Mini “Control-Only” SmartPanel.......................................................................................................3
EFORE INSTALLING THE SMARTPANEL...................................................................................................4
Using the Configuration Utility .........................................................................................................4
Outline of this Document .................................................................................................................4
PARTS LIST ...........................................................................................................................................5
INSTALLING THE CONFIGURATION SOFTWARE.............................................................................6
UNNING THE INSTALLATION PROGRAM ..................................................................................................6
ONNECTING THE PANEL TO YOUR COMPUTER........................................................................................6
PECIFYING A COM PORT.......................................................................................................................7
SING THE CONFIGURATION UTILITY.......................................................................................................8
HANGES MUST BE DOWNLOADED ..........................................................................................................9
The status bar ..................................................................................................................................9
Panel settings are retrieved by the Configuration Utility..................................................................9
How to download settings..............................................................................................................10
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 1
Welcome to the world of the SmartPanel, the perfect control system for small projector
The SmartPanel is the right choice for permanent single projector installations because it is costeffective and easy to configure.
The Panel provides users with a simple, reliable way to control a projector.
xUnlike a remote control, the Panel is never lost, pointed the wrong way, or in need of
batteries. The Panel replaces cryptic feature names and menus of rarely used functions
with simple, point-of-connection controls.
x Users are always provided with feedback about the status of the projector.
x The control system behavior is simple and uniform, regardless of projector model. Once
familiar with the Panel, users can control different projector models at the same site with no
additional training.
The Panel provides installers with a pre-programmed and easily configured solution to simple
control tasks.
x Modules provide high quality patch points for common projector sources.
x The Panel’s modular design and two form factors allows it to be custom tailored for every
xConfigurable relays are provided to control common external devices such as switchers
and powered screens.
xNo programming is necessary, only configuration with an easy-to-use Windows™ utility. All
the software needed to configure the Panel is included, and updates and additional utilities
are provided on the SP Controls website.
This guide gives you everything you need to successfully install and configure the SmartPanel.
All we assume is that you are familiar with the projector you’ve chosen, and that you have done
small projector installations before.
From all of us at SP Controls, thanks for your interest and business. We hope that the
SmartPanel makes your job easier by simplifying installations, while satisfying your end users on
all fronts – cost, ease of use, and reliability.
Note: The SmartPanel is not a switcher; it is strictly a control system. Your design should rely on
switching built into your projector or external switchers.
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 3
Our goal was elegant and straightforward design. We hope that we succeeded and that you find
the Panel intuitive to use.
Two Form Factors to Fit Every Installation
The SmartPanel comes in two form factors to fit every installation and budget.
Full-Size SmartPanel
The assembled SmartPanel in Figure 1 is configurable with four Modules and three Auxiliary
Modules. The Modules provide point-of-control connection for portable projector sources, such
as laptops, so users can patch in and control the system at the same location.
Modules are chosen, ordered and attached by the installer. Selection-only Modules (with no
patch points) are available for permanently installed devices, and blanks are available for
installations that have fewer than four input devices.
Note: Facing the front of the Panel, the leftmost Module is “input one,” and the rightmost “input
Mini “Control-Only” SmartPanel
The Mini SmartPanel is an elegant, small-footprint alternative for installations where space or
aesthetics are at a premium. The Mini SmartPanel provides the same comprehensive control
over projectors as the full-size Panel, without integrated patch points. Auxiliary Patch Points can
be integrated when the Panel is mounted in a drawer (SBL-1050B) or rack (SP2-RACKSM-MOD).
The Mini SmartPanel is available in several finishes to match any décor.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, instructions and directions apply to both form factors. The full-size
SmartPanel and control-only SmartPanel are identical from a configuration and wiring
perspective. Only the facia differs.
Page 4SmartPanel Configuration and Installation Guide
Before Installing the SmartPanel
Before you assemble, configure and install the SmartPanel, review this documentation. Informed
configuration decisions make your installation go smoothly and ensure that the Panel is easy for
clients to use.
Using the Configuration Utility
The SmartPanel is configured using the included Configuration Utility (for Windows™). The
Utility lets you tailor the Panel’s control of your projector for your installation.
Outline of this Document
Part I - Introduction continues with a review of the packing list of the Panel and a guide to
installing and using the Configuration Utility.
Part II - Configuring and Using the Panel discusses the features of the Panel. Controls and
features are defined. Examples demonstrate common configuration changes with the
Configuration Utility.
Assembly and wiring of the Panel are described in Part III - Assembly and Installation.
Part IV - Supporting Documentation provides a troubleshooting guide and standard disclaimers
and contact information.
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 5
Before reading further, you should review the following packing list to familiarize yourself with the
SmartPanel and its component parts. Verify that the complete Panel package and any optional
accessories you ordered were shipped.
The control unit and Module frame itself. Includes one projector control RS-232
port, one RS-232 configuration port, one Wired Remote/Infrared port, one
power sensor input, and seven low voltage relays.
12V 600mA DC regulated
Pre-printed Legends to be inserted beneath each Module, each describing an
input (e.g., COMPUTER 1, DOCUMENT CAMERA, etc.). Blanks are included.
The matching font is TrueType™ Impact.
Dual blink type emitter to be affixed to the projector’s IR window. The emitter
glows red while emitting IR to aid troubleshooting.
Note: When the Panel is configured for Wired Remote, the emitter is not used.
For mounting the SmartPanel into a backbox (not included). Only four screws
are needed but extras are provided.
This document.
CD-ROM containing Windows™ Configuration Utility software and a suite of
Drivers for popular projector models. The Utility allows you to configure how
the Panel controls the projector.
Note: To use this software you need an RS-232 cable (standard male 9-pin to
female). This cable is not included.
The exact Modules accompanying your Panel are specified at the time of
order. Arrangement on the chassis is determined by the installer at the
time of assembly.
Note: Modules are only needed with the full-size SmartPanel.
Accessory provides switching and preamplification for all Panel inputs. A
video switching section provides additional video inputs for installations
requiring more video inputs than the projector supplies. The Preamplifier
can be configured to set gain and/or bass and treble equalization for each
Note: The Preamplifier is not needed if the projector’s internal speakers
and internal volume control are used.
Accessory kits allow the Panel to be mounted in a standard 19” rack. The
SP2-CHAS rack mount occupies five rack units. The SP2-SMCHAS rack
mount occupies two rack units.
The exact Auxiliary Patch Points accompanying your Panel are specified
at the time of order. Arrangement on the chassis is determined by the
installer at the time of assembly.
Note: Auxiliary Patch Points are needed with the control-only SmartPanel
only when it is mounted in Modular Rack Mount (SP2-RACKSM-MOD) or
Slide Out Drawer (SLB-1050B).
Page 6SmartPanel Configuration and Installation Guide
After unpacking the SmartPanel, you should install the included Configuration Utility software
and verify that you can communicate with the Panel.
The Configuration Utility requires Windows 95™ or later. Make sure you have an 9-pin male to
9-pin female RS-232 cable (wired straight through), which is not included. This cable connects
your computer to the Panel’s Configuration Port (upper left, Panel rear).
Running the Installation Program
To install the Configuration Utility software, insert the Utility CD-ROM into your floppy drive and
run the Setup program found on that disk. This program installs the Utility on your computer. By
default, the Utility and its accompanying files (e.g., projector drivers and their application note)
are placed in the
\Program Files\SPC\
directory on your main hard disk (usually C:). A shortcut to the Utility is placed in your Windows
Start button menu as Start: Programs: SmartPanel Utilities: SmartPanel Configuration
Connecting the Panel to your Computer
To configure the Panel, you must supply it with power and connect it to your PC (a laptop is
convenient), as shown in Figure 3.
Power should be supplied to the Panel with the included 12VDC regulated power supply. When
powered, all of the lights on the Panel rapidly flash in sequence as it runs through a power-on
self-test. If this self-test does not occur, make sure you have correctly powered the unit (see
Wiring Panel Power or the Troubleshooting Guide if necessary).
Connect the Panel to your computer by attaching the male 9-pin end of your RS-232 cable (not
included) to the Panel’s Configuration Port. Attach the female end of the cable to any free Com
Port on your computer.
Note: It is your responsibility to make sure that the Com Port you are using is enabled and
configured correctly. You don’t need to worry about communications settings (e.g., baud
rate), but you do need to make sure that the communication port you wish to connect
through has not been disabled at the hardware level (if you have used the Com Port before
for other applications, you should have no problems).
Note: It is not necessary to disconnect the Panel from the projector to run the Configuration
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 7
To Com Port
on PC
RS-232 Cable
not included
(DB9 Male to Female - straight through)
12VDC Regulated Power Supply
Figure 3: Connecting the SmartPanel to your computer
Specifying a Com Port
Before configuring the SmartPanel you must specify the Com Port
you are using to connect to it.
+12V DC
Figure 4: Selecting
the Com Port
When you run the Configuration Utility for the first time the dialog
shown in Figure 4 will appear. Select the Com Port you are using and
press OK.
Note: The dialog does not allow you to select a Com Port that is
disabled or being used by another program.
The Utility remembers the port selected and uses it in subsequent
sessions. If you later attach to the Panel through a different port,
change the active port with the Configuration Utility’s
Communications pulldown.
After a Com Port is selected, the Utility should appear as shown in
Page 8SmartPanel Configuration and Installation Guide
Tabs switch between sets of settings
Changes Projector
Drivers to support
your projector
Name of loaded
Projector Driver
Input mapping section
Downloads settings
changes to the Panel
progress indicator
Panel firmware revision
Status of Panel connection
Active Com port
Figure 5: The Configuration Utility
Using the Configuration Utility
The Configuration Utility configures your SmartPanel to work with your projector and lets you
tailor its behavior for your installation. Panel configuration consists of:
x selecting a Projector Driver,
x setting configuration options, and
x downloading changes to the Panel.
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 9
Changes must be downloaded
Changes made with the Utility are not sent to the Panel until you hit the Download Settings
button. Do not expect to see any changes in Panel behavior until changed settings are
downloaded to the Panel.
The status bar
The status bar at the bottom of the Utility window provides feedback on the current state of the
Utility (and Panel, if it is connected and detected).
The first field, farthest to the left, identifies which Com Port the Utility is using to connect to the
The second field from the left indicates the Panel’s connection status, as follows:
xPanel Present indicates that the RS-232 cable is correctly connected to the Panel.
xConnected indicates that the RS-232 cable is connected to a device, but that it does not
appear to be a SmartPanel (this can happen if the Panel is connected but not powered).
xNot Connected indicates that the RS-232 cable does not appear to be connected to any
Note: When the Configuration Utility does not detect any Panel on the active Com Port the
Download Settings button is disabled.
The rightmost field provides feedback on any download in progress. The remaining fields display
version information about the attached Panel. These fields are discussed in the sections that
Panel settings are retrieved by the Configuration Utility
The Utility retrieves the current settings of any Panel connected to the computer.
When the connected Panel’s current settings are retrieved, the third and fourth fields in the status
bar display the firmware and memory format revision numbers of the Panel for customer support
After Panel settings are retrieved, the Utility opens the Projector Driver file last downloaded to
the Panel. If this Driver is not in the directory into which the Utility was installed, a dialog labeled
Open Proj File will appear and prompt you to find the Driver (.prj) file.
If you know where this file is, identify it. If it is not available (for example, because the Panel was
originally configured with a different computer), press Cancel.
Once Panel settings are retrieved you can examine and modify them as described in Part II -
Configuring and Using the Panel.
Note: Do not change configuration settings when no Panel is connected, or before Panel settings
are retrieved. Changes made before connecting the Panel (or before the Panel is
recognized by the Utility) will be overwritten if existing settings are retrieved.
Page 10SmartPanel Configuration and Installation Guide
How to download settings
Configuration changes are saved to the Panel with the Download Settings button, found in the
lower right corner of the Configuration Utility. Downloading is only possible after the Panel is
correctly connected and its existing settings have been retrieved.
While downloading the cursor becomes an hourglass, and a bar graph indicator (at the lower
right of the Utility) flushes to indicate progress. Downloading should take no more than thirty
After a successful download, the Panel resets itself. Changes are effective as soon as a
download finishes and the Panel resets. If for some reason the Panel does not reset, you should
download again.
Occasionally, communications may fail during downloading. If any errors occur during download,
try downloading again. If you are unable to successfully download, make sure the Panel has
been detected.
If you never successfully download, put the Panel in download-only mode as described below.
Note: Future revisions of the Configuration Utility software will allow users to save copies of
Panel configuration settings on the PC, but this is not supported in the initial release. Check
the SP Controls website for new versions.
Note: The AFVP tab of the Utility is active only when an Audio Follow Video Preamplifier is
connected to the Panel. The Panel automatically detects whether a Preamplifier is present.
Download-Only Mode
The SmartPanel has a download-only mode to ensure it can always be configured or updated.
In this mode, the Panel does not communicate with the projector
allowed while the Panel is in download-only mode is the downloading of configuration or driver
Download-only mode allows reconfiguration of the Panel should configuration memory become
corrupted. Reconfiguration is essential in these cases, as corrupt memory disrupts control of the
projector and may in rare cases cause serious Panel behavior problems such as “freezing.”
When in download-only mode the Panel the red Warm-Up indicator LED blinks continuously
while the Panel is on
The Panel automatically places itself in download-only mode if it detects any of a variety of
special conditions, such as corrupted configuration memory, or firmware compatibility problems.
. The only communication
RS-232 power polling is suspended while the Panel is in download only mode.
Blinking of the Warm-Up indicator when the Panel is off indicates that the projector is cooling;
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 11
Manually placing the Panel in download-only mode
The Panel is manually placed in download-only mode by pressing and holding the On, Off and
Selection Four buttons while applying power. This combination of keys was chosen because it is
unlikely to occur by accident.
Manual activation of download-only mode facilitates reconfiguration should serious corruption of
configuration memory occur.
Restoring normal operation after using download-only mode
Download-only mode is exited by removing and restoring power to the Panel.
If download-only mode was entered automatically because a problem was detected by Panel
firmware self checks, that problem must be remedied before the Panel will function normally. In
most cases, re-downloading the appropriate Driver and configuration restores normal operation.
If the Panel is unable to complete a download session in download-only mode, or persists in
automatically entering the mode whenever powered on, it may have developed hardware
problems and require service.
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 13
Selecting a Projector Driver
Projector Drivers contain information on the behavior, control requirements, and features of
each projector the SmartPanel can control. The Panel uses Drivers to control different projectors
and other display devices.
Drivers are distributed as .prj files. Drivers for several popular projectors are installed with the
Configuration Utility during setup. New and updated Drivers are available at the SP Controls
website (see Contacting SP Controls). The Panel is configured with a Driver at the factory
Note: We assume you verified that a Driver was available for your projector before designing for
and purchasing a SmartPanel. However, new Drivers do become available as projectors
enter the market.
To configure the Panel to work with your projector, change Drivers as follows:
x Connect your PC to the Panel and install the Configuration Utility as described above.
x Run the Utility and wait for the Panel to be detected and its settings retrieved.
x Press the Change Projector Driver button in Projector Selection (as shown in Figure 8).
An Open Proj File dialog will appear as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Projector Driver selection dialog
When this manual was written, the Panel was shipped configured for the Sharp XG-E3000U.
Page 14SmartPanel Configuration and Installation Guide
The dialog opens on the directory into which the Utility was installed (by default, \Program
Files\SPC\). This directory is where Drivers are installed during Utility setup. When you
download new drivers from the website, you should place them in this directory.
Select a Driver from the list and press Open. The new Driver is loaded into the Utility, which
should then display the Driver’s default settings. The new Driver and settings are not sent to the
Panel until you download.
Press Cancel if you decide not to load a Driver. Current settings will remain unchanged.
Note: Changing the Projector Driver does not affect settings for relays or the Audio Follow
Video Preamplifier.
Example 1: Selecting a Projector Driver
In this example, you configure your Panel with the Sharp XG-E1200U Driver.
To configure the Panel in this manner:
x connect the Panel to your computer and run the Configuration Utility;
x wait for current Panel settings to be retrieved;
x make sure the Projector Selection tab is showing;
x click the Change Projector Driver button;
x in the dialog that appears, select the Driver named Sharp XG-E1200U, as shown in
Figure 64;
x press the Open button;
x wait for the Driver file to load into the Utility, as shown in Figure 8;
x optionally, adjust configuration settings as necessary;
x download the new settings by clicking Download Settings.
The Panel will now send control commands and use timers appropriate to the Sharp
Projector Driver Application Notes
Every Projector Driver has a Projector Driver Application Note. This document describes:
x the default configuration settings specified by the Driver,
x requirements for wiring to and controlling the projector (e.g., RS-232 cable pinouts), and
x any known problems with the projector, or side effects of using specific features.
Always read the Application Note for tips and advice on using the Panel with the supported
projector. We put our time into the Application Notes so you don’t waste yours learning every
detail of every projector.
Note: When you select a Driver and open it, the Driver’s default configuration is loaded, even if
the Panel is already configured for that Driver. This allows you to restore a Driver’s default
The Drivers listed in the dialog vary depending on which Drivers you have installed.
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 15
Projector Drivers and Application Notes on the Website
SP Controls, Inc. is continually creating and updating Drivers. New projector models are
released, the Panel is installed to control legacy projectors, and existing Drivers are improved as
we receive feedback from installations in the field.
To get the latest Drivers and their Application Notes, visit the SP Controls, Inc. website at:
At the site, visit the Downloads and Support section, and select Projector Drivers. Instructions for
downloading and installing Drivers and Application Notes are available on the site itself.
You can also download the Configuration Utility, this Guide, and other useful documents.
Note: Always check the website for new and updated Drivers before doing an installation!
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 17
What input source selection does from the installer’s perspective
The projector (and any external switcher) is controlled with the four selection buttons.
When a selection button is pressed, the Panel:
x sends a command to the projector, telling it to switch inputs;
x opens and closes selection relays on the Panel to control third-party switchers
x brightens the appropriate Legend to show the new selection.
This section explains how these behaviors are configured.
; and
Mapping Projector Inputs
Input mapping is the process of configuring the Panel to send the projector particular input
source selection commands when selection buttons are pressed.
For a discussion of coordinating input mapping with selection relays controlling external
switchers, see the end of this section (a complete treatment is found in Selection Relays).
Why inputs must be mapped
The command sent when a selection button is pushed must be configured because there is no
fixed relationship between the Panel’s selection buttons and the projector’s inputs.
We could have made selection button one always switch the projector Video, and selection
button two correspond to RGB, but this was a bad idea.
This is true because:
xdifferent projectors have different numbers and different types of inputs, not to mention
different conventions on how sources are labeled and selected;
x the large SmartPanel Modules are designed to be arranged in any order, while the
selection buttons occupy fixed locations on the Panel;
x every installation has different input source devices to switch between; and
x several selectable sources may use the same input at the projector, and be switched by a
third-party switcher.
How to map inputs
The Configuration Utility allows you to specify which of a projector’s inputs is switched to when
each selection button is pressed.
As shown in Figure 6, each selection button is graphically associated with a projector input. The
input associated with, or mapped to, a particular selection button is shown in the box called out
for that button. The input displayed for each selection button is the one the projector is instructed
to switch to when that button is pressed.
The Audio Follow Video Preamplifier provides is configurable to provide 4x1 composite video or
2x1 S-Video switching . See Video Switching with the Audio Follow Video Preamplifier.
Page 18SmartPanel Configuration and Installation Guide
To change a button’s input mapping, click the input box associated with it. A list of the projector’s
built-in inputs appears in the form of a pulldown list box. Inputs vary by projector model; for a list
of the inputs available on a specific model of projector, see the Projector Driver ApplicationNote that accompanies the projector’s Driver.
The input list is identical for each of the four buttons. Any button can be mapped to any projector
Note: A button can be mapped to any input regardless of how the other buttons are mapped.
When more than one button is mapped to the same projector input, an external switcher
must be used to switch between source devices; the Panel’s selection relays can control
this switcher.
Note: The Modules shown on the Configuration Utility panel graphic do not change during
input mapping. There is no fixed correspondence between projector inputs and Modules.
A note on using relays to control an external switcher
External switchers are commonly used when multiple input sources are mapped to a single
projector input. We assume you are familiar with using switchers in this fashion.
The SmartPanel can control external switchers (such as those manufactured by Altinex™) with
its configurable, low-voltage selection relays. These relays close according to the active
selection and can be configured for either momentary or maintained closure.
See Selection Relays below for specifics on how to use selection relays to control an external
Note: An external switcher may be unnecessary when using the Audio Follow Video
Preamplifier, as it provides 4x1 composite video or 2x1 S-Video switching. See Video
Switching with the Audio Follow Video Preamplifier.
SmartPanel Configuration and Installation GuidePage 19
Example 2: Mapping Inputs
In this example, you configure your Panel input mappings for an installation using a Sharp XGE1200U. You map input one to RGB 1, input three to RGB 2, and inputs two and four to VIDEO
as shown in Figure 8.
Since this installation uses two video sources and the Sharp has only one video input, we’ll
assume you’re using an external switcher or the Audio Follow Video Preamplifier to switch
video before it reaches the projector’s VIDEO in. We also assume that the Panel has been
configured with the Sharp XG-E1200U.prj Driver as shown in Example 1.
To configure the Panel in this manner:
x connect the Panel to your computer and run the Configuration Utility;
x wait for current Panel settings to be retrieved;
x select the Projector Selection tab;
x click in the Input One list box; from the list that appears, select RGB 1;
x click in the Input Two list box; from the list that appears, select VIDEO;
x click in the Input Three list box; from the list that appears, select RGB 2;
x click in the Input Four list box; from the list that appears, select VIDEO;
x download the new settings by clicking Download Settings.
The Panel’s selection buttons one and three will now make the Sharp switch to its RGB 1 and
RBG 2 inputs respectively. Selection buttons two and four will now both make the Sharp switch to
the input wired to VIDEO.
Figure 9 shows how a Panel with inputs mapped in this fashion might be assembled.
Coordinating Input Mapping with Modules and Legends
The following elements must be kept consistent while configuring and assembling your Panel:
x the projector input mapped to each button,
x the Modules installed – their type and order,
x the Legend inserted for each Panel button, and
x the selection relays settings that control any external switcher.
Module Placement for the Large Chassis
We assume that if you are using the full-size SmartPanel (SP2-CHAS), you already have the
Modules for your installation. A discussion of Modules is included in Modules and Legends,
Module arrangement is a decision you and your client make together. We strongly recommend
discussing the arrangement of Modules with your clients – especially those that will actually use
the Panel – before installation.
There is no “default” or “standard” order for Modules, since every installation has different users,
devices, and Modules.