Soundmax SM-CCR3052F User Manual

SM- CCR3 0 5 2 F

USB/ SD m e d ia pla yer USB/ SD -медиаплеер I nstr uct io n m a nu al Руководство по эксплуатации
De a r cu st om e r!
Thank y ou for pur chasi ng our product. For safety, it is st r ong ly r ecom m en ded t o r ead t his m anual car efu lly befor e connect ing, oper at ing and / or adj ust ing the pr oduct and k eep t he m anual fo r refer en ce i n t he fut u r e.

Tab le of cont e nt s

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

I MPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ............................................................................................................................................ 3

ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
I NSTALLATI ON/ CONNECTION ...................................................................................................................................... 5
CONTROL ELEMENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
GENERAL OPERATI ONS .................................................................................................................................................. 9
RADI O OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
USB/ SD OPERATI ONS ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
TROUBLESHOOTI NG GUI DE .......................................................................................................................................... 13
SPECI FI CATI ON ................................................................................................................................................................. 14
I m p o r t a nt sa fe gu ar ds
Read careful ly t h r ough t his m anu al t o fam il iarize yourself wit h t hi s high- quality sound sy st em .
The beginn ing of oper ation is t he m oment of t he unit inst allat ion. Before use t he device in wint er it is
recom m ended t o heat up the passeng er com par t m ent dur ing 20 second s or t o the oper ation t em per atur e.
Use t h e unit w ith t h e t em p erat ure t hat goes beyond t h e operat ion tem perat u r e greatly decr eases t h e op er ation r esou r ce of t he screen and ot h er co m p onent s of device and can r esult an ou t age.
Disconn ect the vehicle' s negat ive bat t ery t ermin al while m ount ing and conn ectin g the un it.
When replacin g the fuse, be sure t o use one wit h an i dent ical am p er age rat ing . Using a fuse w it h a hi gher
am perage r at in g m ay cause ser iou s dam age t o t he un it.
Make sure t h at pins or ot her for eign obj ect s do not get inside the un it; they m ay cause m alfun ct ion s, or creat e safet y hazar ds such as elect r ical shock.
Do n ot use the unit in places where it can be exposed to w at er , m oist ur e and du st .
Do n ot open cov ers and do not repair y our self . Consult t he dealer or an ex per ienced technician for help.
Make sure you disconnect t he power supply and aeri al if yo u w ill not be usi ng t h e sy st em for a long period
or dur ing a t hunder st or m .
Mak e su r e y ou disconnect t h e pow er sup ply if t he syst em ap pear s t o be wo rkin g i ncorrect l y , is m ak ing an un usual sound , has a st r ange sm ell, has sm oke em i t t ing from it or liquid s have got inside it . Hav e a qu alified t echni cian check the syst em .
The unit is desig ned for neg at iv e t ermin al of the bat t er y , which is con nect ed t o t he vehicle m et al. Please con fir m it befor e installation.
Do n ot allow t h e speaker wires t o be short ed toget h er when the un it is sw itched on. Ot h er w ise it may ov er load or b urn out t h e pow er am plifier .

Accessor ie s

1. Recei ver 1 p c
2. Moun t ing part s:
Hexagon nut 1 p c Mountin g sleeve 1 p c Release keys 2 p cs Met al bar 1 p c Plain w asher 1 p c Spri ng w asher 1 p c Sel f- t app ing scr ew 1 p c Scr ew 4 p c
3. Сonn ector 1 p c
4. Co nsum er infor m at ion 1 p c
5. War r ant y car d 1 pc
6. Inst r uct i on m anu al 1 p c

I nsta lla t ion/ Conn ect ion

Ge n e r a l not e s
Choose t he mou ntin g l ocat ion wh ere t he un it w ill n ot inter fer e wit h t h e nor m al d riv ing funct ion of t he dr i ver .
Bef ore finally installing t he unit, connect t he w iri ng and m ak e sur e t hat t he unit wor k s pro per ly.
Consult wit h your nearest d ealer if inst allation r eq uir es t he d r illing of holes or ot h er m o difications o f t h e
I nst al l t h e unit w here it does not get in the dr iver 's way and cann ot inj ure t he passenger if t here is a sudden st op, lik e an em erg en cy st op.
Avoid inst alling t he unit where it w ould be subject t o h igh tem perat u r e, such as fr om dir ect sun light, or fr om hot ai r, f r om the heat er, or w her e it would be subj ect to dust , d irt or ex cessiv e v ibr ation.
1. Car dashb oar d
2. Sleeve
3. Bolt
4. Nut
5. Sprin g washer
6. Screw
7. Met al st r ap
8. Flat washer
1. I nst al l t h e sl eeve int o t he d ashboard; ensu re it is in st alled w it h t he cor r ect side an d there ar e no obst acles (wir es, dashboard elem ent s, et c) for t he un it inst allat ion.
2. Aft er in st allin g t he sleeve in t o t he dashb oar d, bend t abs f ittin g t o the size of t he dashb oard t o fix t he sleev e in p lace.
3. Use t he m etal strap t o fix t he rear side of t he unit . Determ ine a place f or fix ing and install t he st rap as show n i n the pict u re. You can b end the st r ap t o t he need ed an gle w it h your h ands.
4. Mak e t he necessary w i re connect io ns. Ensu r e t h e con nect ions ar e cor r ect .
5. I nst al l t h e u nit int o t he sleeve unt il t he side l ocks ar e fi xed .
Dism a n t lin g t he unit
1. Make sur e the ignit ion is t u rned o ff, t hen disconn ect the cable fr om the
vehicle bat t er y’s n eg ativ e ( - ) t er m inal.
2. Rem ov e t h e m et al st rap att ached t h e back of t he unit ( if at t ached) .
3. I n sert b oth of t h e su ppl ied k ey s int o t he slot s at the m iddle lef t an d r igh t
sid es of t he unit , t hen p ull the un it o ut of the dashb oard.
Conne ct ion d ia g r a m
N ot e : Aut o ant enn a w ire is i nt end ed f or p o w er su p ply of t he ant enn a a nd f or r em ote con t r ol of an
ad dit io nal am plifier .
Cont r ol elem en t s
Fr o n t p a n e l
1. BAND butt on
4. MODE butt on
7. VOLUME k nob /
8. RESET but t on ( hol e)
2/ RPT but t on s
10. 3/ RDM
4 butt ons
11. LCD
12. 5/ - 10
6/ + 10 butt ons
13. SD car d slo t
14. AUX i nput
15. USB p ort
bu t t o n
b ut t on
b ut t on
b ut t on

Ge ne r al op e r a t ions

Turning t he unit on / off
Press the
Re se t t h e un it
Wh en f irst using the device or aft er r eplacing t h e car b at t er y , you m ust reset t he unit . Pr ess t he RESET
bu t t o n ( ho le) wit h a point ed obj ect (such as a ballpoin t pen) to set the un it to its init i al st at e.
When som e error s occur , you can also p ress t he RESET but ton t o r eturn t o f actor y set tin gs, b ut not e t hat
it w ill erase clock set t ing and som e m em ori zed funct ion s.
Mode se le ct ion
Press t he MODE bu t t on repeatedly t o select bet w een Rad io, AUX, MP3 m odes. Op erat io n m odes ar e
indicated on the display . MP3 m ode is no t av ailable unless a m em ory car d or a USB d evi ce is connect ed.
Press the
ad j u st ment .
Volu m e co n t r ol
Adj ust the volum e by r otat ing t he VOLUME k nob.
b ut t on t o tur n the un it on. Press t he but ton again t o t urn t h e u nit off .
b ut t on t o displ ay t im e. Press and hold t h is but t on t o set t h e clock , rot at e t h e v olum e k nob for
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