Getting Started ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction to EBS-N200 .......................................................................................................................... 4
Installing the EBS-N200.................................................................................................................................5
Plasma Hookup with Surround Sound....................................................................................................6
TV Hookup ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Detecting and Setting Up the Initial IP Address ......................................................................................... 8
Configuring the EBS-N200.........................................................................................................................9
Using the Software........................................................................................................................................ 10
Control Web Pages ....................................................................................................................................... 14
Power .................................................................................................................................................... 25
More Settings........................................................................................................................................29
First Time Setup.................................................................................................................................... 30
Open Access Session ............................................................................................................................ 33
Video Player .............................................................................................................................................39
Player Commands.................................................................................................................................39
Energy Saving....................................................................................................................................... 49
The EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter lets you control the
delivery of audio and video content over IP based networks to
displays, such as plasmas or projectors.
Package Contents
The packing box contains the following items:
CD containing User Guide (this document)
Power Adapter
Power Cord
Warranty Card
Quick Start Guide
Hardware and Software
To begin using the EBS-N200, you must first install the hardware
then configure the software to the display model.
Browser Requirements
To use the EBS-N200, you must have Internet Explorer 6.0 or
newer installed.
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 4
Installing the EBS-N200
The EBS-N200 comes ready to install. To install it, you simply
connect the unit to a display and detect or setup the initial IP
address. After that, you are ready to configure the software to
meet your individual specifications.
Connecting the Hardware
Plasma Hookup
You can connect the EBS-N200 to various types of displays. This
section provides images on connecting the unit to a plasma, a
plasma with surround sound, and a TV.
The following image displays how to connect the EBS-N200 to a
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 5
Installing the EBS-N200, continued
Plasma Hookup with Surround Sound
The following image displays how to connect the EBS-N200 to a
plasma with surround sound:
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 6
TV Hookup
Installing the EBS-N200, continued
The following image displays how to connect the EBS-N200 to a
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 7
Detecting and Setting Up the Initial IP Address
Once power has been applied to the unit, an IP address must be
assigned either automatically thru DHCP or manually thru the
EBS-N200’s web interface. Diskless and hard drive equipped
EBS-N200s are pre-configured differently as follows:
Diskless EBS-N200 IP Address Configuration:
All diskless EBS-N200’s are shipped with the DHCP enabled and
rely on the boot server to supply an IP address. Diskless systems
are also set up to work with a Domain Name Server (DNS)
allowing an actual text string to be used as opposed to the units IP
address when accessing the unit thru a browser. The default
name of “EBS-N200” can be used for initial access to the unit thru
a browser and should be changed during configuration since
additional un-configured EBS-N200s on the network will have the
same name. Because of this only one EBS-N200 should be
powered up and configured at a time to prevent network conflicts.
Refer to the EBS-N200 Sever Software Users Guide for Server,
DHCP, and DNS set up.
Hard Drive Equipped EBS-N200 IP Address Configuration:
All EBS-N200’s equipped with a hard drive are shipped with a
Static IP Address of This IP address can be
changed as follow:
• Connect the EBS-N200 to a computer with the same subnet (192.168.0.XXX)
• Start the computers browser and enter
• The EBS-N200’s main web page will appear; select the
Configure tab and the following page will appear
• Set the desired IP address, Subnet Mask, and Default
Gateway and document
• Select Submit and Restart to reboot the unit for the new
IP Address to take effect
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 8
Installing the EBS-N200, continued
Configuring the EBS-N200
Before you begin using the EBS-N200, you must enter the display
type and model to which it is connected. The controls available in
the user interface (EBS-N200 software) directly correspond to the
display type and model that you select. The first time you power
on the unit, the initial Configuration control page displays. This is
the page where you enter the display type and model. Once you
enter that information, the Main control page will be the default
page that displays each time you power on the unit.
The following image displays an example of the Configuration
control page:
To enter the display type and model, perform the following steps:
1. In the Device field, select the type of display to which the
EBS-N200 is connected.
2. In the Model field, select the model of the device.
3. In the Location field, enter the location of the EBS-N200,
such as a room number or a conference room. This
information is helpful to identify the EBS-N200 unit.
4. Click the Submit button. The controls available on the
user interface will directly correspond to the selected
display and model.
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 9
Using the Software
The EBS-N200 software is a user interface that allows you to
control the audio and video inputs. This section describes how to
launch the software and the screen layout.
Launching the Software
To launch the EBS-N200 software, perform the following steps:
1. In the Address Bar of your Internet browser, enter the IP
address to which you want to connect and press Enter. If
a password is required to access the software, the Login toEBS-N200 screen displays. If no password is required,
the Main control page displays and you do not have to
complete steps 2 through 4.
The following image displays an example of the EBS-N200 screen:
2. In the Log in as field, select User, Remote View Host, or
Administrator from the drop-down list.
3. In the Password field, enter the EBS-N200 password.
4. Click the Submit button.
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 10
Screen Layout
Using the Software, continued
Web Pages
The user interface screen contains three major sections:
General Information
Control Web Pages
The Main control page is the default screen. To navigate to and
display any other control page, click the button for that page. Use
these screens to enter initial information and then edit and
maintain information, as necessary. The interface refreshes
automatically every few seconds and updates the screen with the
The following image displays an example of the user interface:
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 11
General Information
Using the Software, continued
The General Information section is located at the top of the
screen. It contains information that is either automatically
populated or completed by a network administrator. You can
change the information displayed in this section by clicking the
Configure button in the Control Web Pages section.
Refer to the following table for a description of the fields in the
General Information section:
Field Description
The Device field displays the
type of device to which the
EBS-N200 is connected.
The Model field displays the
model of the device.
The Location field displays
the location of the EBS-N200,
for example, a room number
or a conference room. This
information is helpful to
identify the EBS-N200 unit.
IP Address
The IP Address field displays
the IP address of the EBSN200.
EBS-N200 Name
The EBS-N200 Name field
displays the name of the EBSN200 unit.
Status The Status field displays
current status of the EBS-N200 unit, such as Power On
or Standby.
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 12
Control Web Pages
Using the Software, continued
The Control Web Pages section is located at the left side of the
screen. It contains various pages on which you can setup and
maintain information. This section includes the following options:
Picture Settings
Remote View
Video Player
Playlist Setup
The Body section is located in the middle of the screen. The
Control Web Page that you select determines the information
displayed in the body. Additionally, the information in this section
varies by the display type and model.
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 13
Control Web Pages
Basic Settings
The Configure control page allows you to configure the EBSN200. If passwords are required to access the software, you must
be logged in to EBS-N200 as Administrator; you cannot access
the Configure control page logged in as User or Remote View
Note: You cannot make changes to the display using the
Configure control page. To make those changes, use the Main
control page.
The Configure control page is comprised of four screens:
Use this screen to select the display type and model to which the
EBS-N200 is connected and make changes to the IP address.
The following image displays an example of the Basic Settings
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 14
EBS-N200 Configuration
Control Web Pages, continued
The EBS-N200 Configuration section allows you to select the
display type and model to which the EBS-N200 is connected.
Additionally, you can enter a location of the EBS-N200, which can
be used to identify the unit.
Refer to the following table for a description of the fields in the
EBN-N200 Configuration section:
Field Description
Device Select the device to which the
EBS-N200 is connected.
Model Select the model of the
device. The models displayed
in the drop-down list
correspond to the device that
you select.
Default Resolution Select the default resolution
for the display.
Location Enter the location of the EBS-
N200, for example a room
number or a conference room.
This information is helpful to
identify the EBS-N200 unit.
Network Settings
The Network Settings section displays the IP address used for
network connectivity. DHCP or Static IP addressing is available.
After you make changes to the network settings, you must restart
the EBS-N200 for the changes to take effect.
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 15
Network Settings, continued
Control Web Pages, continued
Refer to the following table for a description of the fields in the
Network Settings section:
Field Description
Obtain IP Address
Automatically (DHCP)
Select this radio button to
have the software
automatically detect the IP
Use the following settings: Select this radio button to
enter specific network settings
and then enter the
information, as necessary, in
the following fields:
- IP Address
- Subnet Mask
- Default Gateway
- Primary DNS Server
- Secondary DNS Server
EBS-N200 Network Display Adapter 16
Advanced Settings
Control Web Pages, continued
Use this screen to enter a name for the EBS-N200, enter
passwords for access to the unit, and change serial port settings.
The following image displays an example of the Advanced Settings screen:
EBS-N200 Configuration – Advanced Settings
The EBS-N200 Configuration – Advanced Settings section
allows you to specify a name for the EBS-N200 unit and restrict
access to the EBS-N200. If the password fields are blank, there is
unrestricted access to the EBS-N200. If the password fields are
populated, a user must login to the EBS-N200 to gain access.
Refer to the following table for a description of the fields in the