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Contact your SOREDEX representative for the most current information.
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However, our policy of continual product development may result in changes to products that
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make changes and alterations without prior notice.
This manual provides the information necessary to perform field servicing and maintaining of
the Digora Optime dental imaging scanner (hereafter referred as a `”unit”).
NOTE: This manual is not a stand-alone
manual and must be read together with the
User’s Manual of DIGORA
Only trained and approved service personnel of authorized distributors are allowed to
service the unit.
Unit can be sent to manufacturer for repair if it can not be repaired by:
• Performing the calibrations instructed in this manual AND
• Replacing field serviceable parts
Acronyms used in this manual
ADC Analog to Digital Converter
Cmd Command
DfW Application SoftWare (Digora for Windows, version 2.5 or newer)
DSD driver The driver used together with an imaging application
EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference
FW FirmWare of the unit
HV High Voltage
I/O Input/Output
IP Imaging Plate
IP address Internet Protocol Address, typically looks like
JXXXX Connector number
Msg Message
NIC Network Interface Card (installed on the computer Optime is connected to)
PMT Photo Multiplier Tube (=Photodetector)
PSU External Power Supply Unit
SW Imaging Application Software (DIGORATM for Windows, for example)
• Handles the connection/communication to the unit
• Transfers and manipulates images.
• Unit cannot operate without Driver
There are two alternatives to be used as a driver:
1. DSD driver. Run from DfW (or other imaging application)
2. S2Terminal program. Run from the command prompt of Windows.
Service Terminal
• Optional part of the driver.
• Execute user commands
• View the service output of the unit.
There are two alternatives to be used as a Service terminal:
1. DSD driver. Run from Service Assistant of DfW (or other imaging application).
2. S2Terminal program. Run from the command prompt of Windows.
Scanner Firmware (=FW, Inside the connected unit)
• Takes care of the normal unit operations.
• Operates either in normal mode or service mode.
o Normal mode: Unit is fully operational and images can be acquired.
o Service mode: Unit does not react to any other inputs than those given by the user
through service terminal. To be activated only from Service Terminal.
• See operation flow chart (in Service Manual) for more detailed information on scanner
firmware operation.
Refer to installation manual for detailed installation instructions
Recommended hardware at installation
Following items help you to troubleshoot possible installation problems:
• Laptop-computer with:
o DfW 2.5 or above
o s2terminal.exe, s2.dll, W32N55.ini and W32N55.dll files copied to folder
o Known working configuration with Optime
• RJ45 UTP network cable, known as working
• Switch 10/100mbs, known as working
Pre-installation requirements
• Digora Optime only works with the compatible imaging application software.
• DfW versions 2.5 or above support Digora Optime.
• Necessary drivers of the imaging application shall be installed also during software
installation. Refer to the DfW installation manual for more information.
• In order to connect to the network, a unique IP address for the unit is needed. Unique IP
can normally be inquired from the local network administrator.
• If several workstations are going to share the unit (multi-connection), determine which
workstations and workstation names will be used.
• Administrator privileges are needed to do the installation
• Multi-connection installation requires plenty of time compared to normal installation.
Arrange enough time.
• Make sure the PC(s) and the unit is correctly connected. Switch the unit on. Wait until
the self-test procedure has finished (this takes 15-60 s.) and make sure the unit
indicates the cables being properly connected.
• It is recommended to use network cards from the major brands; cheap generic cards
may cause problems. Here is a quick short list on recommended NIC-manufacturers:
o Intel (card or integrated onto motherboard), 3Com, Linksys, D-Link, Netgear…
EMI –interference, vibration and operation with UPS
• Unit is tested as required by the medical device standards. However this testing does
not guarantee that the device is totally immune to all possible interferences.
• The heavy levels of EMI will disturb the imaging chain and so the scanner may reject the
calibration during the power-up or show as interference on the image.
• In addition to EMI also pure mechanical vibrations (even with small amplitudes) will
cause the same effect if the vibration frequency is in the certain range.
• One practical example of vibration origin is a computer reading CDROM (possibly a bit
out of balance) next to the unit.
If the unit is connected to the UPS (Uninterruptible Power System)
• Check that the UPS is classified as medical device and also check the manual if there
are any recommendations for its placement etc.
• The UPS may also generate mechanical vibrations at the frequency the unit is sensitive
to, so try to locate the UPS on the floor for example.
Optime is switched off or not correctly connected to the wall outlet.
Network cable connected to the wrong connector of Optime
• One is for a direct connection to the workstation PC / Other to the network
Defective RJ45 -cable
Incorrect/incompatible dsd.ocx or Optime firmware version
• If the IP-connection does not work, try with serial number connection and vice
Connection is ok, but images cannot be scanned
• Two or more workstations or clients connected simultaneously to same unit
• Command <clients> from the service terminal. Command output shows if there
are more than one client (=yourself) connected.
Problems on the local network
• Ask more information from the network administrator.
Subnet Configuration problem
• Conflict / mismatch IP-addresses and/or subnet mask of the Optime /
• Command <ipconfig> in the Windows command prompt to get the information
about the active network settings
• Change unit or workstation IP address so that they both belong to same
• Ask more information from your network administrator.
Ethernet link not active
Physical Ethernet connection consists of correctly installed cabling and possible
switches and/or hubs. It is called shortly a ‘link’.
If the link is active, it does not necessarily mean the unit is physically connected to
correct workstation – it only means the unit is connected to an Ethernet
compatible environment (hub, switch, other computer etc). Possible problem
cases are:
• Physical connection is ok (=link active) but the unit is not configured correctly.
• Cabling not correct (=link not active, no physical connection between the
computer and Optime)
• Check that the workstation computer´s link is ok. There is usually a green link
led light visible near the Ethernet connector(s) of computer´s NIC.
Service terminal is a very useful service tool, but it is not an end user interface. Only trained
service technicians are allowed to use it. Wrong usage of the service terminal might change the
factory presets or damage the unit.
All service terminal commands and functions are not explained in this manual. Further
instructions can be read by connecting the unit to service terminal and using the service
terminal’s help command. This arrangement is to keep the documentation up to date, since the
service terminal instructions are always up-to-date inside the unit firmware.
Accessing Service Terminal
• Service commands are controlled either from DfW Service Assistant (light version
service tool) or S2terminal run from command prompt (complete service tool)
o Firmware and core upgrade can only be performed with S2terminal
o Scanora 3D does not have service assistant, operates only with S2terminal
NOTE: Only have either DfW (Service Assistant) OR S2terminal open at one time.
NOTE: DfW must be closed when accessing S2 terminal.
• S2 terminal software is started and operated from Windows command prompt.
o When the S2terminal is running, the title bar of the command prompt window
reads “s2terminal [ip-address]”
o When the S2terminal is closed, the title bar of the command prompt window
reads “cmd.exe”
Running the S2Terminal program needs the following files:
• s2terminal.exe (Must be version dated 22/05/2009 or later)
• s2.dll (Must be version dated 21/05/2009 or later)
W32N55.dll (Must be version dated 09/04/2008 or later)
W32N55.ini (Must be version dated 09/04/2008 or later)
(S2Terminal has to be version or later)
1. Copy all above mentioned s2terminal files to one same and dedicated service folder
(in the following example “c:\s2terminal” folder is used to store s2terminal files)
Select from Windows: Start / run >> Type into “Open” -field: < cmd >
3. Choose OK
4. Using command prompt, go to the folder where Service Terminal files are located
(for example: cd C:\s2terminal)
Command prompt examples :
o <cd\> (Changes to the root directory =C:\)
o <cd s2terminal> (changes to directory “s2terminal”)
o <s2terminal> help for the s2terminal command syntax
5. CHECK THAT Application SW (DfW) IS CLOSED
6. Execute the program as follows:
<s2terminal> (Starts s2terminal for unit having ip
<s2terminal –c> (Starts s2terminal and configures Optime ip to
NOTE: Keep start button pressed when entering <s2terminal –c>:
7. If the IP-address is correct and the s2terminal program is able to connect to the unit, it
prints out terminal output of the login command, which displays the following info:
“s2terminal, the unit’s firmware version(s), serial number and some parameters”.
Otherwise it displays an error message(s).
NOTE: It is normal that you may have few times “login fail (no connection)” –error
Access Service Terminal with DfW Service assistant (light version service tool)
• This is the alternative way to access service commands
o Can be used only if DfW –connection available
o Firmware download CAN NOT be performed by using this method
o Scanora 3D does not have Service assistant
• When DfW is connected, press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+O simultaneously
>> Opens Digora Service Assistant
NOTE: If operating in Multiconnect configuration, the unit must be reserved first by pressing:
Normal and Service Mode of the Unit
Service Terminal can be used having Optime in Normal mode or Service mode
• Normal mode = Normal operation, use Service Terminal to monitor the Optime operation
• Service mode = Optime Executes only the commands given from Service Terminal.
Most of the service procedures described in this manual is done in the service mode.
<s> Activates the service mode
If Optime is in standby mode, the first command only exits the standby mode
<quit> Quits the service mode (=resumes scanner into normal operation mode).
<reset> Resets Optime. After reset you exit also the service mode
Service Command principles
General Principles for Command Usage
• About half of the commands activate a function, for instance the movement of the plate
carrier or enabling the laser. The other half view or set the configuration parameters of
the unit.
• To use commands first see their description by <h [command]>.
NOTE: Do not execute the command if you are not sure about its function.
Improper use of some commands may damage the unit!
• When issuing the command without any value (for example <eject>) it will display the
current value of the parameter.
• If the parameter is followed with a value (for example <eject 12000>) the parameter
value is changed.
If the unit is in energy saving mode (=GREEN indicator flashing)
• Unit does not execute the command, but is exits the energy saving mode when the
command is entered for the first time
>> The same command has to be entered again to perform the required action.
Help Command
• The scanner firmware has built-in help for service commands.
• The help functionality is similar in both (Normal / Service) modes of the unit.
<h command> Typing h + any command followed by enter from the service terminal
>> shows the help for particular command.
Example <h calpr > shows the help for using calpr –options
<xh> s2terminal help menu
Service Command Syntax
<text> The text inside the brackets is typed in exactly as instructed +
followed by enter from the service terminal (unless other context is
specified in the clause)
Example <reset> means typing: reset (and pressing enter)
Example <idle> Shows the time unit waits before goes to standby
Example <idle XXX> Sets time (XXX seconds) unit waits before goes to standby
Configuration info
<conf> Shows the configuration parameters of the unit
Service Log
Service log is a very useful tool for troubleshooting, highly recommended for every field
• You can get list of the error messages, which helps on troubleshooting. (Every time an
error is caught it is recorded into the service log).
• You can see the performed service procedures
• Always start the service work by checking unit service log for error messages.
After the service work is done, sign the service log. Then it later displays what
service actions have been done for the unit.
Copy the contents of the service log, paste it to Notepad and send to Soredex
Technical Support by Email. This helps SOREDEX to give troubleshooting support.
<h log> Shows the help for Service Log usage
<log> Shows the contents of Service Log after the latest service signature
<log all> Shows the whole contents of Service Log
<logsign> Signature =describe what kind of service you have performed.
Example: <logsign plate was not erased. John Smith replaced the erasing lamp>
>> saves “plate was not erased. John Smith replaced the erasing lamp”
Service commands may vary on different unit firmware versions.
Use always “online-help” of the service commands, they are up to date with the unit FW.
All service commands are not visible at service mode help menu, some of them are at
s2terminal help menu <xh>.
<s> Enters service mode (=Only service commands can be executed)
<autoscan 0> Configures Optime to start readout after START key is pressed
<autoscan 600> Configures Optime to start readout AUTOMATICALLY 0,6 seconds
after plate cover is removed (<autoscan XXX>, XXX =delay in
<beeper 0>disables extra beeps (when going to idle mode etc…), but leaves all
error and warning beeps enabled
<beeper 1> Enables all beeps (including when going to idle mode etc…)
<log> Shows the contents of the service log after latest service signature
<logsign sensor calibrated> Stores “sensor calibrated” to service log
<log all> Shows whole contents of the service log
<cover> Shows status of top cover safety switch
<h> Shows list of available commands
<h calpr> Shows help for calpr -command. <h xxx> shows help for command,
which name is xxx. Help can be used for all commands.
<conf> Shows values of configuration parameters, (factory setting).
<debug 9> Drives the plate carrier in, activates high voltage and starts to
measure the ADC-input signal.
This test is very useful when troubleshooting certain hardware
(image signal) problems
Output value on the screen should be 0 (zero) when scanner door is
closed (the PMT does not see any light and electronics after it is OK)
/ increases if you open the scanner door manually
<home> Shows status of plate carrier home -optoswitch
<idle> Shows time (seconds) Optime waits before goes to energy-save
<idle XXX> Sets time (XXX seconds) Optime waits before goes to standby
<off> Shows time (minutes) Optime waits before automatic shut-down
<off XXX> Sets time (XXX minutes) before automatic shut-down
<plate> Shows reading of the plate detect reflective sensor
<test 5000 100> Makes Optime run self test 100 times with 5 sec. pause.
You can vary the parameters instead of 5000 and 100 as you wish.
<test> is not functioning in service mode!
<clients> Shows the ip-addresses of the client(s) connected to Optime
<quit> Exits service mode
<xq> Exits s2terminal –program (from command prompt of Windows)
<diagnose> performs self-diagnosis. Note that you have to press the Optime
<discard> discards the image from memory. If there is an un-transferred image
in unit memory, unit does not start to read new imaging plate and
does not respond pressing of any keys.
Commanding <discard> "releases" Unit for activity. does not delete
the image from memory, but sets the image information as like it
should have been transferred to computer.
<e> & <ec> Test the eject movement of the plate carrier
<eject> Sets the carrier movement length for plate ejecting
-increase the <eject> value if not properly ejected
-decrease the <eject> value if plates are go outside plate collector
<refltype>Show / set the type of reflective sensor. Default value is 1 from serial
number 709614. (=New type of sensor. Refltype = 0 before that)
<reset>resets Unit = Performs the normal initialization sequence.
Does not affect any parameter settings etc…
<restore configuration>
Restores the factory settings for all <conf> -parameters
Works only from Unit firmware 0.42.
<togglehv>disables high voltage
<togglehv> the 1. time = DISABLES High Voltage
<togglehv> the 2. time = ENABLES High Voltage
<togglehv> the 3. time = DISABLES High Voltage etc...
Restarting the unit will also restore normal operation.
<xq>Exits s2terminal –program (from command prompt of Windows)
2. POWERS ON when STAND-BY (=POWER) key is pressed
3. INITIALIZATION & self-test sequence if everything is OK
• Flash all indicators
• Calculate the CRC (if enabled)
• Start blinking the yellow led
• Drive the plate carrier home (to reset the location counter)
• Drive the plate carrier back inside
• Calibrate PMT-signal amplifier
• Test high voltage (if safety switch is closed)
• Test erasing lamp
NOTE: if the top lid is removed (or safety switch defective / open / cable disconnected)
>> Unit goes into error state.
You can close the safety switch manually after the erasing lamp has been on shortly
during the startup sequence
>> Unit finalizes the startup-self test without laser sync –error.
• Optionally perform a warm-up sequence
• Wait the mirror scanner stabilizing (uses laser; close the safety switch after lamp
test to proceed without error if the cover is open)
• Drive the plate carrier to loading position
• Stop flashing the yellow led and turn on the green led, if everything is ok
• If there is no client connected, the yellow indicator remains on
• If the Ethernet cable is not properly connected, the yellow indicator flashes
3a (ERROR STATE & error code if everything NOT OK)
4. READY for operation (if connection to the application SW is OK)
Standby -mode
• Goes to standby –mode if not operated for a period of time:
o Factory set default can be changed by commanding <idle XXX>
XXX=time in seconds
Powering off:
• STAND-BY KEY pressed shortly >> BEEPS, but does not power off
• STAND-BY KEY pressed one second >> POWERS OFF
Standby -mode (or error mode):
• Short pressing of the stand-by key >> POWERS OFF
Automatic shutdown
• POWERS OFF automatically If the unit stays in the standby mode for a long period of
o Factory set default can be changed by commanding <off XXX>
XXX=time in minutes
Image read, but not connected to a driver (DfW etc.)
• Image in memory that is not transferred to the driver
• Drives the carrier in
• Flashes the orange (middle) led
• Will not shutdown automatically
• Does not allow switching off the power (only beeps when pressed) until the image is
• Most of the boards are not powered directly = Their power is supplied and/or controlled
by other board(s).
• Order of power supplying:
24VDC from R2000 External Power Supply >> R2600 Connector panel >> R2300 I/O
Interface Board, which switches 24VDC to >> R2100 Power and Analog Board, generates
all low voltages, high voltage to PMT and digital +5V >> R2200 Processor board
• For proper operation all boards must be properly grounded through chassis.
• R2300 I/O-interface board has also interface for control panel
SEE CHAPTER: ”Block diagrams of electronic boards” for further information.
Following is the general description of the electronics boards:
R2000 External Power Supply Unit
• Universal input, auto switching (100-250 VAC / 47-63Hz).
• Output 24VDC 2.3 amps connected to the R2400 connector panel board.
• No serviceable parts inside. Do not open.
R2100 Power & Analog Board
• Analog signal processing circuitry
• Low voltage regulators for all boards & for laser
• High voltage power supply for PMT
• Circuitry for checking the high voltage.
Connectors and indicators on R2100
J101 I/O Generic parallel data I/O to and from R2200 processor board
J102 OUT Laser power to R2300 I/O interface board
J103 IN Measured signal from PMT
J104 IN 24 VDC power from R2300 I/O interface board
J106 OUT HV to PMT (through R2500 high voltage connector board)
J107 OUT 5 VDC power out to R2200 processor board
D2 LED HV active
• Flash not removable, so the corrupted flash can be fixed only at the factory
• General-purpose SDRAM memory
• Ethernet controller & Ethernet interface to R2400 connector panel
• ADC.
Connectors, switches and indicators on R2200
J201 I/O JTAG connector (for board initialization purposes only)
J202 I/O JTAG connector (for board initialization purposes only)
J3 I/O Generic parallel data from R2300 I/O interface board
J205 IN 5 VDC power in from R2100 power & analog board
J203 I/O Generic parallel data from R2100 power & analog board
J204 I/O Ethernet to/from R2400 connector panel board
S3 KEY Firmware reset switch
D4 LED Ethernet operates at 10M speed
D3 LED Ethernet operates in Full duplex -mode
D2 LED Activity
D1 LED Ethernet operates at 100M speed
R2300 I/O Interface Board
• Interface for multiple control, feedback and interface signals from and to R2200 processor board.
• Contains main power switching and multiple input-/output –functions of the scanner.
• Controls erasing lamp on/off and generates a feedback of lamp current to CPU
Connectors and indicators on R2300
J301 I/O 24VDC in from R2400 and 24VDC power on/off to R2100 power &
panel board)
J303 OUT Erasing lamp 24VDC
J304 OUT Plate carrier motor drive
J305 I/O R2600 control panel start –key & 3 indicator lights (through R2400)
J306 IN R2700 laser detector board
J307 IN 5VDC laser power from R2100
J308 OUT Power and control to laser diode in the scanner module
J309 IN Plate carrier home position –optoswitch
J310 IN Safety switch
J311 I/O Plate detect reflective sensor
J312 I/O Mirror scanner assembly drive and feedback
BUZZ1 BEEP The unit audio sub-system
DIGORA Optime can be sent to Soredex factory for repair if it cannot be repaired by:
• Performing the calibrations and configurations instructed in this manual AND/OR
• Replacing field serviceable parts
Replaceable parts / available spare parts for field service:
Refer to spare parts manual for item numbers
1. R2100 Power & Analog Board
2. R2200 processor board spare part
3a. R2300 I/O interface board DXR-50 to serial numberJ709613 and below.
3b. R2300 I/O interface board DXR-50 from serial number J709614
4. R2400 back panel DXR-50 (Connector Panel Board)
5. R2600 Membrane keyboard (Control Panel)
6a. Reflective Sensor from Optime v.4 = from serial number J709614
6a1. Reflective sensor cable from Optime v.4 = from serial number J709614
6b. Plate Reflective Sensor spare part to Optime v.1- v.3, to serial number J709613 and below.
7. Home Opto Switch w. cable
8a. Erasing Lamp
8b. Erasing lamp socket w. cable
9. Safety Switch DXR-50
10. Microswitch support DXR-50 (Safety switch holder)
11. Top cover Optime
12. Upper cover DXR-50 (Middle cover)
13. Lowest cover DXR-50 (Bottom cover assembly and labels)
*GREASE CRC MOS2 KPF 2 K-30 100ML (=lubricant used at SOREDEX production)
Plate carrier guide rails may need cleaning and lubrication on long term.
Lubricating with improper grease may cause problems!
Test tools for quality control:
Both INTRA DIGI QC -phantoms tools come with instructions (SP00204)
Test tools for calibration:
- INTRA SCANNER GEOM CALIBR PHANTOM (Scanner module calibration after replacement)
Other maintenance:
CONDUCTIVE LUBRICANT CW7100 (201948), may be required for BNC-connector before
serial number J708937
Imaging Plate collector (See ACCESSORY CATALOG)
External Power Supply (See ACCESSORY CATALOG)
The correct order of the removal is important when removing all covers:
1. TOP
ALWAYS begin the cover removal by opening the top cover first.
Removing Top Cover
NOTE: if the top lid is removed (or safety switch defective / open / cable disconnected)
>> Unit goes into error state.
You can close the safety switch manually after the erasing lamp has been on shortly
during the startup sequence
>> Unit finalizes the startup-self test without laser sync –error.
That is because Optime uses laser and checks the High Voltage during the start-up self-test.
-And laser and high voltage are disabled if the safety switch is open.
• For most small service procedures wait until the unit is initialized before removing the
top cover.
• Most of the service commands will work fine even when the safety switch is open.
• To observe mechanical movement during scan sequence please do following: issue
command <togglehv> while the scanner is in normal mode to disable/enable HV. When
the HV is disabled with <togglehv>, it is ok to make scans top cover open and safety
switch closed. The default mode after power up is naturally HV enabled.
• Light Sensitivity of Photo Multiplier Tube
• The tube is very sensitive to light when it is active. Tube is activated when the
high voltage is turned on and safety switch defeated (=closed). The tube is used
to measure extremely small amounts of light and normal room light and brighter
light sources damage an HV -activated tube.
Top cover is held in place with two “keyhole-locking bars” from the inside.
Top cover cannot be opened just by removing the two screws at the rear side!
• Turn the two screws at the rear counter-clockwise and simultaneously push the screw
inwards. Loosen as long as the screw head starts to rise up.
o Alternative way: loosen both screws 9…10mm (11…12 turns) and then push
inwards as much as they will go
• Lift the top cover off (straight upwards) gently. If the top cover does not come off, loosen
the two screws slightly more, push those inwards and try again.
• Turn the two screws at the rear counter-clockwise until they stop and lift the top cover off
(straight upwards) gently
Removing Middle Cover
• The top cover and black metallic light cover under top cover must be removed before
removal of the middle cover. The older units have 3mm allen screws while the newer
units have thumb screws.
• Loosen the four screws that fasten the middle cover to the base plate and remove the
middle cover by lifting straight upward.
• The top cover must be removed before removal of the bottom cover.
• Remove the two connectors (J402, J404) from the connector panel board R2400.
• Turn the unit so that it stands on its rear face (=the one with type label) and remove the
four screws from the bottom of the scanner.
• Turn the unit right way round to normal position (after removing the bottom screws) and
pull the scanner mechanism out of the bottom cover. Be careful not to damage the
connector panel (R2400) and control panel (R2600) wiring when removing.
Assembling the Covers
The correct order of the assembly is: 1) Bottom >> 2) Middle >> 3) Top
Ensure that covers fit properly to avoid light leaking inside! (Leaking light interferes image
Assembling Bottom and Middle Cover
• Insert the scanner mechanism inside the bottom cover (backside first).
• Be careful not to damage the control panel (R2600) wiring attached into the bottom
cover assembly.
• Connect internal connectors (J402, J404) to R2400. Slide the large tubing on top of the
Ethernet connector.
• Remove the plate collector, turn the unit so that it stands on its front face and install the
four screws to the bottom of the scanner. Leave these four a bit (1/2…1 turn) loose
• Turn the unit right way round to normal position (after inserting the bottom screws)
• Install the middle cover with four screws. Leave these four a bit (1/2…1 turn) loose. Skip
this step if you have not removed the middle cover.
• Turn the unit so that it stands on its front face, align bottom cover and tighten the
bottom screws to 1 Nm (100 Ncm) = 12 ft oz.
• Turn the unit right way round.
• Check that the middle and bottom covers align properly
o Gasket sealing from light between bottom and middle cover
o Gasket ends not visible from the outside at rear
o Similar gaps on both sides between bottom and middle cover
o Overall aligned so that has a good visual appearance
• If necessary, loosen the fastening screws and realign.
• Tighten properly all middle and bottom cover screws to 1 Nm (100 Ncm) = 12 ft oz.
Assembling Top Cover
• Before assembling the top cover, make sure that the two keyhole-locking bars are in
correct position (=towards front).
• Ensure that the safety switch closes 1…2mm before the top cover is properly fit.
• Ensure that the top cover fits properly from all edges before tightening the screws.
• Press the cover firmly in place and keep it pressed down while tightening the screws
until you feel resistance. Immediately stop tightening and only continue if pressing the
cover more releases the screwing resistance.
NOTE: Do not use any force when tightening the screws! Just finger-tight them!
Proper tightening torque for top cover screws is 0,25 Nm = 25 Ncm = 3 ft oz.
• If you accidentally tighten the screws with too much force, the covers will probably break
or the top cover becomes very hard to detach later on.
Make sure that the top cover fits properly to the middle cover from all edges!
Follow the <h command> online-instructions; they are updated if calibration routine has
been modified in the future firmwares.
Calibrating (=optimizing) the plate carrier inserting position, <calpr position>
Perform <calpr position> always before reflective sensor calibration
• This ensures that the opening of the plate carrier is properly in front of the sensor when
plate carrier is at plate inserting position.
Calibrating the Reflective Sensor (=plate detector)
• Reflective sensor is used to detect when the protective cover is removed and that the
plate is inserted correctly.
• Readout should start only after detecting the black side of the plate.
• Sensor has to be calibrated if:
o Optime does not start the readout when the plate is correctly inserted
o Optime starts the readout with the cover and plate inserted (cover not
o Optime starts the readout even without the plate.
o After sensor replacement.
• It is a good preventive action to check the sensor operation (and calibrate, if necessary)
when performing any other service for Optime.
• Use command <plate> to check how detects active / black / none.
• See <h plate> and <h calpr> for instructions. The load value with newer reflective
sensors should be between 3500 – 5000. If values are outside the range please adjust
the home switch flag.
• Have NO PLATE in plate carrier
• <calpr position> Measures the optimum load position for the plate carrier
(=optimum position for “no plate detection” for <calpr none>)
• <load XXXX> as instructed by <calpr position> / <h calpr position>
XXXX is the "Optimum load offset is XXXX".
NOTE: Parameters can also be negative!
(Example: If output is "Optimum load offset is 1200, command <load 1200>)
• <e> or <ec> Check eject sequence and plate ejecting performance
Adjust with <eject>, if necessary. See <h eject> for instructions.
• <calpr none> When no plate inserted
• <calpr black 80> Sets the detection reference for black to 80
• <calpr active> Have plate + protective cover inserted the right way round.
Let plate be straight (no tilting).
• <calpr active>, as a result you get the value XX for active
• Add 2 to the value XX (Example, if the XX value for active was 20: XX +2 = 22)
• <calpr active XX+2> (Example <calpr active 22>
• <plate> and check the detection result when inserting:
-No plate inserted >> NONE
-Plate in cover >> ACTIVE
*Angle the plate+cover towards left from front edge to see that tolerates
1…2mm tilting before the output turns from “active” to black”.
-Plate wrong way round >> ACTIVE
-Plate right way round >> BLACK
*Angle the plate towards left from front edge to see that tolerates
1…2mm tilting before the output turns from “black” to “none”
• Have NO PLATE in plate carrier
• <calpr position> Measures and sets the optimum load position for the plate carrier
• <calpr all> Follow on-screen instructions
• <plate> Check detection as instructed above
You can use <plate> command in service mode to check correct operation.
Calibrating Resonant Scanner Amplitude
• This may help in case that Optime generates some error related to the scanner module
(Laser synchronization, Degraded image quality -message, Error # 34 & 35 etc…)
• Refer to Technical Info TI-1086 for more details
• Necessary after R2300 IO interface board replacement
• Warm up the unit to the room temperature
o Do not ignore the warm up procedure in previous step – scanner amplitude is
naturally larger when cold with the same driver voltage than in the normal
operation temperature
• Calibrate resonant scanner amplitude by <calga> (safety switch must be closed)
• If <calga> is not completed successfully, check that:
o Laser turns on
o Mirror scanner oscillates (=makes the laser line)
o Connectors from R2300 I/O-board to the scanner module are OK.
• Note! Verify image geometry after performing <calga>
(calga changes the amplitude setting <ga> for resonant scanner amplitude).