Sony ISSUE 3 User Manual

The Sony Guide to
this is not a rehearsal.
Case Studies
What is Closed Circuit Television?
Choosing a Camera
Selecting the Correct Lens
Which Monitor?
Transmission of Video Signals
Video Switching and Multiplexing
CCTV Systems Control
Sony CCTV Products
Basic CCTV Terminology
In recent years...
there has been no shortage of innovations in the CCTV industry with manufacturers competing to better meet the needs of crime prevention. Most visibly,more surveillance cameras have appeared in more public areas than ever before, proving their effectiveness and generating interest in maximising the benefits of operating a surveillance system.
The bewildering choice of different equipment and the desire for practical knowledge in this area demonstrates that, as with most disciplines, a little research into the subject will yield higher quality decisions and an improved cost/benefit ratio. It is intended that this Guide should assist you to ask the right questions and direct you towards the best possible solution.
The generalised use of crime statistics, of which there are many varieties, conceal the fact that every situation is different and requires a tailored approach. Most businesses, for example, take an economic approach to the use of security measures – how much will a system cost and how much loss will it prevent? An often quoted but nevertheless true precept is that businesses, particularly retail, often underestimate the true extent of losses.The importance of conducting a detailed audit and survey before even considering technology cannot be over-emphasised.
Where CCTV is used in town centre schemes, the principal objective is to improve the quality of life for the inhabitants by reducing actual and perceived crime. Continuing Government support for video surveillance in public areas reflects the value of a properly specified scheme and its place in providing information for a measured police response.
To be an effective deterrent,the system must provide actual as well as theoretical results and be introduced as one part of an overall crime prevention initiative.Where this ‘system credibility’ has been established,the greatest benefits have been derived.
Included in this Guide are some examples of highly credible surveillance schemes where the users have achieved the maximum benefit from their systems, together with detailed background information on the selection and operation of CCTV.We have also included information about how new technology is offering higher levels of performance in video surveillance than ever before.
Brian Kelly,
Marketing Manager,CCTV & Components Sony Broadcast & Professional UK
case study
Sony gives Newham
a clearer picture
Newham District Council has the largest local authority CCTV control room in the country,monitoring over 200 cameras in the heart of London’s East End.
Recently,it has installed additional Sony Trinitron colour video monitors,bringing the total in the system to 73 screens.As well as fighting crime,the system is used for traffic surveillance, including monitoring a new bus lane system, controlling vandalism, general council activity and ensuring local authority response to maintenance problems.
The Newham Control Room is also the first in the country to use facial recognition technology and has recently acquired a Sony Mavica digital camera. The camera is being used in the prevention of doorstep fraud to build up a database of employees for the production of ID cards.
The new colour video monitors – nine SSM-20N5E
and two SSM-14N5E – were chosen for their
clarity and sharpness of picture – particularly
suited to surveillance monitoring.The
Trinitron CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), which
has upgraded resolution from a typical
250 to 600 lines, gives a markedly crisper and more stable image.The face of the Trinitron is based on the
shape of a cylinder rather than a sphere
ensuring that not only is the geometry of
the image more accurate, but operator
eye-fatigue is reduced.
Operations Manager Bob Lack explains:“The Council has a policy of making the best use of the technology currently available and with the help of optimum funding obtained through the CCTV Challenge scheme and support from local businesses, we have invested £2 million in the last four years.
“We already had 54 Sony SSM-20 and eight SSM-14 monitors in the system, some of which were installed when the control room was first set up five years ago.As the control room monitors are never switched off,durability has also been an important factor.”
The Sony Guide to CCTV .Issue 3
case study
The latest phase in London Underground’s multi-million pound refurbishment programme includes the installation of 60 Sony CCTV cameras at three of South London's busiest central stations: Brixton, Pimlico and Vauxhall.
Part of an integrated passenger security system, pictures from the cameras at all three stations can be selected and received at a specially built control room at the Brixton station where Sony S-VHS time-lapse VCRs are located, providing real-time recording when necessary.
At Vauxhall and Pimlico,individual control rooms are also equipped with two Sony recorders set in real-time mode, which receive pictures from their own station cameras.
The SSC-DC50P CCD colour cameras are line-fed, simplifying installation by using a single coaxial cable to send both video and sync signals. Chosen for their high degree of resolution and identification capability,the cameras are located on platforms, in passages and ticket halls as well as close to the new Help Points where customers can communicate with London Underground staff (or with British Transport Police).
As British Transport Police Public Affairs Manager,Simon Lubin explains,crime on the Underground has reduced by 22 per cent since 1990 with one important contributing factor being the installation of CCTV throughout the system.
“CCTV is a vital weapon in the police armoury helping to prevent and deter crime, as well as to detect it. Our customer surveys show that CCTV also reassures people travelling and is an important investment by London Underground in passenger and staff security.
“Officers are using CCTV daily as a key investigative tool to trace and confirm identities of suspects, as well as to obtain evidence for presentation in court. If it is to perform those functions effectively,picture quality has to be as high as possible.”
The SSC-DC50P cameras use digital signal processing and Sony HyperHAD technology to achieve high quality pictures in the most demanding circumstances.
For more information contact the Sony Business Information Centre: 01932 816340
case study
Daewoo savings
with Sony PMS
In the face of rising manned guarding costs, Daewoo Cars has installed a new remote surveillance alternative – a monitoring codec from Sony.
Daewoo was spending over £1 million a year on manned guarding services for its 25 forecourt and showroom sites until a remote video monitoring service introduced a complete design, commissioning and monitoring package based
around remote CCTV surveillance.
Daewoo's brief was to protect vehicles and premises while allowing customers free access to the forecourt even after showroom hours.At the same time there had to be an obvious deterrent and the means to identify criminal activity and summon assistance.
Key to the effective running of the system has been a pilot of the Sony PMS 400/500 at Daewoo’s Slough showroom.
The Sony Codec is designed to control CCTV equipment and transmit information from any number of remote sites, in the form of high quality pictures and audio, to a central point using a dial-up ISDN telephone line.The use of the ISDN line eliminates the considerable costs associated with the laying of cables for transmission, such as fibre optics.
Any suspicious activity on a Daewoo forecourt or in the
showroom, such as attempts to steal car radios, trim or wheels, can now be quickly identified, confirmed and acted upon from the central monitoring station.
The Sony Guide to CCTV .Issue 3
case study
Farsight Chooses
the HSR-1P
One of the UK’s largest remote video monitoring companies has chosen the Sony HSR-1P to replace its existing complement of time-lapse video recorders and multiplexers.
On a weekly basis Farsight (UK) Ltd, based in Peterborough,makes and receives in excess of 20,000 video patrols/alarms from its diverse mix of clients situated throughout the UK.
Farsight is currently using two HSR-1P digital surveillance recorders and 40 DV270 tapes to meet all its recording requirements. Farsight Operations Manager, Paul Dadford,explains:“Traditionally, all video was recorded to VCR.However, as each video receiver requires a VCR and at least 30 tapes, retrieving video data from archive was a time-consuming, inefficient and labour-intensive task.”
Farsight’s R&D department was therefore tasked to provide a recording solution that would reduce the time taken to retrieve archive video and reduce the overall effort required to manage video recording across 14 video receivers.
Four digital surveillance recorders were chosen for evaluation. Only the HSR-1P provided a complete integrated solution with the digital recording cached to hard disk and then copied to the integral DV tape.
Paul Bromley,Farsight IT Manager,says the HSR can be linked with Sony’s PMS video transmission system, allowing both units to be controlled from one software platform giving a totally integrated solution. “The use of DV technology gives the HSR-1P an impressive storage capability.The system is easy to use,compact and extremely robust.”
The integration of the DV tape also had unexpected benefits, in that software written at Farsight to log the incoming and outgoing video patrols, now controls the HSR-1P directly,enabling retrieval of archive video footage in minutes instead of hours as was the case with the old VCR recording system.
“Instead of wading through banks and banks of video cassette tapes, I only have to enter the time and date in search mode and the incident is immediately retrieved. Additionally,the unique Sony water-mark on every recorded frame gives our client base a guarantee that no digitally stored information has been tampered with.
“The introduction of the HSR-1P has enabled us to provide better quality video recording for our clients while at the same time reduce the overall work required to administer a complex video recording system.”
For more information contact the Sony Business Information Centre: 01932 816340
What is Closed Circuit
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is a television system which operates on a ‘closed loop’ basis. Unlike broadcast television, which is available to anyone with a suitable receiver,CCTV pictures are only available to those directly connected to the loop.
Colour Video Monitor
Video Out (Coaxial cable)
DC12 V
DC12 V power supply
CCTV was first used in the 1950s and has since become an essential element in any professional security system.
In most installations, the loop is a physical link – a cable which carries the picture from the camera to the viewer.With very few exceptions, the pictures are transmitted as a composite video signal at 75ohms, 1 volt peak-to-peak.Where very high resolution (>400TV lines) is required, some equipment offers a Y/C facility where the luminance signal (Y) and the chrominance (C) is divided. Over long distances, for example in Town Centre systems, fibre optic transmission has become popular.Where this option is too expensive, ISDN offers a cost-effective alternative for event-driven surveillance systems.
As well as the full range of property protection and control applications, CCTV offers benefits in many other areas, for example:
Assisting police authorities in the monitoring of traffic flow and the
implementation of prompt action in case of accidents and other emergencies
Supporting process industry managers as they control the flow of work, identify
production bottlenecks and take corrective action
Monitoring of hostile environments that are not accessible to man, i.e. nuclear
reactors, furnaces, etc.
The Sony Guide to CCTV .Issue 3
AC outlet
When and where
should it be used?
Security and surveillance are the most accepted applications for CCTV systems. With the use of CCTV, managers and supervisors can control risks and minimise costs efficiently and with the minimum of disruption.
Security applications
As well as acting as an effective deterrent, CCTV helps managers to monitor:
Access to secure areas
Unauthorised activities
Theft or criminal damage
Personal safety
Surveillance applications
CCTV has many applications in public safety:
Traffic control
Alarm Verification
Crowd control
Insurance claim assessment
Public access
Staff control
Car park security
Shopping precinct security
Industrial process control
CCTV offers increased efficiency and the faster detection of problems.As a result, its benefits include:
Reduced security running costs
Faster response to problems
Increased peace of mind
Simplicity and reliability
Improved quality of environment for owners, operators and the public
Easier identification of suspects
Increased management control
For more information contact the Sony Business Information Centre: 01932 816340
The human eye and the camera lens operate on completely different lines. Although the human eye adjusts automatically to various light conditions, the camera is inherently less flexible.
In a CCTV system, lighting has to be ‘designed in’ from the beginning if the best results are to be obtained.The type of lighting used, and the correct positioning, are vital to maximum security.
Everyday ‘white light’ is actually a mixture of colours of different frequencies. CCTV is more receptive to certain colour combinations than others.The best results are usually obtained by matching the spectral response of the camera to the light illuminating the scene.
The amount of light reflected from an object determines how ‘bright’ it appears. Here are some typical reflective figures:
Asphalt 5%
Foliage 10-20%
Concrete 25-30%
Red Brick 35%
Snow 95%
These figures relate to the minimum level of lighting required for security purposes to everyday light. It can easily be seen that today’s CCTV technology will give good results under very low light levels. Sony ‘Exwave’ cameras can operate in colour as low as 0.8Lux (F1.2) without switching to monochrome or reducing frame rate.
The Sony Guide to CCTV .Issue 3
50,000 British summer sunshine
5,000 Overcast sky
500 Well lit office
300 Minimum for easy reading
50 Passageway/outside working area
15 Good main road lighting
10 Sunset
5 Typical side road lighting
2 Minimum security risk lighting
1 Twilight
0.3 Clear full moon
0.1 Typical moonlight/cloudy sky
0.001 Typical starlight
0.0001 Poor starlight
*Metric unit of measurement of light.
For more information contact the Sony Business Information Centre: 01932 816340
Backlight Compensation
It is also important to consider whether there are bright spots in the picture such as car headlights which can make identification of the vehicle registration or model impossible.
This can also be a major problem where it is necessary to identify persons who are moving from bright daylight into artificial light.Very often this will result in the subject becoming an unidentifiable silhouette.The problem is exacerba ted where bright spots in the images cause vertical smearing.
The answer is to specify a camera which has effective backlight compensation. This can be operated automatically by Smart Control within the camera or,where the position of the subject is pre-determined, can be pre-selected.
It is helpful to be able to see how effective the backlight compensation is before making final camera selection.
The Sony Guide to CCTV .Issue 3
+ 28 hidden pages