Sony F3880001 User Guide

Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
fгйзкнбеЦ=Езен~Ен= ЙенкбЙл
You can import contact information by:
Copying contacts stored on
your SIM card.
computer application using the synchronize function.
Transferring contacts from
another phone using Bluetooth™ wireless technology.
When an improved software version for your phone is available, you can update the phone using the Sony Ericsson update Service on
qз=лЙн=нЬЙ=Й~к=лйЙ~вЙк=оздмгЙ= ЗмкбеЦ=~=йЬзеЙ=Е~дд
Press the volume up and volume
down keys.
qз=лЙн=нЬЙ=оздмгЙ=Сзк=гмднбгЙЗб~I= ~д~кгI=кбеЦнзеЙл=~еЗ=гЙлл~ЦЙ= ~дЙкнл
N Select [=sздмгЙ. O Select the corresponding slider. P Adjust the volume using the
N Select [=sздмгЙ. O Mark the pбдЙен=гзЗЙ check box.
From standby you can press and hold do wn to sw it ch si le nt mode on or off.
During an ongoing call or when listening to music, you can transfer the sound to a connected accessory such as a Bluetooth headset.
N Select [=sздмгЙ. O Select jçêÉ [=qк~елСЙк=лзмеЗ.
The phone has a slot for Memory Stick Micro™ (M2™) memory cards next to the connector. The phone supports up to 8GB memory cards. This memory
19Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
behaves like a normal disk drive. You can access it as a USB mass storage device from a PC, to transfer files quickly.
Insert the memory card into the
Press the edge of the memory
card and then release it.
Do not remove the memory card during file transfer.
You can take notes by entering text or draw sketches, and set reminders for important events.
N Press and select kÉï. O Use the toolbar to create your
P Select cáäÉ to classify your note.
20 Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Scribble mode selected. Select to switch to text mode
Text mode selected. Select to switch to scribble mode
Use the stylus as an eraser for sketches
Select a background colour
Set a reminder
N Press and select a note. O Edit the text by switching to text
P Edit the sketch by switching to
scribble mode. Select to use the stylus as an eraser.
You can classify your notes, show them in a grid or a list, or synchronize them with a remote server.
N Press and select jçêÉ [
O Select an option.
N Press and select jçêÉ [ sáÉï=
O Select an option.
N Press and select jçêÉ [ cáåÇ. O Enter the search phrase and
select cáåÇ.
Select jçêÉ [ kçíÉë=ã~å~ÖÉê [
Only the text part of your notes will be synchronized.
You need a remote synchronization account first. For more information, see the Web guide, Synchronizing data remotely.
21Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Connect the accessory to the side
of your phone.
Tilt the plug upwards when you disconnect the accessory.
You can enter text by using the keypad, handwriting recognition or on-screen keyboard.
You can enter English by using keypad prediction or multitap:
Keypad prediction – enter words by
a single press of a key to input any of the characters associated with that key.
Multitap – enter latin letters by
pressing a key containing the letter,
until the desired letter appears. You can enter Chinese characters by using Pinyin or Stroke:
Pinyin – enter Chinese characters
by pressing the keys containing its
Pinyin letters.
Stroke – enter Chinese characters
by pressing the keys containing its
strokes. Strokes are grouped into
five categories and represented by
qз=лпбнЕЬ=ДЙнпЙЙе=вЙуй~З= йкЙЗбЕнбзе=~еЗ=Ь~еЗпкбнбеЦ= кЙЕзЦебнбзе
Press and hold down .
Press and hold down .
qз=лпбнЕЬ=ДЙнпЙЙе=мййЙк=Е~лЙ=~еЗ= дзпЙк=Е~лЙ
N Select English as the input language. O Press .
22 Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
qз=ЙенЙк=нЬЙ=пзкЗ=“д~кЦЙ“ млбеЦ= вЙуй~З=йкЙЗбЕнбзе
N Switch to keypad prediction mode. O Select English as the input language. P Enter word "large" by pressing
Q Select the word "large" from the
N Switch to handwriting recognition
O Select English as the input language. P Enter letter "l" by pressing
Q Enter letter "a" by pressing
R Enter letter "r" by pressing
S Enter letter "g" by pressing
T Enter letter "e" by pressing
N Select Chinese as the input language. O Press .
, , , , .
candidate list.
qз=ЙенЙк=нЬЙ=пзкЗ=“д~кЦЙ“=млбеЦ= гмднбн~й
three times.
three times.
You cannot use multitap under keypad prediction mode.
qз=лпбнЕЬ=ДЙнпЙЙе=`ЬбеЙлЙ=беймн= гЙнЬзЗл
N Select Chinese as the input language. O Select Pinyin as the input method. P Enter "xin" by pressing ,
, .
23Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Q Select "xin" using the navigation key,
and then select " candidate list.
R Enter "xi" by pressing ,
S Select "xi" using the navigation key,
and then select " " from the candidate list.
N Select Chinese as the input language. O Select Stroke as the input method. P Enter " ", " " and " " by pressing
, , .
Q Use the navigation key to select " 信 ". R Enter " ", " " and " " by pressing
, , .
S Select " " from the candiate list.
N Select Chinese as the input language. O Select Stroke as the input method. P If you only know that " " is the first
and the last stroke of the character " " and that the total number of strokes is four, enter , ,
, .
Q Select " 互 " from the candidate list.
" from the
24 Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
N Open the symbol table by pressing
O Use the navigation key to select a
This function is not available when you are under number input mode .
bенЙкбеЦ=нЙсн=млбеЦ=Ь~еЗпкбнбеЦ= кЙЕзЦебнбзе
Handwriting recognition translates stylus gestures written directly on the screen into letters, numbers or other characters, and displays these characters as text.
For more information, see To switch
between keypad prediction and handwriting recognition on page 22.
You cannot use keypad prediction under handwriting mode.
The handwriting input mode screen consists of an upper and a lower part divided by an arrow in the middle on the right edge.
2 3 4
1 – arrow that splits the text mode
screen into an upper part and a lower part.
2 – area to write the digits and
3 – area to write upper case letters
and Chinese characters.
4 – area to write lower case letters and
Chinese characters.
jзлн=дЙннЙкл=Е~е=ДЙ=пкбннЙе=нЬкзмЦЬ= ЗбССЙкЙен=лнкзвЙ=й~ннЙкелK=qЬЙ=мййЙк= Е~лЙ=~еЗ=дзпЙк=Е~лЙ=ЗЙйЙеЗ=зе=нЬЙ= дзЕ~нбзе=зе=нЬЙ=лЕкЙЙеI=~еЗ=~кЙ= мекЙд~нЙЗ=нз=нЬЙ=й~ннЙкеK
25Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
N Select Chinese as the input language. O Write Chinese characters below or in
line with the arrow. You can select characters from the candidate word list.
N Select Chinese as the input language. O Write Chinese punctuation below or
inline with the arrow.
Start each stroke at the dotted end.
N Select English as the input language. O Write lower case letters below the
arrow; upper case letters in line with the arrow.
26 Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Write numbers above the arrow.
N Select English as the input language. O Write the basic letter, and then write
the accent to form the accented letter. For example, to enter character "à", write "a" below the arrow, followed with a backward slash "\" above "a".
You can only write accented characters under Single-character recognition.
N Select English as the input language. O Draw a slash mark "/" from bottom up,
followed with an extended character below the arrow. For example, to input "%", write "/%" below the arrow.
You can also tap symbol icon and select often-used symbols using your stylus.
27Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Use special gestures to perform
functions like deleting characters and entering spaces.
Switch between single­character and multi-character recognition.
Switch between Chinese and English input languages.
Cut highlighted text.
Copy text.
Paste text.
Undo an action.
For more information on how to highlight text, go to To highlight the text with the stylus on page 28.
N Switch to multi-character recognition
by drawing
O You can enter several characters at
one time. For example:
Write one English word like "hello"
under English input mode.
Write several Chinese characters
like " 你好 " under Chinese input
Write several digits like "12345678"
under any input mode.
bенЙкбеЦ=нЙсн=млбеЦ=зеJлЕкЙЙе= вЙуДз~кЗ
The on-screen keyboard enables you to select characters and symbols with the stylus. The on-screen keyboard can be set to different languages.
N Tap the on-screen keyboard icon
located in the status bar.
O Use your stylus to use the on-screen
When in text entry mode, you can select more options.
You need to highlight text first before using copy or cut functions.
Hold the stylus at the end of the text
for a short while then drag the stylus across the text.
When in text entry mode, select jçêÉ
jзкЙ=[=qЙсн=зйнбзел to find
28 Getting to know the phone
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
To make or receive a phone call your phone must be within range of a network.
You can set how your phone should choose an available network when you are outside your operator’s coverage area. From standby you find the settings in jЙем=[=pЙннбеЦл=[=
Enter the phone number
(including the area number) on the keypad and select `~ää.
N From Standby press and hold
down to get the international call prefix.
O Enter the country/region code,
area code (without the first zero) and phone number.
P Select `~ää.
qз=ЗЙдЙнЙ=ЕЬ~к~ЕнЙкл=пЬЙе= Зб~ддбеЦ
When entering a number you can
delete characters by pressing
When calling, you can choose in the jçêÉ menu whether to show or hide your phone number to the called party.
You can save up to nine of your contacts as Speed contacts. This means that you can call them using abbreviated numbers (numbers 1 – 9).
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
O Scroll to an empty position and
select ^ÇÇ.
P Select a contact in the list and
select p~îÉ.
qз=г~вЙ=~=Е~дд=нз=~=лйЙЙЗ= Езен~Ен
N From Standby press one of the
keys 1 to 9 that corresponds to the stored speed contact.
O Select `~ää.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
N From Standby, enter the
emergency number on the keypad.
O Select `~ää.
When dialling, you can find local SOS numbers in the jçêÉ menu.
Usually no SIM card or PIN code is required for emergency calls, but this can be operator-dependant. Contact your operator for more information.
Select vÉë.
Select .
oЙаЙЕнбеЦ=~=Е~дд=пбнЬ=~е=pjp=нЙсн= гЙлл~ЦЙ
This feature means that you can reject a call by sending a pre­defined SMS text message to the caller. Before you use it, enter the settings from standby in jÉåì=[=
(You will be charged by your operator for the SMS message.)
During a call, select jçêÉ=[=
qз=гмнЙ=нЬЙ=гбЕкзйЬзеЙ= EлЬзкнЕмнF
During a call, press and hold
down .
qз=меJгмнЙ=нЬЙ=гбЕкзйЬзеЙ= EлЬзкнЕмнF
When the microphone is muted,
press .
Select jìíÉ or press .
e~еЗдбеЦ=нпз=зк=гзкЙ= Е~ддл
You can handle multiple calls at the same time:
Put an ongoing call on hold and
start a new one, or answer an
incoming call.
Start a conference call during
an ongoing call (operator-
Extract one party in a
conference call for a private talk
and put the conference call on
Retrieve a held call, or end it.
30 Calling
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
You can start a conference call if you have one active call and one on hold. The maximum number of conference parties is five.
N Make a call and select eçäÇ. O Repeat the above step for each
P Select jзкЙ=[=pн~кн=ЕзеСЙкЙеЕЙ=
In the call log you can find call information, such as the type of call, time, date, phone number and call length. From Standby select `~ääë to open it. You can also make a call or a call note directly from this application.
If you connect a handsfree or a Bluetooth» headset to your phone, you will need to set how to answer an incoming call. From standby select jЙем=[=pЙннбеЦл=[=
Some of the features that your phone supports can be found in
Accept calls – caller filter.Add to contacts – add contact
data from the last call.
ALS – line settings, if your SIM
card supports two lines.
Call meter – service to keep
track of your call costs.
Calling cards – call via a calling
card server.
Call waiting – option to get
alerted if there is another call on the line.
Divert calls – divert calls to
other numbers.
Fixed numbers – only special
numbers can be called.
Flag call – reject a call and set a
reminder to follow it up later.
My number – option to save
your own number.
Restrict calls – options to set
roaming and international call restrictions.
Textphone accessory – use of a
teletype writer.
Voicemail – “answering
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
Voice control – you can call and
answer with voice commands.
Many of these features are operator­dependent and may not be available. For more information about these, and other features, see Calling and Settings in the Web guide.
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
`çåí~Åíë and scroll to the desired
O Select sáÉï to open the entry. P Scroll to the desired phone
number and select `~ää.
You can also press on the 5-way navigation key to open Contacts.
qз=СбеЗ=лЙкобЕЙ=емгДЙкл=зе=нЬЙ= pfj=Е~кЗ
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
O Select jзкЙ=[=sбЙп=СздЗЙк=[=pfjK P Select jзкЙ=[=pЙкобЕЙ=емгДЙкл.
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
O Select jçêÉ=[=kÉï=Åçåí~Åí. P You can enter contact data on
four tabs.
Q Select p~îÉ.
If you save your contacts’ phone numbers in the international number format, starting with +, you can call directly from Contacts when you are abroad.
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
O Scroll to a contact and select
P Select jзкЙ=[=^ЗЗ=СбЙдЗ and mark
a field.
Q Select ^ÇÇ.
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
O Select jзкЙ=[=sбЙп=СздЗЙк=[=pfj. P Scroll to a contact and select
32 Calling
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
qз=~ЗЗ=~=лнзкЙЗ=йбЕнмкЙ=нз=~= Езен~Ен
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
`çåí~Åíë and scroll to a contact.
O Select jçêÉ=[=bÇáí=Åçåí~Åí. P Scroll to the mбЕнмкЙ field and
select bÇáí.
Q Choose pЙдЙЕн and scroll to a
picture you want to add.
R Choose pЙдЙЕн=[=p~оЙ.
qз=~ЗЗ=~=йЙклзе~д=кбеЦнзеЙ=нз=~= Езен~Ен
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
`çåí~Åíë and scroll to the desired
O Select jçêÉ=[=bÇáí=Åçåí~Åí. P Select the audio tab . Q Scroll to the oбеЦнзеЙW drop-down
menu and select léÉå=[ cáåÇ=
R Scroll to the sound you want to
S Choose pЙдЙЕн. T Select jçêÉ=[=p~îÉ.
O Select jçêÉ=[=^ÇÇ=íç=[ desired
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
`çåí~Åíë and scroll to a contact.
O Select jзкЙ=[=aЙдЙнЙ.
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
O Mark the desired entries in
P Select jçêÉ=[=^ÇÇ=íç=[=pfj.
qç=Åçéó=Åçåí~Åíë=Ñêçã=íÜÉ=pfj= Å~êÇ
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
O Select jзкЙ=[=sбЙп=СздЗЙк=[=pfj to
open the SIM card.
P Mark the desired entries. Q Select jçêÉ=[=`çéó=íç=`çåí~Åíë.
qз=Езйу=~=Езен~Ен=нз=~езнЬЙк= СздЗЙк
N From standby select jÉåì=[=
`çåí~Åíë and scroll to a contact.
Draft for Sony Ericsson Internal Use Only
_ЙСзкЙ=узм=млЙ= jЙлл~ЦбеЦ
Before you can send or receive any messages (except for SMS text messages) you need to set up the necessary accounts. You can use the Internet and Email wizards provided in the phone to download settings or do this manually. See Setting up Internet, email and MMS in the Web guide.
Email messages
Beamed messages via Bluetooth
You can also receive:
Auto setup files for configuring Internet, email and MMS
Area information messages such as local road reports
Press on the keypad.
You can create, send, and receive different types of messages:
SMS (Short Message Service) – text messages
MMS (Multimedia Message Service) – picture messages that can include text, pictures and sound
34 Messaging
The different types of messages are handled by different accounts. The default account, Messages, handles all messages except email messages. Email messages are handled by email accounts you create yourself. All accounts consist of a number of folders. You can switch between folders by selecting the arrow beside the folder name:
+ 36 hidden pages