Star Micronics SJ-48 User Manual

Federal Communications Commission
Radio Frequency Interference Statement
equipmenthas been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of FCC
Rules.Theselimitsaredesignedtoprovidereasonableprotectionagainstharmfulinterference inaresidentialinstallation.Thisequipmentgenerates,usesandcanradiateradiofrequencyenergyand,ifnot installedand
tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradioortelevision reception, whichcanredetermined by turning theequipment offandon, the user isencouraged to trytocorrect the interference by oneormore ofthe following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radionV technician for help.
Unauthorized modifications of this product by the user will voidhis authority to operate theequipment unless expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance.
For compliance with the Federal Noise Interference Standard, this equipment requires a shielded cable.
The above statement applies only to printers marketed in the U.S.A.
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-
Connect the equipment into an outlet ona circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
The Canadian Department of Communications
Statement of
Radio Interference Regulations
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set
out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications. Le pr6sent appareil num6rique n’6menpas de bruits radioelectriques d6passant Ies limites applicable aux
Wpy+: nufn6@uesde la classe B prescribesclansle R&glementsur le brouillage radio61ecrrique6dict6 par le muusere des Commumcatlons du Canada.
The abovt statement applies only to printers marketed in Canada.
Self Declaration
Radio interference regarding this equipment has been eliminated according to Vfg 1046/1984 announced by
the DBP. DBPhas been informed ofthe introduction of this special equipment and has been granted the right to examine the whole series. It istheuser’sresponsibility toseethathisown assembled system is inaccordance withthetechnicalregulations under Vfg 1046/1984. To conform to ITZ-regulations it is necessary to make all connections to the printer with shielded cable.
The equipment may only be opened by qualified service representatives.
The above statement applies only to printers marketed in Germany.
Trademark Acknowledgements SJ-48, XB-241O,XB24-10, NX-2420, LC24-200, SC-10, BP-10, SF-1OCA:Star Micronics Co., Ltd. IBM-PC, PS/2, PC-AT, Proprinter X24/X24E, PC-DOS: International Business Machines Corp. MS-DOS, Microsoft BASIC: Microsoft Corporation LQ-850: Seiko Epson Corp.
All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without STAR’s
express permission is forbidden.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this manual at the time of press.
However, should any errors be detected, STAR would greatly appreciate being informed of them.
The above notwithstanding, STAR can assume no responsibility for any errors in this manual.
0 Copyright 1991 Star Micronics Co., Ltd.


Thismanual isorganized intotenchapters. Tolearnhow tomake thebest useofyour printer you are urged to read through chapters 1through 5. The remaining chapters maybe treated as areference guide for programming operations, etc. It assumes a degree of acknowledge of the operation of computers (for instance, it assumes you know about hexadecimal numbers). The chapters are as follows:
Chapter 1
Thischapter indicates the somefeaturesof theprinter, thenames and those functionsof the printercomponents. Thischapter also indicatessomerequirements toprinter, power supply and Ink Cartridge.
Chapter 2 —
This chapter explains how to get the printer unpacked and setup. Read thischapter before you do anything else.
Chapter 3
This chapter describes instructions for printing such as selecting paper types, adjusting the printing gap, installing paper, and removing jammed paper.
Chapter 4 —
There are a number of controls on the front panel which perform various functions related to paper handling, print modes and font selection. After getting set up, read this chapter and try out the procedures in it to find out how the printer works.
Chapter 5
This chapter explains how to set the DIP switches to make system settings on the printer.
Chapter 6 —
This chapter explains the different emulations provided by your printer, and the software commands used to drive it. This section is of use if you are writing or modifying programs to take advantage of the printer’s features.
— Introduction
Setting up the printer
— Paper handling
Control panel operations
— DIP switch settings
Printer control commands
Chapter 7
This chapter explains the procedures to create your own characters.
Chapter 8 —
SincethePS/2orPC-AT family ofcomputersrunning underMS-DOS iscurrently the most popular configuration ofmicrocomputer, we have included a few hints andtips to help you use your printer with such systems.
Since virtually allPCs are sold with a Microsoft BASIC interpreter, we have also included
some hints, and a sample program in this language to demonstrate the capabilities of the printer.
— Download characters
MS-DOS and your printer
Chapter 9 —
Troubleshooting and maintenance
Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourprinterisnotworking intheexpected
way. It also includes details of some routine maintenance operations you can carry out
yourself. It is not, however, a complete service manual. Call a qualified service engineer
if you are unsure of your ability to carry out any maintenance or servicing operations.
Chapter 10— Reference
This section gives some references of your printer, such as specifications of your printer,
the pinout of interface comecter, the character tables.
The character table charts give the different character sets available.
Featuresofthe printer Printercomponents Requirements
1 4 6
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Unpackingandinspection Settingup
Connectingthepowersupply InstalltheInkCartridge Connectingtheinterfacecable
Selectionof paper Adjustingtheprintinggap Loadingpaper
Loadingthepaperfromthefrontslot Loadingthepaperfromtheflatfeedslot
ONLINEbutton LINEFEEDbutton FWDADJbutton REVADJbutton PITCHbution
Flatfeed Formfeed Topofform Headclaeaning Clearingthebuffer/Allreset
Chargetheoptionalbatterypack Shorttestmode Longtest mode Hexadecimaldump Pitchlockmode
7 7 8 8 9
13 13 14 15 15 17 18
19 19 19 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 27 28
Chapter 5
LocationoftheDIP switches FunctionsoftheDIPsettings
29 29 30
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Fontcontrolcommands Charactersetcommands Charactersizeandpitchcommands Verticalpositioncommands Horizontalpositioncommands Graphicscommands Downloadcharactercommands Otherprintercommands
Definingyour own 24-dotcharacters
Assigningthecharacterdata Assigninga valueofcharacterspace Sampleprogram
Installingapplicationsoftwarewithyourprinter Embeddingprintercommands ProgrammingtheprinterwithDOScommands ProgrammingwithBASIC
33 34 39 42 49 53 57 61 64
67 67 68 69 69 72
75 75 76 77 79
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 REFERENCE
Powersupply Printing Paperfeeding
Specifications Pinoutofinterfaceconnector Charactersets
Standardcharacterset#2 Internationalcharactersets IBMcharacterset#2 Characterset#l IBMspecialcharacterset
87 87 88 88 90 92
93 93 96 97 98
100 101 108 109
Thisprinterhas a fullcomplementoffeatures, making itan excellent partner for apersonal computer. It supports the Epson/IBM printer commands and character sets, enabling it to printjust about anything your computer can generate, both text and graphics.


Some of main features are the following:
Ink jet printing system
Auto-capping system
Easy maintenance
2-way power supply
Versatile paper handling
Extensive software support
Easy operation
Inkjet printing system
The inkjet printing system prints characters and graphics by firing ink drops at the paper from thin nozzles.
Heating the ink in these nozzles, by applying electrical pulses to the heating elements, produces bubbles thatquickly expand and eject the jnk.
H e
A vacuum is then produced as the bubble contracts after the pulseends. This draws fresh ink into the nozzle.
F 1 p s
An important feature of this printing system is the simple construction of individual nozzles. This construction has the following advantages in addition to reducing manufacturing costs.
. The printing mechanism is more durable and smaller. . Print quality is higher because of greater nozzle density.
Quiet, non-impact operation.
This means that the inkjet printer can be used for a much wider range of applications than other printers.
Auto-capping system
This printer moves the carriage to the home position and automatically caps the print head
whenever theprinteristurned on and off, ormore than 5 seconds havepassed sincethe last data was received.
This auto-capping system prevents the head from drying out or becoming clogged with dust, and ink dropping or evaporation. Italsohelpsto reduceinkspillageintheeventtheprinterisheld foranyreason in otherthan
the horizontal position or is shipped.
Easy maintenance
This printer uses a replaceable Ink Cartridge (SC-10) that contains both the print head and ink,theonlymaintenance required is a simple cartridge replacement. You can always rely on high-quality printouts without complicated maintenance.
f 1 T p u a r C S
Z-way power supply
You can use this printer with the AC power source using the AC adapter, or without AC power source using the optional NiCd battery pack, BP-10. With the optional battery pack, your printer can even be used outdoors. Great for laptop computer users.
F 1 T p u e a o N b p
Versatilepaper handling
Single sheets and envelopes (COM 10 size) are all accepted, and you can use either roller feed or flat feed. You can also feed paper with optional Automatic Sheet Feeder.
F 7 T p f w t w R f F f f
Extensive software support
Since it is compatible with the Epson and IBM printers, it works with any software that supports those printers. That includes most word-processing and graphics programs, spread-sheets, and integrated software packages.
Easy operation
Indicator displays and beep tones provide immediate, easy to understand feedback when you press thebuttonson the control panel. The five buttons can operate in combinations to perform a surprising variety of functions, including micro-alignment.


To get acquainted with the printer’s components and capabilities, refer to the information below.
B s
d d
rc c
E s
Top cover Aligns single sheets (cut forms) to help the printer detect when
paper is inserted. This cover is used as a paper tray when using the flat feed or optional Automatic Sheet Feeder.
Interface connector Adjustment dial
Connects the computer to the printer. Controls print darkness by adjusting for the thickness of forms
being printed.
AC adapter cable connector
Connects the plug of the AC adapter. Do not remove the plug when the printer is turned on.
Print head cap
Caps the print head of Ink Cartridge to prevent ink from drying out.
Ink Cartridge
A disposable cartridge including ink and print head.
Lock lever Locks or releases the Ink Cartridge. Paper cover Protectsthe InkCartridgeand otherinternalcomponentsof your
Control panel Indicates printer status and makes various control of printer
functions simple and convenient.
DIP switch
Sets the default printer conditions.
Release lever Releases pressure on the paper. This lever must be down to feed
paper, and upward to release paper.
Battery component cover
The optional battery pack is located under this cover.
Entry slot For inserting single sheets of paper with flat feeding.
Power switch
Switches power on or off.
Printer stand Adjustable to raise the printer.
Battery switch
Set the switch to ON position only when charging the optional battery pack or working the printer with it.


Before you start unpacking and setting up your printer, make sure that the following requirements are satisfied.
Location of the printer
Make sure that you have a suitable place on which to locate the printer. By “a suitable
place”, we mean:
. A firm, level surface which is fairly vibration-free . Away from excessive heat (such as direct sunlight, heaters, etc) . Away from excessive humidity or dust . Use the printer where there is sufficientroom for the paper and any paper being fed in
or printed out.
. Make sure that the interface cable is within 2m (6ft) of the printer.
Do not place objects on top of the printer.
Requirements of the power supply
. Supplyitwith “clean” electricity. Do not connect ittothesamecircuitas a large, noise-
prod’ucingappliance such as a refrigerator.
Make sure the line voltage is the voltage specified on the AC adapter’s identification
. Do not unplug the AC adapter cable to turn printer off. The print head will be damaged
because itcannotbecapped correctly. If the AC adapter cable isunpluggedby mistake, plug it in again and switch the printer on and off to cap correctly.
Requirements of the Ink Cartridge
. Do not remove the Ink Cartridge from the printer unless it has to be replaced. . Do not touch the print head of the Ink Cartridge. The print head is a special precision
Do not subject the Ink Cartridge to physical shock or vibration. Ink may be spilled on
your hands or clothes.
Do not attempt to refill the Ink Cartridges. A clear printout camot be obtained.
. Do not disassemble the Ink Cartridge. Ink may be spilled on your hands or clothes. . Do not place the head of the Ink Cartridge face down.
This chapter describes the following procedures to setup your new printer. Before you start unpacking and setting up your printer, make sure that the requirements described in Chapter 1 are satisfied.
. Unpacking the carton box
Connecting the power supply
. Installing the Ink Cartridge . Comecting the printer to your computer
Now unpack the contents of the shipping carton, and check each item in the box against
Figure 2-1 to make sure that you have everything (there should be four items). If any of these items are missing, contact your supplier.
F 2 C m s h f i P a C U m
The optional accessories which you may have ordered with your printer are:
Automatic Sheet Feeder (SF-1OCA)
NiCd battery pack (BP-1O)
Place theprinter in the desired location, and remove all packing material from the printer.
Thispacking material isintendedto preventdamage to theprinter while intransit. You will
wanttokeepallthepackingmaterial,alongwiththeprintercarton,in caseyouhave tomove
the printer to a new location.
Connecting the power supply
You can use either the AC adapter or the optional NiCd battery pack to supply the power
to the printer.
The procedure to connect the AC adapter is:
1. Plug the AC adapter into a properly grounded AC outlet.
2. Attach the AC adapter cable to the printer. Whenever connecting the AC cable, the
carriage moves and the print head is-recapped automatically. -
, A
F 2 C a c p
The procedure to install the optional NiCd battery pack is:
1. Turn the printer upside down and turn the printer stand.
2. Open the battery compartment by pushing the two recesses as shown in Figure 2-3.
F 2 O b c a t p u d p s
3. Insert the battery pack into the battery compartment with the terminal end first.
I F I b p i p w t f
4. Replace the battery compartment cover, and return the stand to its original position.
5. Tu&on the batte~-switch Iocated behindthe printer. Wheneveryou turn on the battery switch, the carriage moves and the print head is recapped automatically.
Install the Ink Cartridge
Your printer uses a replaceable Ink Cartridge contains both the print head and ink.
The procedure to install the Ink Cartridge is:
1. Open the top cover and the paper cover.
2. Lift the lock lever on the carriage.
F Z O c p c t IIrt I l c
3. Open the package of the Ink Cartridge.
4. Push the right side of the head cap carefully as shown in Figure 2-6. It will pop off.
5. Remove the protection tape.
H c
F 2 R h p t f C
t t
6. Load the Ink Cartridge by inserting the guide into the slot of the Ink Cartridge.
CAUTION: Be careful not to touch the terminals on the flexible cable.
F 2 L C
7. Push the lock lever down to the end. (The Ink Cartridge is positioned and locked as shown below.)
-,.. - - . -
F z r IOCKl a p u
8.9.Close both the paper cover and the top cover.
Turn on the Power switch while holding down the [ buttons. This will execute the head cleaning to fill up the ink into the print nozzles.
Connecting the interface cable
Connect the printer to your computer using a standard Centronics parallel interface cable. On a PS/2 or PC/AT-type computer, this means that you use the 25-pin D-type connector at the computer end, and the Amphenol-type 36-pin connector at the printer end. The configuration of the printer’s connector isgiven in Chapter 10should you need a cable for connecting to another computer.
Follow the procedures below to connect the interface cable:
1. Turn off the power switch both the printer and the computer.
2. Remove the connector cap from the interface connector.
3. Connect the interface cable to the printer as shown in Figure 2-9. Make sure that you press the plug fully into the interface connector.
REVADJ ] and ~
I c
I c
F 2 C i c
4. Move bothclipsinside theextendedprongs onthesides ofthepluguntil youhearaclick.
F 2 M c u h a c
5. Connect the other end of the interface cable to your computer. Use your computer instructions to attach the interface cable. NOTE: Because you need your computer when you start printing, ensure that it is
completely installed.
. ,.
This chapter describes instructions for printing such as selecting paper types, adjusting the printing gap, installing paper and removing jammed paper.
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Your printer accepts any of the following papers: . Single sheets (cut forms) and stationery
This printer can print on paper from 7.2x 7.2 in. (182x 182mm) to 8.5 x 356mm) without curls, folds or damaged edges. The paper thickness should be under 0.2mm and wights between 52 g/m2to 90 g/m2 with roller feed, and between 52 g/m2to 105g/m2with flat feed. Note that gauges for the paper sizes are printed on the top cover and the flat feed slot. You can also use the optional Automatic Sheet Feeder.
. Envelopes
Commercial number 10 (4.1” following envelopes camot be used.
Envelopes with: windows, holes, perforations, cutouts, and double flaps Envelopes made with special coated paper or deep embossed paper
- Envelopes using peel-off sealing strips
- Envelopes in which letters have been enclosed
x 9.5”) can be only used with the flat feed. The
x 14in. (216
Figure 3-1 shows the recommended print area for each type of papers.
W: 182-216 mm (7.2 -8.5 inch)
: >-
~I (013Inch)
6.4 mm (0.25 inch)[letter size]
1 4
25,4mm(l inch)
F 3 R p a a p




Thedistancebetween theprinthead andthepapercanbe adjustedto accommodatedifferent paper thicknesses.The adjustment dial is located behind the interface connector at the left side of the printer.
There are three positions, and you can feel the dial clicking intoeach position. The center positionis forhigh densitygraphicsprinting on normal paper. Turning the adjustmentdial clockwiseisforthenormalpaper, andthecounterclockwise isforthickpaperor envelopes.
F 3 L a d


This section will take you through the procedures for loading paper. You can load paper either from the front slot or from the flat feed slot. It is recommended to use the flat feed slot for thick paper or the envelopes.
Loading the paper from the front slot
1. Open the top cover and push down the release lever.
F 3 c c t r l p d
2. Check the adjustment dial to accommodate the paper thickness.
3. Slide to turn on the Power switch located at the left side of the printer. The
PAPERindicator willilluminateand the indicator willblink that there isno
paper in position for printing. NOTE: The Power switch will return to its original position automatically.
4. Match the paper with the paper size scales on the top cover and insert the paper
F 3 I p f f s m p w p s s
Now, press the I If you want to set the paper to a different position, set the printer off-line by pressing
6. the I
[button, then set the paper position by using the micro-feed function.
I button down to advance and position the paper.
(For details, refer to Chapter 4.)
Press the [ ON
] button to set the printer on-line.
1.Do not open the paper cover while printing.
2. If the paper catches at the top of cover as it is being fed through the printer, it will curl and may not stack properly. If you notice the paper catching on the cover as shown below, lightly tap the paper with your hand so that it stacks against the cover.
F 3 p w y h s p a c
Loading the paper from the flat feed slot
1. Raise the printer by adjusting the printer stand as shown below.
F 3 R p w p s
2. Open the top cover and rotate the adjustment dial counterclockwise.
3. Slide the Power switch to turn on the power, and press the I [
buttons until you hear a short beep tone.
4. Align the envelope (or the paper) with the scales of the flat feed slot and insert the envelope straight into the slot. The’envelope automatically sets to the printing position.
] and
FlgUre 3-7. A the e w s f f s f
5. If you want to set the paper to a different position, set the printer off-line by pressing the I
I button, then set the paper position by using the micro-feed function.
(For details, refer to Chapter 4.)
6. Press the [
] button to set the printer on-line.
NOTE: Remove the envelope by hand if it is not ejected after printing.


When paper jams occur, the indicatorilluminates and the printer is set off-line. In this case, remove the jammed paper according to the following procedure.
1. Lift up the paper release lever.
2. Remove the jammed paper carefully by pulling on the end of the paper. If thepaperiswrapped around theplaten,pullthe end of the paper whileholdingdown the I
f 3 R p f a l r l
3. Open the paper cover, and confirm that any paper remained in the printer.
4. Press down the paper release lever.
5. Load anew sheet ofpaperand press the I
] button to set the printer on-line.
The control panel buttons can be pressed individually to perform the operations indicated by their names. Other functions can be achieved by holding these buttons down when you turn the printer’s power on, or by pressing the control panel buttons in combination.
This chapter explains all the button and indicator functions.
Pause printing
Feed paper (fast and slow, forward and reverse)
Select the print pitch
Select the font
Select paper feed mode
Set the top-of-form position
Cleaning the Ink cartridge
Clear the printer’s buffer
Charge the optional battery pack
Print test patterns
Print,a hexadecimal dump
Prevent software from changing the panel pitch selection


The minter is eauiuDedwith five buttons on the control uanel. From left to right they are
I , ~
] \ PITCH - ~. -
The following is a brief guide to the buttons and indicators on the control panel.
$m-llmlll ill: ~~
F 4 C p
ONLINE button
The ONLINE button setstheprinter on-lineand off-line. The statuschanges each time you
press the button.
When the printer is on-line, it can receive and print data from the computer. When the
printer isoff-line, it stopsprinting and sends the computer a signal indicating thatit cannot
accept data.


The printer powers up in the on-line status if paper is loaded. If paper is not loaded, the printerpowers up off-line with the indicator illuminating and the indicator blinking.When you load paper, you must press the [
[ button to set the printer
You will want to press the I ONLINE ]button: . Before and after any other panel operation
The otherpanel buttonsoperate in theoff-line state. Pressthe I ONl-lNE ~buttonto go off-line.After performingthepaneloperation(s), pressthe I ON
] buttonagainto
go back on-line.
. To pause during printing
Ifyoupressthe I ON
I button during printing,the printer stopsprinting and goes
off-line, allowing you to check the printout or change a control panel setting. Printing resumes when you press the I
Ibutton again to go back on-line.
LINE FEED button
If you press this button while off-line, the paper will feed forward. If you hold the button down, the printer will perform consecutive line feeds.
If you also press the I ON
] button while you are line-feeding, the paper will eject
automatically the current page. This is explained later.
FWDADJ button
For fine alignment, you can feed the paper forward in very small increments as follows:
1. Press the ~ ON button to set the printer off-line.
2. press andholddownthe ~ button.Thepaperwill startadvancinginaseries of small steps. When you want to stop, release this button.
REVADJ button
You can also feed the paper in small increments in reverse, to return to a higher position on the same page.
1. Press the I
2. Press and hold down the I in a series of small steps. When you want to stop, release this button.
ON button to set the printer off-line.
] button.The paper will start moving backwards
If you press this button while on-line, this will change the Print Quality between High Quality (HQ) and Economy. You will hear one beep tone when the Economy mode is selected, and twice when the HQ mode is selected.The print speed isthe same in both the Economy and HQ mode, but the Economy mode uses less ink. When you select the Economy mode with this button, the printer ignores the Print Quality commands from the computer, and prints all text and graphics with the Economy mode.
PITCH button
This button allows you to selecttheprintingpitch. Remember that the printer must be off­line for you to do this. Successive presses of this button will select the following options in order (Note that semi-condensed pitch is not available in the IBM mode):
Pitch Pica (1OCPI)
Elite (12CPI) Semi-condensed (15CPI) Condensed pica (17CPI) Condensed elite (20CPI) Proportional
If you press this button while on-line, this will change the Font style. You willhear one beep tonewhen the H-Gothic fontisselected, andtwice when the Roman font is selected.


Several additional functions can be achieved by pressing the control panel buttons in combinations.
F 4 S c f c p
Flat feed
This ptinter can load paper either from the front slot of from the flat feed slot. It is recommended to use the flat feed for thick paper or the enveloPes.
Before you load paper from the flat feed slot, it isnecessary to indicatetheprinter that the paper will be fed by the fiat feed with the following procedure:
the I ON
press the ~ ON While holding down the I
I button to set the printer off-line.
J button again and hold it down.
[ button down, press and hold the I
button. Continue holding these two button down. In a few second, you will hear a short beep tone signaling that the flat feed mode is selected. Ifyouhold thesebuttonsaftertheshort beep tone,youwillhear twobeeptonessignaling that the flat feed mode is cancelled.
Release these buttons, and load paper from the flat feed slot.
Form feed
When you want to eject the current paper, follow theprocedures below instead ofpressing the I
1. Press the I ON
2. Press the ~LINEFEED\button and hold it down. The printer will start performing successive line feeds.
3. While holding the I release both buttons at the same time. The printer will smoothly eject the current page.
] button several times:
] button to set the printer off-line.
[ button down, press the I ON [button, then
Top of form
When you power on the printer, the first line position is automatically set to the current position. If this isnot where you want the top line of the page to be, you can change the top-of-form
position as follows:
1. Press the I
2. Movethepapertothe desiredtop-of-formpositionbypressingthe I or by performing a forward orreverse micro-feed with ~
] button to set the printer off-line.
]or ~
3. Press the
4. While holding the
I button to set the printer on-line.
] button down, press the I FW3 [ button, then
release both buttons atthesametime. You will hear a beep tone indicatingthatthe top-
of-form position has been set.
Head cleaning
The printer’s unique head cleaning system clears paper particles and dust accumulated aroundtheprintheadnozzlesthat may otherwise cause printingproblems. It also clearsthe nozzlesand helpsmaintain ahighlevel ofprintquality. However, ifprinting problems such asirregulardotprintordotmissingshouldoccur,perform theprinthead cleaning according to the procedure below.
1. Make sure that the printer is turned on and the paper is loaded.
2. Press and hold down the I
] and I
3. The indicator blinks for five seconds while the print head is being cleaned. The check pattern shown below can be printed by pressing oneof any button within 1.5
seconds after pressing the I
{and I
NOTE: The printer does not print the check pattern when the data in the buffer is
I buttons while in on-line.
I buttons.
When the print check is completed, the printer returns to normal status.
. . .
F 4 S c p p
Clearing the buffer/All reset
Theprinterstoresreceived dataina largememory buffer. Thiscreates a problem when you
wantto abandonaprintingjob andrestart:theprintermaybe holdingmore data initsbuffer than it has actually printed, and this unprinted data must be cleared out before restarting. Turning power off is one way to clear the buffer, but there is another way:
1. Halt theprintingprogram on the computer. If printing stops immediately, thebuffer is clear and the rest of this procedure is unnecessary. If printing does not stop, continue as follows:
2. Press and hold the I ON
3. While pressing the I
ON button. Continue holding these two buttons down. In one second you will hear three beeptonessignalingthattheprinterhasbeen initializedtothepower-on defaultsettings.
4. Release these buttons, make any necessary control panel settings, then set the printer back on-line.
It is essential to halt the printing program on the computer before you do this panel operation. Otherwise, when you go back on-line the computer will start sending data again and the
printer will continue printing, with missing data where the buffer was cleared.
] button.
I button down, press and hold the I
+ 98 hidden pages