General information:
Solarsystems with a Tarom systemmanager can be quite complex. Due to the high power
going in and out the battery it is commonly necessary to connect the load or external chargers
directly to the battery. The high sophisticated state of charge (SOG) algorithm of the Tarom
needs to know about this external currents which are not going through the Tarom regulator.
The current sensor HS200 registrates and transmits these information to the Tarom controller.
The HS200 can be mounted next to the battery. The main wire coming tram the battery runs
through the HS200 case (see picture) and all incoming and outgoing currents are recorded
and digitally transmitted to the Tarom. Since the current measurement is potential free using a
magnetic hall sensor it is not necessary to cut off the wire and insert a shunt resistor. There is
no lass of energy or any voltage drop during measurement.
technical overview :
The HS200 enhances your Tarom System Manager to work together even with huge external
chargers or loads. The state of charge calculation will be improved and enables the external I
load switch PA 15 to work optimal in your system.
All data coming from the HS200 will be stored in the datalogger TarCom, tao.
The HS200 is connected to the Tarom regulator via a regular RJ45 Gable. The power supply
and data transfer runs through this Gable. There are three different sensor müdes: battery,
load, charge. In "battery mode" the HS200 detects all currents through the mein battery Gable, t HS200
in "load mode" the sensor is used to detect only the externalloads not connected to theload Gurren sensor
output of the Tarom/PowerTarom. In "charge mode" all external charging devices (diesel generators, wind generators or else)
which are not controlled by the Tarom module input run through the HS200.
Alle current values are transmitted to the Tarom/PowerTarom every 20 seconds. These values will be combined with the
currents through the Tarom regulator and displayed on the LC-display and stored in an eventually attached data logger
TarCom. Each data transmission is visualized by the info LED on the side of the HS200.
Input: two RJ45 sockets tor Tarom/PowerTarom, data logger TarCom or temperature sensor.
output: LED tor tunction control, digital output to the Tarom.