use vapor-tight stoppered cells.
After the measureme
nt, do not leave the samples unnecessarily long in the sample compartment of the
3 Disposal
The owner/operator of the SP-UV 200 must ensure to dispose of the waste material (samples) cropping up
in the analyses in accordance with the relevant legal and local regulations.
When the service life of the device is over, dispose of the device with its electronic components as electronic
scrap observing the relevant regulations.
4 Performance Specifications
Model SP-UV 200 SP-VIS 200
Optic system 1200 grooves/mm diffraction
grating monochromator.
1200 grooves/mm diffraction
grating monochromator.
Optic type Single beam Single beam
Light path 10mm-100mm 10mm-100mm
Spectrum band width 2nm 4nm
Wavelength range 190-1100nm(0.1nm increment) 320-1100nm(0.1nm increment)
Wavelength accuracy ±0.5nm ±0.5nm
Wavelength repeatability ±0.3nm ±0.3nm
Stray light ≤0.05%T (at 220nm NaI& 340nm,
≤0.3%T (at 360nm, NaNO
Photometric mode T, A and Conc. measurement T, A and Conc. measurement
Photometric range 0-125.0%T, -1.0-1.000A,
0.000-9,999 Conc.
0-125.0%T, -1.0-4.000A,
0.000-9,999 Conc.
Photometric accuracy ±0.3%T ±0.3%T
Photometric repeatability ±0.2%T ±0.2%T
Baseline stability ±0.002A/hr(@500nm, after lamp
turn on for 1 hour)
±0.002A/hr(@500nm, after lamp
turn on for 1 hour)
Baseline flatness ±0.002A ±0.003A
Noise level ≤0.001A(at 0A, 500nm) ≤0.001A(at 0A, 500nm)
Light source Tungsten-Halogen & Deuterium Tungsten-Halogen
Detector Silicon Photodiode Silicon Photodiode
User’s Manual SP-UV 200 8
Spectrum Instruments