Sony Ericsson P908 User Guide

This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
User Guide
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.


Introduction................................................................. 8
Getting to know your P908 ......................................... 9
P908 overview.................................................................. 10
SIM card ........................................................................... 11
Battery .............................................................................. 11
Care instructions............................................................... 12
First time start-up........ ...................................................... 13
Operational modes............................................................ 14
Flip closed mode ........ ...................................................... 15
Flip open mode................. ................................................ 16
Flip removed..................................................................... 16
Screen areas................ ...................................................... 17
Jog Dial ............................................................................ 18
Keypad functions ............................................................. 19
Indicators and status bar icons................................ .......... 20
Memory Stick Duo™ ....................................................... 21
Connecting the accessories............................................... 23
Services........................................................ ..................... 24
Applications - overview................ .................................... 24
General functions.............................................................. 27
Entering text..................................................................... 31
P908 locks........................................................................ 40
Phone.......................................................................... 43
Call handling with the Flip closed ................................... 43
Call handling with the Flip open...................................... 46
Handling two or more calls.............................................. 49
Call list and call log ......................................................... 50
Hints and smart functions ................................................ 51
Preferences........................................... ............................ 55
CommuniCorder....................................................... 61
Recording video clips ...................................................... 61
Taking pictures ...................... .......................................... 63
Camera settings................................................................ 64
Pictures and Image editor................................. ....... 65
Pictures ................... ...... ....... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... .... 65
Image editor............................................................... ...... 67
Video .......................................................................... 69
Video clips....................................................................... 69
Streaming......................................................................... 71
Preferences........................................... ............................ 72
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
Music player.................................... ........................... 73
Playing sound files............................................................ 73
Managing sound files........................................................ 74
Internet....................................................................... 77
Using the browser view .................................................... 78
Using the bookmark view................................................. 81
Preferences..... ................................................. .................. 83
Games......................................................................... 85
Chess ................................................ ................................. 85
Solitaire............................................................................. 85
Messages..................................................................... 87
Folders in Messages.......................................................... 88
The accounts in Messages ................................................ 89
Handling text messages ................................ .................... 89
Handling multimedia messages ........... ............................. 90
Handling e-mails............................................................... 93
More about messaging...................................................... 96
Contacts...................................................................... 99
Using Contacts with the Flip closed............. .................... 99
Using Contacts with the Flip open................ .................. 101
Creating and editing contacts.......................................... 102
Managing contacts........................... ............................... 104
Making an owner card .................................................... 105
Preferences..... ................................................................. 105
Calendar .................................................................. 107
Creating calendar entries................................................ 107
Managing calendar entries ............................................. 108
Sending and receiving calendar entries.......................... 109
Preferences..................................................................... 109
Tasks ........................................................................ 110
Creating task entries....................................................... 110
Managing task entries .................................... ................ 111
Moving task entries............................................ ............ 111
Sending and receiving task entries................................. 112
Preferences..................................................................... 112
Jotter........................................................................ 113
Creating and editing notes ............................................. 113
Drawing pictures................................. ........................... 114
Managing notes................................ .............................. 114
Sending and receiving notes .......................................... 114
Sound recorder........................................................ 115
Making sound recordings............................................... 115
Using sound recordings as ring signals.......................... 116
Sending sound recordings.............................................. 116
Calculator................................................................ 117
Time.......................................................................... 118
Setting time and date...................................................... 118
Specifying workdays...................................................... 119
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
Setting locations ........................ ..................................... 119
Setting number formats .................................................. 119
Setting alarms ...... ........................................................... 120
Viewer....................................................................... 121
Common viewer functions.............................................. 121
Viewing Word documents.............................................. 122
Viewing Excel spreadsheets ......... .................................. 122
Viewing PowerPoint presentations and PDFs ................ 123
File manager............................................................ 124
Online services......................................................... 126
Dictionary................................................................. 127
Searching for a word....................................................... 127
History record and bookmarks ....................................... 128
Dictionary database .............................. .......................... 129
Settings ...................................... ..................................... 129
PC Suite and multimedia for P908 ........................ 130
PC Suite for P908 ........................................................... 130
Multimedia for P908....................................................... 131
Installing applications............................................. 132
Installing applications on your P908 .... .......................... 132
Removing applications from your P908......................... 134
Connecting to other devices.................................... 135
Connection via SyncStation............................................ 135
Connection via Infrared port.......................................... 136
Connection via Bluetooth wireless technology ............. 136
Synchronization and backup................................. 140
Local synchronization.................................................... 140
Remote synchronization ................................................ 141
Backing up data ............................................................. 142
Restoring data .. .............................................................. 143
Personalizing your P908......................................... 144
Themes............................................ ............................... 144
Changing your application shortcuts ............................. 144
Setting a background picture ......................................... 144
Setting a screen saver.......................................... ........... 144
Adding images to your Contacts.................................... 145
Ring signals................................................................ .... 145
Alarm tones and sound notification.................... ........... 146
Control panel........................................................... 147
The Device tab
Application shortcuts ........... .......................................... 147
Display........................ ................................................... 147
Flight mode.................................................................... 148
International................................................................... 149
Locks....... ....................................................................... 149
Sounds and alerts ........................................................... 149
Text input....................................................................... 151
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
Themes.......................................................... .................. 151
Time & date.................................................................... 151
User greeting................................................................... 152
The Connections tab
Bluetooth..................................................................... .... 153
Cable............................................................................... 154
GSM Networks............................................................... 154
Infrared ........................................................................... 155
Internet accounts............................................................. 155
Messaging accounts........................................................ 160
WAP accounts ................................................................ 164
The Other tab
Certificate manager......................................................... 165
Flip removed................................................................... 166
Format disk..................................................................... 166
IP Security manager........................................................ 167
Language selection ......................................................... 167
Master reset..................................................................... 167
Secure tokens............................ ...................................... 167
Storage manager ................................ ............................. 168
WIM PIN settings.............................. ............................. 169
Getting started with Internet and Messages......... 171
Introduction..................................................................... 171
Automatically set up service provider and messaging... 172
Manually set up service provider.................................... 172
Manually set up Messages.............................................. 173
Setting up WAP accounts.............. ................................. 174
Using your P908 as a modem ........................................ 174
GPRS - connection information..................................... 176
Troubleshooting...................................................... 178
Guidelines for safe and efficient use...................... 182
Limited warranty. ... ........................................................ 184
FCC Statement............................................................... 185
Environmental information............................................ 185
Declaration of Conformity............................................. 185
Terms and definitions............................................. 186
Technical data......................................................... 194
Index......................................................................... 197
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
Sony Ericsson P908
User Guide Second edition (March 2004)
This User Guide is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this User Guide necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB at any time and without notice. Such changes will, however, be incorporated into new editions of this User Guide. ©Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, 2003. All rights reserved. Publication number: EN/LZT 108 6638 R1B The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Sony Ericsson is under license. This product contain QuickView Plus and Outside In which are © 1992-2002 Stellent Chicago Inc. All rights reserved. QuickView Plus and Out side In are t rademarks or re gistered tradem arks of S tellent Chicago Inc. Symbian and all Symbian-based marks and logos are trademarks of Symbian Limited. Memory Stick Duo is a trademark of Sony, its parent and/or its affiliates. Beatnik is a trademark of Beatnik, Inc. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries/regions. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright © SyncML initiative Ltd. (1999-2002). All rights reserved. Portions of software © PacketVideo Corporation (USA) 1999, 2002. PacketVideo, pvPlayer and the PacketVideo logo are trademarks of PacketVideo Corporation. All rights reserved. This product contains software copyright © Beatnik, Inc. 1996-2002. End-user license agreement for Sun Java J2ME™:
1. Restrictions: Software is confidential copyrighted information of Sun and title to all copies is retained by Sun and/or its licensors. Customer shall not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, extract, or otherwise reverse engineer Software. Software may not be leased, assigned, or sublicensed, in whole or in part.
2. Export Regulations: Software, including technical data, is subject to U.S. export control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. The Customer agrees to comply strictly with all such regulations and acknowledges that it has the responsibility to obtain licenses to export, re-export, or import Software. Software may not be downloaded, or otherwise exported or re­exported (i) into, or to a national or resident of, Cuba, Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Libya, Sudan, Syria (as such listing may be revised from time to time) or any country/region to which the U.S. has embargoed goods; or (ii) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department's list of Specially Designated Nations or the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Denial Orders.
3. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication or disclosure by the United States government is subject to the restrictions as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clauses in DFARS 252.227-7013(c) (1) (ii) and FAR
52.227-19(c) (2) as applicable. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
Note Some of the services in this User Guide are not supported by all networks. This also applies to the GSM International Emergency Number 112. Please contact your network operator or service provider if you are in doubt whether you can use a particular service or not.
Y our mobile phone has the capability to load, store and forward additional content, e.g. ring tone melodies. The use of such content may be restricted or prohibited by rights of third parties, including but not limited to restriction under applicable copyright laws. You, and not Sony Ericsson, are entirely responsible for additional content that you download to or forward from your mobile phone. Prior to your use of any additional content, please verify that your intended use is properly licensed or is otherwise authorised. Sony Ericsson does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any additional content or any other third-party content. Under no circumstances will Sony Ericsson be liable in any way for your improper use of additional content or other third party content.
Note Sony Ericsson advices users to backup their personal data information.
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.



For ease of reference the ‘Getting to know your P908’ chapter gives a quick overview of the main functions of the phone, shortcuts and general information.
Your P908 combines advanced business and entertainment features in one intuitive device.
Its integrated camera lets you take pictures and record video wherever you are and use them in a wide range of applications. The pictures can be used in the Picture Phone Book, where they can be used to identify callers.
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) allows you to send and receive messages that include pictures, sound, text and voice notes.
The P908 features advanced entertainment functionality that offers high quality MP3 music and widescreen format video clips and 3D games. New content can be downloaded quickly and easily from Internet sites or transferred to the phone via Bluetooth Wireless Technology, an infrared port or a cable. Extra memory is available through Memory S tick Duo, wh ich also serves as a convenient way to exchange content and applications such as Java games.
8 Introduction
The P908 can be used as a corporate phone with Ericsson
MD110 The P908 also contains an organizer,
which includes contacts, a calendar, notes and e-mail, all of which can be quickly and efficiently synchronized with a PC. The e-mail application supports attachments. Viewers let you read documents in various formats such as Microsoft® Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
The complete P908 documentation consists of the following parts:
• Quick Guide
•User Guide
• Instruction for removing the Flip
• Help texts in the P908
• Complementary information on the Internet, refer to
• Information on the
and Business Phone® exchanges.
PC Suite for P908
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.

Getting to know your P908

P908 package

A P908 with stylus B Battery C Travel charger D SyncStation E Stereo headset F Protective bag and strap G Extra stylus H Cover and tool set - Flip replacement J Memory Stick Duo K Memory Stick Duo adapter L User documentation package M 2 CDs, PC Suite for P908 and Multimedia for P908
Note The design of the charger will differ depending on the market.
Note If your package does not include all the listed items above, please contact your retailer.
Note Before you can use your P908 you need to insert the SIM card, and insert and charge the battery. Always detach the charger before you insert or remove the SIM card.
Getting to know your P908 9
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.

P908 overview

A Indicator light for Bluetooth wireless technology (blue) B Screen C Flip (in open position) D Indicator light for network and battery (green/red) E CommuniCorder activation and shutter release F Internet button for activation of the browser G Slot for Sony Memory Stick Duo
A Stylus B External antenna connector C CommuniCorder D Battery compartment E Connector for accessories and charger F Connector for stereo headset G Jog Dial H Infrared port I On/Off button
10 Getting to know your P908
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.

SIM card

When you register as a subscriber with a network operator, you receive a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card. The SIM card contains a computer chip that keeps track of your phone number, the services included in your subscription and your phone book information, among other things.
A PIN (Personal Identity Number) code is supplied with the SIM card from your operator and must be entered when switching on your P908.
Open the battery cover and insert the SIM card as shown in the picture.
Some subscriptions are limited to call only predefined numbers, so-called Fixed Dialling Numbers (FDN). To avoid problems when travelling abroad, these predefined numbers should be defined as international numbers starting with +, for example +4613244500. In order to speed up calling while at home, the same numbers can also be added in the national number format, for example 013244500.
For more information. see ‘Copying contacts to and from the SIM card’ on page 105.


Before you use your P908 for the first time, charge the battery provided for at least 4 hours. Use the supplied charger. See ‘Charging the battery’ on page 12.
Insertion and removal
To insert the battery
1. Ensure that the Flip is closed.
2. Remove the battery cover by sliding it downwards.
3. Place the battery in the battery compartment and close the cover.
To remove the battery
1. Ensure that your P908 is turned off.
Note It is important that you always turn off your P908 before removing the battery. Failure to do so can result in loss of information.
2. Remove the battery cover by sliding it downwards.
3. Use your fingernail at the lower left-hand edge of the battery to gently lift the lower edge of the battery outwards.
4. Take out the battery.
Getting to know your P908 11
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
Charging the battery
• When the battery needs to be charged, a beep is heard. The indicator light (on the top of your P908) flashes red and a battery low message appears on the screen.
• The battery can be charged whenever you want. The P908 performance is not affected. However, using your P908 while charging increases the charging time.
To charge the battery
The P908 can be charged either when it is switched on or off.
1. Make sure the battery is inserted in your P908 and the cover is closed.
2. Connect the charger to the P908 at the base of the phone by the flash symbol. The charger plug flash symbol must face upwards.
3. Connect the charger to the mains.
Charging is indicated by the battery meter on the screen pulsing continuously, and the indicator at the top of the P908 showing a steady red light (or green, if the P908 is switched on).
See also ‘Battery Use and Care’ on page 183.
Tip You can also use other battery chargers that have been supplied with other Sony Ericsson mobile phones using the same connector plug, for example, T68i or T300.
Note When the battery is completely dischar g ed, or new, it may take up to 30 minutes before the battery charging icon appears on the screen.
4. Wait approximately 4 hours or until the battery meter on the screen is full and the indicator on the top of the P908 shows a steady green light.
5. Remove the charger by tilting the plug upwards.

Care instructions

Your P908 is a highly sophisticated electronic device. To get the most out of it, please make sure that you follow this advice:
• Keep the P908 in its protective bag when not using it.
• Use a commercial glass screen cleaner sprayed on a cloth, when you clean the screen.
• Use only the stylus provided to tap the screen.
12 Getting to know your P908
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.

First time start-up

Please read ‘Guidelines for safe and efficient use’ on page 182 before you start using your P908.
When you start your P908 for the first time
1. Open the Flip. Press the On/
button. The
Setup Wizard
starts automatically and guides you through the essential settings. These include time and date settings, and information on the Jog Dial, text entry, and status bar. Follow the instructions on the screen.
2. The
Power menu
opens. Select
Phone on.
3. Enter your PIN when the dialogue box appears and press
. Press to delete a digit.

Turning your P908 on and off

By default the operation or These settings can be turned off. See ‘To use the Power menu’ on page 52.
Flight mode
In off, but you can still use the other functions. Set your P908 in
Flight mode
can also use do not want incoming calls.
Power menu
Flight mode
prompts you to choose normal
each time you press the On/
the phone and Bluetooth functions are switched
where the use of mobile phones is not allowed. You
Flight mode
if you want to use the other functions but

Importing phone book entries

You may want to import existing contact information from another mobile phone to your P908. You can do this in several ways:
• Beam the phone book entries from the other phone by infrared or Bluetooth wireless technology and save the set to
. See ‘Creating and editing contacts’ on
page 102.
• Synchronize the SIM and the internal memory on the other phone with one of the PC PIM applications supported by your P908. Then you can synchronize this information with
Note When you synchronize application, the SIM information will not be synchronized. You might get two versions of the same contact. See ‘Synchronization and backup’ on page 140.
• Phone book entries stored on your SIM card are accessible through
. Select
right in the menu bar to see the list of entries in your SIM phone book. These entries can be imported to See ‘Copying contacts to and from the SIM card’ on page 105.
with your PC PIM
in the folders menu to the
Getting to know your P908 13
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.

Operational modes

The P908 works in different operational modes:
Flip closed
With the keypad Flip closed, the P908 can be used like a conventional mobile phone using the keypad to dial and the Jog Dial to navigate. For more information please see ‘Jog Dial’ on page 18 and ‘Keypad functions’ on page 19.
You can open the Flip at any time to continue working. Many more functions are available when the Flip is open.
Flip open
When the Flip is opened, the large touch-screen is revealed. You use the stylus to tap the screen to navigate and enter data. There is also a handwriting recognition feature, so that you can use the stylus to write on the screen.
The Jog Dial provides further navigation and selection capability. Closing the Flip generally ends an activity and saves the data. Multimedia phone calls and data sessions will, however, continue.
Flip removed
The Flip can also be removed, which makes the organizer applications easier to access. When the Flip is r em oved, the P908 works in Flip open operational mode.
Note Turn off the P908 before you remove the flip to avoid to damage your phone.
14 Getting to know your P908
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
Sony Ericsson
Call list
11:20am 21/06/2004

Flip closed mode

Sony Ericsson
11:20am 21/06/2004
Call list
Music player Messages
Tas ks
Sound recorder
Music player Messages
Tas ks
Sound recorder
A Shortcut to the Messages application B Shortcut to the Contacts application C Shortcut to the Call list application
Tip When view is selected, it is also possible to start an application by pressing its specific number.
D Shortcut to the Calendar application E Shows all applications available in Flip closed mode
Standby view
The standby view shows shortcuts to the most commonly used applications. Choose which shortcuts you want to use in standby. See ‘Personalizing your P908’ on page 144.
Selecting and starting applica tions
Rotate the Jog Dial to select an applicat ion. Press the Jog Dia l or
to start the application.
Getting to know your P908 15
Closing applications
The current application automatically closes and the data is saved when you return to the standby view or switch to another application. To return to standby, press and hold or press the Jog Dial backwards.
Options menu
or press the Jog Dial forwards to open the standby options menu to get access to keylock, battery status, missed calls and more.
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.

Flip open mode

Applications View All
Pictures Video Music player
Messages Contacts Phone Calendar Tasks Jotter Control panel Calculator
Pictures Video Music player
Messages Contacts Phone Calendar Tasks Jotter Control panel Calculator Sound recorder
Time Viewer File manager Remote Sync Online services
Demo GPRS data log Chess Solitaire Dictionary
A Shortcut to the Messages application B Shortcut to the Contacts application C Shortcut to the Phone application D Shortcut to the Calendar application E Shortcut to the Internet application F Shows all applications available in Flip open mode
You can change the shortcuts A-E. See ‘Changing your application shortcuts’ on page 144.
When the Flip is open, the application shortcut icons shown in the Flip closed mode move to the top row in the Flip open screen. You navigate by using the stylus and tapping selected items and by using the Jog Dial, see ‘Jog Dial’ on page 18.

Flip removed

You can use your P908 without the physical Flip. When the Flip is removed, the P908 works in Flip open mode.
To remove and attach the Flip, refer to the separate instructions.
Note Please note that Sony Ericsson does not accept any liability for lost parts or product defects resulting from any disassembly or modification of the product.
16 Getting to know your P908
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Virtual flip
When the virtual flip is enabled, is shown on the status bar when the virtual flip is open. Select to ‘close’ the virtual flip.
When the virtual flip is closed, the virtual flip keypad is shown. Select to ‘open’ the virtual flip.
You must activate the virtual flip, when you have removed the Flip keypad, by tapping the
Control Panel > Other > Flip removed.
Enable virtual flip
checkbox in

Screen areas

When the Flip is closed, you use the keyboard and the Jog Dial. When the Flip is open the screen is touch-sensitive. The screen is divided into a number of areas: see the figure and table below.
John Smith
+4613244500 (h)
End call
Internet Edit
Chat Edit
Sony Ericsson
Item Description
A Application
Displays six icons for quick and easy access to the most common applications. These can be customized.
B Menu bar Usually contains two menus on the left, and a folder
menu on the right. The two left-hand menus contain:
•the application menu, whose name is always the same as the application. It contains the system services used by most applications, such as
Send as
, and
•the edit menus contain editing items such as
Copy, Paste, Zoom, Preferences
In Flip open, the menu bar shows the function of the
C Application
Applications use this central area of the screen to display the essential information. Many of the built-in applications are based on two standard view layouts: a list view and a detail view.
D Button bar An application view displays a button bar that
contains useful controls and shortcuts. Not all application views require a button bar.
E S t atus bar Displays device status information such as: signal
strength, battery and device information, settings for sounds and time, on-screen keyboard, as well as temporary indicators such as missed calls and unread messages.
F Title bar Displays the name of the active application.
Getting to know your P908 17
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Jog Dial

Action Function
Rotate the Jog Dial (up) Scrolls items in a list up / to the left,
Rotate the Jog Dial (down) Scrolls items in a list down / to the
Press the Jog Dial (inwards) Selects a highlighted item, dials
Press the Jog Dial (backwards)
Press the Jog Dial (forwards) Flip closed: brings up the Options
increases volume during a call, moves back a page when playing a multimedia message.
right, decreases volume during a call, moves forward a page when playing a multimedia message.
selected phone numbers. Generally the same action as in Flip closed.
Goes back to the previous screen, dismisses dialogues, and sends a busy signal to the calling party when you receive a call. It will not end a call. Always the same action as in Flip closed and in Flip open.
menu. Press and hold takes you to the Applications list.
Flip open: toggles the Application, Edit and Category menus. Press and hold takes you to the Application launcher.
18 Getting to know your P908
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Keypad functions

Key Function
OK Enter selected function, indicated on the display above the key.
• Return to previous menu.
• Reject an incoming call.
• P re ss and ho ld to retu rn to Standby.
• Delete entered characters/digits from the screen one by one.
• Press and hold to delete an entire row of entered characters/digits.
• Delete an entry from Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Sound Recorder, and Messages.
• Press and hold to disconnect the microphone (mute function) when a call is in progress.
• Mute the ring signal during an incoming call.
• Pause/play the melody when the Music player is open.
• Press and hold to put the P908 into silent mode, when in the standby view.
• Open the menu with different options for different applications.
• P ress and hold to open Applications.
Key Function
• Enter the character *.
• Press and hold to enter a
• Press to switch between the different input types
(for Chinese input Pinyin, Stroke, 123; for
latin input Abc, abc, ABC, 123). See ‘Text entry types’ on page 31.
• Press and hold to change between T9 and multitap.
• Enter the character #.
• Enter space.
• Press and hold to change input language (Chinese or English).
- N
• Press and hold keys 0 to 9 to enter digits 0 to 9.
• Press and hold keys 1 to 6 to select Chinese characters.
• Press key 1 to enter voice mail.
• Enter associated characters or perform associated functions. See ‘Shortcuts’ on page 45.
• Press and hold digits 2 to 9 to open Contacts.
Note Multitap input only applies when latin (English) is selected as input language.
(pause) character.
Getting to know your P908 19
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Indicators and status bar icons

These icons appear in the Flip closed standby screen or in the status bar when the Flip is open. When the Flip is open, you can often tap the icons to get more detailed information or start an application.
Icon Function
Signal strength, GPRS status Battery strength Bluetooth on Bluetooth discoverable Infrared on GPRS active GPRS data transfer in progress Ongoing data call Ongoing call Missed call Divert all calls notification Calls screened
Icon Function
SMS notification MMS notification E-mail notification SMS overflow Time Time, alarm set Key lock Magic word Keyboard Multimedia volume Speakerphone Muted microphone Silent mode Home network Voicemail notification
20 Getting to know your P908
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Memory Stick Duo™

The Memory Stick Duo provides a convenient way of increasing the storage space in your P908. You can save still images, video clips, music, and voice recordings as well as computer data and applications on a Memory Stick Duo and use it to store or transfer the contents for many differe nt purpose s. Thes e include:
• Storing backup copies of important files.
• Storing media for personalizing your P908.
• Storing media for use when composing MMS messages.
• Storing installation files for new applications.
• Transferring data between the P908 and a PC or Mac.
• Providing storage for third-party applications.
To in sert the Memory Stick Duo
1. Open the cover for the Memory Stick Duo slot.
2. Insert the Memory Stick Duo in the slot, with the connector side towards the back (see picture). Make sure it is securely inserted. A click should be heard.
Note Insert the Memory Stick Duo correctly to avoid damage to your P908 or the Memory Stick Duo.
Memory S
tick D
The Memory Stick Duo supplied with the P908 may or may not be a version that contains the lock function. Remember, you can overwrite existing files without the lock function.
To remov e th e Memory Stick Duo
Press the edge of the Memory Stick Duo using your fingernail or the stylus to release it. You hear a click as it jumps out of the slot.
Note Be careful when removing the Memory Stick Duo to avoid dropping it.
Renaming a Memory Stick Duo
You can rename a Memory Stick Duo to give it a name that is meaningful to you. The name you set will be shown in the divider between internal and external storage in the folder menu. See ‘Folders’ on page 27. There are two ways to rename a Memory Stick Duo:
• Select
Control Panel > Other > Format disk
and tap
See ‘Format disk’ on page 166.
• Select
File manager > File > Format disk
and tap
Renaming will not erase any data.
Copying and moving data
For information on how to copy and move data to and from the Memory Stick Duo, refer to ‘Folders’ on page 27.
Getting to know your P908 21
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Formatting a Memory Stick Duo
If you need to reformat a Memory Stick Duo, select
Panel > Other > Format disk disk
. When you format a disk, you delete all the information on
, or select
File manager > File > Format
it, including any applications that you may have installed.
Sharing data with other devices
Y our P908 uses the shorter memory stick variant, Memory S tick Duo.
Memory Stick Duo Adapter
Use the Memory Stick Duo adapter when using your Memory Stick Duo in a device equipped with a regular sized Memory Stick, for example a personal computer. Insert your Memory Stick Duo according to the picture on the adapter.
Warning! Do not insert a Memory Stick Duo adapter without a Memory Stick Duo into a Memory Stick slot. This may damage the product. Always insert the adapter in the slot with the connector end (marked with a triangle) first.
The P908 defines its own folder structure on a Memory Stick. Each application has its own set of folders. A folder created in one application is not visible in another.
Other devices must access the same folder structure to interact with the P908 files. If you are using a PC, this is easily done by browsing to the required folder on the Memory Stick.
Memory Stick enabled devices which do not allow you to browse and manage a folder structure may not be able to share data directly with the applications in your P908 (for example, Memory Stick enabled digital cameras). However, the File Manager can access these files and move them into the correct folders for use by the applications. When your P908 is connected to your PC, you also have access to the P908 folder structure as well as other Memory Stick Duo content in
My P908
Personal computer support
Both PCs and Apple computers may be enabled for Memory Stick use via built-in Memory Stick slots, Floppy Disk adapters, PC card adapters, and Memory Stick enabled mouses. (Memory Stick Duo Adapter required.)
For more information about Sony Memory Stick, visit
22 Getting to know your P908
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Connecting the accessories

A The travel charger is connected to the desk stand or to the P908.
Note The design of the charger will differ depending on the market.
B The USB connector from the desk stand is connected to a PC. C The headset is connected to the P908. D Other accessories can be connected to the connector at the base of
the P908.
E A car holder can be connected to the antenna connector at the rear.
Note Remove the plastic plug before connecting the P908 to the car holder.
Getting to know your P908 23
The wrist strap is threaded through the holes next to the connector at the bottom of the P908.
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You need the following services to use the P908 functions:
To use... You need...
phone services GSM subscription text messaging (SMS) GSM subscription multimedia messaging (MMS) MMS account, GSM data subscription e-mail e-mail account, GSM data subscription Internet Internet account, WAP account (only
for WAP 1.x services), GSM data subscription
data communication GSM data subscription
Please consult your network operator and Internet service provider for more information about the services that are available to you.

Applications - overview

You can start applications in different ways. Sel ec t icons in the standby view (Flip closed) and in the application picker (Flip open) to start the most important ones. Select to list all applications.
Demo application
The Demo application shows some of the most common functions in your P908.
You can uninstall the demo application and also reinstall it from the
Multimedia for P908
your P908’ on page 134 for how to uninstall the demo application and ‘Installing applications on your P908’ on page 132 for how to reinstall it.
To start the demo
1. Select the Applications icon .
2. Select the Demo icon . The demo starts.
To stop the demo
Tap the screen or rotate the Jog Dial to stop the demo. The demo also stops when any other dialogue is opened.
Note When the Flip is open, an incoming text or MMS message will not stop the demo.
The Demo application can be launched also when the P908 is started without a SIM card inserted. When the P908 asks you to insert the SIM card, just press OK. If the Flip is closed, open it.
This is the mobile phone application. When the Flip is opened, select to start it.
CD. See ‘Removing applications from
24 Getting to know your P908
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Call list
The call list displays the most recent calls, either outgoing, incoming or missed. In Flip closed, press the Jog Dial or to call the selected entry. To view the call list when the Flip is open, open icon.
For taking video clips and still pictures. In CommuniCorder view, the screen becomes a viewfinder. Press the CommuniCorder button or the Jog Dial to start recording or take a photo. Alternatively tap the red button at the bottom of the screen.
Manages your pictures. You can take pictures with CommuniCorder, or rece ive them via e-ma il, Bluetooth wirel ess technology and infrared communication. Download via the Internet browser, or transf er them from your PC. With the image editor you can also edit your pictures.
Plays video clips. You can record video with CommuniCorder, download them from Internet or transfer them from your PC. You can stream video and audio from the Intern et.
and select the call list view by tapping the
Pictures (Flip open only)
Video (Flip open only)
Music player
Plays music tracks and other audio files. You can download these from the Internet or transfer them from your PC. The player supports the most common sound formats. You can save music tracks on the Memory Stick Duo.
Internet (Flip open only)
The Internet browser can access both Web and WAP pages. It can also download images, video clips, audio files, and Java applications.
You can read, create, send and delete text (SMS), multimedia (MMS) and e-mail messages in this view.
Displays a list of your contacts. Select a contact to view associated contact data.
The Calendar view displays entries for the current day. Use the Jog Dial to get more information about a selected entry or to change days.
Keeps track of your tasks. Set due date, alarm, priority, and so on, for all your tasks and let your P908 remind you in time.
Getting to know your P908 25
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Displays a list of stored entries. In detailed view, the complete entry is displayed.
Control panel (Flip open only)
Contains all settings that are system-wide and affect more than one application. This is the main view to use when initially setting up your P908.
Note Settings for Flight mode and P908 locks ar e located under
Control panel > Device
Calculator (Flip open only)
A standard 10-digit calculator. You can add, subtract, multiply, divide, calculate square roots and percentages.
Sound recorder
You can use your P908 as a sound recorder.
Time (Flip open only)
Shows time and date. You can set your current location and another. You can also set different alarms.
Viewer (Flip open only)
Use it to view various types of documents: for example Microsoft® Word, Excel, Power Point, Adobe® Acrobat® (PDF files).
File manager (Flip open only)
You can handle the content and organisation of media, both in the P908 and on the Memory Stick Duo
Remote Sync (Flip open only)
Performs synchronization over the air. Using GPRS, the P908 can be continuously connected to the remote synchronization server. Remote Sync works equally well over CSD or HSCSD.
Online services
Your service provider may offer different services, for example, weather forecasts, financial information or newsletters. Contact your service provider for more information.
GPRS data log (Flip open only)
A list of GPRS Internet accounts. Open an account to view your logged GPRS traffic, including your costs. The P908 creates a new data log when a connection to an account is created.
Dictionary (Flip open only)
The dictionary application contains both English - Chinese and Chinese - English dictionaries.
Connections (Flip closed only)
Set the way you communicate with your PC or other devices. Select between infrared, Bluetooth wireless technology and cable. In the cable menu, you can also select whether the P908 synchronizes with a PC or acts as a wireless modem.
26 Getting to know your P908
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General functions

Application launcher views
In Flip open, the P908 can present the applications in two ways:
• List view (small icons appear in one column)
• Icon view (large icons appear in two columns)
For each application there is a default is no way of seeing on your P908, whether a file in an folder is located on your P908 or on a Memory Stick, we recommend that you move files to your own folders as soon as possible.
Every item created in an application is always assigned to a single folder, by default the same folder as displayed in the list view.
folder. Since there
Folders are used to organize information, for example contacts, jotter entries, or task lists. You might want to organize your contacts in business and personal folders.
Folders are also used when managing files of different types on your P908 and Memory Stick Duo. You might want to move or copy sound files into a sound track folder to store on a Memory Stick Duo.
As you may notice, if you connect your P908 to a PC and view
My P908
the contents of your P908 in overview of a folder and file structure on a large screen than on a handheld device. If you make it a habit to set up specific folders to suit your needs and use them to categorise all your information, working with it becomes easy.
Each application has its own set of folders. A folder created in one application is not visible in another.
Getting to know your P908 27
, it is easier to get an
In list view, the folder menu is used to org anise your entries. In detail view, the folder menu allows you to change the folder of the current item.
Using the folder menu
In the applications that use folders you can see the folder menu to the right in the menu bar.
When a Memory Stick Duo is available in the P908, the folders on it are shown in the folder menu under the divider. If you rename the disk (see ‘Renaming a Memory Stick Duo’ on page 21) the divider will show the new name.
In list view, there is a super-folder called selected, displays items from all folders (in folder does not display the entries in the SIM phone book). the default value in list views and when an application is first launched.
which, when
, the
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
Use the
Edit Folders
menu item to:
• Rename a folder, or move a folder to or from Memory Stick Duo. Select the folder you want to move or rename, tap type the name of the new folder, and choose a the list. Tap
a new folder. Tap
from the list. Tap
, enter a folder
a folder. Select the folder you want to delete and tap
. A folder can only be deleted if it is empty. Not all
and choose
folders can be deleted.
To copy all the files in a folder to another folder
1. Open the folder in list view, and select application menu; for example
2. Select the destination
from the list and select
Copy to
in the main
To move a file from one folder to another
Open the file in detail view. In the folder menu, select the destination folder.
To copy a file to another folder
1. Open the file in detail view. In the folder menu, select the destination folder. Select menu; for example
2. Select the destination
Copy to
in the main application
from the list and tap
Tip To delete multiple files in an application you can use Storage manager. See ‘Deleting or copying general files’ on
page 168.
Managing your files
Using the File Manager, you can handle the content and organisation of media, both in the P908 and on the Memory Stick Duo. See ‘File manager’ on page 124.
You can also use the Storage Manager in the Control Panel. See ‘Storage manager’ on page 168.
You can change the size of the screen fonts. Choose between Small, Medium or Large. From the menu bar , tap
Edit > Zoom.
Automatic saving
When you work in an application and leave it, your work is automatically saved.
The Find function searches through all the items stored in an
application. The standard edit box with two buttons, the search, while
dialogue contains a single text
. Selecting
closes the
28 Getting to know your P908
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In some applications, for example Messages, Find may be more complicated:
• The size of each message is so large that you may want to restrict the search to the current message only.
• Folders are potentially more significant, so you may want to restrict the search to the current folder only.
Sorting your files
You can sort the files you have stored in your P908. By sorting your files, you choose in which order you want the files to be displayed on the screen. You can choose between sorting by, for example type, size, date, or name.
Note Sort is not included in all applications.
Sending and receiving items
From many applications it is possible to exchange items like appointments, contacts and images.
To send an item using Send as
1. Enter the
2. Depending on the application and item, you can choose between the following transfer methods:
Send as
menu in the specific application.
• Text message (using SMS): P908 will create a new text message. Add the mobile number of the recipient and tap
• E-mail: the P908 will create a new message with the item included as an attachment. Complete with address and subject, and tap
• Multimedia message (using MMS): the P908 will create a new message with the item included as an attachment. Complete the message and tap
• Infrared: align the infrared port of the P908 with the infrared port of the other device. Select
Progress messages on screen will tell you when the information has been transferred.
• Bluetooth wireless technology: the P908 will search the local area for paired devices. These will be presented in a list. Select a device to which the item is to be sent and select
. Progress messages will tell you when the information
has been transferred.
Tip The other devices must have Bluetooth wireless technology
enabled. You can select
to perform a new search if, for
example, a destination device was not enabled at first.
To handle items received in e-mail and multimedia messages
1. Tap the notification icon , or open
and select MMS or an e-mail inbox.
2. Open the message.
Getting to know your P908 29
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3. Select the attachments tab.
4. Select the required attachment. The attachment or a summary of the attachment will be displayed.
5. Select
to save the item. You may optionally display the
received item within the related application.
See ‘Messages’ on page 87 for more information.
To re ceive beamed items
1. Ensure that infrared or Bluetooth wireless technology is activated.
2. For infrared, ensure that the infrared ports are aligned.
3. The received item will be notified by a dialogue box listing the item(s) received.
4. Select
to view and save the item to the related
application. Select
and any unsaved items will be
automatically saved for you in the
inbox in
Methods for storing data
Your P908 can store data in different ways:
• Internal memory. Up to 13 MB of capacity for storing pictures, messages, music, applications, and so on, depending on applications in use.
• Memory Stick Duo (expansion memory).
• Several other expansion-memory alternatives on the market.
• Pictures on Sony Image Station on the Web: – For Europe:
– For Japan: – For USA:
• SIM card, for phone numbers and associated names. See ‘Copying contacts to and from the SIM card’ on page 105.
Getting help
From the menu bar tap The help system uses two views:
• The Topics view shows all available topics, for example both specific application topics and general topics.
• The Detail view presents the title and text of a single topic.
The Topics view allows you to select a topic, which opens the detail view/text view and displays the selected topic. You can also set the zoom level and exit the Help system.
In many dialogue boxes you can select the Help icon in the upper right corner.
Edit > Help
to get to the P908 help system.
30 Getting to know your P908
+ 170 hidden pages