Thank you for purchasing your Sony VAIO® computer! Your new
computer is a superb blend of high technology and easy-to-use
functionality. The information provided here is designed to help you to
become familiar with the hardware and software applications included
with your system.
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
Locating Controls And
Your computer may not be equipped with all of the hardware features
listed in thi s secti on. To view the specific har dware configuration for your
system, see the Specifications sheet.
Front Panel Overview
The front panel of your VAIO Comput er enables access to the optica l and floppy
disk drives. It also includes Universal Serial Bus (USB) and i.LINK® ports to
connect compatible peripheral devices.
✍ i.LINK is a trademark of Sony used only to designate that a product contains an
IEEE1394 connection. The i.LINK connection ma y vary, depending on the software
applications, operating sy stem and compat ible i.LINK devices. All pr oducts with an
i.LINK connection m ay not communic ate with each other.
Please refer to the documentation that cam e w ith your com patible i. LINK device for
information on oper ating conditions and proper connecti on. Before connecting
compatible i.LINK PC peripherals to your system, such as an optical or hard disk drive,
confirm their operating system compatibility and required operating conditions.
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
Front panel
1Optical drive 1
See Specifications sheet for optical drive information.
2Optical drive 2
See Specifications sheet for optical drive information.
3Floppy disk drive
Reads and write s data from and to a 3.5-inch flop py disk.
Locati ng Co ntr ols And Connectors
4Floppy disk drive access indicator light
Lights in gree n while reading and writing data from and to a floppy
5Optical drive access indicator light
Lights in amber while reading and writing dat a from and to the optical
6Hard disk drive access indicator light
Lights in amber whi le reading and writing data from and to the hard
7Power switch and indica tor light
Tur ns the c ompute r on/of f. The indi cato r ligh t is blue whil e the power is
on and amber when the computer is in Stand by mode.
8Optical drive 1 eject button
Ejects a disc fro m O p tical dri v e 1 .
9Optical drive 2 eject button
Ejects a disc fro m O p tical dri v e 2 .
10Floppy disk eject button
Ejects a floppy disk.
11Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports (2)
Connecti ons for compatible USB devices.
12i.LINK 4-pin port (IEEE1394)
Connecti on for a compatible digi tal device.
✍ For your convenience, your computer includes USB and i.LI NK ports on both the front
and back panels. The 4-pin i.LINK port is located on the front panel and the 6-pin
i.LINK port is located on the back.
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
Back Panel Overview
The back panel of your computer contains the ports for supplied and opti onal
accessories. The icons on the back panel locate and identify the ports on your
Back panel
1Mouse port
Connecti on for a PS /2® mouse.
2Keyboard port
Connecti on for a PS /2 keyboard.
3 Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports (2)
Connecti ons for compatible USB devices.
4Ethernet port
10BASE-T/100BASE-TX Fast Et h ernet interface .
(The port marked with (Network) is for LAN connections only.)
5Monitor p ort
Connect ion for a display.
6Printer port
Connection for a parallel device, such as a printer or scanner.
7i.LINK 6-pin port (I EEE1394)
Connect ion for a compatible digital device.
8Serial port
Connect ion for a c ompa tible serial device.
9Headphones jack
Connect ion for the supplied speake rs or optional headphone s.
10Line In jack
Connect ion for an audio device.
Locati ng Co ntr ols And Connectors
11Microphone jack
Connect ion for a microphone (optional).
12Modem line jack
Connect ion for the supplied modem cable to the wall jack.
13AC Input port
Connection for the supplied power cord .
14Telephone jack
Connect ion for a phone cable (optional) to the computer.
✍ i.LINK is a trademark of Sony used only to designate that a product contains an
IEEE1394 connection. The i.LINK connection ma y vary, depending on the software
applications, operating sy stem and compat ible i.LINK devices. All pr oducts with an
i.LINK connection m ay not communic ate with each other.
Please refer to the documentation that cam e w ith your com patible i. LINK device for
information on oper ating conditions and proper connecti on. Before connecting
compatible i.LINK PC peripherals to your system, such as an optical or hard disk drive,
confirm their operating system compatibility and required operating conditions.
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
VA IO A c ti o n S e tu p
VAIO Action Setup manages the settings for your computer’s Shortcut
keys (S Keys).
Shortcut Keys
The programmabl e S Keys are linked with the following applications as their
default settings:
❑S1 — Outlook® Express
❑S2 — Internet Explorer
❑S3 — SonicStage
❑S4 — PictureGear™
❑S5 — MovieShaker™
❑S6 — Help/Demo
You can reprogram the S keys to launch other applications.
✍ i.LINK is a trademark of Sony used only to designate that a product contains an
IEEE1394 connection. The i.LINK connection ma y vary, depending on the software
applications, operating system, and compatible i.LINK devices. All products with an
i.LINK connection m ay not communic ate with each other.
Please refer to the documentation that cam e w ith your com patible i. LINK device for
information on oper ating conditions and proper connecti on. Before connecting
compat ible i.LINK PC peripherals to your sys tem, such as an optical or ha rd disk
drive, confirm t h eir operating system compatibility and required operating condi tions.
Changi n g the setting s o f th e S keys
1Click Start in the Wi ndows taskbar and select All Programs.
2Select VAIO Action Setup, then click VAIO Action Setup.
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
✍ Yo u can also double-click the VAIO Action Setup icon, located in the Windows
taskbar, to launch VAIO Action Setup.
3Click the S Key you want to change.
4From the Select Application dialog box, click the option for the desired type
of function. The corresponding applications appear in the list box on the
✍ Yo u can drag an applicati on to place it into the list box.
5The Confirmation Application Na me window appe ars. Click Next.
6You can type a new name and description, if desired. Click Finish.
To Change the Sony Software Window Design
You can select from different window desig ns for your S ony software and create
your own personal computing environment.
Changing the window design
1Click Start in the Windows taskbar and select the Control Panel.
2Click Other Control Panel Options.
3Click UI Design Selector.
4Click << or >> and select the desired desi gn.
5Click Apply.
6The “UI Design Selector” window design changes. The window desi gn for
your Sony software matches the “UI Design Selector” window.
7To try another selection, cli ck << or >>, then click Apply.
8When you have made your selection, click OK. The UI Design Selector
closes and the Sony software window design displays.
✍ Yo u may only use this feature with compatible UI Design Selector software.
VAIO AV Applications
Your V AIO® computer has a preinstalled collection of audio and vi de o
(AV) applications that make it easy to use advanced multimedia
technology. This section describes the VAIO AV applications.
✍ Yo ur computer may not be supplied with all of the sof tware applications listed,
depending on the syst em configuration you pur chased.
Y our computer’s visual prese ntation of the VAIO AV applications may not appear
exactly as shown in this section, depending on the specific computer model yo u
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
Overview of Preinstalled Software
Sony Electronics Inc.
This image management software makes it fun and easy to edit, import, and
organize your digital pictures in a photo album for rich digital printing to any
standard col or laser or inkjet printer. DigitalPrint ca n also be used to make
custom CD labels for your audio CDs.
Sony Electronics Inc.
Connect a digital video camera recorder to the i.LINK® port and capture your
own video clip s a nd still images. You can edit clips from your video, add new
clips, and combine clips into ne w movi e segm ents. You can also save your
images in a variety of popular file formats.
Media Bar® DVD Player
Sony Electronics Inc.
Media Bar DVD Player is created especially for high -quality DVD playback.
You can enjoy the s uperior digita l video quality and the effects features. You can
rewind or fast-forwa rd scenes from the DVD Player monitor as you would with
any ordinary DVD player, to easily find the scene you want to view. Typical
DVD playback features are available , such as multiple angles, audio langua ge
tracks, an d subtitles. Media Bar DVD Player sea mlessly integrat es a premium
audio/visual experience with an easy-to-use software interface.
Sony Electronics Inc.
Sony’s origi nal MovieShaker software cre ates personal movies that have
transi tions , backgr ound music , and tex t. Just import your vide o clips and “shake ”
with a click of the mous e. Your personal movies are easy to create and fun to
share with family and friends.
Sony Electronics Inc.
This image management software displays images from your hard drive, a Sony
digital still camera, or a Sony Mavica®
camera. The im ag e s ap pe ar in a
convenient light-table format, so that you can easily view the contents of an
entire folder.
Overview of Preinstalled Software
Smart Capture
Sony Electronics Inc.
Smart Capture is a fun new way to send multimedia messages via e-mail. Smar t
Capture mana ges the i.LINK® connection between your notebook and a Sony
Digital Handycam® Camcorder tha t supports the i.LINK interface. It allows you
to captu re compress ed vide o or sti ll im ages and save the m to your ha rd dis k drive
or share via e-m ail. A smart solution for computer, digital audio/video and
network convergence.
SonicStage™ (On selected models)
Sony Electronics Inc.
This new jukebox application adds a host of new features to its predecessor,
OpenMG™ Jukebox. Continuing to take advantage of Sony’s copyrightprotected ATRAC3™ format for high-quality digital audio storage, SonicStage
sports a new musi c visualizer , a sleek new player skin design, audio CD burning
capability, and a parametric equalizer for fine-tuning audi o playback.
SonicStage™ Premium (On selected models)
Sony Electronics Inc.
SonicStage Premium is a spec ial jukebox appl ication that supports high quality
digital audio playback and recording from the NetMD, FM Tuner, and DVD-RW
devices in your VAIO MX Desktop PC. Re cording from external analog and
digital audio devices, such as CD players and MiniDisc players, is also
supported. SonicStage Premium includes several standard jukebox features,
including a music visualize r, audio CD burning capability, and a parametric
equalizer for fine-tuning audio playback.
Sony Electronics Inc.
VisualFlow software is a state-of-the-art Sony multimedia browser designed
specifically for Memory Stick® media. It displays any still picture, mo vie or
sound file stored in a Memory St ick media in a visually ple asing , artisti c manne r .
VisualFlow software not only plays a selected movie or sound file, but als o
enables pl ayback of files by other appli ca tions like PictureGear™ soft ware or
Mem or y Stick S lide s h ow.
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
DigitalPrint Software
DigitalPrint So ftware
DigitalPrint is designed to creatively manage your digital pictures . With its
easy-to-use features, you can quickly load images from your digita l ca mera or
camcorder, print high-quality photos, and make personalized photo albums and
labels to share with fri ends and family.
DigitalPrint mai n window
Using PhotoCapture
Capture and import your digital pictures from your digital camera or camcorder
into your computer. You can select your favorite pictures and place them in
handy folder s for fut ure use.
1Click (Import) to open the PhotoCapture window. Your connected
digital camera, camcorder, or Memory Stick® media is indicated in the
✍ Properly connect your digital cam era, camcorder, or ins ert your Memory Stick media
in your computer.
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
PhotoCapture window
2Click the camera icon to open the Enter Photo Folder Name dial og box. You
can enter a name for a new folder or cli ck Sele ct Photo Fol der t o import your
pictures to an existing folder. Click OK.
Enter Photo Folder Name dial og box
DigitalPrint Software
3Click Capt ure to capture stil l images. You can preview a thumbnail version
of your pictures in the selection view window.
Capture Pictures from Video window
4Select th e desired pic tur es, and cli ck Get Pictur es. The Phot oCapture picture
editor window appears.
5Click View to see an enlarged version of a selected picture. You can use
(Rotate) to ch ange the position of a sele cted picture. Click Delete to
eli minate any unwant ed pictures.
PhotoCapture editing window
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
Using PhotoCollection
You can select and print your favorite digital pictures, using your computer and
home printer.
1Click (Photo) to open the PhotoCollection window. A list of folders is
displa yed on the left side of the wind ow, with the folder contents displayed
as thumbnail picture s on the right.
PhotoCollecti on window
2Select the desired fold er. From t he thumbnail view, click t o select the
pictures you wan t to print.
3Click Photo P r int at the top of the windo w. Select the number of prints you
want to make, us ing the scro ll arrows. Click OK.
4Select th e paper, based on the picture positioning desired. A layout pr eview
is displayed on the left side of the window.
5Use the config uration butto ns and drop -down lis ts to sel ect the printer a nd to
set margins.
DigitalPrint Software
Printer and Paper selection window
6Click Print All to print all pages, or click “Print the selected pag e only” to
print a specific page of photos.
Using PhotoDecor
You can decorate your favori te photos with cl ip art, sta mps, or your own dra wing
talent. Add, remove, and change your designs to create your own unique photo
1Click (Edit) to ope n the PhotoDecor - New P hotoDecor window. A list
of folders is displ ayed o n th e left side of the win dow, with the fol der con te nts
displayed as thumbnail pictures on the right.
PhotoDecor-New PhotoDecor window
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
2Select the desired fold er. From t he thumbnail view, click t o select the
pictures you wan t to decorate. The PhotoDecor editing window appears.
3Use the decoration features on the right side of the window by clicking on
the desired decoration icon, and then dra gging the decoration onto your
4Click Print when your photo is ready to be printed. You can save your
decorated pic tures before printi ng. Name the new picture, and click Save.
✍ The defau lt locatio n for your saved decorated pictur es is in the Decorated Photos
folder, which can be v iewed from the PhotoDecor - New PhotoDecor window.
Using PhotoAlbum
Capture your special photos in an organized photo album. You can share your
custom-made photo albums with friends and family.
1Click (Album) to open the PhotoAlbum - New Album window.
PhotoAlbum - New Alb um window
✍ If you wish to work on a previously created album , do not click Crea te New Album.
Instead, select the desired album from the Album Collect ion view on the right side of
the window.
DigitalPrint Software
2Click Create New Album. The Select Photo wind ow appears.
3Select the photos you want to include in your album from the available
folders displayed. Click List to s elect individual pictures from each folder.
The Select Design window appears.
4Select a design template for your alb um. Use the scroll bar to see all
availa ble designs. When you have s elected the design, the Select Layout
window appears.
5Select a page layout for your album. A preview of your selected design and
page layout is displayed. Scroll through the album using the book icons at
the bottom of the window.
6Click Page List to edit your album. Cus tom ize your album by adding more
picture s, decorations, comment s, or deleting pages.
7You can save your album before printing by clicking Save.
8Click Pr int. Select an album type, and click Print again.
✍ For information on stitching your album, click Stitch Album. See the online Help file
for mo re det ai ls .
Using LabelMaker
Use LabelMaker to design original labe ls to personalize your media, such as
Memory Sti ck® media, CDs, or video cassettes.
1Click (Label) to open the Label - New Label window.
Label - New Label window
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
2Click an ic on to s elect a media type. A new window opens.
3Click the paper layout icon. The Select Design window appears.
4Select a design template. Use the decoration and customization features on
the right by clicking an icon and dragging it onto your template.
✍ A new window appea rs , enabl ing yo u to list the con ten ts of y our audio or video medi a.
Y ou can create a song or video list, depending on the type of me dia label being
Design Edit window
5Click Print to complete the label making process. Use the configuration
buttons and drop-down lists to selec t the printer and to set margins.
✍ See the online Help for detailed information on usi ng DigitalP rint software.
DVgate Software
DV gate Software
Connecting a digital video camcorder
Turn off the power to your dig ital video camcorder before connecting it to your
computer. After connecting th e device, turn its power bac k on. You do not need
to turn off the computer when connect ing the camcorder.
To use DVgate™ software with a digital video camcorder
❑Do not use DVgate™ s oftware when the connected digital video device is in
Timer Recording mode, as this may produce a malfunction in the device.
❑Video captures larger than 2 GB (9 minutes and 30 seconds) are
automatically conti nued in a second file.
❑You can record stereo a udio (stereo 1) while capturing video, or you can add
audio on the stereo 2 track after capturing the video data.
❑You cannot use different audio m odes on the same tape. Perform a separate
capture for each audio mode you wish to use.
❑DVgate software does not support hard disk compression. Do not use disk
compression if you are planning to work with DVgate software.
❑Title data is saved in the flash memory of a digital video camera and is not
transferred to tape by DVgate software.
❑Disa ble your screen s aver program to avoid interruption during your capture
❑The dro p fr ame compe ns ation feature does not provi de a cc urate
compensation adjustments for tapes recorded in LP mode.
❑The information displayed by the capture progres s indicator may not be
accur at e f o r ta p es th at are rec o r de d usi n g a mi xt u r e of b oth SP an d L P
❑Keep the video head of your digita l video device properly cleaned.
Anomalies that you see i n captur ed data may be du e to dus t or ot her part icle s
on the video he ad.
❑The last frame captured is one frame before your selected [OUT] point. The
frame you see immediately after clicking the [OUT] button is not captured.
VAIO Digital Studio Computer User Guide
To use DVgate software to record AVI files to tape
✍ You can record only AVI files. MPEG files cannot be recorded.
❑Do not use DVgate™ software when the conne cted digi tal vide o device is in
Timer Recording mode, as this could produce a malfunction in the device.
❑Avoid recording probl ems, such as a single frame appear ing in multiple
frames, by closing other applications on your system while recording.
❑You cannot use mult ip le audi o mode s on the same tape. If you hav e AVI files
that use different audio m odes , the fil es cannot be recorded at the same time,
but must be recorded separately.
❑The DVgate software does not support AVI files that are smaller than 4 MB.
❑The DVgate software does not support hard disk compression.
❑To maximize recording ca pabilities, video and audio data are not a vailable
while you are recording.
❑If the DVga te soft ware indic ates t hat frames are dropped, tr y clos ing a ll open
applications or defragmenting your hard drive.
MovieShaker Software
MovieShaker Software
MovieShake r™ so ftware can be used to create fun and innovative movies
without any pre vious knowledge of film editing. In a few simple steps, video
files ca n be made fr om st ill im ages wit h ad ded speci al ef fe cts and mus ic. You can
save your personal video creation in a format that is compatible with most
MovieShaker main window
Worki n g pa nel
Import clip tray
Effect tray
Story B oard tray
+ 65 hidden pages
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