
For more details, visit the website at: www.worldphoto.org
Main specifications
Camera type
Lens mount
Image s ensor
Numbe r of pixels ( effectiv e) Approx . 42.4 megap ixels
Numbe r of pixels ( total) Approx . 43.6 megapi xels
Image s ensor asp ect ratio 3:2
Anti-dust system
Recordi ng system (st ill images)
Recording format
Image s ize
Image q uality mo des RAW, RAW & JPEG, JPEG E xtra fine, JP EG Fine, JPEG s tandard
RAW outpu t 14 bit, unc ompresse d RAW select able
Pictu re Effect
Creative Style
Dynam ic range fun ctions
Color space
Recordi ng system (mo vies)
Recording format
Video compression
Audio recording format
Image s ize
Slow & Qu ick Motio n (S&Q)Re cord Setti ng
Slow & Qu ick Motio n (S&Q) Fram e Rate
Movie f unction s
Color space
Clean HD MI output
Noise re duction
Noise re duction
Multi Fr ame NR
White ba lance
AWB micro adjustment G7 to M7 (57 st eps), A7 to B7 ( 29 steps)
Priori ty Set in AWB Yes
Focus system
Focus point
Sensi tivity ran ge Detect or 1: Center are a EV -4 to 18 (a t ISO 100 equ ivalent , with F2.8 le ns attach ed)
Focus mode Single- shot AF (AF -S), Continu ous AF (AF -C), Automa tic AF (AF- A), Direct Ma nual Focu s, Manual fo cus
Focus area
Other fe atures
Expos ure control
Metering type
Metering sensor Exm or R CMOS sen sor
Metering sensitivity EV-2 to EV17 ( at ISO 100 eq uivalen t with F1. 4 lens atta ched)
Metering modes Multi -segme nt, Center-w eighted , Spot;stan dard/La rge, Entire S creen Avg. , Highligh t
Exposure modes
Exposure compensation +/-5.0 EV ( 1/3EV, 1/2EV s teps sele ctable)
AE bracketing
AE lock
ISO sen sitivit y
(Recommended Exposure Index)
Anti- flicker sh ooting
Total numb er of dots 2,359,296 dots
Brightness control Auto /Manual ( 5 steps bet ween -2 and + 2)
Color te mperatur e control Manual (5 steps)
Field coverage 100%
Magnification approx . 0.78 x (with 50 mm lens at in finity, -1m
Diopte r adjustm ent -4.0 to + 3.0m
Eye poin t Approx . 23mm from the e yepiece l ens,18.5 mm from the ey epiece fra me at -1m
3:2 aspect ratio
16:9 as pect ratio
Sweep Panorama
Interchangeable-lens digital camera
35mm fu ll frame (35 .9x24.0m m) , Exmor R CMO S sensor
JPEG (DC F Ver. 2.0, Exif Ver.2. 31, MPF Base line comp liant) , RAW (S ony ARW 2.3 fo rmat)
35mm fu ll frame L: 795 2 x 5304 (42M ) , M: 5168 x 3448 (18 M) , S: 3984 x 2656 ( 11M), APS- C L: 5168 x 3448 ( 18M) ,
M: 3984 x 265 6 (11M) , S: 2592 x 17 28 (4.5M )
35mm fu ll frame L: 795 2 x 4472 (36M) , M: 516 8 x 2912 (15 M) , S: 3984 x 2240 (8. 9M), APS-C L : 5168 x 2912 (15 M) ,
M: 3984 x 2240 ( 8.9M) , S: 2592 x 14 56 (3.8M)
Wide: hori zontal 12416 x 1 856 (23M) , vert ical 5536 x 21 60 (12M) , standa rd: horizonta l 8192 x 1856 (1 5M) , vertical
3872 x 216 0 (8.4M)
8 types: Toy Came ra (Normal /Cool/Warm /Green/Ma genta) , Pop Colo r, Posterizatio n (B/W, Color) , Retro Ph oto,
Soft Hi gh-key , Parti al Color (R /G/B/Y) , Hi gh Contras t Monochr ome, Rich- tone Mono chrome,
Standa rd, Vivid, Neu tral, Clea r, Deep, Light, Por trait, Land scape, Suns et, Night Sc ene, Autumn l eaves, Bla ck &
White, Se pia, Style Bo x (1-6), (Co ntrast (-3 t o +3 steps) , Saturatio n (-3 to +3 step s), Sharpn ess (-3 to +3 st eps))
Off, Dynamic Range Optimi zer (Auto/Level (1-5) ) , Auto High Dyna mic Range (Auto Exposure Dif ference, Exposure
Differ ence Level ( 1-6 EV, 1.0 EV ste p) )
sRGB sta ndard (wi th sYCC gamu t) and Adob e RGB stand ard compat ible wit h TRILUMI NOS Color
XAVC S / AVCHD f ormat Ver. 2.0 com pliant / MP 4
XAVC S: MPEG -4 AVC/H.2 64
MP4: MPEG -4 AVC/H. 264
AVCHD: Dol by Digita l (AC-3), 2ch, Dol by Digita l Stereo Cre ator
MP4: MPEG -4 AAC-LC, 2ch
[XAVC S 4K] 3 840 x 2160 (3 0p, 100M), 3840 x 2 160 (24p, 100 M), 3840 x 2160 ( 30p, 60M), 3840 x 2160 (24p, 60 M)
[XAVC S HD] 1 920 x 1080 (1 20p, 100M),19 20 x 1080 (12 0p, 60M), 1920 x 1 080 (60p, 50M ), 1920 x 1080 (3 0p, 50M),
1920 x 10 80 (24p, 50M)
[AVCHD] 1 920 x 1080 ( 60p, 28M, PS), 19 20 x 1080 (60 i, 24M, FX), 1920 x 1 080(60i , 17M, FH),
1920 x 10 80 (24p, 24M, FX) , 1920 x 1080 (2 4p, 17M, FH)
[AVC MP4] 1 920 x 1080 ( 60p, 28M), 192 0 x 1080 (30p , 16M), 1280 x 72 0 (30p, 6M)
[XAVC S 4K] 3840 x 2160 (25p, 100M), 3840 x 2160 (25p, 60M)
[XAVC S HD] 1 920 x 1080 (1 00p, 100M), 192 0 x 1080 (100 p, 60M), 1920 x 10 80 (50p, 50M) , 1920 x 1080 (25 p, 50M)
[AVCHD] 1 920 x 1080 ( 50p, 28M, PS) 19 20 x 1080 (50 i, 24M, FX), 1920 x 1 080 (50i , 17M, FH),
1920 x 10 80 (25p, 24M, FX ), 1920 x 1080 ( 25p, 17M, FH)
[AVC MP4] 1 920 x 1080 ( 50p, 28M), 192 0 x 1080 (25p , 16M), 1280 x 72 0 (25p, 6M)
NTSC mo de: 1920x1 080 (60p, 30p , 24p)
PAL mode: 1920x1080 (50p, 25p)
NTSC mode: 1fps, 2fps, 4fps, 8fps, 15fps, 30fps, 60fps, 120fps
PAL mode: 1fps, 2fps, 3fps, 6fps, 12fps, 25fps, 50fps, 100fps
Audio Level Di splay, Audio Rec Level, PAL/NTS C Selector, Dual Video R EC, Time Code/User Bi t, Auto Slow Shutter,
REC Cont rol, Gamma Di splay Ass ist
xvYCC sta ndard (x.v. Color whe n connecte d via HDMI ca ble) comp atible wi th TRILUM INOS
3840 x 216 0 (30p/24 p) / 1920 x 10 80 (60p/2 4p) / 1920 x 10 80 (60i), YCb Cr 4:2:2 8b it/ RGB 8b it
3840 x 216 0 (25p) / 19 20 x 1080 (50 p) / 1920 x 108 0 (50i), YCbC r 4:2:2 8b it/ RGB 8bi t
Memor y Stick PRO D uo, Memory S tick PRO- HG Duo, Memo ry Stick Mi cro (M2), SD memor y card, SDHC me mory
card (UH S-I compl iant), SDXC me mory card ( UHS-I com pliant) , microSD me mory card , microSDHC m emory ca rd,
microS DXC memory c ard
SLOT1: Mult i-slot fo r Memory St ick PRO Duo a nd SD cards , SLOT2: Slot for SD ca rds
Long exposure NR: On/Off, available at shutter speeds longer than 1 sec., High ISO NR: Normal/Low/Off selectable
Auto/Daylig ht/Shade/Clo udy/Incandesce nt/Fluorescent < Warm White/Cool White /Day White/Dayl ight>/Flash/
Color tem perature <2 500 to 9900K > , Color filte r <G7 to M7, A7 to B7>/C ustom <1/2 /3>/Cus tom Set/Un derwater
3 frames , H/L select able
TTL Pha se-detec tion AF (D etector 1: CCD l ine senso rs;Dete ctor 2: Focal P lane Phas e Detecti on sensor s)
Detect ion senso r 1: 79 points ( 15 cross- type poin ts, F2.8-s ensitiv e at the cent er point) , Detectio n sensor 2: 39 9
points (32 3 selectable p oints, 79 hybri d-cross auto foc us points*) * W hen Hybrid Pha se Detection A F is activated
Wide / Zone / Ce nter / Flexi ble Spot / Exp and Flexib le Spot / Lock-O n AF (Wide / Zon e / Center / Flex ible Spot /
Expan d Flexible S pot)
Eye-start AF, Lock-on AF, Eye AF, AF micro adjustme nt, Predictive control ( AF-A, AF-C) , Focus lock, AF On, AF range
1200- zone eval uative met ering
AUTO (iAu to), Program med AE (P), Ap erture pr iority ( A), Shutter- speed pri ority (S ), Manual (M ), Memory rec all
(MR1/2 /3), Sweep Pan orama, Mov ie/slow -motion an d quick-m otion (Pro grammed AE ( P), Apertu re priori ty (A)
/Shut ter-speed p riorit y (S) /Manu al (M) sele ctable)
Bracket : Cont., Bracke t: Single, 3/5 /9 frames s electab le. With 3 or 5 fra mes, in 1/3, 1/2 , 2/3, 1.0, 2.0, or 3.0 EV
increm ents, with 9 f rames, in 1/3 , 1/2, 2/3, or 1.0 EV in crement s.
Availa ble with AE l ock butto n. AE is also lo cked when fo cus is loc ked in multi -segme nt meteri ng mode.
(AEL w/ shutter ( Auto/On /Off) is s upport ed)
Still im ages: ISO 10 0-2560 0 (Expand able to ISO 5 0 to ISO 10240 0) AUTO (ISO 1 00-640 0, selectab le lower li mit
and upper l imit);Mo vie: ISO 100-2 5600 equiva lent, AUTO (ISO 10 0-6400, sele ctable low er limit and up per limit)
XGA OLED, 1.3 c m (0.5 type ) electro nic viewf inder
(CIPA standard)
Display Graphi c Display / D isplay A ll Info. / No Dis p. Info. / Digita l level ga uge / Histo gram
Real- time imag e-adjus tment di splay
LCD screen
Total numb er of dots 1,228,800 dots
Brightness control Auto , Manual (5 st eps betwee n -2 and +2), Su nny Weathe r mode
Adjus table ang le
Displ ay selecto r (Finde r/LCD) Auto/Manual
Display Graphi c Display / D isplay A ll Info. / No Dis p. Info. / Histog ram / Digit al Level Ga uge
Real- time imag e-adjus tment di splay On/Off
Focus magnifier Yes (35mm full frame: 7.8x, 15.5x, APS-C: 5.1x, 10.1x)
Zebra Yes (selec table lev el + range or l ower limi t as custo m setting )
Peaking MF
Other features
Face detec tion
Clear I mage Zoom Still / Mo vie: Approx . 2x
Digital zoom
PlayMemories Camera Apps Not supported
Lens compensation Peripheral shading, Chromatic aberration, Distortion
Shutte r speed
Flash s ync. speed 1/250 sec.
Electr onic fron t curtain s hutter
Steady Shot INSIDE ( image stabi lization)
Flash Co ntrol
Flash co mpensat ion +/- 3.0 EV (swit chable b etween 1/3 a nd 1/2 EV st eps)
Flash b racketing
Flash m odes
External flash
FE level lock
Drive modes
Speed (approx., max.)
No. of record able fram es
PC interface
Multi / M icro USB Termi nal Yes
Wirele ss LAN (bui lt-in)
Bluetooth Yes (Bluet ooth Stan dard Ver. 4.1 (2.4G Hz band) )
HD output HDMI micro co nnector (Type- D), BRAVIA Sync (li nk menu), PhotoT V HD, 4K movie outpu t, 4K still image p layback
Multi I nterface S hoe
Compat ible stan dards Exif Pri nt, Print Im age Match ing III, DPOF s etting
Custom function
Memor y functio n
Still images
External power
With bat tery and
Body only
W x H x D (exclu ding protr usions ) Approx . 142.6 mm x 104. 2 mm x 76.1 mm (app rox. 5 5/8 inch es x 4 1/8 inc hes x 3 inche s)
Operati ng temperatu re
Smart zoom (still images) [35mm full frame] M: Approx. 1.5x, S: Approx. 2.0x [APS-C] M: Approx. 1.3x, S: Approx 2x
Digital zoom (still images)
Digital zoom (movies) [35mm full frame] Approx. 4x [APS-C] Approx. 4x
*8 *9
Memory S tick PRO Duo
On / Off
7.5cm (3.0 -type) wi de type TF T
Tilt an gle: 134 deg rees upwar d and 180 deg rees down ward.;Ro tation an gle: 180 deg rees clock wise and 9 0
degrees counterclockwise
Yes (Level setting: High/Mid/Low/Off, Color: White/Red/Yellow)
On / On (Re gist. Faces) / O ff, Face regist ration, Face s electio n (Max. numb er of detec table face s: 8)
[35mm full frame] L: Approx. 4x, M: Approx. 6.2x, S: Approx. 8x [APS-C] L: Approx. 4x, M: Approx. 5.2x, S: Approx. 8x
ISO AUTO Mi n. SS, Bright M onitori ng, Eye-Fi re ady
Front Mo de, Video Lig ht Mode, Sma rt Teleconv erter (ap prox.1.4 x / 2x )
Electr onicall y controll ed, vertic al-trav erse, focal -plane ty pe
Still images: 1/8000 to 30 sec., Bulb
Movie s: 1/8000 to 1/4 ( 1/3 step)
NTSC: Up to 1 /60 in AUTO mo de (up to 1/3 0 in Auto Slo w Shutter m ode)
PAL: Up to 1/50 i n AUTO mode (u p to 1/25 in Au to Slow Shu tter mode )
Yes, On / Off
Image Se nsor-Shi ft mechan ism with 5- axis comp ensatio n 4.5 steps ( based on CI PA standard. Pi tch/yaw sh ake
only. With S AL 135F18 Z lens moun ted. Long exp osure NR of f.)
ADI, Pre-f lash TTL
3/5/9 fram es selectab le. With 3 or 5 frame s, in 1/3, 1/2, 2/3, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 EV incre ments, with 9 fra mes, in 1/3, 1/2,
2/3, 1.0 EV in crement s.
Flash o ff, Autoflas h, Fill-fl ash, Rear Sy nc., Slow Sy nc., Red-ey e reducti on (On/Of f selecta ble), Hi-s peed sync
System Flas h compatible wit h Multi Interfa ce Shoe. Attach the sh oe adaptor (ADP- MAA, sold separate ly)
for flas h compati ble with Au to-lock a ccessor y shoe, Compa tible wit h Sony Radi o-contro lled Lig hting Sys tem
Single Shooting, Continuous shooting (Hi+/Hi/Mid/Lo selectable), Self-timer (10/5/2 sec delay selectable), Self-timer
(Cont.) (with 10/5/2 sec delay 3/5 frames selectable), Bracket: Cont., Bracket: Single, White Balance bracket, DRO bracket
Contin uous shoo ting: Hi+: 12 f ps, Hi: 8 fps, Mid: 6 fp s, Lo: 4 fps
[Continuous shoot ing: Hi+] Extra fine: 60 images/Fin e: 63 images/Standard: 64 images/R AW & JPEG: 54 images/
RAW: 54 imag es/RAW(U ncompres sed) & JPEG : 24 images/R AW(Uncom pressed) : 25 images
[Contin uous shooti ng: Hi] Extra fin e: 65 images/F ine: 71 image s/Standar d: 74 images/RAW & JP EG: 56 images/
RAW: 57 image s/RAW(Un compress ed) & JPEG: 25 im ages/R AW(Uncomp ressed) : 26 images
Single (wi th or without sh ooting inform ation, Y RGB histog ram & highligh t/shadow warn ing), 9/25-fra me index
view, Enlar ged displa y mode (L: 24.9 x, M: 16.2x, S: 12.5x , Panorama (sta ndard): 25.6 x, Panorama (Wi de): 38.8x) ,
Auto Review (10/5/2 sec, off), Image orientation (Auto/Manual/Off selectable), Slideshow, Panorama scrolling,
Folder se lection (D ate / Still / MP 4 / AVCHD / XAVC S HD / XAVC S 4 K), Forward/R ewind (Mov ie), Delete, Prot ect,
Photo capture
Mass-s torage, MTP, PC remo te
Wi-Fi Compatible, IEEE802.11b/g/n (2.4GHz band)*5, Playback of stil l images and movies on sma rtphones, PCs and TVs
Yes (NFC For um Type 3 Tag compat ible, One- touch rem ote, One-tou ch shari ng)
Microp hone term inal (3.5 mm Stereo mi nijack ), Headpho ne Terminal ( 3.5 mm Stere o minijac k), Sync term inal
Built-in stereo microphone
Built-in, monaural
Custom k ey settin gs, Programm able sett ing
Yes (Body 3 se ts/memo ry card 4 set s)
One rech argeabl e battery p ack NP-FM 500H
Approx . 390 shots (Vi ewfind er) /appr ox. 490 shots ( LCD monitor ) (CIPA stan dard)
*8 *9
: Approx. 85 mi n (Viewfi nder) /A pprox. 85 min ( LCD monito r) (CIPA stan dard)
*8 *10
: Approx. 135 min (Viewfinder) /Approx. 135 min (LCD monitor) (CIPA standard)
AC Adapto r AC-PW10A M (sold sep arately)
Approx . 849g (approx . 1 lb. 13.9 oz.)
Approx . 770g (approx . 1 lb 11.2 oz.)
32°-10 4°F / 0-40 °C
, Copyrig ht, Set File Na me, Help gui de, Area Sett ing, Shop
Speci ficatio ns and feat ures are sub ject to cha nge witho ut notice.
*1 Eye-Fi cards can be used only in the countries where they are purchased. Use Eye-Fi cards in accordance with the law of the countries where the cards were
*2 With compatible external flash
*3 Varies according to shooting conditions or memory card used
*4 Supports Micro USB compatible device.
*5 (Configuration method/Access method) WPS or manually /infrastructure mode. When connecting to smartphones, the camera can always work as a base
without a wireless access point. (Security: WEP/WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK)
*6 Sony accessories for the Accessory Shoe can be attached.
*7 The LCD screen is turned on, shot once every 30 seconds, operate zoom alternately between W and T ends, flash strobe once every two times, turn power off
and on once every ten times.
*8 Continuous movie recording is possible for approximately 29 minutes (limited by product specifications).
*9 Indicated recording time is defined by repeating the following cycle: Power on, start recording, zoom, stand-by and power off.
*10 Indicated recording time is defined by repeating the following cycle: Pressing the MOVIE button. No other operations such as zoom are performed.
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Trademarks & Remarks
• "
", "G master", "4D FOC US", "Exmor", "B IONZ X", "BRAV IA", "SteadyShot ", "VAIO", "InfoL ithium", "Translucen t Mirror Technol ogy", "Tru-Find er", "Memory St ick", "Memor y Stick PRO Duo",
"Memor y Stick XC-HG Duo", "Memo ry Stick PRO -HG Duo", "PlayMe mories Home", "Pl ayMemories S tudio", "PlayMem ories Online", "P layMemorie s Mobile", "PlayM emories Came ra Apps",
"x.v.Color ", "TRILUMINO S", "TRILUMIN OS Color" and " TRILUMINO S Display" are tr ademarks or re gistered tra demarks of So ny Corporati on.
• "Xper ia" is a trademark o r registered tr ademark of Son y Mobile Commun ications AB.
• PlaySt ation is a regist ered trademar k of Sony Comput er Entertain ment Inc.
• "AVCHD" and "AVCHD P rogressive" are t rademarks o f Panasonic Cor poration and S ony Corporat ion.
• The SD Log o, SDHC Logo and S DXC Logo are trade marks of SD-3C , LLC.
• WhiteMa gic is a trademar k of Japan Displa y Inc.
• The term s HDMI and HDMI H igh-Denit ion Multime dia Interface, a nd the HDMI Log o are trademark s or registere d trademark s of HDMI Licensi ng LLC in the Unite d States and othe r countries.
• iMovie i s a trademark of A pple Computer, In c., registered i n the U.S. and oth er countries. Wo rks with iMo vie is a trademar k of Apple Comp uter, Inc.
• The Wi-F i Protected S etup Identi er Mark is a mark of t he Wi-Fi Allia nce.
• N-Mark i s a registered tr ademark of the N FC Forum.
• Androi d is a trademark of G oogle Inc.
• Dolby is a tr ademark of Dol by Laborator ies.
• Window s is a trademark of M icrosoft Co rporation in t he United State s and/or other count ries.
• Mac and Mac O S are registere d trademarks o f Apple Inc.
• "Facebook " is a registere d trademark of Face book, Inc.
• "Flick r" is a registere d trademark of Yah oo, Inc.
• All othe r company and prod uct names men tioned herein a re used for ident ication pu rposes only an d may be the trade marks or regis tered tradem arks of their re spective ow ners.
• "InfoL ithium" is a lith ium batter y pack which can e xchange data wi th compatible e lectronic e quipment abou t its energy con sumption.
• Sony reco mmends that you u se the batter y pack with el ectronic equ ipment beari ng the "InfoLi thium" mark.
• Screen d isplays and ee cts used to ill ustrate some f unctions ar e simulated.
• Refer to S ony’s suppor t site for lens com patibilit y information: h ttp://www.sony.ne t/hpd/
November 2016 by Sony Corporation Second edition for digital distribution only. All rights reserved. Availability depends on regions.
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