Standard Output Resolution – 300 dots by 300 dots per inch.
Enhanced Output Resolution – 300 multiplied by 600 dots per inch.
Toner Cartridge - EP-40XA.
Paper Feeding Options:
Front Paper Tray: 50 sheets.
Paper Cassette: 250 sheets. Expandable to 500 sheets with optional feeder unit.
Supported Paper Sizes:
Letter, A4, Executive, B5 and Legal.
Envelop sizes: COM-10, Monarch, DL, C5.
Approximate Weight 26.5 lbs. (12 kg).
Standard Memory:
LS-5EX: 1 MB and LS-5TT: 2 MB.
Maximum Expandable Memory:
LS-5EX: 7 MB and LS-5TT: 8 MB.
Emulations Supported:
PCL ‘Printer Control Language’ with GL/2 – Graphics Language and TrueImage ‘Page description language compatible with Postscript’ Available only on LS – 5TT or LS-5EX with optional TrueImage Board.
Built in Fonts:
22 pcl fonts and 35 trueType fonts
Interface Options:
RS232C Serial,
AppleTalk, available with LS-5TT or LS-5EX with optional TrueImage Board.
Sound Pressure Level – 70 dB (A) or less.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many paper can Star LS -5 printer hold?
A: Star LS -5 printer can hold 500 sheets of paper when used together with feeder units.
Q: Which toner cartridge is compatible with the Star LS-5 printer?
A: The Star LS-5 printer is compatible with the EP-40XA toner cartridge.
Q: Is it possible for the Star LS-5 printer to be linked with several computers?
A: Yes, the printer can be supported through two different computers linked on separate ports.
Q: How fast does a Star LS-5 printer print?
A: The printer produces output at a speed of about 5 pages per minute.
Q: In what way can I verify the functioning of the printer?
A: The functioning of the printer can be verified from the printer status display which is a 32 character LCD display of 2 lines located on the front panel of the printer.
Q: What warranty period does Star LS-5 printer have?
A: There is no information on warranty in the manual provided, kindly seek your supplier for more details.
Q: Is it possible to utilize this printer with a different type of paper?
A: Yes, Star LS-5 printer is capable of printing on any type of paper which includes plain papers, envelopes, labels and even transparency films.
User Manual
Safety Notices
Thisprinteriscertifiedw a Class I ImerpmchrctuncfertheU.S.DepartmentofHealthandHumanServices
(DHHS) Radiation Performance Standard accordingtothe RadiationControl fbr Healthand Safety Act
of 1968.This means that the printer does not emit hazardous laser radiation.
Since radiation emitted insidetheprinter is completely confined within protectivehousings and external
covers, the laser beam cannot escape from the machine during any phase of user operation.
The Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) of’the U.S.Food and Drug Administmtirm
implementedregulationskmlaser products on August 1,1976,These regulations apply tn laserproducts
mwketed !nthe United States, The label on tbe printer indicatescompliancewiththe CDRH regulations
and must be attfichedto laser products marketed in the L’nitedSt:ites,
Caution-use of’crrntrolsor adjustments or performance of proceduresother than thnse specified herein
may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Federal Communications Commission
Radio Frequency InterferenceStatement
Tbisequipment hasbeentestedandfound to complywiththe limits fora Class B digital device, pursuant
to Part 15 of FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable pmtectinn against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipmentgenerates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions,maycausebarmf’ulinterference
to radio communications. However. there is noguaranteethat interferencewill not occur ina particular
installation. If tbis equipment doescauseharmful interference to radio or television reception. which can
bedeterminedby turning theequipmentoffandon, the user isencouraged totrytoccsmecttheinterference
by one or more of the following measures:
. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
. Increase the separation between tbe equipment and receiver.
● Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to wbich the receiver is
o Consult the dealer or anexperienced radio/TV technician for help.
For compliance withthe Federal Noise InterferenceStandard, this equipment requires a shielciedcable.
Th(,Oh(],,(,rtuten,(tlisupp[>0111>toprinters marketed in the U.S.A.
VDE Statement
This device’ carries tbe VDE RFI protection mark to certify that it meets tbe radio interference
requirementsof the Postal Ordinance No. 243/1991.The additional marking “Vfg. 243/P” expresses in
short form that this is a peripheral device (not operable alone) wbichonly individwdlymeets the Class
B RFI requirements inaccordance with the DIN VDE 0878 part 3/11.89and thePostal Ordinance 243/
Ifthis deviceis operated inconjunctionwith other devices within aset-up, inorderto takeadvantageof
a‘“General(Operating) Authorization” in accordance with the Postal Ordinance 243/1991, the complete
set-upmust comply with the ClkssB limits in accordancewith the DINVDE 0878part 3/11.89,aswell
as satisfy the preconditions in accordance with $ ‘2and the prerequisites in accordance with $ 3 of the
Postal Ordinance 243/1991.
As a rule, this is only fulfilled whenthe device is operated in a set-up which has been type-tested and
provided with a VDE RFI protection mark with the additional marking “Vfg 243”.
Macbine Noise Information Ordinance 3. GSGV, January 18, 1991: The sound pressule level It the
operator position is equal m less than 70 dB(A) according to 1S0 7779.
This digital apparatus does not exceedtheClass B limits for radio noiseemissionsfromdigital apparatus
se[ out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Lepresentappareilnum6riquen’enlenpasde bruits radio~lectriquesdepassant les limites applicablesaux
Statement of
apparei$ num~riques de lacla;se B prescribesclansIeReglement sur Iebrouillageraclio.+lec[riqueddictd
par IeMm@re des Commumcatlons du Canada.
The uhmv statement up[)lierorrlj,to printers marketed in Cunudu
Safety Notices for Finland
VAROITUS! Laitteen kiiyttiiminenmucdkikuintiissakayttoohjeessamainitulla tavalla saattaa altistaa
kiiyttiijiinturvallallisuusluokan I ylittiiviilleniikymiitttimiillelasersiiteilylle.
VARNING! Om apparaten anviinds pi annat siht an i denna bruksanvisning specificerats, kan
anviindaren utsiittas for osynlig laserstr%lning,som bverskridergriinsenfor Iasekkiss 1.
The ubm,e .srutc,rr]enrapplies onlj 10printers marketed
in Fiiflaml
Trademark Acknowledgements
LS-5EX, LS-5TT, EP-40XA: Star MicrmricsCo., Ltd.
HP LaserJetIIIjPCL, GI./2: Hewlett Packard Company
LaserWriter NTX, AppleTalk: Apple Computer. Inc.
PostScript: Adobe Systems, hrc.
TrueImage, TrueType: Microsoft Corporation
IntelIiFont:Agfa Corporation
. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without
STAR’s express permission is forbidden.
o The contents of this manual are subject to cbange without notice.
. Alleffortshavebeen madetoensurethe accumcyofthecontents ofthismanual atthetimeofpress.
However,shouldanyerrorsbedetected, STAR would greatly appreciatebeinginformedof them.
o The abovenotwithstanding, STAR can assume no responsibility forany errors in this manual.
@Copyright 1992Star Micronics Co.. Ltd.
1. How to Use This Manual . . .... ...... ... . .. . . . ........... . ............. ......... ... 1
Index .............. .................... . ............ ........... ...............................................171
How to Use This‘”“
Congratulationsonpurchasing a Star LS-5 Series Laser Printer. You will be
delighted with the quality of the printed images and the ease of operation.
With yourcomputer, software and this printer, you can create professionallooking documents.
This Operations Manual explores the entirerange of printing possibilitiesof
the Star LS-5 Series Printer. This manual is for beginners and for those who
plan to concentrate on the basics.
Advanced usersand those interested in programming may want to purchase
our optional Applications Manual. For details, please contact your dealer.
Chapter 2 begins with an overview of the manual and of the Star Laser
printer. This chapter explains how to unpack your new printer and prepare
itforinitialoperation.Chapter 3explains howto operatethe printer’scontrol
panel and display screen.
Some people like to skip the preliminary explanations and begin using the
printer immediately. Chapter 4 provides the information for a quick start. If
youbegin withChapter4. you shouldread therest ofthe manualin sequence,
at some later time, for a complete picture of your printer and its operations.
Chapter 5describes thefontand typeface characteristics thatwill enable you
to give your printed page that professional look.
The Star LS-5EX emulates the operation of the HP LaserJet Ill,and the Star
LS-5TT emulates the operation of the Apple LaserWriter NTX and the HP
LaserJet ~.
With this
range of software that is available on the market.
capability, the star LS-5 Series Printer will operate with a wide
Chapters 6 and 7 describe the maintenance and troubleshooting operations
to keep your Star LS-5 Series Printer working in “perfect” condition.
Chapter 8 describes the optional accessories which you can select with the
Star LS-5 Series Laser Printer.
Beforeyoubeginlearning aboutyour newStar LS-5 SeriesLaser Printer,you
may find it helpful to know something about laser printing itself.
Alaserisactuallyabeam oflightofjust onewavelength (Laser isan acronym
for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). This “highly
coherent” beam of light can be focused very sharply. Lasers, generated by
gases, liquids or semiconductors, are widely used in applications ranging
from surgery to the visual arts.
Laser printing is a process that uses a laser beam — in this case, generated
bya semiconductor — toactivateportions ofan electrically charged surface.
These activated parts represents the words, numbers, or graphics being sent
from the computer forprinting. Other parts of the printer transfer this image
topaper, then clean the surface and prepare it toreceive more information to
be printed.
Inotherwords, thisprocess is atype of laser-activated temporary engraving.
TheStarLS-5 SeriesLaser Printer consistsof two interconnectedassemblies
— the toner cartridge and the printer body.
The toner cartridge contains the drum, which is the rotating surface. In the
darkness of the toner cartridge, the drum holds a negative charge placed on
itbytheprimary corona wire intheprinter. Shuttersonthe bottomofthetoner
cartridge assure that no unwanted light penetrates its interior.
When text or graphics are sent by the computer to the printer, a laser beam
isgenerated by a semiconductor laser diode. This beam isfocused by special
scanning mirrors that turn the light beam into a toolthat “writes” or “paints”
on the surface of the drum. The area of the drum touched by the laser beam
losesitsnegative charge and containsa reverse imageof the informationsent
from thecomputer. Asthedrum rotates, itpasses adeveloper unit thatis also
rotating, but in the opposite direction. The surface of the developer unit is
covered with toner (“ink”) which has a negative charge. The neutralized
portions of the drum, containing the information to be printed, picks up
negatively charged toner from the developer unit.
At this point, paper fed from the paper cassette moves through the transfer
unit, there it receives a positive charge. As the drum rotates, the negatively
chargedparticlesoftonerare attachedto thepositively charged surfaceof the
A combination of heat and pressure fuse the image to the paper. The paper
is then ejected from the printer.
Finally, a cleaning mechanism in the toner cartridge removes excess toner
from the drum, and a special light beam neutralizes itsentire surface. Then
the entire process can begin again.
You will learn about all aspects of your Star LS-5 Series Printer as you read
this manual, but a brief introduction is inorder. The following figures show
the front. rear and inside views of the printer.
Front View
Paper cassct[c
Control panel
Rear View
Inside View
The Star LS-5 Series Laser Printer is a highly compact, fast and high-
resolution model, equally well-suited to home or office use. Its small
footprintconsumes significantly lessspace than many ofother laser printers,
making it admirably suited for use in places where space is at a premium.
Standar@output resolution is 300 x 300 dots per inch. This can be boosted
to 300 x 600 dots per inch, giving the printer a noticeable edge over the
competition in clearly and sharpness of output.
The printing process used is that of’laser beam scanning, described in the
for home use. and fine for many commercial environments. Actual throughput, however, depends on several other factors as well, most important y the
complexity of documents that are transmitted to the printer for printing.
Paper feeding is from one of two sources, a slide-in cassette that fits
compactly into thedeck atthebase of the printerchassis. and a front-loading
tray.Thecassette holds250 sheetsas standard and there is also an additional
feeder unit and cassette available as an option that will increase cassettefeeding capacity to 500 sheets. The front paper tray can hold 50 sheets. A
range of paper sizes (Letter, A4, Executive. B5, Legal), and envelope sizes
— COM-10,Monarch, DL and C5 are available. Printing materials include
plain paper, envelopes, labels and transparency films.
The printer iseasily setup and controlled by means of the control panel and
LCD display screen.
Connection to host computers is via any one of three ports — parallel,
RS-232C serial or AppleTalk. Two computers connected to dif-ferentports
mayfreely sharetheprinter.The AppleTalk interface isonlyavailablefor use
withtheLS-5TT or the LS-5EX with its,optionalTrueImage Boardinstalled.
Internally the printer processes data using a fast, high-performance RISC
chip — the 16MHz INTEL 80960SA.
The LS-5EX comes with 1MB of RAM as standard, and the LS-5TT comes
with 2 MB of RAM as standard. This can be expanded to a maximum of 7
MB (LS-5EX) or 8MB(LS-5TT). which isadvisable ifcomplex documents
are to be processed, or if heavy use of fonts and macros is envisaged.
There are two emulations provided — Hewlett Packard’s Printer Control
Microsoft’s PostScript-compatiblepage description language. (The
TrueImage emulation is only available for use with the LS-5TT or the
LS-5EX with its optional TrueImage Board installed.)
In each emulation there area selection of built-in fonts—22 PCL fonts and
35 TrueType (the name for TrueImage’s font format). This offers considerable typographic flexibility without the need to purchase additional fonts.
Additional fonts may be installed on cartridge (HP emulation mode only) or
downloaded from the host computer.
Setting Up the Star‘”“
LS-5 Series Printer
The fact that you’re now reading this manual shows that you’ve opened the
carton containing your new Star LS-5 Series Printer. This chapter will help
you to unpack the printer, set it up, and get it running.
First,youshouldmake some preparations. Youmay already have decided on
the printer’s new location. Whether you have or have not, run through this
checklist of requirements:
Environmental control
Theprinterandtonercartridge shouldneverbe exposedto strongsunshine
or other direct heat sources. It should also be located away from air
conditioningducts,dustandfumes. Excessivemoistureshouldbeavoided,
such as humidity in excess of 85~oor less than 15%. If it is comfortable
for you, then it will be comfortable for your printer.
A large, strong table or stand
The printerweightsapprox.26.5 lbs (12kg)and mustbe firmly supported.
Also, the printer will need more room than it takes up in the shipping
carton, because the front paper tray will extend forward from the front; so
plan for some additional space.
A three-pronged outlet
The outlet should be no more than 6.5 feet (2.Om)from the printer (the
length of the power cord), preferably one shielded from power fluctuations. No motor-driven appliance should be connected to the same outlet.
This will avoid interface with the printer’s operations.
A fresh toner cartridge (product #EP-40XA)
A package of 16-28 lb (60 - 105g/mz)photocopier paper is best to start
with; however, the printer can usethicker paper, as well as specialmedia,
such as envelopes and transparent sheets.
The printer comes in two boxes. The large box contains the printer and its
accessories, and the smaller one contains the toner cartridge. Follow these
instructions when unpacking.
2.1.1 Unpacking the Printer
Follow the instructions below to unpack the printer,
1. Open the large box, and remove the power cord and the accessories box.
2. Carefully remove the printer from the box.
Remove the packing material from around the printer.
Open the accessories box. Remove the front paper tray and Operations
Save the packing boxes and materials. If you need to move the
printer(forrelocatingor service etc.), use thesematerials to protect
the printer from damage.
5. Open the
Donotopenthealuminum bag containingthe cartridgeuntil youare ready
to install it in the printer.
small box and remove the packing material from the toner
2.1.2 Checking the Parts
Before setting up the printer, make sure thatall standard itemsshown below
areprovided andtheyare free from damage. Ifany ofthese itemsare missing
r damaged, contact your supplier.
Power cord
2.1.3 Optional Items
Some of the following items may have been ordered. Unpack them. For
details, refer to “Chapter 8. Option”.
Feeder Unit (250 Sheet Type, 500 Sheet Type)
Paper Cassette (Universal, A4, Letter, Legal, B5, Envelope)
Expansion RAM Board (1 MB, 2 MB)
Expansion RAM Module (1 MB, 2MB)
Font Cartridge
TrueImage Board (For LS-5EX only)
2.1.4 Carrying the Printer
Whenever moving the printer from one place to another, always make sure
the front cover is closed. and carry the printer with two hands from handles
provided on each side of the printer.
CAUTION: To avoid damage, always use the handles when attempting to
move the printer.
When movingthe printer, remove the toner cartridge. After removingthecartridgefrom theprinter, replace itintheoriginalaluminum
bag, or cover it with a thick cloth to protect it from direct light.
2.1.5 Opening and Closing the Printer
When opening theprinter’s frontcover, donot stop itinthe half-way. This
will open the protective shutter of the drum, and light may permanently
damage the drum.
Do not put anything in or on the front paper tray except paper, and do not
press the tray downward.
CAUTION: The shaded area in theillustration below becomeextremely hot
when the printer is used.
touch these parts when the printer is open.
To avoid any personal injury, do not
Although the printer’s cover is closed while printing, it will need to be
oliened when replacing the toner cartridge or clearing paper jams. Open or
close the cover in the following way:
Opening the Cover
1. Remove the front paper tray if it is installed. Failure to do so, may cause
damage to the tray.
The cover opens downward.
Do not stop the cover
of the drum, and light will permanently damage the drum.
in the half-way. This will open the protective shutter
Side latch
Closing the Cover
Using both hands, lift
he cover and close it gently until it latches.
Important Notice
Install the toner cartridge immediately after opening the aluminum bag.
Permanent damage can be caused by exposing lightto the photosensitive
drum. NEVER expose the cartridge to the strong light (more than 15000
Iux)or room lighting (1000 IUX)for more than five minutes.
Do not open the drum’s protective shutter on the toner cartridge.
Keep the cartridge away from CRTs, disk drives, diskettes, etc. Other-
wise, CRTs and disk drives can be damaged, and data on diskettes can be
destroyed by the magnetic force inside the cartridge.
When handling the cartridge, do not touch the bottom of the toner
cartridge. Printquality will be adversely affected ifthe protective shutter
is open and the drum is damaged. The drum can also be damaged if it is
exposed to light.
Always keep the toner cartridge with the label facing up. Do not turn it
upside down or stand it on end. The toner may become caked, and this
causes print quality to deteriorate.
Use the cartridge before the expiration date printed on the carton.
Otherwise print quality may deteriorate.
Use only genuine Star toner cartridge, EP-40XA.
Dispose of your used toner cartridge as a noninflammable item.
Follow the instructionsbelow to install the toner cartridge for the first time,
when replacing the used one.
Open the front cover as described in
“2.1.5 Opening and Closing the
If you are installing the toner cartridge for the first time, skip to Step 3. If
you are replacing the old toner cartridge, pullout the used toner cartridge
and dispose it in the proper manner.
NOTE; Keep the toner cartridge horizontally to avoid scattering leftover
3. Open
the aluminum bag containing the toner cartridge and remove it.
\ you may need it for storingthe cartridge
when you move the printer to another place in the future.
4. Holding the cartridge with both hands, rock it gently from end to end, 7
or 8 times, to distribute the toner evenly. If the toner is not distributed
evenly in the cartridge, it may adversely affect print quality.
5. Place the cartridge on a flat surface. While holding down the cartridge
with one hand, use the other hand to pull the tab to remove the seal.
Make surethatthetab ispulled smoothly in a direction parallel to the flat
surface. Otherwise, the tape may break or snap, making the cartridge
Aligntheguidesonthetonercartridge (marked byan orange line)with the
guides insidethe printer (marked by an orange arrow) and gently slide the
cartridge into position.
NOTE: Do not touch the rollers and the gears inside the printer.
Print quality and printer life are greatly affected by the paper used. To
optimize print quality, we recommend that you use paper; as well as
envelopes, labels and transparencies, that are designed for use in laser
printers or copiers. Paper can be fed into the printer either from the front
paper tray or paper cassette. Types and sizes of paper can be used are listed
PlainpaperA4(210mm x 297 mm)60g/m2to 105g/m2
Let(er(8.5”x 1I”)
B5 (182
Executive ( 184mm x 267 trim)
Legal (8 5“ x 13“)
mm x 257 mm)
(For paper cassette)
60 g/m2to I35g/m2
(For the front paper tray)
Transparency filmsA4 (210 mm x 297 mm)
COM-t O(105
MONARCH (98.5 mm x 199mm)
DL (I 10
C5 (162mm x 229 mm)
Letter (X.5”x 1I”)
Letter (8.5” x I I”)
mm x 241 mm)
mm x 220 mm)
mm x 297 mm)
60 g/mJto 105,ghn’
(For paper cassette)
60 glnf to 135g;trr’
2.3.2 Loading Paper Into the Front Paper Tray
Installing the Front Paper Tray
Before loading the paper, install the front paper tray with the following
3.4.Insert the right side of the tray while sliding the black lever of ‘h- ‘---r
L1lG L1 cIy LU
the left. Then. release the lever.
Flip open the folded tray by pressing down on the tab located on the right
side of the tray.
CAUTION: Do notpush down on the tray or load heavy thingsto avoid
damaging the tray.
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