Equipment List, Electrical
Equipment List, Electrical
Applicable for K200 and K220
General ...............................................................................................................2
2 Column Definitions............................................................................................ 2
3 Repair Equipment..............................................................................................3
3.1 Sony Ericsson Provided Repair Equipment...........................................3
3.2 Picture of equipments orderable from Sony Ericsson............................4
3.3 Equipment Provided by Other Supplier .................................................5
4 Revision History ................................................................................................8
131 30-1/FEA 209 544/127 A
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© Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Equipment List, Electrical
1 General
This document describes the minimum required equipments for the Electrical Repair Process of the K200 and K220 mobile phone.
Equipment listed without a part number is not orderable from Sony Ericsson and must be bought locally.
2 Column Definitions
The matrix in the end of the equipment tables describe where the actual equipment is needed (marked with an X) or may be
needed/optional (marked with a Z).
Flash upgrade: Equipment for downloading software to the unit, both signalling and test-program.
Manual test: Equipment necessary to perform a manual test.
Repair: Equipment necessary for replacing components.
Go/No Go test: Equipment necessary for Go/No Go test.
The column that assist a specifying and/or clarifying the equipment needed are considered description type columns.
• Description The name of the equipment
• Part Number The Sony Ericsson part number to use when ordering from Sony Ericsson.
• Description Additional information that helps to specify the equipment.
131 30-1/FEA 209 544/127 A
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© Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Equipment List, Electrical
3 Repair Equipment
Some of the required equipment will be provided by Sony Ericsson and some equipment has to be sourced locally. This chapter will
separate these equipments.
3.1 Sony Ericsson Provided Repair Equipment
Flash Upgrade
Manual Test
Go/No Go
Description Part Number Comments
USB Service Card Reader LZY 213 1191 Software Package/CD+USB Reader X
Service Card LZY 213 595 X
SonyEricsson programming
interface - SEPI
SonyEricsson programming
interface cable – SEPI
RF Probe assembly RPM 119 854/1 X
RF Test Cable Flexible 1M RPM 119 855 X
Torque Screwdriver * NTZ 112 459 Torque set to 15 Ncm +/- 6 % X
Torx Bits No. 6 NTZ 112 288 Spare part to screwdriver X
Camera removal tool
Front opening tool NTZ 112 302/2 Opening tool X
Lead-free labels (sheet of 24) SVF 930 1379 These lead-free labels must be applied to all
Dummy Battery NTZ 112 542 Z
Rework Fixture LTD 260 273 For PBA (Printed Board Assembly) X
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© Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB
LTN 214 1484 USB/Interface Box+CD X
KRY 101 1119/1 SEPI Interface Cable – A1 X
NTZ 112 1070 X
materials and tools that contact the solder.