Revision 0.2 STINGR Users Manual
STINGR Users Manual
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Revision 0.2 STINGR Users Manual
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Applicable Documents ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Description .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2 Application ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Theory of Operation ................................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Block Diagram ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Physical Charactersistics ................................................................................................................................................. 9
4 Reference Design .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Schematic .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
4.2 PCB ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
4.3 BOM ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
5 Application Programming Interface .............................................................................................................................. 16
5.1 Serial Port .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
5.2 Serial Packet Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 16
5.2.1 Serial Packet Format ..................................................................................................................................... 17
5.2.2 STX3 Legacy Serial Packet Commands .......................................................................................................... 17 Send Data (0x00) ....................................................................................................................................... 17 Query Electronic Serial Number (ESN) (0x01) ........................................................................................... 18 Abort Transmission (0x03) ........................................................................................................................ 18 Query Bursts Remaining (0x04) ................................................................................................................ 18 Query Firmware Version (0x05) ................................................................................................................ 19 Setup (0x06) .............................................................................................................................................. 19 Query Setup (0x07) ................................................................................................................................... 20 Query Hardware Version (0x09) ............................................................................................................... 21
5.2.3 STINGR Serial Packet Commands .................................................................................................................. 22 “Initiate proprietary track” command ...................................................................................................... 22 “Update Proprietary Track Data” command ............................................................................................. 23 “Cancel Proprietary Track” command ...................................................................................................... 24 “Send Redundant Burst with GPS” command .......................................................................................... 25
5.2.4 STINGR Serial Test Commands ...................................................................................................................... 27
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5.3 “Transmitter Test” command ............................................................................................................................... 27
5.4 Example CRC calculation routines for serial packets ............................................................................................ 29
6 Test Modes .................................................................................................................................................................... 31
7 REGULATORY APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................................. 33
7.1 Radio Astronomy Site Avoidance .......................................................................................................................... 33
7.2 Regulatory Notices ................................................................................................................................................ 33
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Revision 0.2 STINGR Users Manual
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document describes the physical, electrical, and functional characteristics of the STINGR satellite transmitter
module. The information contained in this document is intended to provide the end user with the necessary
technical information required to use the module in a custom application.
This document is intended to be used by engineers and technical management and assumes a general knowledge of
basic engineering practices by the user.
1.2 Applicable Documents
1.3 Description
The STINGR is a simplex Satellite transmitter designed to send small packets of user defined data to a network of
low earth orbiting (LEO) satellites using the Globalstar simplex satellite network. The received data is then
forwarded to a user defined network interface that may be in the form of an FTP host or HTTP host where the user
will interpret the data for further processing.
The STINGR is a satellite transmitter radio module which contains a satellite transmitter, GPS receiver, motion
sensor, and a dual band patch antenna. The STINGR is a surface mount module designed to attach to a user defined
host PCB which must provide power and communications with a host processor which will control the operation of
the STINGR. All electrical connections are provided via the castellated pads on the perimeter of the PCB.
The STINGR is a small, low-profile device with the dimensions shown below.
Figure 1 (dimensions in inches)
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operates on the Globalstar LEO satellite network. LEO (Low Earth Orbit) means that there are a number of
tly orbit the planet and can communicate with Globalstar devices that are within
Since the satellite position is constantly changing, simplex devices on the ground will
gateway as shown below. Once received by the
simplex gateway where redundant messages are discarded and the data from the
message is sent to the OEM via the Internet.
transmit (with no knowledge of
may be received by one or more satellites. These satellites will then
2 Application
2.1 Theory of Operation
satellites in low earth orbit that constan
range of its current position.
STINGR Users Manual
any of the satellites locations) and
relay the message to the nearest satellite
message will be delivered to the
Figure 2 LEO Constellation
gateway, the simplex
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payloads greater than 9 bytes will require multiple on
here there is no satellite in range of the simplex transmitters due to obstructions
satellite coverage geometry. Since a simplex device has no way of knowing if a transmitted message has been
sent over the Globalstar network. The default value for the number of redundant
The redundant transmissions
packet message using the default setting of 3 redundant
to be transmitted for each user payload.
multiple (redundant) transmissions
ach transmission will contain the exact same
STINGR Users Manual
Messages are composed of 1 or more 9-
There are brief periods of time w
successfully received, the STINGR
means that each message sent to the
data payload.
Figure 3 Simplex Messaging
STINGR can only transmit 9-
-air packets
will be transmitted 3 times. E
of each message will be sent on a randomized 5-
-air messages, so user
for each message being
per message is 3. This
nominal interval.
The transmission sequence for a singlebelow.
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transmissions is shown
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packet message using the default setting of 3 redundant transmissions is shown
For normal conditions where the transmitter has an open view of the sky, this will result in a bett
The transmission sequence for a twobelow.
STINGR Users Manual
that the message will be received.
er than 99% chance
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2.2 Block Diagram
The basic elements of a design utilizing the
required transmit current during RF transmissions.
. This provides the capability to leave the
is transmitting a data packet.
active transmissions in order to minimize the power consumption of the STINGR.
be turned off the majority of the time and only active during the transmission of a pa
to the random nature of the burst transmissions, and open collector output (PWR_EN) is provided by the
This will ensure that the RF power supply
amount of time to complete each transmission. It may also be monitored by the host to determine when each
burst has been completed without the need to
current battery which can provide the
The STINGR has internal regulators which provide separate power
in a low power consumption state
RF power supply is a high power
Since the transmission duty cycle is
VBATT can NOT be turned off between bursts when
STINGR Users Manual
STINGR simplex transmitter are shown below.
Figure 4
The STINGR provides a single
for the digital, RF and GPS circuitry
when the transmitter RF section
is only required while the STINGR
very low, this supply will
can directly control an external
sending a multi-packet message).
Normally, this will be a high-
is idle. The internal
Internal cirucuitry turns this
query the STINGR via the serial host interface.
supply which
cket. Due
STINGR which
is enabled for the
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3 Physical Charactersistics
Figure 5 Top View
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Figure 6 Recommended PCB footprint layout
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up, may be pulled up to 5V max external
up, may be pulled up to 5V max external
Only drive with open collector, no external voltage to be applied
5V tolerant, weak internal pull
up, may be pulled up to 5V max external
Open collector output to control VRF supply
VBATT is applied, no transmissions are pending, no serial activity
The STINGR is active and responding to the serial port but is not transmitting
The STINGR is inactive between transmissions but is not transmitting
Internal pull-up, ground or use open collector output, no external voltage to be applied
Internal pull-up, ground or use open collector output, no external voltage to be applied
Operating Temperature Range -40 to +85°C
VBATT Power Supply Operational Range 3.0 to 5.5 Volts
VBATT 6.0 Volts
Voltage onTxD,RxD,RTS,CTS 5.0 Volts
Operating Modes
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