Sony StorStation FSV-M3 User Manual

4-672-781-11 (1)
Network File Server
User’s Guide
Before operating the unit, please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference.
© 2003 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Basic Use
Features and Functions..............................................5
Prerequisite Knowledge for Using This Server ........7
System Requirements .................................................7
About This Manual ......................................................8
How to Use the Administration Guide............................8
How to Use the Online Help...........................................8
Basic Installation.........................................................9
Installing FSV-Central for M3 .....................................9
Setting Up the Server for Use...................................10
Basic Operations.......................................................11
Setting the System Administrator Password..........14
Setting the Date and Time ........................................14
Setting the System Language..................................15
Configuring Windows Network Settings.................16
Registering Users......................................................16
Registering Local Set Users..........................................17
Changing the User Password ........................................19
Creating Shares.........................................................20
Manual Share Creation..................................................20
Automatic Share Creation.............................................22
Storing Files and Folders in Shares ........................24
Access from Windows 95/98/NT..................................24
Access from Windows Me/2000...................................25
Access from Windows XP Professional .......................27
Access from UNIX/Linux.............................................27
Shutting Down/Restarting the System....................28
Shutting Down or Restarting the System from
the Browser..........................................................28
LED Indicators...........................................................29
Data Backup...............................................................29
Chapter 3 Using the FSV-M3 Administration Console
System Menu .............................................................31
System Settings.............................................................31
Date & Time..................................................................32
Software Update............................................................34
Network Menu............................................................36
Windows .......................................................................38
Storage Menu............................ ..... ..... .... ...................42
Device ...........................................................................43
RAID Group..................................................................47
User Quotas...................................................................55
Security Menu............................................................58
Share Folders.................................................................58
Status Menu...............................................................62
Disk Usage....................................................................63
Current Users ................................................................63
Login History................................................................64
Event Log......................................................................65
FSV-M3 Limitations...................................................66
Alerts Table................................................................67
SNMP Traps Table.....................................................69
Program ©2003 Wistron Corporation Documentation ©2003 Sony Corporation ©2003 Sony Corporation
• Sony and StorStation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sony Corporation in this country, other countries, or both.
• Internet Explorer , M icro soft, W ind ow s, Wi ndo ws 9 5, W in do w s 98 , Windows Me, Windows NT, W indo w s 2 000 , a nd W indo ws XP Pr ofe ssi onal ar e ei the r r eg ister ed trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Linux is either a registered trademark or trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and/or other countries.
• Red Hat is a registered trademark or trademark of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
• Solaris and NFS are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
• Adobe, Acrobat, and Acrobat Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
• Ethernet is a registered trademark of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
• Other products or system names appearing in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Further, the or symbols are not used in the text.


The FSV-M3 is a dedicated file server that can be connected directly to a network. Because the FSV-M3 is preconfigured for use as a file server, mini mal work is necessary to put it into operation.
Can be manage d through a Web browser (via the Web Administration Console)
Operations (such as configuring individual settings, managi ng users and shares, shutting down the system, etc.) can be controlled remotely through a Web browser.
Supports file sharing in Windows and UNIX environments
Files can be shared among cl ient computers running Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, Windows XP Professional, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, UNIX, and Linux. Computers with different op erating syst ems can be used to view and edit the same file. Also, you can limit user access to the server and set access permissions for each share.

Chapter 1 Introduction


Features and Functions

12 3 4 56


A Drive bay door latch
Latch used to open and replace the hard drive.
B Drive 0 (HDD 0)
C Drive 1 (HDD 1)
D Drive 2 (HDD 2)
E Drive 3 (HDD 3)
F Power indicator LED
Lights up when the power is turned on.
G Power button
Lift the cover to access the switch that controls the power to th e server.
H Key holes
Locks the drive using the supplied HDD tray keys. You can distinguish the locked position from th e unl ock ed position by looking at the key hole, as illustrated here.
HDD tray is locked HDD tray is unlocked
The drives are locked when the FSV-M3 is shipped from the factory.
I Drive LED
Lights up when the drive is accessed or in the standby mode.
Chapter 1 Introduction


234 5
A Cover fasteners
Service cover fasteners.
B Power supply connector
Plug the provided power cord into this connector.
C Fan
Be careful not to block t he fan's ventilation holes. If the ventilation holes are blocked, overheating could lead to fire or damage the unit.
Lights up when the FSV-M3 is connected to a Gigabit hub.
Lights up when network activity takes place.
F RS232 serial connector
Connector for a UPS device.
G LAN connector (LAN 0, LAN 1)
For connecting a 10 Base-T, 100 Base-TX, or 1000 Base-T network cable.
H VGA console connector
For maintenance purposes only.
I PS/2 mouse connector
For maintenance purposes only.
J PS/2 keyboard connector
For maintenance purposes only.
K USB connectors
For maintenance purposes only.
L Power cord safety clip
Used to prevent the power cord from disconnecting.
Chapter 1 Introduction

Prerequisite Knowledge for Using This Serv er

As a prerequisite for using this server, you should be familiar with computers and networks. For example, you need to understand the following terms. A glossary of technical terms is included at the end of this manual.
• TCP/IP Communication Protocol (IP Address, Domain Name, Host Name, Subnet Mask, Gateway, DNS, SNMP)
• LAN Equipment (Router, HUB, 1000 Base-TX, 100 Base-TX, 10 Base-T)
• Internet So ftware
- Electronic Mail (SMTP)
• Computer (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 SE, Windows Me, Windows XP Professional, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, UNIX, Linux)
- Network Settings (Workgroup Name, PDC)
- File, Directory (Folder)

System Requirement s

The hardware and software required to use this server are as follows.
Computer for Setup
Prepare a computer that can run one of the following browsers.
• Browser Software
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, or 6.0 (for Windows)
Client Computers
Prepare client computers that meet the following requirements.
• PC/ AT co mp uter meetin g the foll owin g perfo rman ce requirements:
- Operating system: Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows 98,
Microsoft Windows 98 SE, Microsoft Windows Me, Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft Windows 2000
- LAN port
• UNIX/Linux computers meeting the following requirements:
- Operating system:
UNIX: Solaris 7, Solaris 8 Linux: RedHat 7.1, RedHat 7.2, RedHat 7.3
- LAN port
• N etwork switch (100/10 Base-T)
• 1000 Base-T/100 Base-TX/10 Base-T cable
Chapter 1 Introduction

About This Manual

This manual explains how the system admini st r ato r shoul d set up the FS V-M3 and make all necessary settings. For detailed informat ion on u sing the FS V-M3 Admin istratio n Console, pl ease refer to the Online Help together with this manual.

How to Use the Administrat ion Guide

Displaying the A dministration Guide
On the FSV-M3 Administrati on Console page, point to (Information icon), and then click “Manual” on the menu that appears. The Administration Guide (this document) appears.
For details on the FSV-M3 Administration Console, see Chapter 3, “Using the FSV-M3 Administration Console” (page 30).
Quitting the Administration Guide
Click the “Close” butto n of Adobe Acrobat Reader or your browser . (Example:
in Windows)

How to Use the Online Help

Displaying the Online Help
To display the Online Help for an individual screen of the FSV-M3 Administration Console, click on the upper-right corner of the screen.
Quitting the Online Help
Click the “Close” button of your browser. (Example: in Windows)
Chapter 1 Introduction


Basic Installa tion

Basic Use
This chapter explains the basic server configuration, use r registration, and share creatio n required to enable use of the s erver. For details about indi vidu al items on the FSV-M3 Admin istrat ion Consol e, see Chapter 3, “Using the FSV-M3 Administration Console” (page 30).
Make sure you have the foll owing items bef ore you connect the FSV-M3 to the network.
x Ethernet connection (at least 1)
x TCP/IP network
x Cat-5 cables
x Windows client computer running FSV-Central for M3
x Client computer with Web browser (Windows Internet Explorer 5.0,
5.5, or 6.0)

Installing FSV-Central for M3

The default static IP address of the FSV-M3 is If you need to change the IP address, you must install FSV-Central for M3 on a PC that is connected to the same network as the FSV-M3. For details about how to install FSV-Central for M3, refer to the Installation Guide.

Chapter 2 Basic Use


Setting Up the Server for Use

Once the server is connected to the network, perform the following setup procedure to allow users to access the server.
Set the system administrator password (page 14).
The administrator password is extremely important for sy stem security. Be sure to set the system administrator password before performing the following setup.
Set the date and time (page 14).
Specify the default language (page 15).
Configure the settings according to the operating system.
Configure the settings according to the operating system of the client computer.
• Configure settings for Windows (page 38). Configure Windows network-related settings, such as the workgroup name.
• Configure settings for UNIX (page 39). Configure NFS-related settings.
Register users (page 16).
Register the users who will be using the server. By integrating the FS V-M3 into a Windows Domain System, you can administer users using a domain controller. For details, see Chapter 3, “Windows” (page 38).
Create shares (page 20).
Create shares that will be accessed by the users. You can create user shares automatically by using the automatic share creation function. For details, see Chapter 3, “Automatic Share Creation” (page 51).
Chapter 2 Basic Use

Basic Operatio ns


A Web browser is used to perform basic administrative operations.
Access the FSV-M3 Administration Console through a browser. On the FSV­M3 Top Page you can see the “Change User Password” and “Administrator Login” menus. When you click “Administrator Login”, the FSV-M3 Administration Console (menu exclusively for administrators) appears. You must enter the administrator password. The administrator password is not necessary to change the user password.
For details on the FSV-M3 Administration Con s ole, see to Chapter 3, “Using the FSV-M3 Administration Console” (page 30).
Make sure your browser is JavaScript enabled. With Internet Explorer 5.0, select “Tools”- “Internet Options” - “Security” - “C ust om Level ” - “Scripting”
- “Active Scripting” - “Enable”.
You can perform the following operations by accessing the FSV-M3 Administration Console through your Web browser.
• Configure TC/I P settings
• Confi gure system setti ngs
• Change or set the system administrator password
• Manage users
• Manage shares
• Configure RAID
• Check the server status
• Restart and shut down the system
• Update the system software
Making Settings and Administering with a Browser
Use a browser to access and use the FSV-M3 Administration Console.
Start the browser on the client computer.
Enter “” in the “Address” or “Location” box (where “” is the IP address of the server).
• The SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT page appears the first time you access the FSV-M3 Top Page.
• Part of the software installed on the FSV-M3 uses GPL/LGPL software. It is not covered by the clauses of the software license agreement to which you agreed. You are permitted to obtain, modify, and r edistri bute its source code. For details, ref er to “GPL/LPGL” supplied with the FSV­M3.
After reading the software license agreement, click “Agree” and the FSV­M3 Top Page appears.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
The FSV-M3 Top Page appears.
Click “Administrator Login”. A dialog box allowing you to enter the user name and password appears.
Each time you access the FSV-M3 Administra tion Consol e, you must enter the user name and password. The default user name is “admin” and the default password is “sony”.
Enter “admin” in the “User Name” box, and then enter “sony” in the “Password” box.
Click “OK”.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
The FSV-M3 Administration Console appears.
Point at a menu and a shortcut menu app ears. Cli ck the command that yo u want to use.
The corresponding page appears.
(Example) The “Net work” - “TCP/IP” pa ge
To return to the FSV-M3 A dministration Console, click the (home) icon.
Sony strongly recommends that you change the system administrator password when you access the FSV-M3 Administration Console for the first time. For information on how to set the administrator pass word, see “Setting the System Adm inistrator Password” (page 14) in this chapter.
Chapter 2 Basic Use

Setting the System Administrator Password

The administrator password is extremely important for system security. When you access the FSV-M3 Administration Console for the first time, be sure to change the system administrator password before configuring the settings. Furthermore, guard the administrator password carefully.
Set or change the system administrator password through the FSV-M3 Administration Console.
On the FSV-M3 Administration Console, click “System” - “Change Admin Password”.
The “Change Admin Password” page appears.
In the “Current Admin Password” box, enter the current administrator password.
In the “New Admin Password” box, ent er a new password of five or more alphanumeric characters.
For details about permissible characters, see Chapter 3, “FSV-M3 Limitations” (page 66).
In the “Confirm Admin Password” box, re-enter the new password.
Click the “Submit” button.
You cannot change the administrator name (“admin”).

Setting the Date and Time

Before using this server, set the date and time.
Make sure that the date and time are the same for all client computers and the server. If the date and time are not the same, files may be mistakenly overwritten or other problems occur.
On the FSV-M3 Administration Console, click “System” - “Date & Time”.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
The “Date & Time” page appears.
Configure the items below.
Select the date as Year/Month/Day (2003/11/25).
Select the time as Hours/Minutes (13:30).
Time Zone
Select the local time zone from the list.
Click the “Submit” button. The information set above is reflected in the “Date & Time” page.

Setting the System Language

Before beginning to use the FSV-M3, make sure that you specify the system language of the client computer used to access the server.
If you change this setting , file and share n ames may be displayed inco rrectly, or may no longer be accessible. Also, if you use the server and then change this setting, files and shares created before the change may no longer be accessible.
The only available languages are English and Japanese.
On the FSV-M3 Administration Console, click “System” - “System Settings”.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
The “System Settings” page appears.
Select “English” in the “Language for File and Folder names” list.
Click the “Submit” button. The setting is reflected in the “System Settings” page.

Configuring Windows Network Settings

When using this server through Windows, you must configure the Windows settings in the FSV-M3 Administration Console. To configure the settings, in the FSV-M3 Administration Console, click “Network” - “Windows”. For information about how to configure the settin gs, see “Windows” in Chapter 3, “Using the FSV-M3 Administration Console” (page 30).

Registering Users

Registration is required for those users who want to access this file server. This section explains how to register and administer users. A user name and password is required for persons to access the shares on the file server via HTTP, CIFS (Windows Network), or FTP (Internet File Transfer Protocol).
The NFS (Network File Service) protocol does not have provisions to allow authentication and authorizat ion at a user level. NFS client s are authorized at the client's IP address level. Thus, any user who has access to an authorized NFS client has access to shares on the file server.
For the other access protocols (CIFS, FTP, HTTP), there are two sets of users that can access the file server.
•Local set This set contains users that are registered manually and appear i n the server’s user list. These are referred to as “local set users”. Th ey are maint ained fro m “Security” - “Users”. These users can change their passwords from the FSV­M3 Top Page.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
• Windows set
Indications in the “Users” Page
In the “Users” page of the Security menu, each use r set is represented as follows in the Source column ( [S]: user registration location).
• If the user is a local set user: L (Local; the user is registered on the FSV-M3)
• If the user is a Windows set user: R (Remote; the user is registered in the
You can configure the settings need ed t o use th e FS V-M3 in co mbi nat ion with a Windows domain from “Network” - “Windows”. For details, see “Network Menu” (page 36) in Chapter 3, “Using the FSV-M3 Administration Console”.

Registering Local Set Users

Register local set users through the FSV-M3 Administration Console.
This set contains users main tained on a Windows Primar y Domain Controller. They appear when the FSV-M3 is used in combination with a Windows domain. These are referred to as “Windows set users”. You cannot create, modify, or delete these users from “Security” - “Users”. Because the FSV-M3 does not maintain the passwor ds of th ese users, cha nge the pa ssword with the PDC.
On the FSV-M3 Administration Console, click “Security” - “Users”. The “Users” page appears.
Click “Add User”. The “Add User” page appears.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
Enter the items below.
User Name
Enter a user name of up to 32 alphanumeric characters. For details about permissible characters, see Chapter 3, “FSV-M3 Limitations” (page 66).
When registering users from Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me, be sure to enter the same user name as the user's Windows logon name.
Full Name
Enter the full name of the user using up to 49 alphanumeric characters. For details about permissible ch aracters, see Chapter 3, “FSV-M3 Limitations” (page 66).
Enter a user password of five or more alphan umeric characters. For details about permissible characters, see Chapter 3, “FSV-M3 Limitations” (page
Confirm Password
Re-enter the same password.
Local users can change their own passwords. For details, see “Changing the User Password” (page 19).
Grant admin rights
Select this check box if you want to gr ant this u ser admi nistr ative r ights to the server.
Users to whom you grant administrative rights have access to all the functions of the FSV-M3 and can perform all the operations explained in this document. Exercise care before granting administrative rights to a user.
Click the “Submit” button. This uploads the new user registration data to the “Users” page on the
Chapter 2 Basic Use

Changing the User Password

Users can change their own passwords.
1 2
Start the browser on a computer.
Enter “” in the “Address” or “Location” box (where “” is the IP address of the server).
The FSV-M3 Top Page appears.
Click “Change User Password”. The “Change User Password” page appears.
In the “User Name” box, enter the name of a registered user.
In the “Current Password” box, enter the current password.
In the “New Password” box, enter a new password of five or more alphanumeric characters.
For details about permissible characters, see Chapter 3, “FSV-M3 Limitations” (page 66).
In the “Confirm Password” box, re-enter the new password.
Click the “Submit” button. A message appears indicating that settings are complete.
Chapter 2 Basic Use

Creating Shares

Manual Share Creation

Users can create shares on the server using the FSV-M3 Administration Console. Users can create files and folders in the shares they create. There are two ways of creating shares.
Manual share creation
The system administrator can create shares manually with the FSV-M3 Administration Console.
Automatic share creation
The system creates a default share for each user when the user accesses a specific URL through a Web browser. The shares created this way belong to their specific users, but use the default permissions defined by the system administrator. For details about the automatic creation of shares, see “Automatic Share Creation” (page 22).
Create shares manually through the FSV-M3 Administration Console as follows.
Click “Storage” - “Share” on the FSV-M3 Administration Console. The “Share” page appears.
Click “Create Share”. The “Create Share” page appears.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
Select the RAID group of the share that you want to create.
The RAID group name varies depending on the RAID configuration as follows.
• If the RAID configuration is RAID 5 (default), only one RAID group name appears. This name is “VOLUME”.
• If the RAID configuration is RAID 1, two RAID group names appear. These names are “VOLUME 0” and “VOLUME 1”. For details about changing the RAID group configuration, see “RAID Group” (page 47).
For details about the automatic creation of shares, see “Automatic Share Creation” (page 51).
Click the “Continue” button. The following page appears.
Configure the following settings.
Share Name
The share name is a string of up to 80 alphanumeric characters. For details about permissible characters, see “FSV-M3 Limitations” (page 66).
• You cannot assign share names that have already been assigned. Further, the FSV-M3 does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters. (Example: “abc,” “ABC,” and “Abc” are all recognized as the same name.)
• When using Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, or Win dows NT, enter the share name as up to 11 alphanumeric characters.
Enter a description of up to 256 alphanumeric characters regarding the share. For details about permissible characters, see Chapter 3, “FSV-M3 Limitations” (page 66).
Windows (CIFS)
Select this check box if you want thi s share to be accessible from Windo ws.
Windows Attributes
Select this check box if you want the share to retain Windows attributes such as “read-only”, “hidden”, “system file”, or “archive”.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
These attributes may conflict with file permissions used by UNIX/Linux clients. Do not select this check box if these shares are used by UNIX/ Linux clients.
Web (HTTP)
Select this check box if you want this share to be accessible from a Web browser.
Select this check box if you want this share to be accessible to UNIX/Linux clients.
Select this check box if you want this share to be accessible through FTP.
Click the “Create Share” button. The settings are reflected in the “Share” page.

Automatic Share Creation

Set share security. For details about how to set share security, see “Setting Share Folder
Security” (page 58).
The FSV-M3 can be configured to automatically create shares. Shares are created when users access a specific URL for the first time through a Web browser. The shares are given the name of the users.
On the FSV-M3 Administration Console click “Storage” - “Share”. The “Share” page appears.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
Click “Auto Share”. The “Auto Share” page appears.
Configure the following settings.
Activate Auto Share
Select this check box if you want the FSV-M3 to create shares automatically.
Windows (CIFS)
Select this check box if you want thi s share to be accessible from Windo ws.
Windows Attributes
Select this check box if you want the share to retain Windows attributes such as “read-only”, “hidden”, “system file”, or “archive”.
These attributes may conflict with file permissions used by UNIX/Linux clients. Do not select this check box if these shares are used by UNIX/ Linux clients.
Web (HTTP)
Because this item is absolutely necessary for automatic share creation, yo u cannot clear this check box.
Select this check box if you want this share to be accessible to UNIX/Linux clients.
Select this check box if you want this share to be accessible through FTP.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
Click the “Submit” button. Shares are created the first time users access a specific URL through a Web
browser (see “Important”, below). The shares are given the name of the users. (See the note below.)
A share is created for a user when the user accesses the URL below. The share is given the name of the user.
URL http://HOSTNAME_or_IP/home/user name
HOSTNAME_or_IP: host name or IP address of the FSV-M3. user name: name of the user registered on the FSV-M3.
(Example) If the user name is “tiger”, then the URL is:
• To access your share, enter the your user name as follows in the password authentication dialog box.
- Local set users: user name
- Windows set users: domain name\user name
• Because the share is given the same name as the user, if the user name exceeds 12 characters, so does the share name. However, shares with names of more than 12 characters can not be accessed with Windo ws 95, 98, Me, or NT. For details, see “Share” (page 48).

Storing Files and Folders in Shares

Files and folders (directories) can be created in shares created with the FSV-M3 Administration Console. Also, the manner in which shares are accessed varies depending on the operating system of the client computer.
When there is a sudden loss of power to the unit due to a power failure or turning the unit off improperly, sto red files or files being edited may be dama ged. Make sure you back up your data frequently. For more details regarding backup, see “Data Backup” (page 29).

Access from Windows 95/98/NT

Double-click Network Computer on the desktop.
Double-click Entire Network. For Windows NT, double-click Microsoft Windows Network.
The workgroup to which the FSV-M3 is assigned appears. If a new workgroup has been set, it may take some time before the workgroup appears. If the workgroup does not appear, proceed to step 4.
Chapter 2 Basic Use
+ 54 hidden pages