Wh m = Water volume kg c = Specific heat Wh/kgK 1 163 Wh/kgK t
= Cold water temperature °C
= DHW temperature °C
Heating output
Q = A
x k xϑ
Q = Heating output W A = Surface m² k = Heat transition coefficient W/m²K ∆ϑ = Temperature differential K
k value
1 + d + 1 αi λ α
k =
k = k value W/m²K α
= Heat transfer coefficient, internal W/m²K α
= Heat transfer coefficient, external W/m²K λ = Thermal conductivity W/mK
Connected load
P =
x c x (t
- t1)
T x η
P = Connected load W m = Water volume kg c = Specific heat Wh/kgK t
= Cold water temperature °C
= DHW temperature °C D = Heat-up times h η = Efficiency
Heat-up time T
D =
m x c x (t2 - t1) P
x η
D = Heat-up time h m = Water volume kg c = Specific heat Wh/kgK t
= Cold water temperature °C t
= DHW temperature °C P = Connected load W η = Efficiency
Pressure drop calculation
∆p = L
x R + Z
∆p = Pressure differential Pa R = Tubes frictional resistance L = Pipe length (m) Z = Pressure drop from the individual resistances Pa
Individual resistances
Z = Σz x x v
z = Resistance coefficient ς = Density v = Flow velocity (m/s)
Z can be taken from the total z and the velocity in the pipework in the tables.
Duct work curve
∆p1 = Pressure differential Pa ∆p
= Pressure differential Pa
= Air flow rate m³/h
= Air flow rate m³/h
Mixed water temperature
(m1 x t1) + (m2 x t2)
+ m2)
tm = Mixed water temperature °C t
= Cold water temperature °C
= DHW temperature °C
= Cold water volume kg
= DHW volume kg
Mixed water volume
m2 x (t2 - t1)
- t
mm = Mixed water volume kg m
= Cold water volume kg
= DHW volume kg
= Mixed water temperature °C
= Cold water temperature °C
= DHW temperature °C
DHW volume
mm x (tm - t1)
- t
mm = Mixed water volume kg m
= Cold water volume kg
= DHW volume kg
= Mixed water temperature °C
= Cold water temperature °C
= DHW temperature °C
Approximate heating load according to oil consumption
= Ba x h x Hu / b
QN = Heating load (kW) B
= Annual oil consumption (l) Average consumption over the last five years, minus 75 litres of oil per person for DHW heating. h = Seasonal efficiency [to DIN] (h = 0.7) H
= Calorific value of fuel oil (10 kWh/l) b
= Hours run at full utilisation
(average value 1800 h/p.a.)
= Ba / 250
SyStEm dESIgn
Design information
To size heat pump systems accurately, the following points regarding the building to be heated or cooled must be known:
Calculation of heating load to
DIN EN 12831
Calculation of the cooling load to
VDI 2078
Determination of the heating
surface temperature
New build: Determine the
maximum flow temperature
Older building: Determine the
maximum flow temperature
Determine or select the most
favourable heat source
Determine the operating mode of
the heat pump according to the heating system
Size the heat pump according to
heat demand and operating mode
Power connection conditions and
requirements for the heat pump control unit
Connection of the heat pump to
the heating system
DHW heating with the heating heat
General regulations and
Existing system Heat pump Buffer cylinder DHW heating
rEgUlatIonS and gUIdElInES/dIrEctIvES
The positioning, installation, adjustment and commissioning of heat pump systems must only be carried out by qualified personnel, giving due consideration to the operating and installation instructions. Only a qualified person authorised by the relevant electricity supply utility may carry out the heat pump power connection, giving due consideration to the relevant wiring regulations and the conditions applied by the power supply utility. The installer should also make the relevant application to the power supply utility.
Observe the following acts, standards, regulations and orders during the installation and operation of heat pump heating systems in Germany: Outside Germany, observe all regulations and guidelines/directives that may apply to your specific country.
General conditions:
Building Regulations and others
Observe all relevant local and national standards since heat pumps represent "structural systems" in accordance with the state building regulations [Germany]. Therefore check with the local Building Regulations authority regarding applicable regulations prior to the installation of a heat pump. The building owner may need to notify the relevant authority of the system installation after the heat pump installation has been completed. This notification should be accompanied by a manufacturer's declaration that the intended installation will comply with the requirements of the building regulations [Germany]. The requirement for a permit in accordance with the "Wasserhaushaltsgesetz" remains unaffected by this exemption.
Special laws governing the utilisation of various heat sources
The utilisation of heat latent in the environment may, be subject to legal regulations that are designed to ensure that other private and public concerns are not impeded, and that these measures will not exert dangerous environmental influences.
Groundwater as heat source
The extraction of groundwater as heat source for a heat pump and the reintroduction of the cooled groundwater is regulated by paragraph 3 sect. 1 no. 6 and paragraph 3 sect. 1 no. 5 of the "Wasserhaushaltsgesetzes (WHG)" [Germany] and is subject to a permit.
The ground is the source of thermal energy
The extraction of heat by pipework buried under ground that are filled with a means for transporting heat, generally requires notification to the water board or a permit. If the ground collector is in contact with groundwater, a duty to obtain a permit may be determined in accordance with the "Wasserhaushaltsgesetz". However, this case has not been finally regulated. It is, nevertheless, recommended that discussions are held prior to commencement with the relevant water authority (see chapter "Heat source system").
Heat source
The utilisation of the outside air as heat source with regard to the entitlement to cool the outside air is not subject to statutory regulations. However, observe the technical instructions regarding protection against noise emissions [TA-Lärm in Germany, or local regulations] from evaporators. The expelled chilled air may result in a nuisance for neighbours (LBO sect.18).
Federal Immission Protection Act (BImSchG) and TA-Lärm [Germany].
Heat pumps are "Systems" in the sense of the Federal Immissions Protection Act. The BlmSchG differentiates between systems subject to permit (paras. 44, 22) and systems requiring no permit. Systems requiring permits are listed finally in the fourth BImSchV. Heat pumps of any kind are not listed here. For that reason, heat pumps are subject to para. 22 to 25 BlmSchG, i.e. they must be installed and operated in such a way that avoidable nuisance is limited to a minimum. Regarding the noise emitted by heat pump systems, observe the technical instructions appertaining to the protection against noise as per TA-Lärm [or local regulations]. For living areas, the sound pressure levels in the table LS-Lärm that are subject to the surrounding development have been set as emission values.
TA-Lärm (VDI 2058).
The following sound pressure levels at the neighbours' windows must not be exceeded: In commercial residential areas day 60 dB(A) night 45 dB(A) In general residential areas day 55 dB(A) night 40 dB(A) In exclusively residential areas day 50 dB(A) night 35 dB(A)
rEgUlatIonS and gUIdElInES/dIrEctIvES
DIN standards
– DIN EN 12831 Heating systems in
buildings – procedure to calculate the standard heating load.
– DIN 4108 Thermal insulation and
energy saving in buildings.
– DIN 4109 Sound insulation in
– DIN 8901 Refrigerating systems
and heat pumps – protection of the ground, groundwater and surface water – technical safety, environmental requirements and test.
– DIN 4701-10 Energy assessment of
heating and air handling system: Heating, DHW heating, ventilation.
VDI guidelines
– VDI 2067 Efficiency of technical
building systems.
– VDI 2068 Measuring/monitoring
and control equipment in heating systems with water as heat transfer medium.
– VDI 2715 Noise reduction in hot
water heating systems.
– VDI 4640-2 Thermal utilisation of
the ground – ground source heat pump systems.
– VDI 4650 (Draft) Heat pump
calculations. Abridged procedure for calculating the annual expenditure of energy values of heat pump systems.
– VDI 2078 Cooling load calculation
for air conditioned rooms.
Regulations regarding the water side
– DIN EN 806 Technical rules for DHW
– DIN 4708-1 Central DHW heating
systems – part 1: Terminology and calculation principles.
– DIN EN 378 Refrigeration systems
and heat pumps – technical safety and environmental requirements.
– DIN EN 14511-1 to 4 Air handling
units, chillers and heat pumps with electrically operated compressors for central heating and cooling – part 1: Terminology, part 2: Test conditions, part 3: Test procedures, part 4: Requirements.
– DIN EN 12828 Heating systems in
buildings - Designing hot water heating systems.
– TRD 721 Safety equipment to
prevent excess pressure; safety valves for steam boilers category II.
– DVGW Code of Practice W 101
Guideline for protected potable water areas, part 1: Protected groundwater areas.
– DVGW Code of practice W501
Potable water heating and routing systems - technical measures for the reduction of the growth of legionella bacteria – engineering, installing, operating and modernising potable water installations.
Regulations regarding the power side
– VDE 0100 Regulations for the
installation of HV systems up to 1000 V.
– VDE 0105 Regulations for the
operation of three-phase systems.
– VDE 0700 Safety of electrical
equipment for domestic use and similar purposes.
Accident prevention instructions by the governing body of the trade associations
– BGV D4 Accident prevention
instructions; refrigerating equipment, heat pumps and cooling facilities.
Additional standards and regulations for dual-mode heat pump systems.
Observe the following acts, standards, regulations and orders during the installation of an additional combustion system for solid, liquid or gaseous fuels:
Combustion Order [or local/national equivalent]
– Feu Vo part II, para. 4, sect. 2, sect.
– DIN EN 267 Oil combustion system
– technical rules - oil combustion installation (TRÖ) - test.
Safety principles
– DIN 4787 Oil atomisation burners,
terminology, technical safety requirements, testing, identification.
– DIN EN 12285-1 Factory-produced
steel tanks – part 1: Horizontal single or twin-wall cylindrical tanks
for the subterranean storage of
combustible and non-combustible
liquids that represent a risk to
groundwater. – DIN EN 12285-2 Factory-produced
steel tanks – part 2: Horizontal
single or twin-wall cylindrical tanks
for the above-ground storage of
combustible and non-combustible
liquids that represent a risk to
groundwater. – DIN 6618-1 Vertical steel containers
(tanks), single wall, for above-
ground storage of combustible
and non-combustible liquids that
represent a risk to groundwater. – DIN 6619-1 Vertical steel
containers (tanks), single wall, for
subterranean storage of combustible
and non-combustible liquids that
represent a risk to groundwater. – DIN 6620-1; Cylinder banks (tanks)
made from steel for the above-
ground storage of combustible
liquids, safety category A III. – DIN 6625-1 Locally manufactured
steel containers (tanks), for above-
ground storage of combustible
liquids safety category A III that
represent a risk to groundwater
and non-combustible liquids that
represent a risk to groundwater. – DIN 18160-1; Flue systems. – DIN 18381 VOB Payment and
contract order for construction
services – part C: General technical
contract conditions for construction
services (ATV) – gas, water and
drainage installation systems inside
DVGW guidelines (DVGW Codes of practice)
– TRF 1996 Technical rules for LPG. – G 430 Guideline for the installation
and operation of low pressure gas
tanks. – G 600 Technical rules for gas
installations. – G 626 Technical rules for the
mechanical routing of flue gases for
open flue combustion equipment in
flue and central ventilation systems. – G 666 Guidelines for the cooperation
between the gas supply utilities and
the contract installation companies.
HEatIng load calcUlatIon
Heating load
Firstly determine the required heating load of the building. Observe the calculation to DIN EN 12831 for reliable quotations and design.
The heating load can also be estimated for dual-mode heat pump systems with an existing heat source.
1. Subject to the heated living space
See adjacent table for the heating load per m² living space.
= Living space x Watt/m²
2. Subject to oil consumption
The annual consumption can be determined from the average oil consumption over the last five years.
= Ba x h x Hu / b
QN = Heating load (kW) B
= Annual oil consumption (l) h = Seasonal efficiency [to DIN] (h = 0.7) H
= Calorific value of fuel oil (10 kWh/l) b
= Hours run at full utilisation (average value 1800 h/p.a.)
Brief formula
= Ba / 250
3. Subject to gas consumption
The annual consumption can be determined from the average gas consumption over the last five years.
= Ba x h / b
QN = Heating load (kW) B
= Annual gas consumption (kWh) h = Seasonal efficiency [to DIN] (h = 0.8) b
= Hours run at full utilisation
(average value 1800 h/p.a.)
Detached or two-family home
Thermal insulation of the external wall
Window Floors W per m²
living space no single glazed 1 160 no single glazed 2 140 no double glazed 1 to 2 100 yes double glazed 1 to 2 80 yes low-E glass 1 to 2 50
flow tEmpEratUrES of HEatIng SUrfacES
Heating surface temperature
The flow temperature of the heating system is decisive for the application options and the operating mode of the heat pump. Heating systems that require a flow temperature in excess of +60°C can only be operated in dual-mode together with a second heat source. The changeover point of the heat pump is determined not only by the heating output of the heat pump, but also by the sizing of the heating surfaces. Radiator heating systems used to be sized around a flow temperature of +90°C. Today, retrofitting thermal insulation or oversizing generally means, that a flow temperature of only +70°C or less is generally required. The heating surfaces of new systems should be sized around a flow temperature of no more than +55°C to enable a mono­mode operation.
Up to what outside temperature can a heating system with a flow temperature of +75°C (heating curveB) be operated with a heat pump operating with a flow temperature of up to +60°C? In this example, the point of intersection between heating curve B and the max. heat pump flow temperature of +60°C arrives at an outside temperature of –4°C. The application limit of this heat pump therefore lies at an outside temperature of – 4°C because of the heat distribution system. It is often noted in practice that, through external and internal energy recovery, the heating limits can be extended to meet lower temperatures. This means that the heat pump covers a higher percentage of the annual heating load.
Rule of thumb:
The lower the flow temperature of the heating system, the higher the output of the heat pump.
According to the above diagram the following flow temperatures produce the following changeover points to start the second heat source:
Curve A: Flow temperature 90°C changeover point – 0°C OT Curve B: Flow temperature 75°C changeover point – 4°C OT Curve C: The flow temperature is lower than +60 °C, enabling the heat pump to operate in mono-mode. Curve D: The flow temperature is lower than +60 °C, enabling the heat pump to operate in mono-mode.
Flow temperatures for the corresponding outside temperatures
Heating flow temperature
External temp
Heat pump flow temp.
SIzIng of HEat pUmpS
Sizing of heat pumps
Some electricity supply utilities can shut down the power supply of heat pumps for specific periods in return for favourable tariffs. However, the heat demand of the building must be covered 24 hours per day. That means that the building heating load must be raised by a factor of 1.1.
= Q
x 1.1
Air | water heat pumps
The heating output of air | water heat pumps is subject to the outside temperature. This has the disadvantage that the heating output of the heat pump also falls with falling outside temperatures, whilst the heating load actually increases. This is why air | water heat pumps are operated in mono-energetic mode.
Brine | water or water | water heat pumps
As the heat source offers a near constant temperature throughout the year, the heating output of the heat pump is constant. These heat pumps are operated in mono-mode.
Sizing air|water heat pumps
Sizing brine|water heat pumps
Sizing water|water heat pumps
Air inlet temperature °C
Heating output (kW)
Heat source temperature °C
Heating output (kW)
Heat source temperature °C
Heating output (kW)
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