ST STX-RLINK User Manual

Raisonance’s in-circuit debugger/programmer
for STM8, ST7, µPSD, STM32, STR7 and STR9
Connection to application board via JTAG
standard, or ST SWIM or ICC connection
USB interface to host PC
Powered from USB
The RLink (STX-RLINK) is Raisonance’s versatile, low-cost, in-circuit debugger and programmer for a complete range of STMicroelectronics microcontrollers (STM8, ST7, µPSD, STM32, STR7 and STR9). It connects to application or evaluation boards for in-circuit programming and debugging via an industry standard JTAG connection for ARM® core-based and µPSD microcontrollers, via STMicroelectronics’ SWIM connection for STM8, or via an in-circuit communication (ICC) connection for ST7 microcont rollers.
The RLink, driven by Raisonance’s Ride7 integrated development environment provides both unlimited in-circuit debugging and programming of applications for STM8, ST7 and µPSD. It provides in-circuit debugging of up to 32 Kbytes of code for STM32, STR7 and STR9, and unlimited in-circuit programming of applications for these devices.
Data Brief
The RLink does not include trace support for ARM® core-based devices with Embedded T r ace Macrocell™ such as STR9. Tools with trace capability are available in the STR9 Professional Developer Kit from Raisonance (STR9-DK/RAIS) with Signum JTAGjet, and in the STR91x Advanced Developer’s Kit from IAR (STR91X­DK/IAR) with J-Trace.
In combination with Raisonance’s free RFlasher7 programming software, RLink can also be used as a very-low cost, dedicated in-circuit programmer for STM8, ST7, µPSD, STM32, STR7 and STR9 microcontrollers.
June 2008 Rev 4 1/5
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office .
Architecture STX-RLINK


RLink - Raisonance’s in-circuit debugging and programming tool supports SWIM, ICC and
JTAG protocols and connects to your application board via one of three adapters which provide the following connections:
10-pin ICC adapter for ST7, and a 4-pin SWIM adapter for STM8
14-pin JTAG adapter for µPSD
20-pin JTAG adapter for STM32, STR7 and STR9
C compiler toolsets - Raisonance provides C compilers tailored to the complete range of supported microcontroller families. Compilers are fully optimizing and seamlessly integrated into Ride7, eliminating the need to edit complicated scripts and maximizing ease of use. Toolsets include:
Raisonance C compiler for STM8 and ST7 (Rkit-STM8) features zero-page auto
relocation for code siz e and perf o rmance optimization that is tailored to the architecture of these devices. The comp iler chain is a v ailab le from Raisonance in a free v ers ion that outputs code up to 16 Kbytes in size.
Raisonance RC-51 compiler supports µPSD and other 8051 core-based
microcontrollers. The compiler tool chain is available from Raisonance in a free ver sion that outputs code up to 4 Kbytes in size.
Raisonance GNU C/C++ compiler supports the full range of ST ARM® core-based
microcontrollers in the STM32, STR9 and STR7 families.
Raisonance’s software - RLink can be driven by Raisonance’s integrated development environment (Ride7) or by other tools such as RFlasher7, some inline programming applications and ST tools (STVD and STVP).
Ride7 - Drives the RLink and off ers seamless control of software development tools
(project manager, editor, compiler, assembler, linker, debugger, etc.) from an intuitive graphical interface. It offers full integr ation of the rele v ant C/C++ toolset s, project manag ement, code editor and SIMICE instruction set simulator. The RBuilder feature allows user s to rapidl y configure device peripherals in a GUI and generate the C source code for peripherals at the click of a button, without writing a single line of code. The optional CodeCompressor allows post-link optimization of the entire applications code using optimizations like in-lining, factorizing and peepholing, which can reduce application code by 5 to 15%.
RFlasher7 - Raisonance’ s e asy-to-use device programming interface drives RLink and
allows users to erase, program, view and verify microcontroller memory. RFlasher7 also includes automated mode for automatic execu tion of programming sequences for mass programming and project mode that allows users to save their programming configurations. In this operating mode, tasks such as:
Flash memory erasing and programming – Flash or RAM memory dumping – Blank check, programming verifications – Mass programming process become intuitive and can be achieved with only a few clicks.
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