user will be required to correct the interference at his own
To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not
expose the unit to rain or moisture.
To avoid electrical shock, do not open the
cabinet. Refer servicing to qualified
personnel only .
Um Feuergefahr und die Gef a hr e ine s
elektrischen Schlages zu vermeiden, darf
das Gerät weder Regen noch Feuc htigkeit
ausgesetzt werden.
Um einen elektrishen Schlag zu vermeiden,
darf das Gehäuse nicht geöffnet werden.
Überlassen Sie Wartungsarbeiten stets nur
qualifiziertem Fachpersonal.
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not
expressly approved in this manual could void your authority to
operate this equipment.
The shielded interface cable recommended in this manual
must be used with this equipment in order to comply with the
limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of
FCC Rules.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause harmful inte rference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, inmcluding
interference that may cause undesired operation.
For customers in Canada (MKS-8011/8031TB/8032/8033/
8035/8041/8075/HK- PSU 11 on ly)
This Class A digital appar atus co mpl ies with C anad ian ICE S-
Pour les utilisateurs au Canada (MKS-8011/8031TB/8032/
8033/8035/8041/8075/HK-PSU11 uniquement)
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la
norme NMB-003 du Canada.
Afin d’éviter tout risque d’incendie ou
d’électrocution, ne pas exposer cet
appareil à la pluie ou à l’humidité.
Afin d’écarter tout risque d’électrocution,
garder le coffret fermé. Ne confier
l’entretie n de l’a ppareil qu’à un personnel
For the customers in the USA
This equipment has been te sted and foun d to comply with the
limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are design ed to p rovide reaso nabl e
protection agains t harmful inter ference when th e equipme nt is
operated in a commercial environment. This equipment
generates, uses, and can radiate ra dio frequency energy and ,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction
manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Oper ation of thi s e quipm ent in a residential
area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
This symbol is intended to alert the user to the
presence of important operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
literature accompanying the appliance.
If used in USA, use the UL LISTED power cord specified
Plug CapParallel blade with ground pin
(NEMA 5-15P Configuration)
CordType SJT, three 18 AWG wires
Lengt hMinimum 1.5 m , Less than 2.5 m (8 ft 3 in)
RatingMinimum 10 A, 125 V
Using this unit at a voltage other than 120 V may require the
use of a different line cord or attachment plug, or both. To
reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, refer servicing to
qualified service personnel.
1. Use the approved Power Cord (3-core mains lead)/
Appliance Connector/Plug with earthing-contacts that
conforms to the safely regulations of each country if
2. Use the Power Cord (3-core mains lead)/Appliance
Connector/Plug conforming to the proper ratings (Voltage,
If you have questions on the use of the above Power Cord/
Appliance Connector/Plug, please consult a qualified service
1. Verwenden Sie Netzkabel (dreiadrig), Geräteanschlüsse
und Netzkabelstecker mit Masseleitung, die den
Sicherheitsrichtlinien des jeweiligen Landes entspricht.
2. Verwenden Sie Netzkabel (dreiadrig), Geräteanschlüsse
und Netzkabelstecker mit Masseleitung, die den vor Ort
herrschenden Spannungsanforderungen (Spannug,
Stromstärke) entsprechen.
Bei Frage über die Eignung und Sicherheit von Netzkabeln
(dreiadrig), Geräteanschlüssen und Netzkabelsteckern
wenden Sie sich bitte an einen qualifiz ierten Electr otechn iker.
1. Utiliser un cordon d’alimentation approuvé (conducteur
d’alimentation 3 âmes)/connecteur d’appareil/prise avec
contacts de mise à la terre conforme aux règ les de sécurité
de chaque pays si applicable.
2. Utiliser un cordon d’alimentation approuvé (conducteur
conforme aux valeurs nominales (tension, ampérage)
S’adresser à un personnel de service qualifié pour toute
question concernant l’emploi du cordon d’alimentation/
connecteur d’appareil/prise ci-dessus.
This unit has no power switch.
When installing the unit, incorporate a readily accessible
disconnect device in the fixed wiring, or connect the power
cord to a socket-outlet which must be provided near the unit
and easily accessible.
If a fault should occur durin g operati on of the unit, operat e the
disconnect device to switch the power supply off, or
disconnect the power cords.
Dieses Gerät hat keinen Netzschalter.
Beim Einbau des Geräts ist daher im Festkabel ein leicht
zugänglicher Unterbrecher einzufügen, oder das Netzkabel
muß mit einer in der Nähe des Geräts befindlichen, leicht
zugänglichen Wandsteckdose verbunden werden.
Wenn während des Betrie bs eine Funktionsstör ung auftritt, ist
der Unterbrecher zu betätigen bzw. das Netzkabel
abzuziehen, damit die Stromversorgung zum Gerät
unterbrochen wird.
Cet appareil ne poss
Lors de l’installation de l’appareil, incorporer un dispositif de
coupure dans le câblage fixe ou brancher le cordon
d’alimentation dans une prise murale proche de l’appareil et
facilement accessible.
En cas de problème lors du fonctionnement de l’appareil,
enclencher le dispositif de coupure d’alimentation ou
dèbrancher le cordon de la prise.
For the customers in Europe (MKS-9011A/9012A only)
This product with the CE marking com plies with both the EMC
Directive (89/336/EEC ) and the Low Vol tage Direct ive (73/23/
EEC) issued by th e Co mmi ssion of the E uro pean Com mun ity.
Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the
following European standards:
• EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Immunity)
This product is intended for use in the following
Electromagnetic Environment: E4 (controlled EMC
environment, ex. TV studio).
Für Kunden in Europa (nur MKS-9011A/9012A)
Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt
sowohl die EMV-Di rektive (89/336/EEC) als auch die Direktive
Niederspannung (73/23/EEC) der EG-Kommission.
Die Erfüllung dieser Direktiven bedeutet K onformität für die
folgenden Europäischen Normen:
Dieses Produkt ist für den Einsatz unter die folgende
elektromagnetische Bedingung ausgelegt: E4 (kontr o llierter
EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio).
Pour les clients européens (MKS-9011A/9012A
Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la fois à la
Directive sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) (89/
336/CEE) et à la Directive sur les basses tensions (73/23/
CEE) émises par la Comm ission de la Communauté
La conformité à ces directives implique la conformité aux
normes européennes suivantes:
Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans l’environnement
électromagnétique sui vant: E4 (env ironneme nt EMC contrôlé
ex. studio de télévision).
ède pas d’interrupteur d’alimentation.
For the customers in Europe (MKS-8011/8031TB/8032/
8033/8035/8041/8075 only)
This product with the CE marking complies with the EMC
Directive (89/336/EEC) issued by the Commission of the
European Community.
Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the
following European standards:
• EN55103-2: Electromagnetic Susceptibility (Immunity)
This product is intended for use in the following
Electromagnetic Environment: E4 (controlled EMC
environment, ex. TV studio).
Für Kunden in Europa (nur MKS-8011/8031TB/8032/8033/
Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt die
EMV-Direktive (89/336/EEC) der EG-Kommission.
Die Erfüllung dieser Direktive bedeutet Konformität für die
folgenden Europäischen Norme n:
Dieses Produkt ist für den Einsatz unter die folgende
elektromagnetische Bedingung ausgelegt: E4 (kontrollierter
EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio) .
für die folgenden elektromagnetischen Umgebungen:
E1 (Wohnbereich), E2 (kommerzieller und in beschränktem
Maße industrieller Bereich), E3 (Stadtbereich im Freien) und
E4 (kontrollierter EMV-Bereich, z.B. Fernsehstudio).
Pour les clients européens (HK-PSU11 seulement)
Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la Directive
sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) (89/336/CEE)
émise par la Commission de la Communauté européenne.
La conformité à cette directive implique la conformité aux
normes européennes suivantes:
• EN55103-2: Sensibilité électromagnétique (immunité)
Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans les
environnements électromagnétiques suivants:
E1 (résidentiel), E2 (commercial et industrie légère),
E3 (urbain extérieur) et E4 (environnement EMC contrôlé,
ex. studio de télévision).
Periodic inspections
To guarantee safe long-term operation, periodic inspections
are recommended. Please contact your Sony representative
for detailed info rmation about the content and co st of pe riodi c
Pour les clients europée ns (MKS-8011 /8031TB /8032/8 033/
8035/8041/8075 uniquement)
Ce produit portant la marque CE est conforme à la Directive
sur la compatibilité électromagnétique (EMC) (89/336/CEE)
émise par la Commission de la Communauté européenne.
La conformité à cette directive implique la conformité aux
normes européennes suivantes:
Ce produit est prévu pour être utilisé dans l’environnement
électromagnétique suivant: E 4 (environnem ent EMC contrôlé
ex. studio de télévision).
For the customers in Europe (HK-PSU11 only)
This product with the CE marking complies with the EMC
Directive (89/336/EEC) issued by the Commission of the
European Community.
Compliance with this directive implies conformity to the
following European standards:
This product is intended for use in the following
Electromagnetic Environment(s):
E1 (residential), E2 (commercial and light industrial), E3
(urban outdoors) and E 4 (controlled EMC environment, ex.
TV studio).
Für Kunden in Europa (nur HK-PSU11)
Dieses Produkt besitzt die CE-Kennzeichnung und erfüllt die
EMV-Richtlinie (89/336/E WG) der EG- Ko mmissio n.
Angewandte Normen:
Voor de Klanten in Nederl and (alle en voor de MKS- 9011A/
Dit apparaat bevat een vast ingebouwde batterij die niet
vervangen hoeft te worden tijdens de levensduur van het
Raadpleeg uw leverancier indien de batterij toch vervangen
moet worden.
De batterij mag alleen vervangen worden door vakbekwaam
Gooi de batterij niet weg maar lever deze in a ls klein chemisch
afval (KCA).
Lever het apparaat aan het einde van de levensduur in voor
recycling, de batterij zal dan op correcte wijze verwerkt
Für Kunden in Deutschland (nur MKS-9011A/9012A)
Wenn Sie das Gerät entsorgen wollen, wenden Sie sich bitte
an das nächste Sony-Kundendienstzentrum. Der eingebaute
Akku muß als chemischer Sondermüll entsorgt werden.
HK-PSU11 Power Supply Unit...............................................20
5Table of Contents
Overview The CCP-9000A-C Center Control Panel Pack
provides control panels for operation of the MVS-8 000A/
8000ASF Multi Format Switcher sy stem or DVS-9000/
9000SF Production Switcher system. It has a wide range of
application, being usable in live production systems in
studios and ENG/ OB vans as well as in postproduction
editing systems.
“Center control panel” refers to the control panel as a
whole, which is comprised of the followi ng Pa nel a nd
Extension module elements.
Powerful external device control
The center control panel can control devices such as Sony
routing switchers and IF processors. Control of devices
such as VTRs and DDRs can be linked to timelines of
switchers and DME.
Generous storage capacity
The center control panel has an internal hard disk drive for
storage of settings and still pic tures from switcher frame
memory. A PCMCIA card slot is available for storage to
“Memory Sticks” and other memory cards.
Units and Module s
Control Panel
This is the main panel to provide the operating controls of
the system. Two types are available, the 1-M/E type
(MKS-9011A) and the 2-M/E type (MKS-9012A), and
both are equipped with 12 cross-point buttons. The main
panel is comprised of three sections: an operation section,
a control section, and a power supply section. Up to three
operation modules can be ins ta lle d apa rt fr om the main
panel by mounting each module in an MKS-8075
Extension Adaptor.
Menu Panel
The menu panel provides a GUI interface for making
system settings.
Control panel mountable in a 19-inch EIA
The small-size control panel can be mounted in a 19-inch
EIA standard rack. The MKS-9011A is 9 units high and
the MKS-9012A, 10 units.
The operation section, the control section and the power
supply section are integrated in a single unit.
Intuitive, easy-to-use man-machine
The menu control block featur e s a large, tou ch-s e ns itive
LCD panel for speedy menu operations.
Special features for mid- and large-scale
live switcher systems
The center control panel was designed with many features
for live operation, such as snapshot functions, source name
display on cross-point buttons, and redundant power
supply (option).
MKS-9011A 1 M/E Control Panel
A 1 M/E control panel with 12 cross point buttons.
MKS-9012A 2 M/E Control Panel
A 2 M/E control panel with 12 cross point buttons.
MKS-8011 Menu Panel
A menu operation panel equipped with a 10.4-inch color
LCD touch screen.
MKS-8031TB Track Ball Module
A module for DME operations using a track ball and for
switcher wipe positioner operations.
MKS-8032 DSK Fader Module
An operation module for fader lever operations on four
downstream keys.
MKS-8033 Utility/Shotbox Module
An operation module to provide buttons that may be used
as utility buttons or shotbox recall buttons.
MKS-8035 Key Control Module
An operation module for key adjustments and other
MKS-8041 Blank Panel (1/2)
A blank panel to fill parts of the main panel which are not
filled by the modules in its current configuration.
MKS-8075 Extension Adaptor
An adaptor which allows modules to be installed apart
from the main panel.
HK-PSU11 Power Supply Unit
A backup power supply unit for the MKS-9011A/9012A.
The MKS-9011A/9012A is equipped with 1 power supply
unit as standard equipmen t. Ins talla tion of this option
brings the number of power supply units to 2, allowing
normal operation even if one of the power supply units
This unit has no power switch.
When installing the unit, incorporate a readily accessible
disconnect device in the fixed wiring, or connect the power
cord to socket-outlet which must be provided near the unit
and easily accessible.
If a fault should occur during operation of the unit, operate
the disconnect device to switch the power supply off, or
disconnect the power cord.
a POWER A, B status indicators
The status indicators light in green when the unit is
powered on.
The POWER B status indicator does not light when the
optional HK-PSU11 Power Supply Unit is not supplied in
the factory configuration.
• Contact a Sony service or marketing representative
regarding installation of the HK-PSU11.
• If the status indicators do not light even though the AC
power cord is connected, there may be failure in the unit.
Disconnect the AC power cord and contact a Sony
service or marketing representative.
c “ Memory s tick” slot
A slot to insert “Memory Stick”. Used to install software
and to save and read data such as snapshot and setup data.
See “About “Memory Sticks”” (page 16) for more
information about “Memory Sticks”.
d USB connector (USB Type A)
Connect a mouse, keyboard, pen tablet or other device
with a USB interface.
Contact a Sony service or marketing representative for
more information about connectable devices.
b “Momory stick” status indicator
Data is being read from or written to a “Memory Stick”
when the status indicator is lit or flashing.
Do not power the unit off or remove a “Memory Stick”
when the status indicator is lit or flashing.
8Location and Function of Parts
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