Star Micronics TCP300II User Manual

TCP300II Series
Product Specifications Manual
First Release: October 21, 2005
Star Micronics Co., Ltd.
Special Products Operating Division
Table of Contents
3-1. Communication Procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------2 3-2. Transmission Control Matrix-------------------------------------------------------------------------4 3-3. Transmission Control Matrix (Reader Type)----------------------------------------------------5 3-4. Command and Response Transfer Formats ---------------------------------------------------6 3-5. Transfer Control Characters -------------------------------------------------------------------------6 3-6. Cards for Processing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 3-7. Retrying and Verifying---------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 3-8. Reading the Buffer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 3-9. Commands and Status Lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------9
4-1. Magnetic Stripe Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 4-2. Print and Erase Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 4-3. Card Commands ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 4-4. Information Display Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------- 48 4-5. Cleaning Command ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52 4-6. Other Commands -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53
5-1. Switching Firmware ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62 5-2. Error Display -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 5-3. Loading Setting Cards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------63 5-4. Self-test Operation-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------63 5-5. Recommended Timeout------------------------------------------------------------------------------64


This manual describes the commands relating to the TCP300II series printers.


The volatile memory writing life is approximately one million times. The expect
ed life will be reached by frequent use, which can cause problems in the operation of the printer. Therefore, only use the model set command (91h) and the cleanin g yes/no command (5Bh) when starting up the system. Note that the parameters that can be set by the model setting command (91h), des cribe the font size and character spacing with the escape sequence in the print dat a setting command (41h).
The print head and erase head are hot. To prevent a dangerous situation, do not carelessly open the transport path.
A warning buzzer is installed to ring when the cover is opened. It is possible to send and receive commands, and to process cards in this state, but to prevent a dangerous situation, close the cover quickly.
The buzzer will ring and the LED will flash when the transport path is opened. In this state, commands cannot be received and cards cannot be processed.
Closing the transport path after opening it will reset the device. Always reset the magnetic data and print data because the memory expanded on the memory is destroyed.
Magnetic reading and writing can experience errors by damaged magnetic data caused by dirty magnetic cards and external magnetic fields. Carefully handle those errors. Particularly, you should develop a system for recovering erroneous cards when writing errors occur.
Printing times can vary depending on the ambient temperature and temperature of the thermal head. In particularly low temperature locations, processing of cards may take more time than usual, but this is not a system failure. Rewriting to magnetic cards will be repeated several times (when the device is set to rewrite several times) when they are dirty from repeated magnetic reading and writing, or if magnetic data is damaged by an external magnetic field. Therefore, the timeout setting to the response after sending a command should be set to a value higher than the one recommended.
Turn off the power before switching the interface cartridge or changing settings.
To maintain print quality and magnetic reading and writing performance, clean the device once a day. If possible, consider such a warning system to operate when starting up the
device every day.
Dirt adhering to the magnetic card will cause the magnetic head and transport rollers to wear out. Avoid using dirty cards.
Magnetic reading and writing performance will drop if the magnetic head and magnetic card cannot be brought close together. Do not place adhesive tape on or bend magnetic
When the cleaning lamp flashes, clean the device. (This is when the cleaning warning setting is enabled.)


3-1. Communication Procedures

This device communicates with its host using block transmissions of resend requests. When communications are started from the host, the host will transmit a command block to the reader/writer. When the reader/writer receives the command block, it will respond with either of the characters of ACK (normal), NAK (resend request) or DLE (reject). If the reader/writer responds with the ACK characters, the device will execute the command that was sent by the host. When the command has been executed, the reader/writer returns a response block to the host. The host needs to respond either the ACK or NAK characters in response to the returned response block. If the host responds with the ACK characters, the command is completed, and it is ready to send the next command. When the reader/writer receives a command block, it calculates the command block BCC, and compares it with the BCC sent by the host. If the calculated BCC and the received BCC do not match, the reader/writer responds with the NAK characters. When the reader/writer has responded with the NAK characters, the host resends that command block. In the same way, the reader/writer should calculate on the host side the BCC of the response block that is sent. If the BCC values sent by the reader/writer do not match the results that are compared, the host must respond with the NAK characters. When the host responds with the NAK characters, the reader/writer resends the response block. There is no limit to the number of times to resend requests or sequences. Therefore, the host side must be controlled. If the reader/writer detects an error in the command block sent by the host, it will respond with the DLE characters. When the reader/writer responds to the command block sent by the host with the DLE characters, the command that was sent becomes invalid and no response block is subsequently sent.
Normal sequence
Host Reader/writer
Command Sent Command received
ACK received ACK sent
Command processed
Response received Response sent
ACK sent → ACK received
Sequence resent
Host Reader/writer
Command Sent Command received
NAK received NAK sent
Command resent Command received
ACK received ACK sent
Command processed
Response received Response sent
NAK sent → NAK received
Response received Response resent
ACK sent → ACK received
DLE Sequence
Host Reader/writer
Command sent Command received
DLE received DLE sent
See section 2-5. Transmission Control Characters for details regarding ACK, NAK and DLE character codes.
3-2. Transmission Control Matrix
Event Host status
ACK received NAK received DLE received Response received No response
Idling Read and discarded Read and discarded Read and discarded Read and discarded Nothing occurs After command is sent waiting to receive
ACK received
Resend command block or process as communication error
Command withdrawn Reset TCP
If timeout error, process timeout error
After ACK received waiting to receive response
After response received ACK
After response received NAK
Receive response
Reset TCP Reset TCP Reset TCP
block, respond with ACK or NAK
Reset TCP Reset TCP Reset TCP Reset TCP
Receive response
Reset TCP Reset TCP Reset TCP
block, send ACK or NAK
Do nothing or process timeout error
Send next command
If timeout error, process timeout error
1. There is no time limit to send ACK after receiving a command block. Responses can be up to three seconds.
2. There is no limit to the number of times to resend for transmission errors of command blocks or response blocks. Therefore, the host side must be controlled.
3. There is no time limit from sending ACK to starting to send the response block. When issuing a command while inserting a card, execute the command after inserting the card. Therefore, when not inserting a card, the execution of the command stops, and the response block transmission stops. Commands can be deleted using the reset command (5Fh), or the card insertion wait status cancel command (54h).
4. The reset command (5Fh) can be executed even while another command is being executed. If the reset command (5Fh) is issued while another command is being executed, that command will be terminated. Therefore, there is no response block for that command that was executed before the reset command (5Fh). To execute the reset command (5Fh), wait approximately 3 seconds for the visual card reader/writer to initialize.

3-3. Transmission Control Matrix (Reader Type)

Event TCP status 1 Idling
2 Command received Buffering 2 Buffering 3
3 BCC received
4 Wait for ACK after response sent
When a priority command, such as Reset command, is sent while another command is being executed, that command is canceled, and a priority command response is returned.
STX received ETX received Other receptions ACK received NAK received No response
If BCC matched
If BCC does not
NAK sent 1
Read and
discarded 4
Read and
If BCC matched
If BCC does not
NAK sent 1
Read and
discarded 4
Read and
If data error DLE sent 1 If data normal
buffering 2
If BCC matched
If BCC does not
NAK sent 1
Read and
discarded 4
Read and
If data error DLE sent 1 If data normal
buffering 2
If BCC matched
If BCC does not
NAK sent 1
Read and
If data error DLE sent 1 If data normal Buffering 2
If BCC matched
If BCC does not
NAK sent 1
resend 4

3-4. Command and Response Transfer Formats

Command Transfer Formats
STX Commands Data String ETX BCC
Response Transfer Formats
Status Data String ETX BCC
Data string must be within 1024 bytes.
BCC is an exclusive logic sum from the command to ETX.

3-5. Transfer Control Characters

The following shows the transmission control character codes and functions.
Character Code Function
STX 02h Text start symbol
ETX 03h Text end symbol
ACK 06h Normal response
NAK 15h Resent request
DLE 10h Reject response
LF 0Ah Line feed of printed line
ESC 1Bh Start escape sequence
BCC - Block check character
BCC is an exclusive logic sum from the command to ETX.

3-6. Cards for Processing

The cards that can be processed are called readable and writable cards. When the card is inserted into the inlet, it is a process targeted card. When the process is completed, the card idles in the machine, and is a process targeted card. When idling in the device, the idling card is a process targeted card regardless of whether there is a card at the inlet. Cards discharged from the device are removal waiting cards and are no longer process target cards. To process these cards, they must be removed from the device once, and then reinserted, or they can be processed by employing the removal wait cancel command (55h).

3-7. Retrying and Verifying

The visual card reader/writer will retry to read or to write to a card when it fails to read or write data to the magnetic stripe. (This is when a retry count is set.) When the set number of failures to read or to write is reached, reading or writing is canceled. The device rereads the magnetic stripe after writing thereto. If the data that it reads does not match the data that was written, it detects a writing error. This reading of the data is called ‘verifying' and is performed automatically. The default value for retries is set to two times (total of three).

3-8. Reading the Buffer

It is possible to read the buffer when a card that has been read/written is idling. The buffer read commands (29h, 2Ah, 2Bh) obtains the read data stored in the read buffer on the visual card reader/writer. It is possible to get the read data on the track by using the buffer read commands (29h, 2Ah, 2Bh) without transporting a card. The result is high speed reading of the card. The card will be transported and read if the card is not idling or by using the buffer read commands (29h, 2Ah, 2Bh) when the read/write operation has not been performed before executing the buffer read commands (29h, 2Ah, 2Bh). This buffer read commands (29h, 2Ah, 2Bh) is a similar operation to the read cache.

3-9. Commands and Status Lists

(1) Command List
Code Content of Command
21h First track read command 310 22h Second track read command 300/310 23h Third track read command 310 25h First track read (status with no card) command 310 26h Second track read (status with no card) command 300/310 27h Third track read (status with no card) command 310 29h First track buffer read command 310 2Ah Second track buffer read command 300/310 2Bh Third track buffer read command 310 35h Reverse 7 bit format first track data setting command 310 36h Reverse 7 bit format second track data setting command 300/310 37h Reverse 7 bit format third track data setting command 310 38h 7 bit format first track data setting command 310 39h 7 bit format second track data setting command 300/310 3Ah 7 bit format third track data setting command 310 3Bh First track data setting command 310 3Ch Second track data setting command 300/310 3Dh Third track data setting command 31h Magnetic strip write idle command 300/310 32h Magnetic strip write idle (status with no card) command 300/310 40h Print expansion buffer clear command 49h Buffer clear command 41h Print data setting command 42h Embedded image data 1 expand command 43h External image data expand command (line mode) 44h Two-byte external character font register command 45h Single-byte external character font register command 46h Delete + print discharge command 47h Print discharge command *3 48h Delete discharge command *3 4Dh External data expand command (block mode) 4Eh Bar code data setting command 50h Card discharge command 53h Card front idle command 51h Card back idle command 54h Card insertion wait status cancel command 55h Card removal wait status cancel command
Data format set by EEPROM.
Magnetic stripe
Print, delete
Code Content of Command Class
59h Status Request Command 58h ROM version request command 5Ah LED, buzzer control command 95h Card transport count request command 96h Print count request command 5Bh Cleaning button enable/disable command 52h Cleaning command 5Fh Reset command 90h Communication setting command 91h Model setting command
Model Details 300: 1 Track magnetic head model (TCP300**) 310: 3 Track magnetic head model (TCP310**)
* 1 EEPROM default values are listed below.
3 Track magnetic head model (TCP310**)
3Bh: 6 bit + 1 parity ISO7811/2 First track recording model 3Ch: 4 bit + 1 parity ISO7811/2 Second track recording model 3Dh: 4 bit + 1 parity ISO7811/2 Third track recording model
1 Track magnetic head model (TCP300**)
3Bh: Not supported 3Ch: 6 bit + 1 parity ISO7811/2 Second track recording model 3Dh: Not supported
* 3: The same operations can be attained by setting the parameter to the 46h command. Please use this.
(2) Status List
The following shows the content of status. When there is the status code 20h there is no error. Anything other than 20h, it is recommended to branch the error and processing. Error notification codes may change or be added to without prior notice. Undefined statuses are reserved for the system.
Code Status Content Rank
20h Normal 22h No target card (only when using a no card status command) C 23h No magnetic stripe (when inserted backward) or other error C 31h Parity Error B 32h No start code/end code B 33h LRC Error B 34h Erroneous character B 37h Magnetic stripe writing error B 38h Card jam B 40h Cover open B 41h Invalid command C 42h Cam motor error A 43h Erase head temperature error A 45h EEPROM error A
4Ch Non-compatible BMP file data C
51h Expand buffer overflow C
Rank A: Reader/writer hard error; inspection and repair are required. Rank B: Device cleaning and card reissuing requiring operator. Depending on the frequency
Rank C: Minor error or errors that can be easily recovered from that do not occur except
These ranks have been established based upon their potential to occur under
of the error, it may be necessary to inspect and repair the reader/writer.
when debugging software. If these repeatedly occur, it may be necessary to inspect and repair the reader/writer.
normal operating conditions.


4-1. Magnetic Stripe Commands

(1) Third track read command (Model: 310)
General Description
This command idles the first track read of a magnetic strip encoded in the following formats.
• 7-bit + 1 parity (called 7-bit format below) Conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit + 1 parity Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit + 1 parity (called 6-bit format below) conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit + 1 parity (called 4-bit format below) conforming to ISO 7811/2 second/third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
The starting symbol in the magnetic stripe automatically determines what format to use to read the card. Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300). *: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Details of Operation If a card is idling in the machine, this will read the magnetic stripe on the idling card. If there is no idling card, it will wait until one is inserted into the device, the being to read the card. If a card is waiting to be removed from the device, it will wait until the card is discharged. If reading of the card fails, the device will automatically reread the card according to the number of times that were set. If still the card cannot be read with that set number of rereads, the values of 23h, 31h to 34h are set to the response block status field. After this command is issued, it is possible to read the buffer while the card is idling. The results of the command are stored in the response block status field.
The following shows the read data string. Format Data Length Character Code 7-bit format: 0 to 69 bytes of variable length data (01h to 7Eh)
Excluding 02h and 03h Reverse 7-bit format: 0 to 69 bytes of variable length data (01h to 7Eh) Excluding 02h and 03h 6-bit format: 0 to 76 bytes of variable length data (20h to 5Eh) 4-bit format: 0 to 104 bytes of variable length data (30h to 3Eh)
The magnetic stripe starting and ending symbols, LRC and parity bit are not included in the read data string.
If a card is not inserted after this command is issued, or to cancel the command, issue the card insertion wait status cancel command (54h) after canceling the state of communication.
Command Transfer Formats
BCC = 22h
Response Transfer Formats
STX 21h Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(2) Second track read command (Models: TCP300/310)
General Description
This command waits for the second track read of a magnetic strip encoded in the following formats.
• 7-bit format conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit + 1 parity Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 second and third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
See the first track read command for details on other descriptions and operations.
*: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Command Transfer Formats
STX 22h ETX BCC BCC = 21h
Response Transfer Formats
STX 22h Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(3) Third track read command (Model: TCP310)
General Description
This command waits for the third track read of a magnetic strip encoded in the following formats.
• 7-bit format conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit + 1 parity Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 second and third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300). See the first track read command for details on other descriptions and operations.
*: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Command Transfer Formats
BCC = 20h
Response Transfer Formats
STX 23h Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(4) First track read (status with no card) command (Model: 310)
General Description
This command idles the first track read of a magnetic strip encoded in the following formats.
• 7-bit format conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit format Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 second and third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
The starting symbol in the magnetic stripe automatically determines what format to use to read the card. Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300).
*: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Details of Operation
If a card is idling in the machine, this will read the magnetic stripe on the idling card. If there is no targeted card, set the no card status (22h) to the response block status field and quit the command. In that case, the read data string field does not exist. If there is a card waiting to be removed from the device when issuing this command, discharge it. The results of the command are stored in the response block status field. If reading of the card fails, the device will automatically reread the card according to the number of times that were set. If still the card cannot be read with that set number of rereads, the values of 23h, 31h to 34h are set to the response block status field.
The following shows the read data string. Format Data Length Character Code 7-bit format: 0 to 69 bytes of variable length data (01h to 7Eh) Excluding 02h and 03h Reverse 7-bit format: 0 to 69 bytes of variable length data (01h to 7Eh) Excluding 02h and 03h 6-bit format: 0 to 76 bytes of variable length data (20h to 5Eh) 4-bit format: 0 to 104 bytes of variable length data (30h to 3Eh)
The magnetic stripe starting and ending symbols, LRC and parity bit are not included in the read data string. After this command is issued, it is possible to read the buffer while the card is idling.
Command Transfer Formats
Response Transfer Formats
STX 25h Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(5) Second track read (status with no card) command (Models: 300/310)
General Description
This command waits for the second track read of a magnetic strip encoded in the following formats.
• 7-bit format conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit format Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 second and third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
See the first track read (status with no card) command for details on other descriptions and operations
*: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Command Transfer Formats
Response Transfer Formats
STX 26h Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(6) Third track read (status with no card) command (Model: 310)
General Description
This command waits for the third track read of a magnetic strip encoded in the following formats.
• 7-bit format conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit format Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 second and third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300). See the first track read (status with no card) command for details on other descriptions and operations
*: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Command Transfer Formats
Response Transfer Formats
STX 27h Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(7) First track buffer read command (Model: 310)
This command acquires the first track buffer data of the following formats.
• 7-bit format conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit format Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 second and third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
See the first track read command for details. Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300).
*: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Command Transfer Formats
Response Transfer Formats
STX 29h Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(8) Second track buffer read command (Models: 300/310)
This command acquires the second track buffer data of the following formats.
• 7-bit format conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit format Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 second and third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
See the second track read command for details.
*: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Command Transfer Formats
STX 2Ah ETX 29h
Response Transfer Formats
STX 2Ah Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(9) Third track buffer read command (Model: 310)
This command acquires the third track buffer data of the following formats.
• 7-bit format conforming to JISX6302*
• Reverse 7-bit format Reverse direction writing format of the format above*
• 6-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 first track
• 4-bit format conforming to ISO 7811/2 second and third tracks However, the second track is in 70 bpi format.
See the third track read command for details. Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300).
*: The reading direction of JISX6302 conforming magnetic formats follows the preset memory switch setting. See Model Setting Commands (91h) for details.
Command Transfer Formats
Response Transfer Formats
STX 2Bh Status Read Data String ETX BCC
(10) Reverse 7 bit format first track data setting command (Model: 310)
This command sets the write data to the first track with a reverse 7-bit format. Excluding 02h (STX) and 03h (ETX), the write data string must be data from 01h to 7Eh in 0 to 69 bytes. The starting and ending symbols, LRC and parity bit on the magnetic stripe are all automatically applied. A reject response is issued when an error is detected in the write data. Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300).
* This command generates magnetic strip data that is in the direction opposite to the 7 bit format first track data setting command 38h.
Command Transfer Formats
STX 35h Write data string ETX BCC
Response Transfer Formats
STX 35h Status ETX BCC
(11) Reverse 7 bit format second track data setting command (Models: 300/310)
This command sets the write data to the second track with a reverse 7-bit format. Excluding 02h (STX) and 03h (ETX), the write data string must be data from 01h to 7Eh in 0 to 69 bytes. The starting and ending symbols, LRC and parity bit on the magnetic stripe are all automatically applied. A reject response is issued when an error is detected in the write data.
* This command generates magnetic strip data that is in the direction opposite to the 7 bit format second track data setting command 39h.
Command Transfer Formats
STX 36h Write data string ETX BCC
Response Transfer Formats
STX 36h Status ETX BCC
(12) Reverse 7 bit format third track data setting command (Model: 310)
This command sets the write data to the third track with a reverse 7-bit format. Excluding 02h (STX) and 03h (ETX), the write data string must be data from 01h to 7Eh in 0 to 69 bytes. The starting and ending symbols, LRC and parity bit on the magnetic stripe are all automatically applied. A reject response is issued when an error is detected in the write data. Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300). * This command generates magnetic strip data that is in the direction opposite to the 7 bit format third track data setting command 3Ah.
Command Transfer Formats
STX 37h Write data string ETX BCC
Response Transfer Formats
STX 37h Status ETX BCC
(13) 7 bit format first track data setting command (Model: 310)
This command sets the write data to the first track with a 7-bit format. Excluding 02h (STX) and 03h (ETX), the write data string must be data from 01h to 7Eh in 0 to 69 bytes. The starting and ending symbols, LRC and parity bit on the magnetic stripe are all automatically applied. A reject response is issued when an error is detected in the write data. Note that this command cannot be used with on models with one magnetic stripe (TCP300).
Command Transfer Formats
STX 38h Write data string ETX BCC
Response Transfer Formats
STX 38h Status ETX BCC
(14) 7 bit format second track data setting command (Models: 300/310)
This command sets the write data to the second track with a 7-bit format. Excluding 02h (STX) and 03h (ETX), the write data string must be data from 01h to 7Eh in 0 to 69 bytes. The starting and ending symbols, LRC and parity bit on the magnetic stripe are all automatically applied. A reject response is issued when an error is detected in the write data.
Command Transfer Formats
STX 39h Write data string ETX BCC
Response Transfer Formats
STX 39h Status ETX BCC
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