Star- Max
C o u n t e rtop Cooking Equipment

Counter Frye r s
Top selling, c o m p a c t , h i g h - c ap a c i t y, versatile gas
or electric fryers for your volume needs
¥ Electric versions range from 120V to 240V
¥ Gas versions range from 25,000 to 70,000 BTUs
¥ Available in 10, 15, 18 and 30 pound kettle capacities
¥ Available in 11", 12", 18" and 24" widths
¥ Snap-action thermostat ranges from
200¡ to 375¡F
¥ Nickel-plated steel kettle to maximize
performance and minimize clean-up
¥ Electric models feature one- and two-piece
lift-out kettles
¥ Gas versions feature stationary kettle
with drain
G r i dd l e s
P recise temperature contro l , s u p e r i o r
cooking performance — a great value
for any fo o d s e rvice ve nu e
¥ 3/4" thick ultra-smooth steel or chrome cooking
surfaces available
¥ Available in 15", 24", 36" and 48" models
¥ Gas controls available in manual or thermostatic control
with throttling thermostat
¥ Gas models feature U shaped burners providing flame
every 6" of grill space
¥ Electric griddles feature snap-action thermostat from
150¡ to 450¡F every 12" of width
¥ Cool-to-the-touch bullnose, stainless steel 4-1/2"
high-tapered splash guards, large capacity grease
drawer and heavy-duty legs
¥ All gas units shipped natural gas with LP conversion kit