These servicing instructions are for use by qualifi ed service personnel only. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any
servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions unless you are qualifi ed to do so.
An isolation transformer should be used during any service to avoid possible shock hazard, because of live chassis. The chassis of
this receiver is directly connected to the AC power line.
Components identifi ed by shading and ! mark on the schematic diagrams, exploded views, and in the parts list are critical for safe
operation. Replace these components with Sony parts whose part numbers appear as shown in this manual or in supplements
published by Sony. Circuit adjustments that are critical for safe operation are identifi ed in this manual. Follow these procedures
whenever critical components are replaced or improper operation is suspected.
Ces instructions de service sont à l’usage du personnel de service qualifi é seulement. Pour prévenir le risque de choc électrique, ne
pas faire l’entretien autre que celui contenu dans le Mode d’emploi à moins que vous soyez qualifi é faire ainsi.
Afi n d’eviter tout risque d’electrocution provenant d’un chássis sous tension, un transformateur d’isolement doit etre utilisé lors de tout
dépannage. Le chássis de ce récepteur est directement raccordé à l’alimentation du secteur.
Les composants identifi es par une trame et par une marque ! sur les schemas de principe, les vues explosees et les listes de pieces
sont d’une importance critique pour la securite du fonctionnement. Ne les remplacer que par des composants Sony dont le numero
de piece est indique dans le present manuel ou dans des supplements publies par Sony. Les reglages de circuit dont l’importance
est critique pour la securite du fonctionnement sont identifi es dans le present manuel. Suivre ces procedures lors de chaque
remplacement de composants critiques, ou lorsqu’un mauvais fonctionnement suspecte.
After correcting the original service problem, perform the following
safety checks before releasing the set to the customer:
1. Check the area of your repair for unsoldered or poorly soldered
connections. Check the entire board surface for solder splashes and
2. Check the interboard wiring to ensure that no wires are “pinched” or
touching high-wattage resistors.
3. Check that all control knobs, shields, covers, ground straps, and
mounting hardware have been replaced. Be absolutely certain that
you have replaced all the insulators.
4. Look for unauthorized replacement parts, particularly transistors,
that were installed during a previous repair. Point them out to the
customer and recommend their replacement.
5. Look for parts which, though functioning, show obvious signs of
deterioration. Point them out to the customer and recommend their
6. Check the line cords for cracks and abrasion. Recommend the
replacement of any such line cord to the customer.
7. Check the B+ and HV to see if they are specifi ed values. Make sure
your instruments are accurate; be suspicious of your HV meter if sets
always have low HV.
8. Check the antenna terminals, metal trim, “metallized” knobs, screws,
and all other exposed metal parts for AC leakage. Check leakage as
described below.
Leakage Test
The AC leakage from any exposed metal part to earth ground and
from all exposed metal parts to any exposed metal part having a
return to chassis, must not exceed 0.5 mA (500 microamperes).
Leakage current can be measured by any one of three methods.
1. A commercial leakage tester, such as the Simpson 229 or RCA
WT-540A. Follow the manufacturers’ instructions to use these
2. A battery-operated AC milliampmeter. The Data Precision 245
digital multimeter is suitable for this job.
3. Measuring the voltage drop across a resistor by means of a VOM
or battery-operated AC voltmeter. The “limit” indication is 0.75
V, so analog meters must have an accurate low voltage scale.
The Simpson’s 250 and Sanwa SH-63TRD are examples of
passive VOMs that are suitable. Nearly all battery-operated digital
multimeters that have a 2 VAC range are suitable (see Figure A).
How to Find a Good Earth Ground
A cold-water pipe is a guaranteed earth ground; the cover-plate
retaining screw on most AC outlet boxes is also at earth ground. If the
retaining screw is to be used as your earth ground, verify that it is at
ground by measuring the resistance between it and a cold-water pipe
with an ohmmeter. The reading should be zero ohms.
If a cold-water pipe is not accessible, connect a 60- to 100-watt
trouble- light (not a neon lamp) between the hot side of the receptacle
and the retaining screw. Try both slots, if necessary, to locate the hot
side on the line; the lamp should light at normal brilliance if the screw
is at ground potential (see Figure B).
To Exposed Metal
Parts on Set
0.15 µF
Earth Ground
Figure A. Using an AC voltmeter to check AC leakage.Figure B. Checking for earth ground.
The units in this manual contain a self-diagnostic function. If an error occurs, the POWER/STANDBY will automatically begin to fl ash. The number of
times the LED fl ashes translates to a probable source of the problem. A defi nition of the POWER/STANDBY fl ash indicators is listed in the instruction
manual for the user’s knowledge and reference. If an error symptom is diffi cult to reproduced use the Remote Commander to display the record that is
stored at the internal NVM to specify the cause of the failure.
Diagnostic Test Indicators
When an error occurs, the POWER/STANDBY will fl ash a set number of times to indicate the possible cause of the problem. If there is more than
one error, the POWER/STANDBY will identify the fi rst of the problem areas. If the errors occur simultaneously, the one that corresponds to the fewest
fl ashes is identifi ed fi rst.
Results for all of the following diagnostic items are displayed on screen. (No error has occurred if the screen displays a “0”.)
Diagnosis Item
Temp error
Lamp cover /
Lamp position error
Fan error
Number of times
indicator blinks
2 times
3 times
4 times
Probable Cause/
- Set temperture is high.
- Temp sensor connector
is not attached securely.
(CN110 on HB board,
Unplug the power cord from the outlet to temporarily stop the POWER/STANDBY lamp from fl ashing.
Self-Diagnostic Screen Display
For failures that are diffi cult to reproduce, or accompany occasional power off and/or picture mute, the Self-Diagnostic screen display is useful to
specify the cause.
1. TV must be in standby mode. (Power off).
2. Press the following buttons on the Remote Commander within a second of each other:
Volume -
NOTE: This differs from the method of accessing service mode which is Volume
Sample Self-Diagnostic Screen Display
2 : Lamp Temp Over0
6 : LowB-ERROR0
8 : D_OVP0
"1" is displayed when an error is detected one or more times
"0" is displayed when no error has been detected
WDT101 :0
Name: KDF-50E2000
NOTE: To refresh the Self Check menu when all the items are not displayed, press
The TV MICRO service menu contains a Log category that stores the errors. To view the fi rst error detected, display the SHUTDOWN_LOG1
Adjustment Item of the STATUS category. If other errors are detected, they are stored in the SHUTDOWN_LOG2 Adjustment Item of the STATUS
1. TV must be in standby mode. (Power off).
2. Press the following buttons on the Remote Commander within a second of each other:
Channel 5 Volume +
Item Number
Data Value
VERSWide Zoom Video 1
F/A: 00000000 00000000
CBA: 00000000 00000000
WSL: 480I
3. Do one of the following:
a. If the TV MICRO Service Menu is displayed, proceed to the next step.
b. If the TV Micro Service Menu is not displayed, press
on the Remote Commander until the TV MICRO service menu is displayed.
4. Do one of the following:
a. If the STATUS Category is displayed, proceed to the next step.
b. If the STATUS Category is not displayed, press 2 or 5 on the Remote Comman until the STATUS Category is displayed.
5. The SHUTDOWN_LOG1 Adjustment Item is the fi rst item of the STATUS Category and contains the fi rst error the set detected.
6. To view additional errors, press 1 until the SHUTDOWN_LOG2 Adjustment Item is displayed
7. After repairing the errors, proceed to Clearling the Self-Diagnostic Screen.
The self-diagnostic results displayed on the screen are not cleared automatically, therefore you should always check the self-diagnostic screen during
repairs. When you have completed the repairs, clear the self-diagnostic screen to reset the results to “0”.
Note: The self-diagnostic function will not be able to detect any subsequent faults after completion of the repairs unless the Self-Diagnostic
result display is cleared to reset the results to “0”.
1. If the Self-Diagnostic screen is already displayed, proceed to step 3. If not, Power off (Set to Standby mode).
2. Press
3. Press Channel 8
Sound Volume -
The status in the upper right corner changes to “WRITE”. When the operation is complete, the status returns to “SERVICE” and the Self-Diagnostic
screen is reset.
4. To exit the Self-Diagnostic screen, turn the power off.
The TV_Micro menu of the Service Menu displays the current lamp and
panel time of a set. The Lamp Hours and Panel Hours are shown in
hexadecimal format.
1. TV must be in standby mode. (Power off).
2. Press the following buttons on the Remote Commander within a
second of each other:
One of the three Service Menu displays. (For more information
regarding the Service Menus, see
2-2. Accessing Service Adjustment Mode.)
3. To read the Lamp time, press 4 to display the TIME category and the
LMPH item.
Channel 5 Volume +
VERS Wide Zoom Video 1
WSL: 480I
The screen displays:
Wide Zoom TV
When replacing the lamp, use the following to reset the lamp time.
1. If the Self-Diagnostic screen is already displayed, proceed to step 4.
If not, Power off (Set to Standby mode).
2. Press
3. To access the Lamp reset, press 5 until the TIME category displays.
4. Press 1 until the RSET item displays.
5. To reset the Lamp time, press 3 to change the data value to 1.
6. Press
Wide Zoom TV
Wide Zoom TV
Wide Zoom TV
Sound Volume -
to write the change into memory.
Total hours 256 Total hours 160
Total LAMP TIME is 416 hours
4. To read the Panel time, press 4 to display the PHLH item.
The screen displays:
Wide Zoom TV
Total hours 256 Total hours 160
Total PANEL TIME is 416 hours
5. Do one of the following:
a. If you have replaced the lamp, proceed to step 4 of “Resetting the
Lamp Time”.
b. If you have not replaced the lamp, turn off the set by pressing
6. To verify the Lamp has been reset press 5 until the TIME category
displays, and then press 1 until the LMPH item displays.
NOTE: You cannot reset the Panel time with the Service menu.
After completing the changes, exit service mode by turning off the set
using the Remote Commander or the power switch.
NOTE: After exiting service mode wait 2 minutes before restarting
the set to allow the fans to shut down properly.
Long Phillips Screwdriver
Needle Nose Pliers
Small Flathead Screwdriver or Jewelers Screwdriver
The connectors in the MIX5 chassis have been redesigned to ensure they are securely fasten to the boards. Please review the
illustrations below.
Use caution not to rock the Type 2 or Type 3 connectors when removing or reinstalling to avoid breaking the solder leads off the
Printed Circuit Boards.
On the U Board, disconnect CN8400 then using a fl at
head screw driver gently release the CN3006 connector
from the B Board to remove the U Board.
Disconnect the coaxial cable to release the antenna
switch. Remove 3 screws then gently lift the A Block
Assembly up to disconnect CN1002 from the B Block
Using caution remove the LVDS cable from the B Board,
then remove 1 screw (connecting the B Block Assy & K
Board to the Main Bracket) and lift up on the tab of the
Main Bracket to release the B Block Assembly.
Using tweezers gently pinch the fan dampers to release
the fan.
On the K Board, disconnect CN2502 then remove 1
screw to release the K Board. Gently pull the K Board out
of the Main Bracket.
G-Board Wire Pin Holders Instructions. There are (3)
wire pin Holders on the [G] board. See below to see
which wires are dressed to each wire pin holder
1. LVDS and 8P CN6009[G]
2. LVDS, 8P CN6009, and 7P CN3004[B]
3. LVDS and 7P CN3004[B]
Ensure wires are dressed to the side of the G Board
as shown.