Part List, Electrical
Part List, Electrical
Applicable for K330
Part list Main Board.......................................................................................................2
2 Revision History..............................................................................................................4
1219-0640 Rev 3
Company Internal
© Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Part List, Electrical
1 Part list Main Board
Contains only components that are possible to replace on the main board.
Pos. number refers to the components position number on the board.
Some components are noted as MSL X. These components are moisture-sensitive
and are rated at various levels (MSL):
Level 1: Unlimited floor life; does not require dry pack or re-baking.
Level 2: 1 year floor life; </=30 C; 60%rh; shipped in dry pack; must be re-baked
after being opened if floor life is exceeded.
Level 2A: 4 week floor life; </=30 C; 60%rh; shipped in dry pack; must be re-
baked after being opened if floor life is exceeded.
Level 3: 168 hours floor life; </=30 C; 60%rh; shipped in dry pack; must be re-
baked after being opened if floor life is exceeded.
Level 4: 72 hours floor life; </=30 C; 60%rh; shipped in dry pack; must be re-
baked after being opened if floor life is exceeded.
Level 5: 48 hours floor life; </=30 C; 60%rh; shipped in dry pack; must be re-
after being opened if floor life is exceeded.
Level 5A: 24 hours floor life; </=30 C; 60%rh; shipped in dry pack; must be re-
after being opened if floor life is exceeded.
Level 6: 6 hours floor life; </=30 C; 60%rh; shipped in dry pack; must be re-
after being opened if floor life is exceeded.
Component placing will be found in document 1078/FEA 209 544/xx.
NOTE! RF Calibration by using SERP can only be done by authorized repair
Fence modification according to Working Instruction Electrical.
1219-0640 Rev 3
Company Internal
© Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB