XDCAM Archive
The XDCAM® Archive system is designed for today’s rich media industry, enabling a practical yet versatile
approach to the management of multi-format content from ingest to archive.
This powerful file-based content and archive management system is available in several scalable turnkey
solutions. Each is capable of ingesting and exchanging AV content with news/edit production systems,
workstations, connected devices, and users in the field. In order to manage a growing database, the
XDCAM Archive system offers quick file-based search capabilities, customizable metadata fields, and
streaming proxies. This system also provides both online and offline shelf management of content using
widely adapted XDCAM Professional Disc™ media, which is highly durable and ideal for long-term content
preservation (based on Sony accelerated testing).
With its practical yet versatile turnkey approach, the XDCAM Archive system is ideal for small- to medium-size
A/V businesses needing to organize, manage, protect, and share content from a central office or field
Workfl ow
The XDCAM Archive system provides content management capabilities through its GUIs including ingest (to
support both file-based and tape-based material), catalog (to add and edit metadata), archive (to secure
materials on its online RAID storage, and offline onto Professional Disc media), search (using proxy data to find
and browse content instantly), and export (to retrieve content to editor terminals). It therefore covers the basic
workflow requirements of video production content management.
Transfer between offices
Supports a variety of
formats for ingest
Third Party
(P2, ProRes,
Video Tape
NAS online storage expansion
Multi-format ingest is available using attached devices,
network devices, and file transfers over the network for
efficient content registration and metadata extraction.
Ingest accessories include USB devices such as the
PDW-U1/U2*1, SxS® card readers, P2 card readers, and HDDs.
The XDCAM Archive system also supports file upload from
local folders or shared storage folders on the network.
Other ingest functions include clip and essence mark
preview, partial, full, and batch file import, storyboard creation,
upload of files from a hot folder/FTP server, and tape-based
real-time ingest using the Archive Ingest client SDI option.
Moreover, the XDCAM Archive system’s Medium Import
application allows users to register content without ingesting
XDCAM Professional Disc media high-resolution content.
Material and
metadata exchange
offline storage
This function saves online storage space but allows users
web access to the extracted metadata and the system-
generated H.264 proxy for search, browse, and catalog
functions. The original XDCAM disc content remains intact
for offline shelf storage and future retrieval.
*1: The PDW-U2 is planned to be supported in the first half of 2012.
Ingest Application
The Catalog application provides a fast and convenient
method to add and edit metadata fields. Other XDCAM
Archive system catalog GUIs include functions such as
preview clips and pictures, view original extracted metadata,
add multiple catalog layers and key frames to the timeline,
set head frames for clips and picture packages, view the file
list (file path/duration/size), set the content category and
security level, and mark shot locations using the mark-on-
map button.
The XDCAM Archive system organizes and displays the online
storage as individual virtual (graphic illustration) XDCAM
Professional Discs for easy replication to physical media for
offline shelf storage and restore. The virtual Professional Disc
media thumbnail with extracted metadata is visible from the
Archive window, and allows users to preview disc content.
An easy drag-and-drop process from a virtual disc to an
XDCAM recording device allows content to be copied and
protected on an XDCAM Professional Disc media. Virtual
online and offline disc content is organized automatically,
based on preset conditions for disc grouping and shelf
assignment. Once a virtual disc is migrated to a physical
disc, the online content is deleted based on the archive
deletion policy. Other archive functions include virtual online
disc capacity status, disc backup, add and modify groups
and devices, thumbnail or list view, and arrange online
media to move content from one virtual disc to another.
Keyword searches and advanced
queries about content registered
in the XDCAM Archive system
include the ability to create and
import date ranges, and specify
content type and storage status.
Filters such as content category
and import time further improve
asset sorting to quickly determine
a correct match. Each search
result provides a thumbnail or
proxy for preview with associated
Search Filters
After searching for a clip, the XDCAM Archive Content
Browser allows users to export content in its original format,
or transcode it to a supported output format (with an XML
file). Content may be exported to network-attached
production systems, FTP devices, or to the local HDD of
client workstations. Material placed in the order list
(shopping cart) may be selected to the Export to Medium
application to form a compilation of clips and/or data
files for distribution on a single XDCAM Professional Disc.
Storyboard creation is also supported as an export option
from the order list.
Shelf Retrieve
The XDCAM Archive system manages and tracks whether
content is available online in RAID storage or offline
(recorded or written to physical XDCAM discs). When offline
content is required for export, the Shelf Retrieve application
generates a printable list of XDCAM Professional Discs with
disc barcode ID and shelf location information. Once a disc
is retrieved from the shelf and restored to the XDCAM Archive
server using an XDCAM device, the Export process
completes. With the My Task monitor, users can easily check
the status of tasks such as file restore.