Radio wave exposure and Specific Absorption
Rate (SAR) information
Addendum to User’s Guide
This mobile phone model T230/T238 has be
with applicable safety requirements for exposur
These requirements are based on scienti
safety margins designed to assure the
regardless of age and health.
The radio wave exposure guidelines
measurement known as the Specific Abso
Tests for SAR are conducted using standardi
the phone transmitting at its highest cert
used frequency bands.
While there may be differences between
various phone models, they are all desig
guidelines for exposure to radio waves.
For more information on SAR, please refe
chapter in the User’s Guide.
SAR data information for residents in coun
adopted the SAR limit recommended by the Inter
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Pro
which is 2 W/kg averaged over ten (10)
example European Union, Japan, Brazil and Ne
The highest SAR value for this mode
by Sony Ericsson for use at the ear is
en designed to comply
e to radio waves.
fic guidelines that include
safety of all persons,
employ a unit of
rption Rate, or SAR.
zed methods with
ified power level in all
the SAR levels of
ned to meet the relevant
r to the safety
tries that have
tection (ICNIRP),
grams of tissue (for
w Zealand):
l phone when tested
0.74 W/kg (10g).
SAR data information for residents in countri
have adopted the SAR limit recommended b
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), w
averaged over one (1) gram of tissue (f
Australia and Taiwan):
The highest SAR value for this model phon
Sony Ericsson for use at the ear is 1.23
This is the Internet version of the user's guide. © Print only for private use.
es/regions that
y the Institute of
hich is 1.6 W/kg
or example USA, Canada,
e when tested by
W/kg (1g).