Sony MVS-8000A-C, MVS8000AS-C Operating Manual

MVS-8000A-C MVS8000AS-C
MKS-8110M MKS-8111M MKS-8160A MKS-8161M MKS-8162A MKS-8170M MKS-8210A MKS-8420M MKS-8440A HK-PSU04 BZS-8250
OPERATION MANUAL [English] 1st Edition
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture.
user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense. You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved i n this manual could void y our authority to operate this equipment.
To avoid electrical shock, do not open the cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified personnel only.
Um Feuergefahr und die Gefahr eines elektrischen Schlages zu vermeiden, darf das Gerät weder Regen noch Feuchtigkeit ausgesetzt werden.
Um einen elektrishen Schlag zu vermeiden, darf das Gehäuse nicht geöffnet werden. Überlassen Sie Wart ungsarbeiten stets nur qualifiziertem Fachpersonal.
The shielded interface cable recommended in this manual must be used with this equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules.
(MKS-8110M/8111M/8160A/8161M/8162A/8170M/8210A/ 8420M/8440A/HK-PSU04 only )
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this dev ice must accept any interference received, inmcluding interference that may cause undesired operation.
For customers in Canada (MKS-8110M/8 111 M/8 160 A/ 8161M/8162A/8170M/8210A/8420M/8440A/HK-PSU04 only)
This Class A digital apparatus compl ies w i th Cana dian ICES-
Pour les utilisateurs au Canada (MKS-8110M/8111M/ 8160A/8161M/8162A/8170M/8210A/8420M/8440A/HK­PSU04 uniquement)
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Afin d’éviter tout risque d’incendie ou d’électrocution, ne pas exposer cet appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité.
Afin d’écarter tout risque d’électrocution, garder le coffret fermé. Ne confier l’entretien de l’appareil qu’à un personnel qualifié.
For the customers in the USA
This equipment has bee n tested and found to com ply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are design ed to provid e reason able protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, an d can radiate rad io frequency e nergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Ope ration o f thi s equipm ent in a reside ntial area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operrating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.
If used in USA, use the UL LISTED power cord specified below. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER POWER CORD.
Plug Cap Parallel blade with ground pin
(NEMA 5-15P Configuration) Cord Type SJT, three 16 or 18 AWG wires Length Less than 2.5 m (8 ft 3 in) Rating Minimum 10 A, 125 V
Using this unit at a voltage other than 120V may require the use of a different line cord or attachment plug, or both. To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
1 Use the approved Power Cord (3-core mains lead)/
Appliance Connector/Plug with earthing-contacts that conforms to the safety regulations of each country if applicable.
2 Use the Power Cord (3-core mains lead)/Appliance
Connector/Plug conformi ng to the proper ratings (Voltage,
Ampere). If you have questions on the use of the above Power Cord/ Appliance Connector/Plug, please consult a qualified service personnel.
For the customers in Europe (MVS-8000A/8000ASF only)
This product with the C E marking comp lies with bo th the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and the Lo w Volta ge D ir ect iv e (73/ 23/ EEC) issued by the Co mmis sion of the European Commu nity. Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the following European standards:
• EN60950: Product Safety
• EN55103-1: Electromagnetic Interference (Emiss ion)
• EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Immunity) This product is intended for use in the following Electromagnetic Environment: E4 (controlled EMC environment, ex. TV studio).
Für Kunden in Europa (nur MVS-8000A/8000ASF)
Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt sowohl die EMV-Direk tive (89/336/EEC) als au ch die Direktive Niederspannung (73/23/EEC) der EG-Kommission. Die Erfüllung dieser Direktiven bedeutet Konformität für die folgenden Europäischen Normen:
• EN60950: Produktsicherheit
• EN55103-1: Elektromagnetische Interfere nz (Emission)
• EN55103-2: Elektromagnetische Empfindlichkeit
(Immunität) Dieses Produkt ist für den Einsatz unter die folgende elektromagnetische Bedingung ausgelegt: E4 (kontrollierter EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio).
Pour les clients européens (MVS-8000A/8000 A SF uniquement)
Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la fois à la Directive sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) (89/ 336/CEE) et à la Directive sur les basses tensions (73/23/ CEE) émises par la Commiss ion de la Communauté européenne. La conformité à ces directives implique la conformité aux normes européennes sui va nte s:
• EN60950: Sécurité des produits
• EN55103-1: Interférences électromagnétiques (émission)
• EN55103-2: Sensibili té éle ctro ma gné tiq ue (im mu nit é) Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans l’environnement électromagnétique s uivan t: E4 (en vironn ement EMC co ntrôlé ex. studio de télévision).
For the customers in Europe (MKS-8110M/8111M/8160A/ 8161M/8162A/8170M/8210A/8420M/8440A/HK-PSU04 only)
This product with the CE marking complies with the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) issued by the Commission of the European Community. Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the following European standards:
• EN55103-1: Electromagnetic Interference (Emission)
• EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Immunity) This product is intended for use in the following Electromagnetic Environment: E4 (controlled EMC environment, ex. TV studio).
Für Kunden in Europa (nur MKS-8110M/8111M/8160A/ 8161M/8162A/8170M/8210A/8420M/8440A/HK-PSU04)
Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt die EMV-Direktive (89/336/EEC) der EG-Kommission. Die Erfüllung dieser Direktive bedeutet Konformität für die folgenden Europäischen Normen:
• EN55103-1: Elektromagnetische Interferenz (Emission)
• EN55103-2: Elektromagnetische Empfindlichkeit (Immunität)
Dieses Produkt ist für den Einsatz unter die folgende elektromagnetische Bedingung ausgelegt: E4 (kontrollierter EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio).
Pour les clients européens (MKS-8110M /81 11M /8 160 A/ 8161M/8162A/8170M/8210A/8420M/8440A/HK-PSU04 uniquement)
Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la Directive sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) (89/336/CEE) émise par la Commission de la Communauté européenne. La conformité à cette directive implique la conformité aux normes européennes sui va nte s:
• EN55103-1: Interférences électromagnétiques (émission)
• EN55103- 2: Sensibilité électromagnétique (immunité)
Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans l’environnement électromagnétique s uivan t: E4 (en vironn ement EMC co ntrôlé ex. studio de télévision).
Periodic inspections
To guarantee safe long-term operation, periodic inspections are recommended. Please contact your Sony representative for detailed informati on abo ut the co ntent a nd co st of p eriodi c inspections.
Table of Contents
Overview ...............................................................................5
Overview of the MVS-8000A Series Components ...................5
Location and Function of Parts...........................................8
Front Panel................................................................................ 8
Rear Panel................................................................................. 9
Example System Configuration . ..... .... ..... .........................12
MVS-8000A System Configuration....................................... 12
Flow of Video Signals............................................................ 13
Power Supply Unit Status Indicators................ ..... ..... .... ..14
MVS-8000A Multi Format Switcher Processor......................15
MVS-8000ASF Multi Format Switcher Processor..................16
MKS-8110M 17-Input Board..................................................17
MKS-8111M Additional 12-Input Board................................17
MKS-8160A 24-Output Board Set..........................................17
MKS-8161M Monitor Output Board.......................................18
MKS-8162A 12-Output Board ................................................18
MKS-8170M DME Interface Board........................................18
MKS-8210A Mix/Effect Board...............................................18
MKS-8420M Color Correction Board.....................................18
MKS-8440A Frame Memory Board........................................18
HK-PSU04 Power Supply Unit...............................................19
Table of Contents
The MVS-8000A-C or MVS8000AS-C Switcher Processor Pack is a high-performance, multi-function processor for use in an MVS-8000A Multi Format Switcher system. It h as a wide range of application, being usable in live produ cti on syst ems in studios and ENG/OB vans as well as in postproduction editing systems.
Multi format support
This unit supports both HDTV and SDTV signal formats. Switching can be made easily from the center control panel of the MVS-8000A system without exchanging system boards. The wide range of suppor ted signal formats allo ws the unit to be used in many different video production environments. The following signal formats are supported.
• SDTV formats: 480i/59.94, 576i/50
• HDTV formats: 1080i/50, 1080i/59.94, 1080i/60, 1080p/23.976, 1080p/24, 1080p/25, 1080p/29.97, 1080p/30, 720p/59.94
Highly expandable system configuration
By combining option boards, you can configure the optimum system for your requirements, selecting the number of inputs and outputs, and the number of M/E banks. The system’s flexibility guarantees its ability to meet future expansion requirements.
High-performance keyers
Each M/E bank is equipped with four high-performance keyers that provide the following standard functions.
• Ability to apply transitions to keyers independently of the background
• Chroma key and color vector keys in each keyer
• FineKey
• Col or mixable matte generator available for both key fill and key borders
, and key borders up to 8H
Powerful preview functions
The system supports simultaneous output of look-ahead previews (next preview) and key previews, and also transition previews.
Extended frame memory functions
• Two- input , eight- ou tpu t frame memory
• Maintains all MVS-8000 frame memory functions: freeze function, mask function, reposi tio n functi on, and image composition function
• Approximately 5.4 GByte large capacity memory
• Two frame memory option boards can be installed (MVS-8000A only)
• Non-volatile memory region provided by flash memory
• Includes animation function
• Dedicated frame memory data LAN provided for exchanging image files with external devices
• Interface connection for external hard disk drive provided
Links to DME functions
By connecting the unit to an MVE-8000A or MVE-9000 DME Processor Pack with a special cable, you can apply DME wipes and processed keys a nd a wide variety of other DME functions as if they were native switcher functions. All DME functions can be controlled from the center control panel of the MVS-8000A system.
Backup power supply can be installed
By installing the op tion al HK-P SU04 Power S upply Unit, together with the power supply unit preinstalled at the factory, this provides a backup system. This reduces the risk of power supply probl ems, and increases the reliability of live operations.
High-performance color correction
Installation of the optional MKS-8420M board provides high-performance, two-channel color correction functionality.
Overview of the MVS-8000A Series
Simultaneous output of two programs
Each M/E bank is able to handle two simultaneous program outputs, with the ability to apply any of the four keys to program output. This gives the system the ability to handle a wide range of operating situati ons, for example simultaneous transmission of two programs.
MVS-8000A Multi Form at Switcher Processor
This is a cabinet of the MVS-8000A Multi Format Switcher Processor unit (EIA 8RU size).
• Two M/ E banks installed as standard; can be extend ed to four M/E banks.
• 17 inputs installed as standard; can be extended to 80 inputs.
• 24 outputs installed as standard; can be extended to 48 outputs.
• Eight reclocked outputs can be added.
• DME I/F option board can be installed.
• Color corrector option board can be installed.
• Up to t wo frame memor y opt ion boa rds can b e insta lled.
• Two power supply units fitted as standard.
The following options can be installed, depending on the system.
Board Name Maximum installable number of boards
MKS-8210A 2 MKS-8440A 2 MKS-8160A 1 MKS-8170M 1 MKS-8420M 1 MKS-8110M 3 MKS-8111M 1 MKS-8161M 1 HK-PSU04 2
MVS-8000ASF Multi Format Switcher Processor
This is a cabinet of the MVS -8000ASF multi format switcher processor unit (EIA 4RU size).
• An M/E bank installed as standard; can be extended to two M/E banks.
• 17 inputs installed as standard; can be extended to 34 inputs.
• 12 outputs installed as standard; can be extended to 24 outputs.
• DME I/F option board can be installed.
• Color corrector option board can be installed.
• A frame memory option board can be installed.
• A power supply unit fitted as standard.
The following options can be installed, depending on the system.
can be reached. The MVS-8000ASF has 17 inputs as standard, and can be exte nded to 34 inputs (with on e board added).
MKS-8111M Additional 12-Input Board
This is a 12-input extension board. By installing it in the MVS-8000A, a maximum of 80 inputs can be reached. (This option cannot be installed in the MVS-8000ASF.)
MKS-8160A 24-Output Board Set
This is a 24-output board set. One set can be in stalled in the MVS-8000A only. This option increases th e outputs to 48.
MKS-8161M Monitor Output Board
This is an HDTV/SDTV eight-outpu t board for monitoring input signals. (This output board only carries out reclocking of the input signal, and no other processing.)
MKS-8162A 12-Output Connector Board
This is a 12-output connector board. One set can be installed in the MVS-8000 ASF only. This option increa ses the outputs to 24.
MKS-8170M DME Interface Board
This is an interfac e board fo r input/o utput of vi deo signal s with the MVE-8000A an d MVE-9000 Mult i Format DM E Processors. By installing one of these boards, an MVS-8000A or MVS-8000ASF can have up to two MVE-8000A or MVE ­9000 units connected.
MKS-8210A Mix/Effect Board
This is an M/E board option. T he MVS-8000A has two M/ E banks installed as standard, which can be extended to four M/E banks by installing the option. The MVS­8000ASF has one M/E installed as standard, and can be extended to two M/E banks by installing the option.
Board Name Maximum installable number of boards
MKS-8210A 1 MKS-8440A 1 MKS-8162A 1 MKS-8170M 1 MKS-8420M 1 MKS-8110M 1 HK-PSU04 1
MKS-8110M 17-Input Board
This is a 17-input board. The MVS-8000A has 17 inputs fitted as standard, and by installing 17 inputs at a time with this board, a total of 68 inputs (with three board s added)
MKS-8420M Color Correction Boa rd
A color correction board for HDTV or SDTV. It enables high-performance color correction of two channels.
MKS-8440A Frame Memory Board
This is a frame memory board option. A ma ximum of two can be installed in the MVS-8000A. One board on ly can be installed in the MVS-8000ASF.
HK-PSU04 Power Supply Unit
This is a backup power supply unit. The MVS-8000A is equipped with two p ower supply units preinstalled at the factory, but installing two HK-PSU04 units provides a
fully redundant power supply. The MVS-8000ASF is equipped with one power supply unit preinstalled at the factory, but installing another HK-PSU04 unit provides a fully redundant power supply.
BZS-8250 Simple P/P Softrware
This is a software option which enables simple mix/effet functions on the MVS-8000 A or MVS-8000ASF. It cannot be installed in the MVS-8000A with four M/E banks.
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