Sony VGC-RB49 User Manual

VGC-RB49 CTO Series
VAIO® RB Series Desktop PC
The VAIO® RB Desktop comes loaded with the tools you need to create, manage, share and enjoy your digital photos, home videos, movies and music. Sony® original software includes PictureGear Studio™ for digital photos, Click to DVD™ for DVD creation (available with DVD±RW drive option), and Sonic Stage® for digital music.
The VAIO® RB Desktop PC comes equipped with software for both data and video archiving. Use the large and fast 7200rpm Serial ATA hard drive and optional Windows® XP Professional networking technology for rapid access to digital-content.
Convert your VHS or 8mm home videos to high-quality DVDs. With Click to DVD™ software and the DVD+R Double Layer/ DVD±RW drive, high-quality DVDs are just one click away5. Create or record up to 8.5GB of music or digital photos - or up to 4 hours of MPEG2 video - on one Double Layer DVD disc.
The VAIO® RB Desktop is loaded with the software and hardware you need for your growing multimedia entertainment demands and everyday essential computing needs. The stylish, modern and sleek design compliments any room in your home or office.
The VAIO® RB Desktop delivers powerful performance, premium reliability and dependable service. With Serial ATA hard drives, and optional components like Intel® Pentium® 4 processor with Hyper-Threading technology, a DVD+R Double Layer/DVD±RW drive5, and Sony’s original multimedia software, you have the power to easily create, customize and share photos, music and videos.
VGC-RB49 CTO Series
VAIO® RB Series Desktop PC
Processor (Configurable)
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 640 with Hyper-Threading
Technology (3.20GHz1, 2MB L2 Cache)
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 630 with Hyper-Threading
Technology (3GHz1, 2MB L2 Cache)
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 530 with Hyper-Threading
Technology (2.80GHz1, 1MB L2 Cache)
Intel® Celeron® Processor 346 (3.06GHz1, 256KB L2 Cache)
Front Side Bus Speed
Intel® 915G
Memory (Configurable)
2GB, 1GB, 512MB, 256MB PC-3200 400MHz DDR (Expandable to 2GB)
Hard Drive (Configurable)
500GB2plus 400GB2, 250GB2, 200GB2, 160GB2, 80GB 7200rpm Serial ATA
Graphics (Configurable)
ATI Radeon® X300, 128MB Video Memory or Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 900, 224MB Video Memory
Graphics Interface
VGA Out S-Video Out / DVI-D Out (Only with ATI Radeon® X300 graphics
option) x16 PCI Express Slot Giga Pocket® MPEG2 Realtime Encoder board with TV Tuner (MCE
option only)
Optical Drive
1st Optical Drive (Configurable) DVD+R Double Layer/ DVD±RW Double Layer +R Write (2.4x MAX) DVD-R Write (8x max), DVD-RW Write (4x max) DVD+R Write (16x max), DVD+RW Write (4x max) CD-R Write (32x max), CD-RW Write (24x max) or DVD-ROM 16x MAX DVD Read, 40x MAX CD-ROM Read
Optical Drive (Configurable)
2nd Optical Drive (Configurable) DVD-ROM 16x MAX DVD Read, 40x MAX CD-ROM Read or CD-ROM 40x MAX CD-ROM Read
V.90 compatible data/fax modem (RJ-11)
10Base-T/100Base-TX Fast Ethernet (RJ-45)
Expansion Slots
Multi-Media Card Reader6(Memory Stick®, Memory Stick
PRO/Duo™, Compact Flash® Type I and Type II,
SD/MultiMediaCard™, Smart Media, xD Picture Card®) One x1 PCI Express Two PCI (one/zero occupied) One x16 PCI Express (occupied by Graphics Card with ATI Radeon®
X300 option)
Expansion Bays
Two 5.25” Half-Height (occupied) One External 3.5” (occupied) Four Internal 3.5” (one/two occupied)
Port Connectors
Six USB 2.0 (two front/four rear) Two PS/2® (Mouse/Keyboard) One VGA Out One Parallel Port One 6pin i.LINK®7Port (rear)/One 4pin i.LINK® Port (front) One Line In One Headphone One Microphone One DVI-D out/S-Video Output (only with ATI Radeon® X300
graphics option)
S-Video/ Composite Video/ Audio inputs/ RF input (MCE option only)
Power Requirements
Min. 300W, 100-240V 7A (50/60Hz)
Power Management
ACPI 1.0 Compliant
25.35 lbs. (weight is approximate and may vary)
7.13"(W) x 16.9"(H) x 15.24"(D)
Supplied Accessories
Mouse Keyboard Power Cord Speakers IR Blaster (with MCE only) Remote Control (with MCE only)
Operating System
Configurable Microsoft® Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, Microsoft®
Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2 or Microsoft® Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2
Sony Original Software
VAIO Zone™ with WinDVD™ Click to DVD™ - DVD Creation (with DVD±RW option only) PictureGear Studio™ - Digital Photo DVgate Plus™ - Digital Video SonicStage® - Digital Music VAIO Media™ - Network File Sharing
Other Software Applications
Intervideo® WinDVD® Intuit® Quicken® 2005 New User Edition Microsoft® Works 8.0 - Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Calendar,
Scheduling, Contact Management, and Database
Sonic RecordNow!® 7- CD/DVD Data Writing (with DVD±RW option
Optional Software
Sony® SonicStage® Mastering Studio Adobe® Photoshop® Album Starter Edition Adobe® Photoshop® Elements Adobe® Premiere Standard or Professional Edition8 Microsoft® Office 2003 60-Day Trial Student/Teacher Edition (only
available with XP Home)
Microsoft® Office 2003 60-Day Trial Small Business Edition Trial
(only available with XP Professional)
Microsoft® Office 2003 Basic, Small Business or Professional
Anti-Virus and Recovery Software
Norton Internet Security™ 90-Day Subscription - Norton
AntiVirus®, Norton Personal Firewall, Norton Privacy Contol,
Norton AntiSpam®, and Norton Parental Control Intermute™ SpySubtract™ 30-Day Trial VAIO® Recovery Wizard VAIO® Update VAIO® Control Center
Internet Services
America Online® 90-Day Trial - New Users Only
Service and Warranty
Limited Warranty and Onsite Service
1 Year Limited Warranty and Onsite Service
Telephone Support
1 Year toll-free technical telephone assistance, available 24/7
Online and Email Support
Support available from
1. GHz den otes mic ropr ocess or i nter nal c lock spe ed; othe r fac tors may aff ect appl icat ion p erfo rman ce. C PU s peed wil l be redu ced unde r ce rtain ope rati ng c ondit ions .
2. GB mean s on e bi llion byt es w hen refe rring to hard dri ve c apac ity. Acc essi ble capa city may vary . A port ion of h ard d isk spac e is res erved as a re cove ry p artit ion.
3. Whe n av aila ble, Sony wil l pr ovid e Ons ite Serv ice in f ulfil lmen t of its lim ited war rant y obl igat ions . A ny su ch s ervi ces a re s ubje ct to the ter ms and con diti ons of t he li mite d wa rrant y. S ee a ctual Lim ited War rant y for det ails . On site Serv ice will be prov ided via thi rd-pa rty tech nici an to be dis patc hed as n eeded fol lowi ng p hone- base d tr ouble shoo ting . Som e rep airs may be acco mpli shed with the sel f-re pair kit s. Ons ite Serv ice may not be avai labl e in all loc ation s.
4. For cer tain thi rd p arty soft ware app lica tions , So ny p rovid es f irst lev el Pho ne S uppo rt. A ddit iona l tel epho ne s uupor t ma y be ava ilabl e fr om t he app lica ble 3rd part y ven dor. Ava ilab ility and sch edul e fo r any suc h sup port is dete rmin ed by the app lica ble soft ware vend or.
5. DVD Med ia/F orma ts ar e no t un ivers ally com pati ble.
6. Doe s no t su pport Mem ory Stic k me dia a nd M emor y Sti ck P RO m edia usi ng t he M agicG ate func tion . Tes ted to s uppo rt Me mory Sti ck P RO med ia f or u p to 1GB. Doe s no t su pport 5.0 V Sm artM edia medi a or the ID fun ctio n of Sma rtMed ia m edia wit h IDs . Do es n ot su ppor t th e SD Memo ry Car d me dia copy right pro tect ion func tion.
7. i.L INK is a tra dema rk of Son y us ed o nly t o de sign ate t hat a pr oduc t con tain s an IEE E 139 4 co nnec tor. All prod ucts wit h an i.L INK c onne ctor may not com muni cate wit h eac h ot her.
8. Doe s no t su pport all fea ture s.
Co mpu ter I nte rfa ce: Th e c om put er ind ust ry la cks st and ard s, an d th ere for e, th ere ar e a m ult itu de of va ryi ng sof twa re pa cka ges an d ad d-o n h ard wa re opt ion s. Th is per son al co mpu ter is no t man ufa ctu red to op era te an y s pec ifi c s of twa re, an d S ony d oes no t a nd ca nno t m ake an y w arr ant y or rep res ent at ion wi th res pe ct to the p erf orm anc e o f t his pr odu ct wi th any pa rt icu lar so ftw are p ack age s a nd/ or no n-S ony ad d-o n ha rdw are o pti on exc ept t hos e m ent ion ed in th is doc ume nt . S ony he reb y di scl aim s a ny re pre sen tat ion s o r war ran ty tha t thi s p rod uct i s co mpa tib le wi th any c omb ina tio n o f n on- Son y p ro duc ts you m ay cho ose to co nne ct . W hil e S ony re pr ese nta tiv es or So ny aut hor ize d dea ler s m ay be ab le to as sis t y ou an d m ay mak e rec omm end ati ons , t he y a re NOT au tho riz ed to va ry or wa ive th is di scl aim er. Pu rc has ers mu st de ter min e fo r t hem sel ves t he sui tab il ity an d c omp ati bil it y o f t he har dwa re an d so ftw are i n e ach an d e ver y par tic ula r i nst anc e. So me pre -in st all ed so ftw are t itl es may n ot inc lud e f ull d ocu men tat ion . S oft war e tit les pr e-i nst all ed on th e S ony D esk top Co mpu te r a re sub jec t t o cha nge wi tho ut no tic e. Sim ula ted g rap hic sh own o n d isp lay . ©2 005 So ny El ect ron ics I nc. Al l r igh ts re ser ved . R epr odu cti on in wh ole or in p art wi tho ut wr itt en per mis si on is pro hib it ed. So ny, i. LI NK, So nic Sta ge, S oni cSt age Ma st eri ng Stu dio , M emo ry St ick , M emo ry St ick PR O, Mem or y S tic k D uo, DV ga te Plu s, Pic tu reG ear St udi o, VA IO Med ia, Cl ick to D VD, Li ke No Ot her , V AIO Z one an d V AIO a re tra dem ark s of So ny. In tel an d P ent iu m a re reg ist ere d t ra dem ark s o f I nte l C orp or ati on. Mi cro sof t a nd Wi ndo ws are t rad ema rks of M icr oso ft Cor po rat ion . A ll ot her tr ad ema rks ar e t rad em ark s o f t hei r r esp ect ive o wne rs. Th is pr odu ct me ets th e s tan dar ds of th e I nte rn ati ona l E ner gy St ar Pro gra m fo r e ner gy ef fic ien cy. Fe at ure s a nd spe cif ica ti ons ar e s ubj ect t o c han ge wi tho ut no tic e. Non -me tri c wei ght s a nd me asu rem ent s a re ap pro xim ate . Pr int ed in U. S.A . 5 /05 .
Please visit the Dealer Network for more
information at
Sony Electronics, Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 •
Last Updated 2005-06-15