Thank you for purchasing the Soleman MIDI Foot Controller. The Soleman is a versatile, highly
configurable hardware and software MIDI controller housed in a durable, compact package.
It has two hardware MIDI outputs, which allow it to interface with any hardware that adheres to the
MIDI standard. It also has a USB-MIDI interface for direct control of MIDI-compatible software such
as DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations), virtual instruments, synths, or VST plugins.
The four footswitches scroll through scenes, launch individual MIDI messages, step through set lists,
or trigger highly customizable MIDI macros. An external switch port allows for two additional
footswitches to make navigation more convenient.
The expression input allows the user to use a passive expression pedal to generate MIDI continuous
controller messages in a very flexible manner, providing direct expressive control over MIDIcompatible devices and software.
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide1
The Soleman’s high-contrast LCD is visible in light conditions ranging from a dark stage to direct
sunlight. It displays relevant information about scenes, set lists, MIDI configuration, expression
outputs, and other modes.
- The Source Audio Team
Two MIDI Outputs – Connect to up to two external hardware MIDI devices directly to the Soleman
using the standard 5-pin DIN connectors.
Scene Mode – In the most basic mode, the Soleman sends Program Change or Note On messages on
its MIDI outputs, allowing for plug-and-play compatibility with many MIDI devices such as the Source
Audio Neuro Hub.
List Mode – Arrange scenes in any order and step through them in sequence. Great for setting up set
lists for live shows. The Soleman can store up to 64 lists, each containing up to 90 scenes.
Panel Mode – Create highly customizable MIDI messages (including System Exclusive) for each of the
4 footswitches, tailoring the Soleman to your gear. The Soleman can store up to 64 panels, each
containing a vast array of customizable MIDI messages for each footswitch, expression assignments,
and configuration data.
USB-MIDI Interface – Class-compliant USB drivers make the Soleman plug-and-play ready for Mac
and Windows computers. The Soleman is a USB MIDI device that can be used in digital audio
workstation (DAW) or to control software synthesizers and virtual instruments. It is compatible with
built-in drivers on all supported operating systems, so no additional driver installation is required.
Expression Pedal – The expression input accepts a passive expression pedal and converts it to
Continuous Controller (CC) MIDI messages on the MIDI outputs.
Configuration Software – The Soleman is highly customizable using the Soleman Editor Software,
which runs on Windows / Mac and connects to the Soleman via USB.
Scene Mode ............................................................................................................................................. 8
List Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 11
USB MIDI Interface ................................................................................................................................ 19
Edit Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Global Edit Menu ................................................................................................................................... 22
Version History ...................................................................................................................................... 39
Quick Start
This section will guide you through the process of powering the Soleman and using it in a simple MIDI
setup with program change (PC) messages. For this example, the Neuro Hub will be used as the
target device. The Soleman will send program change messages to the Neuro Hub in order to change
scenes, which are stored in the Hub’s internal memory.
If you wish to skip the Quick Start, you can skip ahead to more detailed descriptions of the Soleman’s
operation, starting with the User Interface Overview.
The Soleman ships with an included 9V DC power supply. Plug the adapter into a wall outlet and
connect the barrel plug to the Soleman’s power jack (labeled 9V DC).
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide3
MIDI Cable Connection
Use a standard 5-pin MIDI cable to connect one of the Soleman’s MIDI outputs (labeled MIDI OUT) to
the MIDI input of the target device. In the case of this example, the Neuro Hub is used.
Expression Connections
Using a ¼” TRS plug, connect the expression input to a passive expression pedal, if you have one.
Setting the Mode
The Soleman has three basic modes of operation: Scene, List, and Panel. For this example, the Scene
mode will be used. Scene mode, the most basic mode of operation, sends program change messages
(by default) on the MIDI outputs. In this example, these program change messages will be used to
activate scenes stored in the Hub.
The three LEDs on the top of the Soleman interface indicate the active mode. By default, the
Soleman should be in Scene mode (with the corresponding LED lit). If Scene mode is not active,
simply press the mode button to toggle through the available modes until Scene mode is selected.
Changing Scenes
Once Scene mode is active, use the Previous and Next footswitches to cycle from one scene to
another. The Hub should receive the message and change scenes accordingly.
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide4
User Interface Overview
Mode Button: Toggles between the three main modes of the Soleman: Scene, List, and Panel. There
are three corresponding LEDs that indicate which mode is currently active.
Edit Button: Activates the Edit Menu. When the Edit Menu is active, the corresponding Edit LED will
blink. Inside the Edit Menu, press the Edit button to cycle through the various items in the menu.
Press and hold the Edit button to activate the Global Edit Menu.
Confirm Button: When the Edit Menu is active, pressing the Confirm button saves any changes made
and exits the Edit Menu. The Confirm button is also used to save changes to lists.
Cancel Button: When the Edit Menu is active, pressing the Cancel button reverts any changes made
and exits the Edit Menu. The Cancel button is also used to cancel edits to lists.
Add/Up Button: In List Mode, the Add/Up button can be used to add scenes to a list or insert scenes
in an arbitrary position in the list. In Panel Mode, the Add/Up button moves to the next panel. In the
Edit Menu, the Add/Up button selects the next item in the menu.
Remove/Down Button: In List Mode, the Remove/Down button can be used to remove scenes from
a list or edit a scene in the list. In Panel Mode, the Remove/Down button moves to the previous
panel. In the Edit Menu, the Remove/Down button selects the previous item in the menu.
Footswitch Overview
Previous Footswitch: In Scene mode or List mode, the Previous footswitch selects the previous scene.
In Panel mode, the Previous footswitch sends the MIDI message(s) associated with Footswitch 1.
Next Footswitch: In Scene mode or List mode, the Next footswitch selects the next scene. In Panel
mode, the Next footswitch sends the MIDI message(s) associated with Footswitch 2.
Search Footswitch: In Scene mode or List mode, the Search footswitch activates or deactivates
Search mode, which allows the user to step through scenes without sending any corresponding MIDI
data on the outputs. In Panel mode, the Search footswitch sends the MIDI message(s) associated
with Footswitch 3.
Favorite/Tap Footswitch: In Scene mode or List mode, the Favorite footswitch jumps to/from the
user-defined favorite scene. If the Soleman is configured to use Tap Tempo mode, then the
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide5
Favorite/Tap footswitch is instead used to set the tempo for the MIDI clock output. In Panel mode,
the Favorite/Tap footswitch sends the MIDI message(s) associated with Footswitch 4.
Left Side Connections
9V DC (Power)
Standard barrel connector designed to accept a regulated 9V DC power supply. The tip of the
connector is negative and the sleeve is positive. The power supply must be able to source at least 70
mA. The Soleman can be powered either by an external DC power supply or directly by the USB port.
Warning: Using a non-Source Audio supply, especially an unregulated supply, could damage the unit.
Please be very cautious when using 3rd-party power supplies and make sure they match the required
specifications for regulated voltage (9V), polarity (tip negative), and minimum current (70 mA).
Connect your computer (Mac or Windows) to the Soleman’s USB port (denoted by the icon)
using a standard mini USB cable. The Soleman is a class compliant USB device, meaning that it should
be recognized by Mac and Windows computers automatically. The first time you connect the
Soleman to a computer, it may take a few moments for the computer to recognize it. For more
information about the Soleman’s USB capabilities, refer to the USB MIDI and Soleman Editor sections
of the User’s Guide. The Soleman can also be powered directly over USB, although the display will be
brighter if a separate DC power supply is used.
The Expansion port is reserved for future use.
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide6
External Switch Port
Up to two external switches can be connected to this port for additional ease of navigation in List and
Panel modes. The specific function of each switch can be set using in the Global Hardware Options
using the Edit Menu or the Soleman Editor software. For more information, refer to the External
Footswitches section.
Right Side Connections
MIDI Out (x2)
The MIDI Out ports are the main connections to the external MIDI hardware you wish to control
using the Soleman. There are two MIDI outputs and they are both identical – each of them outputs
an exact copy of the same MIDI messages, allowing the Soleman to connect to multiple external
devices in parallel. The connectors are standard 5-pin DIN outputs. The Soleman is capable of sending
common MIDI message types (Program Change and Continuous Controller) in Scene and List modes,
and is fully programmable (including System Exclusive) when using Macros. For more information
about the MIDI capabilities of the Soleman, refer to the MIDI Message Types Appendix.
This standard 5-pin DIN connector receives MIDI messages from external devices. The most common
use is to connect this input to the Neuro Hub’s MIDI output. The Neuro Hub can then send scene
names to be displayed on the Soleman’s LCD screen. For more details, refer to Using Hub Names.
Program Change messages sent to the Soleman’s MIDI In will load corresponding Panels. Note On
messages sent to the Soleman’s MIDI In will load corresponding Scenes.
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide7
Scene Name
Program Number
Expression Input
The expression input connects to an external passive expression pedal. The plug is TRS and “tip hot.”
The expression signal is on the tip, power (3.3 V) is on the ring, and the sleeve is ground. The
Soleman has an Expression Calibration function which makes it compatible with expression pedals
that have a wide range of different resistances.
Scene Mode
In Scene Mode, the Soleman steps through programs in sequential order and outputs Program
Change messages, Note On messages, or Macros. Program Change messages are enabled by default.
This is the simplest mode of operation and matches the functionality of most simple MIDI
This mode works very well with Source Audio’s Neuro Hub, as a way to recall Scenes. Scenes are
basically a way of storing preset information for multiple effects pedals in the same system, with the
benefit of being able to save and recall those presets all at the same time with a single program
change message.
There are a total of 128 Scenes available in the Soleman, and each has a corresponding MIDI message
that is sent from the MIDI outputs (hardware and USB) when the Scene is activated. By default, each
Scene will output a MIDI Program Change message. The number of the Program Change message
corresponds to the Scene number. For example, when Scene 5 is activated, a Program Change
message with a program number of 5 will be sent from the MIDI outputs.
It is also possible to configure the Soleman to send other MIDI message types (such as Note On
messages or macros) in Scene Mode. This can be done using the USB Editor Software.
In Scene mode, the LCD displays the name of the Scene in the upper left and the corresponding
program number in the lower right.
Basic Scene Navigation
To change scenes, use the Previous and Next footswitches. By pressing the Next footswitch, the
Scene number will increase by 1. By pressing the Previous footswitch, the Scene number will
decrease by 1. Each time a new Scene is activated, the corresponding MIDI message will be output
from the Soleman. The Scenes range from 0 to 127. If the Next footswitch is pressed when Scene 127
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide8
Favorite Scene Name
Favorite Scene
Last Active
is active, then the Soleman will jump to Scene 0. If the Previous footswitch is pressed when Scene 0 is
active, then the Soleman will jump to Scene 127.
External expansion footswitches, if connected, can also be used to change Scenes in the same
manner as the Previous and Next footswitches.
Scene Search
Press the Search footswitch to activate Scene Search mode. When Scene Search mode is active, the
Search LED will blink. This indicates that you can select other scenes using the Next and Previous
footswitches without sending out the corresponding MIDI messages. When the desired Scene is
selected, press the Search footswitch again. This will exit Scene Search mode and activate the Scene,
sending the corresponding MIDI message on the MIDI outputs. Note that while Search Mode is active,
all MIDI output (except MIDI clock) will be disabled.
When in Scene Search mode, press and hold either the Next or Previous footswitches to rapidly scroll
through Scenes.
Jump to Favorite Scene
In Scene Mode, the Favorite footswitch can be used at any time to jump to the user-defined Favorite
Scene. By default, the Favorite Scene is Scene 0.
When the Favorite Scene is activated, the following things will happen:
The Favorite LED will be lit solid.
The Favorite Scene’s corresponding MIDI message (a program change, by default) will be
sent from the MIDI outputs
The LCD will display the name of the Favorite Scene on the first row, with the last active
Scene shown on the second row.
In order to jump back to the last active scene, simply tap the Favorite footswitch one more time.
Alternatively, tap the Previous or Next footswitch to exit favorite mode and select a new Scene.
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide9
Scene Names
Each scene can be given a custom name. Scene names can be up to 32 characters in length, and the
LCD will scroll the name back and forth if the name exceeds the size of the display.
Scene names can be edited using the Edit Menu and also the USB Editor Software.
Scene numbers can optionally be displayed in large digits for easier visual recognition. This option is
available in the Edit Menu. When large scene digits are displayed, only 13 characters of the Scene
name are displayed at any time.
Scene Mode Expression Pedal Usage
For each scene, the expression output can be assigned to a different MIDI continuous controller. This
makes it possible to control different parameters on the target MIDI hardware or software
depending on what scene is active. To modify the expression output for the active scene, use the edit
menu (as shown in the graphic below) or the USB Editor Software. (See Scene/Panel Expression CC
Scene MIDI Message Type
By default, when scenes are activated, they will output a MIDI program change (PC) message. The
program number will always match the scene number.
However, it is possible to choose other MIDI message types using the USB Editor Software, such as
Note On messages or Macros.
Scene MIDI Message Channel
By default, the MIDI program change message associated with a scene will be sent on the Global
Default MIDI Out Channel, which can be modified in the Edit Menu.
It is possible, however, to define custom MIDI messages that use different channels on a scene-byscene basis using the USB Editor Software.
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide10
List Mode
List Mode is similar to Scene Mode in many ways: scenes can be selected using the Previous and Next
footswitches, and each scene will output (by default) a corresponding MIDI Program Change message.
The advantage of List Mode is that the user has control of the order of the Scenes. Users can create
up to 64 custom Lists, each containing up to 90 Scenes.
In List Mode, the LCD initially shows the List Name in the upper left and the List Number in the upper
right. Once a List is begun, the Individual Scene name will be displayed. The List Number shows
which of the 64 Lists is currently active. Only one List is active at a time. On the bottom row of the
LCD, the previous Scene in the list is shown on the left, the currently active Scene is shown in the
middle, and the next Scene is shown on the right. In this way, the user is always aware of what scene
will be activated using the Previous and Next footswitches.
When a list is loaded intially, no scene is active and the word “Start” is displayed in the center of the
LCD. Press the Next footswitch to enter the list.
When the first scene in a list is active, the word “Start” will be displayed in the lower left of the LCD:
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide11
Likewise, when the end of a list is reached, the word “End” will be displayed in the lower right of the
Basic List Navigation
Just like in Scene Mode, use the Previous and Next footswitches to navigate through the List. The
Previous footswitch activates the previous Scene in the list, and the Next footswitch activates the
next Scene in the list.
List Search
Press the Search footswitch to activate List Search mode. When List Search mode is active, the
Search LED will begin to blink. While in Search mode, you can navigate through the List using the
Next and Previous footswitches without sending out the corresponding MIDI messages. When you
have reached the desired position in the List, press the Search footswitch again. This will exit List
Search mode and send the MIDI message corresponding to the current Scene.
SA165 Soleman User’s Guide12
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