Component Placing, Electrical
Component Placing, Electrical
Applicable for Z550i, Z550c, Z550a, Z558i and Z558c
Mounting drawing table................................................................................................. 2
2 Mounting drawing .......................................................................................................... 3
3 Revision history .............................................................................................................. 5
1078-2/FEA 209 544/115 C
Company Internal
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Component Placing, Electrical
1 Mounting drawing table
Board Number
ROA 128 1921 C
By using the “Search” function and enter the component name you can find the position of the component
(Use Adobe Reader 7.0 or a later version). Example: You can see the component name highlighted on the circuit board (use zoom to enlarge).
1078-2/FEA 209 544/115 C
Company Internal
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB