■ Supply voltage from 8 V to 32.5 V
■ 2 programmable output stages: high-side, low-
side or push-pull (< 4 Ω @125 °C)
■ Up to 230 kHz communication speed
■ 2 industrial digital inputs, type 1 compliant and
programmable filter
■ Short-circuit and overcurrent outputs
protection through current limitation and
programmable cut-off current
■ Overvoltage protection (>36 V)
■ 3.3 V/5 V selectable 50 mA linear regulator
(with maximum power dissipation = 200 mW)
■ On chip high efficiency adjustable 50 mA
synchronous step-down switching regulator
■ Control, configuration and diagnostic registers
■ Diagnostic dual LED sequence generator and
■ Internal clock generator with programmable
frequency divider
■ 5 V and 3.3 V compatible I/Os
■ Integrated active reverse polarity protection
with 200 mV @ 200 mA drop
■ Integrated, IEC61000-4-5 surge protection,
with source impedance 500 Ω
■ Overtemperature protection
■ ESD protection
■ Conform to IEC 61000-4-4
■ Miniaturized: QFN 3.5 x 5 x 1 26 lead package
■ Industrial sensors power-stage
■ 24 V push pull line driver
■ Fast I/O PLC interface, IO-Link conform
Fully integrated device transceiver IC
Data brief
The L6362 is a monolithic dual push pull
Transceiver fully compliant to PHY2 (3 wires)
supporting COM1 (4.8 kbaud), COM2 (38.4
kbaud) and COM3 (230.4 kbaud) modes. C/Q and
I/Q output stages are programmable: high-side,
low-side or push-pull; also cut-off current and cutoff current delay time are programmable. Cut-off
current and cut-off current delay time combined
with thermal shutdown and automatic re-start
protect the device against overload and short
circuit. C/Q and I/Q output stages are able to drive
also inductive loads up to 10 mJ. Supply voltage
is monitored and low voltage condition is
detected. L6362 transfers/receives, through the
PHY2, data received/transmitted in the digital
block from sensor/actuator to/from the L6360 twin
device. To enable full IC control, regarding
configuration and monitoring (i.e. fault condition
stored in the status register) the communication
between the system microcontroller and L6362 is
based on a high speed 2 wires interface. The
L6362 has nine registers to manage the
programmable parameters and the status of the
IC. Monitored fault conditions are: Power On (L+
line), Overtemperature, C/Q overload, I/Q
overload, linear regulator under-voltage and parity
check. The fully integrated high precision
oscillator, requiring an external resistor, provides
internal clock as well as system clock Internal
LED driver blocks, in open drain configuration,
provide two programmable sequences to drive
two LEDs. The integrated, high efficiency low
power Step-down switching converter provides
power supply to the IC and external circuits.
July 2009 Doc ID 16038 Rev 1 1/4
For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.

Figure 1. Block diagram
STMicroelectronics complete solution with device and master unit communicating with each
other and with microcontrollers.
Figure 2. Application schematic
2/4 Doc ID 16038 Rev 1