Test Instruction, Electrical
Test Instruction, Electrical
Applicable for F500 and K500 family
General............................................................................................................................. 2
2 Test Procedure ................................................................................................................2
3 Test flow...........................................................................................................................2
3.1 Software Update ................................................................................................ 2
3.1.1 Verify Software Version....................................................................................2
3.1.2 Update Software Version ..................................................................................2
3.2 Go/No-Go Test ..................................................................................................3
3.3 Service Tests...................................................................................................... 4
3.3.1 Main Display Test .............................................................................................4
3.3.2 Camera Test....................................................................................................... 4
3.3.3 LED/Illumination Test.......................................................................................4
3.3.4 Keyboard Test ...................................................................................................5
3.3.5 Vibrator Test...................................................................................................... 5
3.3.6 Earphone Test....................................................................................................5
3.3.7 Speaker Test ......................................................................................................5
3.3.8 Microphone Test................................................................................................ 6
3.3.9 Real Time Clock Test........................................................................................6
3.4 Manual Tests .....................................................................................................6
3.4.1 On The Air Call to Mobile ................................................................................6
3.4.2 Infrared Test ......................................................................................................6
3.4.3 System Connector Test......................................................................................7
4 Revision History ..............................................................................................................8
2/00021-2/FEA 209 544/86 C
Company Internal
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
Approved according to 000 21-LXE 107 42/1

Test Instruction, Electrical
1 General
This document describes the test procedure for the Electrical repair package.
2 Test Procedure
To verify all components within the Electrical repair package, all tests must be performed.
3 Test flow
If the phone is passing these steps of testing without any failures,
it is OK to return it to the customer.
If there are any failures, repair the phone according to the troubleshooting guide.
3.1 Software Update
Update to latest phone signalling software from EMMA II.
3.1.1 Verify Software Version
To verify if the phone needs new software, you have to check the Software Version in the
phone. Current Software Versions are checked through the following steps:
1. Start up the phone.
2. Press the following navigation-key and keyboard sequence: !!""!"!
3. Select Service info.
4. Select SW Information.
5. Check the file revisions on the display.
6. Press OK to return to the Service info menu.
3.1.2 Update Software Version
Update the software in the phone by doing the following steps:
1. Make sure that the phone’s battery is fully charged or use a Dummy battery. Connect
correct flash cable and interface according to the Installation instruction.
2. Connect to the EMMA II server, choose application "GSM" and follow the instructions.
2/00021-2/FEA 209 544/86 C
Company Internal
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Test Instruction, Electrical
3.2 Go/No-Go Test
This test verifies that the radio parameters of the phone fulfil the EGSM900/GSM
1800/GSM1900 specification. If all measurements are approved, this will be confirmed. If
any faults are discovered, this will be presented either on the screen or printed out. It’s
possible to do this test either with antenna coupler from Rohde&Schwarz or RF adapter.
When using RF adapter a dummy battery shall be used.
It’s very important that a fully charged battery is used otherwise there is a risk for wrong test
Antenna Coupler
• Insert a test-SIM and a fully charged standard battery. Position the phone in the coupler
according to the picture (Fig 1).
RF adapter
• Insert a test-SIM and a dummy battery. Assemble the RF adapter according to Fig 2 and
2.1. Connect the RF cable RPM 119 855 between the Test set and the antenna adapter.
Fig. 1 Position of the phone in to
the Antenna holder.
Fig.2 Press the antenna connector gently
against the external antenna connector
2/00021-2/FEA 209 544/86 C
Company Internal
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
Fig.2.1 Slide the holder towards the RFconnector until the adapter is in place. The
RF adapter should be placed into the slot
“B” on the holder.