USB/ SD m ed ia pl a y er U SB/ SD - медиаплеер
I nst r u ct ion m a nu al Руководствопоэксплуатации
De a r cust o m er !
Thank y ou for pur ch asing our p rod uct . For safet y , it is stron gly recom m ended t o r ead thi s m anu al car eful ly
befor e connect ing , oper ating and/ or adjustin g the pr oduct and keep t h e m anual for refer en ce i n t he fut u r e.
Tab le of cont e nt s
TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
I MPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ............................................................................................................................................ 3
I NSTALLATI ON/ CONNECTI ON ...................................................................................................................................... 5
CONTROL ELEMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL OPERATI ONS .................................................................................................................................................. 9
RADI O OPERATI ONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
USB/ SD OPERATI ONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
TROUBLESHOOTI NG GUI DE .......................................................................................................................................... 13
SPECI FI CATI ON ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
I m po r t a n t sa fe g ua rd s
• Read carefully t hr ough this m anual t o fam iliar ize you rsel f w it h this high- qu ality sound sy st em .
• The beginn ing of op er ation is the m om en t of t he unit in st all at ion . Befor e u se t he device i n w inter it is
recom m ended t o heat up t he passeng er co m p art m ent d urin g 2 0 seconds or to t h e operat ion t em per atur e.
•Use t h e unit w ith t he tem perat u r e t h at goes beyon d the op er ation t em perat ure greatly decr eases t h e
op er ation r esour ce of the screen and ot her com ponent s of dev ice an d can resu lt an o utag e.
• Disconn ect the vehicl e' s negat iv e b at ter y t er m in al while mou nt ing and connect ing the unit.
• When replacin g the fu se, b e sur e t o use one wi t h an id ent i cal am per ag e r atin g. Usi ng a f use w ith a hi gher
am perage r at ing m ay cause ser iou s dam age t o the un it.
•Make sure t h at pins or ot h er for eign obj ect s d o n ot get inside t he unit ; t hey may cau se m alfun ct i ons, or
creat e safet y h azar d s su ch as elect rical shock .
• Do not use the un it in places where it can be exposed t o w ater , m oist ur e and dust .
• Do not open cov ers and do not rep ai r yourself. Consult t he dealer or an ex per ienced t echnician for help.
• Make sure y ou disconnect t he pow er su ppl y and aerial if you will not be u sing t he sy st em for a long per iod
or dur ing a t hund er stor m .
•Mak e su r e y ou discon nect the power supp ly if t he syst em appear s t o be wor kin g incorrect ly , is m aki ng an
un usual sound , has a st r ang e sm ell, has sm ok e emit tin g fr om it or liquid s have got insi de it . Have a
qu alified t echnici an ch eck the syst em .
•The unit is desig ned for n eg ativ e t ermin al of the batter y , which is con nect ed t o the v ehicle m et al. Please
con fir m it befor e installation.
•Do not allow t h e sp eaker wir es to be shor t ed t ogether wh en t h e u nit is swit ched on. Ot her w ise it may
ov er load or b urn out t he po wer am plifier .
Accessor ie s
1.Receiver1 p c
2.Mountin g p art s:
Hexagon n ut1 pc
Mountin g sleeve1 p c
Release keys2 p cs
Met al bar1 p c
Plain w asher1 p c
Spri ng w asher1 p c
Sel f- t app ing scr ew1 p c
Scr ew4 p c
3.Сonnect or1 p c
4.1 p c
I n st ruct ion m an u al
I nst a lla t ion/ Conn ect ion
Ge n e ra l not e s
•Choose t he m oun t ing locat ion w her e t h e unit will not int erfere wit h the no rm al driving f unction of t h e
dr i ver .
•Befor e fi nally inst alling t he un it, connect t h e w iring and m ake sure that t he unit w ork s prop er ly.
•Con sult wi t h your n earest dealer if in st allat ion requires t he drilling of holes or ot her m odifications of t h e
vehicl e.
•I nstall t he uni t where it does not get in t he dri ver 's way and canno t inj ur e the passen ger if t her e is a
sudd en st op, lik e an em er g ency st op.
•Av oid inst alling t h e u nit w her e it would be subj ect to hig h tem perat u re, such as fr om dir ect sunlight, or
fr om hot air , fr om t he heat er , or where it wo uld be subj ect t o d ust , dirt or ex cessiv e v ibr at ion.
1. Car dash b oar d
2. Sleev e
3. Bolt
4. Nut
5. Sprin g w asher
6. Screw
7. Metal st r ap
8. Flat washer
1. I nstall t he sleeve i nto t he dash board; ensure it is inst alled w it h the cor r ect side an d there ar e no
obst acles (wir es, dash board el em ent s, et c) fo r the un it inst allat ion.
2. Af t er installing t he sleev e int o t he dashbo ar d , ben d tabs fi t t ing t o t h e size of t he dash board t o fix t he
sleev e in p lace.
3. Use the met al st rap t o fix the rear side of t he uni t . Deter m i ne a place for fixing an d inst all t h e st rap as
show n in the pict u r e. You can bend t he st rap to t h e needed ang le wit h y our han ds.
4. Make t h e n ecessar y wir e conn ect ion s. Ensur e the connect ion s are correct .
5. I nstall t he uni t int o the sleev e until the sid e locks ar e fixed .
Dism a n t lin g t h e u nit
1. Mak e su r e t h e ignition is t urned off, t hen disconn ect the cab le fr om t he
vehicl e bat ter y ’s n eg ativ e ( - ) t ermin al.
2. Rem ove t he m et al st r ap at t ached the back of the un it (if at t ach ed ) .
3. I nser t bot h of t h e su ppl ied k eys int o t h e slot s at t he m idd le left and right
sid es of t he unit , t hen pull the un it out of the dashboar d.
Conne ct ion d i a g r a m
N ot e : Aut o ant enn a wir e is i nt ended f or po w er sup p ly of t he anten n a a nd fo r rem ot e cont rol of an
ad dit io nal am plif ier .
Cont r ol elem ent s
Fr o n t p a ne l
1. BAND but t on
4. MODE bu t t on
7. VOLUME k nob/
/ FADER/ LOUD/ EQ b ut t on
8. RESET but t on ( hole)
10. 3/ RDM
11. LCD
12. 5/ - 10
13. SD card slot
14. AUX inpu t
15. USB por t
bu t t o n
bu t t o n
bu t t o n
bu t t o n
2/ RPT but t on s
4 b utt ons
6/ + 10 b utt ons
Ge ne r a l ope r at ion s
Turning t he unit on/ off
Press t he but t on t o t ur n the un it on. Press t he but t on ag ai n t o t u rn t he un it off.
Re se t the unit
Wh en f irst using t he device or aft er replacin g the car bat t ery, y ou m ust reset the un it. Pr ess t he RESET
bu t t o n ( ho le) wit h a p oint ed obj ect (such as a ballpoint pen) t o set t he unit t o it s in itial st at e.
When so m e error s occur, y ou can also pr ess the RESET but ton t o r eturn t o f act ory settin gs, but not e t hat
it w ill erase clock set t ing an d som e m em ori zed fun ct ion s.
M ode se le ction
Press t he MODE bu t t on repeatedly t o select bet w een Radio, AUX, MP3 m odes. Operat ion m odes ar e
indicated on the display. MP3 m ode is not availabl e u nless a m emory card o r a USB d evice is co nnect ed.
Press t he
ad j u st ment .
Volu m e co n t r o l
Adj ust the volum e by r ot at ing t he VOLUME k nob.
b ut t on t o display t im e. Press and h old this but ton t o set t he clock , rot ate t he vol um e k nob for
Au d i o p a r a m et e r se t t i n g
Press t he VOL k nob r ep eat edly t o select a par am eter : BAS ( b ass) = > TRE ( t r ebl e) = > BAL ( balan ce) = >
FAD ( fad er ) . Pr ess and hold the but t on t o select LOUD ( lo udness) , p r ess and hold again t o select EQ
(eq ualizer). Rotat e t he kn ob t o adj ust each m ode.
• Bass/ Treb le: from -7 to + 7;
• Balan ce: -10 ( left ) to + 10 ( right) ;
• Fader : fro m -10 ( rear) to + 10 ( front ) .
• Loudness: see “Lou dness” p aragraph below
• EQ: select POP/ CLASS/ ROCK or OFF equ alizer m od e.
When equalizer is in an y m ode ex cept OFF, b ass an d treb le ar e not ad j ustab le.
Loud n e ss
Act iv at ing t his f eat ure w ill en h ance bass and t r eble fr equen ci es when list eni ng t o m usic at lo w volu m es.
AU X input
AUX- in j ack i s intended for connect ing an external audio equipm ent t o amplify the sou nd. I f co nnect i on is
m ad e correctly , t he audio sign al fr om the exter nal source will be transmit ted t hrough t he acoust ics of t he head
un it . This enables to adj ust the volum e and qu alit y of the sounding. For exam ple, you can connect an MP3player t o list en t o t r acks using t he car acou st i c sy st em .
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