The aim of this White Paper is to give the reader an understanding of technology and its main applications, as well as
the main functions and features of the phone.
People who can benefit from this document include:
•Service providers
•Software developers
•Support engineers
•Application developers
More information, useful for product, service and application developers, is published at
This White Paper is published by:
Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB,
SE-221 88 Lund, Sweden
Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
Revision C (June 2004)
, which contains up-to-date information about technologies, products and tools.
This document is published by Sony Ericsson Mobile
Communications AB, without any warranty*.
Improvements and changes to this text necessitated by
typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information or improvements to programs and/or equipment,
may be made by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB at any time and without notice. Such changes
will, however, be incorporated into new editions of this
document. Printed versions are to be regarded as temporary reference copies only.
*All implied warranties, including without limit ation
the implied warr anties of m erchantability or fitness for
a particular purpose, are excluded. In no event shall
Sony Ericsson o r its lic ens ors be lia ble fo r i nciden tal or
consequential damages of any natur e, incl uding but not
limited to lost profits or commercial loss, arising out of
the use of the information in this document.
2June 2004
White Paper
Online Developer Resources
On, developers wil l f ind all documentation and too ls s uch as ph one W hi te Pape rs,
Developers Guidel ines , SDKs and API s etc . The devel oper We b sit e also conta ins di scuss ion fo rums m onitored by o ur
Sony Ericsson Developer Support team, a searcheable Knowledge Base of support queries and solutions, Tips &
Tricks, example code etc. To stay up to date on development issues, register and subscribe to the monthly Sony Ericsson Developer Newsletter.
Sony Ericsson Developer Support
Sony Ericsson offers develo per s pr of essional technical support servi ces. The service ca n be p urc hased from the devel oper web porta l, a s p art of the Sony Eric sso n Cor e a nd Cor e+ m ember ship package or as i ndi vi dual support in ci dent s.
There are two levels of support, described below.
The Basic Email Developer Support is an annual support service included in the Core membership that provides
developers with all the basics to successfully develop world-class applications for Sony Ericsson products. With this
support contract, developers get access to Sony Ericsson developer support engineers via email with same-day
response, five technical support incidents as well as the ability to purchase more.
The Priority Email Developer Support is an annual support service included in the Core+ membership that equips
professional developers wit h e ver ything they need to successfully de vel op wo rl d- cla ss applications fo r Sony Eri csson
products. With this support contract, developers get priority access to Sony Ericsson developer support engineers via
email with fast response times and up to 50 technical support incidents.
3June 2004
White Paper
Document conventions
The phone has a full graphic screen which supports 65,536 colors, referred to as 65K.
The screen images in this document are in JPG format and are thus of a lower resolution than the images actually
shown on the screen.
The Picture Messaging feature is referred to as MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) throughout this document.
Trademarks and acknowledgements ..................................................................................56
Index ..........................................................................................................................................57
1June 2004
White Paper
Product overview
The Z500a mobile phone feat ur es t he latest in advanced me ss agi ng and access technology with a ri ch offering of mul timedia, imaging and entertainment functions. This includes for example, playing video clips with the media player,
taking pictures with the built-in camera and enjoying the latest in gaming.
Easy to use vi deo comm uni cat i on pr ovi des a dedicated came ra b utton and only fi ve st eps for t aki ng and sending a picture or video clip.
Form follows function in this attractively designed clamshell phone with replaceable Style-Up™ Covers.
There is optimized memory for video communication with 6 MB of built-in memory for storage of content such as
pictures, music, ringtones, themes, games and video clips.
Easy access to Sony music, images, video and games.
A powerful gaming solution for Java 3D with cutting edge graphics; multi-player games; a large 1.8 inch, 65,536
color; STN display and support for accessories such as a game board.
This phone supports EDGE Class 10 (Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution) and GPRS (General Packet Radio
Service) triple band 850/1800/1900 (Class 10 meaning 4+2 sum 5), and GSM (Global System for Mobile
Communications). In addition to packet switched (ps) data, it also supports voice and circuit switched (cs) data.
2June 2004
Key functions and features
White Paper
This phone is the next st ep in i magi ng for Sony Ericsson
products. The evolution of mobile communications
towards imaging will greatly increase the scope for new
applications and services. In the area of multimedia in
mobile phones, Sony Ericsson can show its vast
experience in consumer electronics and entertainment –
music, pictures and games – as well as its mobile
technology leadership.
EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution)
enhances all the benefits of GPRS by providing
significantly higher data rates. In addition, services are
made feasib le by EDGE th at requ ire more b andwi dth and
speed than GPRS can offer. Altern atively, the added
bandwidth can be used as capacity for additional
customers. Higher data rates are achieved using new
modulation schemes on the air interface.
Device Management
The Z500a supports Open Mobile Alliance Device
Management (OMA DM) which allows for the remote
configuration and updating of settings for purposes such
as web browsing and synchronization. Service providers
benefit because OMA DM allows for efficient
reconfiguration of phones in the field without requiring
consumers to visit a retail location or call a customer
servic e representative. Netwo rk changes such as new IP
addresses can quickly be configured in numerous
devices. Consumers benefit because the manual effort
needed to modify settings can be avoided.
screen for the external display shows the service
provider , ti me, date, si gnal st rength , batter y char ge level ,
and other information.
Voice control capability is also s upported with the
clamshell closed. This capability can be accessed with a
long press on the upper side volume key or the portable
handsfree button. It can also be accessed using the
“magic word” that activates voic e control.
A long press on the camera button with the clamshell
closed makes the external display function as a view
finder. Zoom is controlled with the upper and lower side
volum e keys.
When the clamshell is open, the external display can be
customized wit h t he t ext or logo chosen by the custome r.
Details can be specified along with other customization
This phone supports GSM-EDGE/GPRS and is a triple
band mobile phone (850, 1800, 1900 MHz).
Multimedia (streaming and
An eye-catching feature of this phone is the large color
display. It measures 128 pixels wide and 160 pixels high
in portait mode and has 65,536 color s, all owi ng high quality color imaging and video.
The phone has an appealing clamshell design with an
external color display. The external display measures 96
pixels wide by 64 pixels high and has 4,096 colors. It
offers at-a -glanc e phon e statu s and acces s to some ph one
features without opening the clamshell. The standby
By streaming media such as audio and video clips,
multime dia is available in virtual realtime with m inimal
downl oading or waiti ng time. Media can also be
downloaded and saved in the phone memory and then
used with the Media player. Media such as audio files,
video clips or slide shows can be played back at any
3June 2004
White Paper
Media player
The Media player converts the phone
into a portable MP3/MPEG4/3GP
player. Play musi c, watch pictur es and
slide sh ows, as well as streamed or
downloaded video clips.
VGA camera
With a VGA camera, the Z500a is
always available to take pictures.
Taking a picture or recording a video
clip and sending it as part of a
multimedia message or as an email attachment is just a
few clicks away. The camera also features a 4X zoom.
Sony Ericsson’s constant goal of making products easier
to use has resulted in QuickShare™.
QuickShare is the fastest and easiest way to share
images. With minimal hassle and just a few clicks,
moments can be captured wit h the integ rated camera and
shared with frie nds!
But there is more to QuickShare than sending images
with a picture or email message. QuickShare is about
ease of use of all the imaging features of the product.
pictures of the location, and authentic sound clips, to
friends and family back home. When shopping, send a
picture of a bargain that a friend has been looking for.
With MMS, there are many interesting applications to
subscribe to, for example, stock information, movie
trailers and weather reports.
Content such as music, video and images may be
previewed before purchase.
User experience
A unique direct-link to download music, video, games,
themes and images, which is easy to use and promises
you the best-selling content for mobile download.
By pressing the PlayNow i con on t he phon e de sktop, you
can, for example, go straight to a live list of Top Music
Hits. Choose a ringtone clip, listen to it, and if you like
what you hear, you can buy it and add it to Sounds. You
can then listen to it or use it as often as you want.
Content formats that are supported
All formats that are supported in the phone can be downloaded. Music, video and images may be previewed
before purchase. The music format is MIDI or MP3.
Full graphic 65K color display
The color screen, 128 x 160 pixels,
enhances viewing, facilitating high-
quality mult ime dia and ent erta inme nt.
From standby, the phone features a
user interface built on the “desktop”
concept, whi ch is widely use d in many
computer operating systems. From
here, navigation between different main functions in the
phone is done by selecting the icons representing these
Reacting to the enormous popularity
of mobile phone messaging, Sony
Ericsson has inco rporated the latest
messaging standard, along with a
color display for an enhanced imaging experience.
Say it in words, say it with pictures, animate it, add
sound. Have fun putting together Multimedia birthday
and holiday gree tings. On vaca tion, use th e mobile phone
to send a digital postcard with s tylized text, dig ital
How the service works
This service is owned by Sony Ericsson or hosted by
Sony Ericsson for a network operator. The PlayNow or
other premium content is maintained and managed, for
example, by Sony Music or Sony Pictures. The content
on offer ca n eas il y be suited to a s pec if ic r egion or operator.
Implementation costs for network operators may be minimal and server communication is based on existing,
well-established standards. Sony Ericsson offers first or
second line support according to the agreement on hosting a white label servi ce or not . High leve l coope ratio n is
available for the design, look and feel, of content management.
Operator benefits
This service is aimed at providing quality and quantity
revenue for network operators. This is truly an ARPU
driver with low costs for op era to rs . The pr oc ess involves:
•Downloading a list
•Previewing content
•Cho osing c ontent
•Buying content
4June 2004
Note: The availability of this unique application is limited to specific markets, where relevant infrastructure
and agreements have been set up.
Other technical details
Security - Server communication is protected by Trans-
port Layer Security (TLS).
OMA Forward lock - Content cannot be exchanged
with other devices by the user, it is limited to use or
White Paper
3D Games
The Java 3D gaming software
introduces and supports cutting edge
3D graphics. Audio developments
such as 40 tones polyphonic sound
and force feedback provide a much richer experience.
With operator support, there is the possibility for
multiplayer games to play against friends. The large 1.8”
STN display can only add to a lasting gaming
experience. Downloading graphic intensive games
requiring up to 6 MB user memory is also possible with
that amount of built-in mem ory.
Java™ 2 Micro Edition
With Java, you can download extra
content, for example, new
information- an d entertainment -based
application s. This gives use rs a chanc e
to personalize the functions and
features in their phones, and developers the opportunity
to create new applicatons.
Gaming is already a very popular
feature in mobile phones, and with
Java, users can add new games and
skill levels to further enhance the
entertainment value of Sony Ericsson phones.
Copyright protection – DRM
DRM (Digital Rights Management) assures the rights
and copy protection of downloaded content (audio,
pictures, ri ngt ones , vi deo , ent er ta inment features such as
games etc.).
Content-based services have great market potential, and
to encourage this, Sony Ericsson plans to support DRM
in all future multimedia products. Sony Ericsson regards
DRM as a key enabler for content-based services, and is
active in supporting the ongo ing sta nda rdi zation work of
the OMA (Open Mobile Alliance). Furthermore, any
additional market requirements for DRM will be
More in-phone functions
The user has 6MB of user memory available for:
•video clips
•2D games
•3D games
•MIDI ringtones
•MP3 songs
Navigation key
The 4-directional + select key is
designed to easily navigate the menu
system. In a menu, the center select
button is gently pressed to select a
Improved User Interf ace (UI)
Selection keys and the key assignment give a very
efficient interactive design with full f lexibilit y to handl e
all the new features and applications. Sony Ericsson has
focused on user-centered design and extensive usability
testing to solidify the new UI paradigm. This ensures
visibility in actions and system status and consistency
between applications and similar actions. The large,
high-reso lut io n col or display is easily navigated with the
navigation key.
Polyphonic sounds - 40 voices
compose, edit and send melodies by using the
Polyphonic sounds and the MIDI
format have revolutionized the sound
quality of ringtones in mobile phones.
With this format, the user can p lay,
5June 2004
White Paper
MusicDJ™. The built-in sound synthesizer uses
wavetables, real instrument sounds, with 40 voice
polyphony. The new composer has an improved
graphical use r interfa ce to simplif y melod y handlin g. All
new and edited melodies are stored in MID I format.
File management
There is a file manager, similar to that which can be
found on many computers. In the file manager the user
has an overview of the contents of the phone as well as
how much memory is allocated to each function and
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)
GPRS offers the user the speed needed for satisfactory
mobile Internet usability. The phone supports GPRS
(Class 10 meaning 4+2 sum 5).
WAP 2.0 supporting XHTML™
The WAP browser supports the markup languages of
WAP 2.0 – XHTML Mobile and XHTML Basic. These
two subsets of the Web standard XHTML are supported
by all major Web browsers. An XHTML page can be
viewed in both the WAP browser and in any standard
Web browser. All of the basic XHTML features are
supported, including text, images, links, check boxes,
radio buttons, text areas, headings, horizontal rules and
In addition to XHTML, the WAP browser supports
WML. The user can navigate between WML and
XHTML pages. WAP 2.0 also supports cookies, often
used by Web sites to stor e sit e-spec ific in format ion in th e
browser between vi sits to th e s ite. Coo kies a re oft en use d
by e-commerce si tes (in shoppin g ca rt s and wish lists for
example), and to save the user from entering the same
information more than once.
On the Web, the de facto standard style she et la ngua ge is
Cascading S tyle Sheet s (CSS), s pec ifie d by the W3C and
implemented in IE, Netsca pe, and Opera. For mobile
phones, the OMA has identified a subset of CSS and
extended it with OMA specific style rules. The CSS
subset and the OMA extensions are called Wireless CSS
(WCSS). The WAP browser supports WCSS 1.1
Instant messaging (Wireless Village)
To ensure interoperability of mobile instant messaging
and presence services, Sony Ericsson, Ericsson,
Motorola and Nokia have created the Wireless Village
Solution, an open standard. The protocol is bearerindependent and can be implemented in different
networks. The Wireless Village Instant Messaging and
Presence Service (IMPS) includes three primary
Presence information of other Wireless Village users is
received and displayed to indicate their willingness to
communicate. The user’s own presence information is
also sent for othe rs to view. If the user is interested in
another person’s presence status, he or she can search fo r
this person. If the person is found , the user may sub scribe
to his/her presence information. The presence
information is displayed in a contact list.
Instant messaging
Instant messaging means “point-to-point messaging”
between Wireless Village users. Messages can be sent to
an entire contact list or to a single user. Short message
histories of the communication are filed.
The user may join a chatroom and chat with the other
Cascading style sheets (CSS)
Before style sheets were introduced on the Web,
developers had little cont rol over the presentat ion of thei r
Web pages. An XHTML document specifies the
structure of the content, wh ich part is a paragraph, which
part is a heading, and so on. It does not specify how it
shall be presented. Browsers use a default presentation
for documents without style sheets. By adding a style
sheet to the document the developer can control the
presentation of the document, the colors, fonts, and
With inbox, outbox, save draft and reply options, you
have all the functions you need for effective email
communication in a powerful mobile phone. Constantly
connected to a POP3, SMTP or IMAP4 email server
anywhere on the Internet, your phone stores messages
dynamically, depending on available memory, and
updates your inb ox aut omatic ally and over t he air. Check
your email anywhere. Reply to email on the move.
Friends, family and business contacts know that when
they send you email, you can receive, read and act on it
immediately. Y ou can i nclude pi ctures i n outgoing e mails
and receive attachments. Hyperlinks in emails are
6June 2004
With themes, the user can change many settings in the
phone, for example colors, images and ringt ones, making
it more personal. The phone comes with a number of
preloaded themes and pictures, and more can be
downloaded and exchanged – sports, movie, seasonal
and other themes will be available on Sony Ericsson or
operator sites. Other personalizable features are the startup picture and the screen saver. Specific pictures and
ringtones can also be set for each separate name in the
White Paper
7June 2004
White Paper
Technologies in detail
Media player
The Media player supports different audio and video
formats, streaming as well as download and playback.
The Media player is a multi-format digital audio player
which enables the user to carry and play a selection of
favorite songs. A range of audio formats are supported:
MP3 is the file extension for MPEG audio layer 3.
Layer 3 is one of thr ee c odi ng schemes (la yer 1 , l ay er
2 and layer 3) for the compression of audio signals.
Layer 3 uses a very efficient compression method,
removing all i rrelevant pa rts of a soun d signal tha t the
human ear cannot perceive. The result is, for example, CD digital audio (CDDA) convert ed to MP3 with
almost untouched quality, compressed by a factor of
around 12. The high compression of audio in MP3
files makes them relatively small, though MP3 files
can be crea te d wi th different size and quali t y co m pro -
mises. The smal l fi l e si ze, t oge the r w i th t he ex cellent
sound quality, are the main reasons for the MP3-format’s huge popularity.
Musical Instru ment Digital Interface.
Unlike the other formats, MIDI is not a recording of
music, but a de scription whic h e nabl es a local sy nth esizer to play the music from the inst r uct ions included
in the MIDI file. Since a MIDI file only represents
player information, it is far more concise than formats that store the sound directly. An advantage is
very small file sizes. MIDI is one format used for
polyphonic ringtones.
Adaptive Multi Rate. A medium quality co mpress ed
sound format.
8June 2004
White Paper
Songs may be stored in the internal Z500a user memory.
The folder syste m enabl es the user to orga nize s ongs int o
groups and create simple playlists of MP3 songs.
Songs may be collected in numerous ways, including
Internet download and file transfer from a PC.
The Med ia player is intelligently aware of other
applications in the phone:
•Playback is paused when a telephone call is made or
•Playback is paused if the user starts another application which requires the audio channels to be dedicated to it.
•Playback of MP3 files continues if the user switches
to another application, providing music while using
other applicat ions su ch as the phone book or ca lendar,
or playing games.
Polyphonic ringtones
The word “polyphony” me ans produ cing sev eral t ones at
the same time. Almost all music that we listen to consists
of polyphonic melodies.
Early Ericsson mobile phones supported a proprietary
non-polyphonic format called eMelody. Due to the
musical limitations of eMelody, and the popularity of
creating, sending and downloading ring melodies,
Ericsson and Sony Ericsson, tog eth er with other
manufacturers, created the more advanced nonpolyphonic sound format – iMelody.
A MIDI signal or file does not contain any music. It
contains binary data (information) of how a melody is
played and when this data reaches a synthesizer, the
synthesizer will transla te the binary data to music, w hen
connected to an a mpli fier with sp eakers so tha t the s ound
becomes audible.
Please visit
SP-MIDI stand s for Scala ble Po lyphony MIDI. SP-MIDI
is based on the MIDI format and adapted for mobile
phones and other portable products. The objective is to
secure interoperability between products with different
sound capabilities.
for more information.
Vide o clips
Moments can ea si ly be shar ed w i th f ri end s and family in
other geograp hical sites by ca pturing the moment with
the video recorder and then sending the video clip in a
picture messa ge. Th e vide o recor der s upport s QCIF at 10
frames per second.
The Media player supports download and playback of
MPEG-4 and H.263 formats for viewing video clips in
the phone.
Video clips may be downloaded from the Internet or
copied from a connected PC. Video files are large
compared to still images (roughly 1 MB per 1 second of
Files must be of types MP4 or 3GP, having video
encoded in MPEG-4 Simple Visual Profile and audio in
AAC or AMR format. Video may also be encoded in
MIDI – Musical Instrument Digital Interface – is a
specification for a communications protocol principally
used to contr ol elect ronic mu sical in struments . The MID I
files are small, and perfect for mobile devices, which
have limited storage capacity. MIDI is today a well
known standard used by many musicians, composers,
arrangers and so on.
Streaming media is a method of making audio, video
clips and other multimedia available in real-time.
Streaming media to computers has been used during the
last couple of years, and now, the technique gives the
Streaming Support
The Media pla yer ca n be l aunched from hyper links in t he
Browser or in m essag es. Con ten t is str eamed us in g RTSP
(Real Time Streaming Protocol) session control.
user a high-quality experience.
9June 2004
White Paper
The term streaming refer s to the technique it is based o n.
Previously an entire file had to be downloaded before it
could be played , w her eas the use of streaming mean s the
end user can al m ost i m medi at ely begin to wat ch or listen
to the content of a requested file. The data in the file is
broken down into small packets that are sent in a
continuous flow, a stream, to the end user. It is then
possible to begin viewing the file as the rest of the
packe ts are transferred.
The applications which can be built on top of the
streaming s ervic es, can be cl assif ied i nto o n dem and, and
live information del ive ry applications. Exampl es of the
first catego ry a re musi c and vi deo clips , news on deman d
as well as on demand instruction material. Live delivery
of radio and television are examples of live information
delivery . The following vid eo and music cod ec support is
•MPEG-4 Simple Visual Profile Level 0
•H.263 Profile 0 Level 10 (decode only)
•H.263 Profile 3 Level 10 (decode only)
Streaming/download of music video (on demand)
Mike browses to the a Web page and decides to check
out the latest rock videos. He finds a video he wants to
watch, so he clicks the link and then streams a oneminute version of the video. He then decides to
download and pay for the complete video. A memory
check is automatically performed to make sure that his
mobile phone has enough free memory.
Streaming of live radio (broadcast)
Linda wants to check out and listen to the coolest radio
station. She browses to the home page and starts to
stream the content. The content is audio or audio with
pictures of the artist.
Streaming of live traffic information (broadcast)
Nick wants to know if there is a traffic jam on the
highway before he heads for home. He browses the page
for local traffic information . There is a traffic jam, so he
takes an alternative route home.
User-created content (Web album)
Sheila and Tom are on vacation. They want to show thei r
friends how cool the beach is. They record a video clip
and upload it to a Web album. Their friends can then
stream or download the clip to their PC or mobile phone.
Examples of usage
Streaming of music (on demand)
Anna browses to a Web page and decides to check out
the latest top ten list of pop music. She wants to know if
there are any new cool songs. She picks out a few,
streams the music to her mobile phone and listens to the
songs through the headset or receiver.
Streaming of news (on demand)
Bob browses to a morni ng paper’ s Web page and decides
to check the news. He wants to see the five-minute
version of the lat est financi al news. The news i s streamed
to his te rmi nal , and he can wa tc h i t on the bus on hi s way
to work.
Gaming is now seen as a standard feature in mobile
phones, where Sony Er icsso n prom ises to b e a s tep ah ead
in this regard. This does not only have to do with fast
download through the network. Three other things make
the actual gaming experience better – the way Java has
been implemented, the fact that more processing power
Market an d reven ue po ssi bi lit ie s
As streaming means “seeing the product without having
it”, it can be extensively used in the music and film
industry. There are also great revenue possibilities for
subscription-based content: for example, the user can
subscribe to several on demand services like news and
traffic information.
In addition, the content is not stored on the phone so the
user does not have to manage the memory usage.
has been dedicated to the games and the large 65,536
color display. The resu lt is game s with improved
graphics that react faster to user commands when using
the navigatio n key as a game control ler. The phone takes
mobile gaming to new levels.
10June 2004
Supporting J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition), the phone lets
users download and run new games and applications.
This is a great way to upgra de the ga me galler y, insta ll
work-supportive programs and personalize the phone.
White Paper
SMIL stands for Synchronized Multimedia Integration
Language and is pronounced “smile”. SMIL is an
advanced XML-based protocol, and Sony Ericsson’s
MMS implementati on supp ort s a subset of the SMIL 2.0
The use of SMIL in a product allows the user to create
and transmit PowerPoint-style presentations on the
mobile device. Using a media editor, users can
incorporate text, audio, images, video clips and
animations to assemble full multimedia presentations.
The user can decide in which order the image and text
will be displayed, as well as for how l ong the image s and
text lines are to be shown on the display.
Media types
There are certain media formats that support continuous
media (speech, audio and video). The following media
types are supported for SMIL:
•AMR narrow band speech codec MIME media type
•MPEG-4 AAC audio codec MIME media type
•MPEG-4 video codec MIME media type
•H.263 video codec MIME media type
The media types for JPEG and GIF can be used both in
the 'content-type' field in HTTP and in the “type”
attribute in SMIL 2.0. The following media types are to
be used:
•JPEG MIME media type
•GIF MIME media type
All these med ia a re poi nte d out by MI ME ( Mu lt ip urp ose
Internet Mail Extensions) types.
VGA camera
VGA camera
With the integrated VGA camera, the user can take
pictures and video clips and store them in the phone
memory. The user can send them as an attachment in an
email or a picture message (MMS).
Taking a picture
It takes only two clicks to take a picture with the
dedicated camera button. The first click starts the
application and the second click takes the picture. The
large internal display acts as viewfinder, rotating the
picture depending on portrait or landscape orientation of
the camera. Taking self portraits is easy with the clam
closed, using the external display as viewfinder.
The camera application is also available in the menu
Image formats
The camera is able to take and send pictures in the
following resolutions:
•QQVGA (160x120 pixels)
•QVGA (320x240 pixels)
11June 2004
White Paper
•VGA (640x480 pixels)
Video format
Video clips can be recorded, played and sent using the
following codec:
MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) is expected to
become the preferred messaging method of mobile
phone users since there are virtually no limits to the
content of an MMS tra nsm i ssi on. An MMS message can
contain text, graphics, animations, images, video, audio
clips and ring melodies. For third party developers’
information, please visit
developer/ and look for the MMS developers guidelines.
MMS completes the potential of messaging. Sending
digital postcards and PowerPoint-style presentations is
expected to be among the most popular us er application s
of MMS. Eagerly awaited by young users in particular,
MMS is projected to fuel the growth of related market
segments by as much as 40%.
Multimedia Messaging uses WAP (Wireless Application
Protocol) as bearer technology which can also be
powered by the high-speed transmission technology
EDGE/ GPRS. This allows u sers to sen d and receive
messages that look like PowerPoint-style presentations.
The messages may include any combination of text,
graphics, photographic images, speech and music clips.
MMS will serve as the default mode of messaging on all
terminals, making total content exchange second nature.
From utility to sheer fun, it offers ben efits at every level
and to every kind of user.
OTA configuration
Users can easily get MMS into their phone. MMS
supports OTA, meaning that the user does not have to
configure the settings manually. The configuration is
done by the operator.
Auto-exposure c ontrol
The camera has a fully automatic exposure control that
selects the optimal exposure time needed to get an
excellent picture. The exposure time is automatically
adjusted whenever changes occur in the viewfinder.
MMS objects
Although MMS is a direct descendant of SMS, the
difference in content is dramatic. The size of an average
SMS message is about 140 bytes, while the maximum
size of an MMS messa ge is ab out 200 Kb ytes ( limit ed by
both the mem ory capability of the mobile phon e and less
than ideal network conditions), enabling much richer
MMS content. Comple te wi th wor ds, sound s and ima ges,
MMS content is endowed with the user’s ideas, feelings
and personality. An MMS message can contain one or
more of the following:
As with SMS and EMS (Enhanced Messaging Service),
an MMS message can consist of normal text. The length
of the text is unlimited. The main difference between an
EMS and MMS m e ssage is that in an MMS message,
text can be acco mpani ed no t only by simp le pixel ima ges
or melodies but by photographic images, graphics, audio
clips and video clips.
The phone comes with a number of MMS pre-defined
templates, for exa mple temp lates for birthday c ards,
meeting requests etc.
MMS provides the ability to send and receive audio as
part of messages. The phone supports iMelody, MIDI,
and AMR formats. Not only can users share a favorite
song or ringtone with a friend, they can also use the
mobile phone to record a sound or message and send it
along with a text message. As sound includes speech as
well as music, this extra dimension to an MMS message
allows for a spontaneous and immediate personal
12June 2004
White Paper
expression in communication messaging. Rather than
sending a downloaded birthday jingle in EMS, a user
can, for example, send a clip of his or her own personal
rendition of “Happy Birthday”.
Pictures and themes
By using the integrated camera, users can take a picture
and immediately send it to a recipient. The ability to send
pictures is on e of th e mos t exci ting a ttri butes of MMS, a s
it allows users to share meaningful moments with
friends, family and colleagues.
Mobile picture transmis sion also offers inestimable
utility in business applications, from sending on-site
pictures o f a co nstru ction proje ct t o capt uring and st oring
an interesting design concept for later review. Editing a
picture by adding text allows users to create their own
electronic postcards, an application that is expected to
substantially cut into the traditional postcard market.
Themes (downloaded or pre-defined) can be exchanged
via MMS.
PIM communication with MMS
By using MMS, it is easy to handle PIM (Personal
Information Manager) information. The user can send
and receive bus iness cards ( vCard) , cal endar e ntrie s su ch
as appointments (vCal) and notes (vNotes).
Streaming content in MMS
Streaming makes it possible to view files as they are
being downloaded to the pho ne. The MPEG-4 file for mat
can be used for continuous media along the entire
delivery chain envisaged by the MMS, independent of
whether the final delivery is done by streaming or
download, thus enhancing interoperability.
In particular, the following stages are considered:
Benefits with MMS
By allowing the mobile phone to serve as an image
processor and conv eyor, Multimedia Messaging
accommodates the exchange of important visual
information as readily as it facilitates fun. Business and
leisure usage of MMS will be dynamically merged,
resulting in enhanced personal efficiency for users and
increased network activity for operators. In short, MMS
affords total usage for total communication.
As MMS uses WAP as its bearer technol ogy and is being
standardized, it has wide industry support and offers full
interoperability. This is a major benefit to service
providers and end users. Gradual steps in messaging
evolution and the conti nui ty of user experience has
resulted in an ease -of -use where interoperability is
The MMS server, through which MMS messages are
sent, supports flexible addressing (to both normal phone
numbers (MSISDN) and email accounts), which makes
the user interface more friendly and allows greater
control for operators. The MMS server, moreover, is
responsible for the instant delivery feature of MMS.
MMS technical features
The MMS standard, just like that of SMS, offers storeand-forwar d transmi ssion (i nstan t deliv ery) of m essage s,
rather than a mailbox-type model. MMS is a person-toperson communications solution, meaning that the user
gets the message directly into the mobile phone. He or
she does not have to call the server to get the message
downloaded to the mobile. Unlike SMS, the MMS
standard uses WAP as its bea rer pro tocol. MMS wil l take
advantage of the high speed data transport technology
EDGE/GPRS and support a variety of image, video and
audio formats to facilitate a complete communications
•Upload from the originating terminal to the MMS
•File e xchange between MMS servers.
•Transfer of the media content to the receiving terminal, either by file download or by streaming. In the
first ca se, the self-contained file is transfe rred,
whereas in the second case the content is extracted
from the file and stre amed accordi ng to open payl oad
formats. In this case, no trace of the file format
remains in the con t ent that is transmit ted over t he
wire or over the air.
Additionally, the MPEG-4 file format can be used for
storage in s er ver s and the “hint t rac k” m e chan ism can be
used to prepare for streaming.
The MMS Center (MMS-C) is comprised of the MMS
Server, the MMS Proxy-Relay and the MMS Store. The
MMS Center is th e cen tr al ele me nt of th e MMS net w or k
architecture, providing storage and operational support,
enabling instant delivery of multimedia messages fro m
terminal-to-terminal and terminal-to-emai l, and
supporting flexible addressing. The center’s MMS
Proxy-Relay interacts with the application being run on
the MMS-enab led te rmi nal to provi de vari ous m essagi ng
services. WAP is used as the bearer of an MMS message
between the MMS-C and the MMS client (application).
The WAP Gateway is used for delivery and retrieval of
13June 2004
White Paper
The architecture of MMS
Message conversion
The MMS-C is able to perform limited message
conversion - for example, from MMS to SMS - so that
processing and air time is not wasted in sending
messages to mobile terminals that do not have adequate
capabilit y to rece ive th em. It also handle s servi ce aspect s
such as store and forward, guaranteed delivery,
Advantages of GPRS/EDGE
Using GPRS and EDGE has many advantages, for
•Constant connection
Keep an open connection to the company network.
All connection settings can be managed by using the
subscriber preferences, operator constraints, and billing
information. The MMS-C also vouches for high quality
messaging, for example by format conversion. This
means that the MMS-C recognizes which fo rmats are
supported in the mobile phone, and adapts the MMS
messages to these for m at s.
data connections feature.
•High speed
Gain access automatically to increased bandwidth
when downloading large files, images etc.
•Cost efficient
Use transmission capacity only when needed, thus
14June 2004
White Paper
reducing costs.
•WAP over GPRS
Access the Internet via WAP at hi gh speed and with a
constant connection.
•Email over GPRS
Remain connected to an email system while reading
and preparing messages, (which are then sent at high
•Data communication
Transfer data and access the Internet or an intranet
The introductio n of GP RS was a big step i n the evo luti on
of the GSM networks for enhancing the capabilities of
data communication. Data traffic has increased (over
both wired and wireless networks), with the growth in
demand for Internet access and services paralleling that
of mobile communications.
We can now see that the demand for high-speed Internet
access is the key driver for coming generations of
wireless multimedia and entertainment services.
with a PC, PDA or handheld device connected via
•Provide settings
Receive GPRS configuration settings from the provider OTA (over the air), making manual configuration unnecessary.
•User-controlled settings
Take advantage of full user control in the data connections menu, est ablishing m ultiple des criptio ns and
accessing advanced settings for GPRS.
Instead of occupying an entire voice channel for the
duration of a data session, the Z500a sends and receives
data in small packets, as needed, much like IP on the
Internet. Thank s to this, th e phone is always onli ne, using
transmissi on capacity only whe n da ta is sent or rec eiv ed.
The phone is compa tible with GPRS R99.
The GSM system l imits the ability to use all ei ght time
slots, so the ph one use s up t o four tim e sl ots f or re ceivi ng
data, and one slot for transmitting.
GPRS is able to take advanta ge of the global co ver age of
existing GSM networks. Applications developed for
GPRS have been deployed on a la rge scale an d have thus
reaped the assoc iated benefits.
With GPRS, the Z500a sends data in “packets” at a high
speed. The Z500a remains connected to the network at
all times, using transmission capacity only when data is
sent or received.
EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution)
provides all the benefits of GPRS at significantly higher
data rates and enables feature-rich services that require
higher data rates than GPRS can deliver. The added
bandwidth can also be used to increase capacity for
additional customers.
The higher data rates are achieved with the use of new
modulation schemes on the air interface. Several of the
new modulation schemes use 8-PSK modulation rather
than the GMSK modulation used by GSM and GPRS.
Phone identity in formation and character i stics of the
connection are described in the PDP (Packet Data
Protocol) context. This information is stored both in the
phone and in the mobile network, so that each phone is
identified and “visible” to the system.
The new modulation sche mes m ay re qui re an upgr ade to
the RF hardware in all base stations and new mobile
stations such as the Z500a. In addition, new retransmission procedures and packet data channels are
introduced with the associated signaling. The Z500a is a
class B mobile station meaning it can monitor circuit
switched and packet switched services simultaneously
but can utilize only one of the services at a time. In
addition, it is 8-PSK power class 2 meaning the nominal
maximum output power is 27 dBm i n t he GSM 850 band
and 26 dBm in the GSM 1800 or 1900 bands (see 3GPP
15June 2004
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