Sony VGC-RB43 User Manual

VAIO® RB Series Desktop PC
Next Generation Entertainment. Everyday Essential Computing.
The VAIO® RB Desktop is loaded with the software and hardware you need for your growing multimedia entertainment demands and everyday essential computing needs. The stylish, modern and sleek design compliments any room in your home or office.
The VAIO® RB Desktop comes loaded with the tools you need to create, manage, share and enjoy your digital photos, home videos, movies and music. Intuitive. Versatile. Empowering. Ready for your digital lifestyle.
With Click to DVD™ creation software and the DVD+R Double Layer/DVD±RW drive, creating high-quality DVDs is just one click away.5Create or record up to 8.5GB of home videos, music or digital photos, or up to 4 hours of MPEG2 video on one Double Layer DVD disc.
With PictureGear Studio™ software, you can simply transfer your photos from your digital camera using the USB or i.LINK®7ports, or any one of a variety of multimedia cards. Then edit and organize them into albums, create slideshows, or easily condense and e-mail them to your family and friends.
The VAIO® RB Desktop comes loaded with exclusive Sony® software for your growing entertainment demands and essential computing needs. Create, manage, share and enjoy your digital photos, home videos, movies and music. Burn DVDs with just one click with Click to DVD™ software.5Versatile. Empowering. Ready for your digital lifestyle.
Display not included
VAIO® RB Series Desktop PC
Intel® Pentium® 4 Processor 630 with Intel®
Hyper-Threading Technology (3GHz1, 2MB L2 Cache)
Front Side Bus Speed
Intel® 915G
1GB PC-3200 400MHz DDR (Expandable to 2GB)
Hard Drive
200GB27200rpm Serial ATA Hard Drive
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 900 224MB Max. dynamically allocated shared video memory
Graphics Interface
Optical Drive
DVD+R Double Layer/ DVD±RW5Drive Double Layer +R DVD+R Write (2.4x MAX)
-RW DVD-R Write (8x MAX), DVD-RW Write (4x MAX) +RW DVD+R Write (16x MAX), DVD+RW Write (4x MAX) CD-RW CD-R Write (40x MAX), CD-RW Write (24x MAX) DVD-ROM DVD Read (16x MAX), CD Read (40x MAX)
Additional Optical Drive
V.90 compatible data/fax modem (RJ-11)
10Base-T/100Base-TX Fast Ethernet (RJ-45)
Expansion Slots
Multi-Media Card Reader6(Memory Stick®, Memory Stick
PRO/Duo™, Compact Flash® Type I and Type II, SD/
MultiMediaCard™, Smart Media/xD Picture Card®) One x1 PCI Express Two PCI (one occupied) One x16 PCI Express
Expansion Bays
Two 5.25” Half-Height (occupied) One External 3.5” (occupied) Four Internal 3.5” (one occupied)
Port Connectors
Six USB 2.0 (two front/four rear) Two PS/2® (Mouse/Keyboard) One VGA Out One Parallel Port One Line In One 6pin i.LINK®7Port (rear) / One 4pin i.LINK® port
(front) One Headphone One Microphone
Power Requirements
Min. 305W 100-120 7A; 200-240V 3.5A (50/60Hz)
Power Managment
ACPI 1.0 Compliant
25.35 lbs. (weight is approximate and may vary)
7.13”(W) x 16.9”(H) x 15.24”(D)
Supplied Accessories
VAIO® Keyboard PS/2® Mouse Speakers Power Cord
Operating System
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition with Service Pack
Sony Original Software
Click to DVD™ - DVD Creation PictureGear Studio™ - Digital Photo DVgate Plus™ - Digital Video SonicStage® - Digital Music VAIO Media™ - Network File Sharing Image Converter - PSP Connectivity
Other Software Applications
Microsoft® Works 8.0 Microsoft® Office 60-Day Trial (Student/Teacher Edition) Intuit Quicken® 2005 New User Edition Sonic RecordNow!® 7- CD/DVD Data Writing Intervideo® WinDVD®
Anti-Virus and Recovery Software
Norton Internet Security™ 90-Day Subscription - Norton
AntiVirus®, Norton Personal Firewall, Norton Privacy
Contol, Norton AntiSpam®, and Norton Parental Control Intermute™ SpySubtract™ 30-Day Trial VAIO® Recovery Wizard VAIO® Update VAIO® Control Center
Internet Services
America Online® 90-Day Trial - New Users
Service and Warranty
Limited Warranty and Onsite Service
1 Year Limited Warranty and Onsite Service
Telephone Support
1 Year toll-free technical telephone assistance, available
24-hours, 7 days-a-week
Online and Email Support
Support available from
1. GHz den otes mi crop roces sor int erna l cl ock s peed ; ot her f acto rs m ay aff ect app lica tion per form ance . CP U spe ed w ill be red uced und er c erta in ope rati ng c ondit ions .
2. GB m eans on e bi llion by tes whe n re ferri ng t o ha rd d rive cap acit y. Acc essi ble cap acity ma y va ry. A p orti on of ha rd d isk spa ce is r eserv ed as a r ecov ery par titio n.
3. When av aila ble, So ny wi ll p rovi de On site Se rvic e in fu lfill ment of it s lim ited wa rran ty ob liga tion s. An y su ch s ervic es a re s ubjec t to th e te rms and co ndit ions of th e li mited wa rran ty. See ac tual Li mited Wa rran ty f or det ails . On site Ser vice wi ll b e pr ovide d vi a th ird - part y te chnic ian to be dis patc hed as nee ded f ollo wing ph one- based tr oubl esho oting . So me rep airs ma y be ac compl ishe d wi th t he se lf- rep air kit s. On site Se rvic e may no t be av aila ble i n al l lo catio ns.
4. For cer tain th ird par ty so ftwa re a pplic atio ns, Son y pr ovide s fi rst lev el Pho ne S uppo rt. A ddit iona l tel epho ne s uupor t ma y be av ailab le f rom the app lica ble 3rd pa rty v endo r. A vaila bili ty a nd s chedu le f or a ny su ch sup port is de term ined by th e app lica ble sof tware ve ndor .
5. DVD Med ia/F orma ts ar e no t un ivers ally co mpat ible.
6. Does no t su ppor t Mem ory Sti ck m edia an d Mem ory Sti ck P RO me dia usi ng t he M agicG ate fun ctio n. Te sted to su ppor t Me mory Sti ck P RO med ia f or u p to 1GB . Do es n ot su ppor t 5. 0V Sm artM edia me dia or the ID fun ctio n of Sm artMe dia med ia w ith IDs . Doe s no t su pport th e SD Me mory Car d me dia cop yrigh t pr otec tion fu nctio n.
7. i.LI NK i s a tra demar k of So ny u sed o nly to des igna te t hat a pr oduc t con tain s an IE EE 13 94 c onne ctor. A ll pr oduc ts w ith a n i. LINK co nnect or may no t co mmun icate wi th e ach oth er.
Co mpu ter I nte rf ace : T he co mpu ter i ndu str y la cks s tan dar ds, a nd th ere for e, th er e a re a mu lti tud e o f v ary in g s oft war e p ack age s a nd ad d-o n h ard wa re op tio ns. T his p ers ona l c om put er is n ot ma nuf act ure d to o per ate a ny s pec ifi c s oft war e, an d S on y d oes n ot an d c ann ot ma ke an y w arr ant y or r epr ese nta tio n w ith r esp ec t t o t he pe rfo rma nce o f th is pr odu ct wi th an y pa rti cul ar so ftw are p ack ag es an d/o r n on- Son yad d-o n ha rdw are o pti on e xce pt th ose m ent ion ed in th is do cum ent . So ny he reb y di scl aim s a ny r epr ese nta tio ns or w arr ant y th at th is pr odu ct is co mpa tib le wi th a ny co mbi nat ion o f n on- So ny pr odu cts y ou ma y c hoo se to c onn ect . W hi le So ny re pre sen tat ive s o r So ny au tho riz ed de ale rs m ay be a ble t o a ssi st y ou an d m ay ma ke re com men da tio ns, t hey a re NO T au tho riz ed to v ar y o r w aiv e t his d isc lai me r. Pu rch ase rs mu st de ter mi ne fo r t hem sel ves th e s uit abi li ty an d c omp ati bil ity o f th e h ard war e a nd so ftw are i n e ac h a nd ev ery p art icu lar i ns tan ce. S ome p re- ins tal led so ftw are t itl es m ay no t i ncl ude f ull d ocu me nta tio n. So ftw are t itl es pr e-i nst all ed o n t he So ny De skt op Co mpu te r a re su bje ct to c han ge wi tho ut no tic e. S imu lat ed gr aph ic sh own o n di spl ay. ©2 005 S ony E lec tr oni cs In c. Al l r igh ts re se rve d. Re pro duc tio n i n w ho le or i n p art w ith ou t w rit ten p erm iss ion i s pr ohi bit ed. S ony , i .LI NK, So nic Sta ge, M em ory S tic k, Me mor y S tic k P ro , D Vga te Pl us, P ict ure G ea r St udi o, VA IO Me di a, Cl ick t o D VD, L ike N o Ot her , a nd VA IO ar e tr ade mar ks of S on y. In tel a nd Pe nti um ar e re gis ter ed tr ade mar ks of In tel C orp ora ti on. M icr oso ft an d W ind ows ar e t rad ema rk s o f M icr oso ft Co rpo rat ion . Al l o the r t rad ema rks a re tr ad ema rks o f t hei r r esp ect iv e ow ner s. Th is pr od uct m eet s t he st and ard s of t he In ter nat ion al En erg y St ar Pr ogr am fo r en erg y e ffi cie ncy . F eat ur es an d s pec ifi cat ion s ar e su bje ct to c han ge w ith out n oti ce. N on- met ri c w eig hts a nd me asu rem ent s ar e a ppr oxi mat e. Pr int ed in U .S. A. 4 /05 .
Please visit the Dealer Network for more
information at
Sony Electronics Inc. • 16450 West Bernardo Drive • San Diego, CA 92127 • 1-800-222-7669 •
Last Updated 2005-07-25