3. Components, Features
& Functions
Component Features Functions
Control Valve
• FDA approved Noryl plastic
• Strong corrosion resistance
• Innovative design
• 24 hours control and monitoring with a timer; automatically
regenerates the media bed at the system’s set time of
regeneration according to the set regeneration frequency.
• Automatically calculates a cycle plan according to the quality
of supply water and the user’s actual water use.
• Cycle Process:
In service: Once the water is supplied with correct pressure
and ow, the cations contained in hard water will be replaced
by Na
in regenerants, then the softening system will supply
softened water through its outlet.
Backwash: When the ion exchange resin has been
exhausted, the resin bed needs to be regenerated. Before
the regeneration of the resin bed, a backwash step is
necessary for two main purposes; removing the residue
in the resin bed and loosening the impacted resin bed for
better regeneration efciency.
Rinse: Rinse the resin bed to remove the residual regenerant
(salt) after the brining step until the water from outlet
contains no regenerant; rinse could also compact the resin
bed for a better softening effect.
Rell: Rell the brine tank with water to dissolve salt for the
next regeneration.
Valve Operation Mode Softener: Duplex water softener operation
Regeneration Mode Volumetric immediate with electronic timer
Outlet water hardness can be adjusted
User can adjust the mixing valve to get desired outlet water
Display Format Metric
Media High-grade Anion exchange resin Food grade softening resin
• NSF 44 tested and certied
• Polyethene material manufactured for the
Food & Beverage industries
• Light, high pressure resistance
• Strong corrosion resistance
Pressure vessel holds the resin and a distribution system
Riser Tube &
A riser tube and distribution system disperse water evenly
through the resin bed
Brine Valve
& Tank
• High pressure resistance
• Brine valve prevents the brine tank from overowing
• Water and salt mix in the brine tank. Salt will dissolve
continuously until the water is saturated by salts