Sony DSC-WX1 Marketing, DSC-WX1/B, Cyber-shot DSC-WX1 Specification Sheet

10.2 MP | 5x OPTICAL ZOOM | 2.7” LCD
The Cyber-shot® DSC-WX1 features “Exmor R” CMOS sensor and 24mm equivalent bright f/2.4 G lens, letting you capture clear, crisp images, even in lowlight. High speed burst 10 frames per second helps you capture the precise moment and Sweep Panorama creates wide 256-degree panoramic shots. Additionally, it features 720p movie
Take clearer photos with less grain in low-light conditions
The DSC-WX1 features a 10.2 megapixel, back­illuminated “Exmor R” CMOS image sensor. This advanced technology leverages the full resolving power of the camera’s G lens to deliver extremely fast speed, high resolution, and stunning low-light sensitivity with improved image clarity and drastically reduced grain.
, Ultra-quick 0.3-sec. AF, and Intelligent Auto mode.
Be sure to catch all those once-in-a lifetime moments
The DSC-WX1 can capture up to ten full 10.2 megapixel resolution images per second. So now you can be sure to capture the bat hitting the game-winning homerun, the lead runner crossing the fi nish line, and other decisive moments. The camera also uses a mechanical shutter to help reduce distortion when continuously shooting moving subjects.
24mm equivalent f/2.4 G Lens
Designed and manufactured to the highest standards of optical performance, the Sony G Lens is optimized to complement the advanced image sensors and processing technology found in Sony digital cameras. Capture more of the scene in landscape or group portraits with the 24mm equivalent wide- angle lens. It’s especially useful in small rooms, where you can’t get far enough back from your subjects to capture them all.
Capture breathtaking
panoramic shots
Sweep Panorama mode lets you go far beyond the capabilities of traditional wide­angle lenses to capture stunningly expansive shots. Simply press the shutter button and sweep the camera horizontally or vertically over your desired scene. The camera shoots continuously at a high speed, automatically adjusts the position of each image, then seamlessly stitches up to 100 pictures together into one panoramic photo. Available in wide and ultra-wide options, this feature lets you take panoramic shots up to an amazing 256 degrees.
MP4 for PC: 720p
MP4 is ideal for enjoying and sharing HD movies on your PC, Mac can record video up to 1280x720 at 30fps. A MP4 HD fi le is a compressed single fi le format, perfect for uploading to computers and Web sharing sites like YouTube computer with Internet compatibility required.
or the Internet. You
. (Compatible
Additional features:
• Anti Motion Blur and Hand-held Twilight modes reduce grain and blur
• High sensitivit y ISO 3200
• Find your photos using simple folder or calendar viewing modes
• Function Guide helps explain menus and settings
• Card slot for optional Memory Stick Duo media
• Includes PMB (Picture Motion Browser Software
Sony Electronics Inc. | 16530 Via Esprillo | San Diego, CA 92127 | 1.800.222.7669 |
Specifi cations
W-SERIES Digital Still Camera
Camera Typ e Compact "Exmor R" CMOS camera Image D evice 1/2.4"(7.59mm)"Exmo r R" CMO S Effective Pixe ls Resolution 10.2MP Processor BIONZ
Optics & Lens
Lens Type G Lens
Lens Construction
Aper ture Ran ge
Focal Length 4.25-21.25mm
35mm Equivalency
Optical Zoom 5x Digita l Zoom Smar t Zoom / Pre cision Digital Zoom / Off Total Zoom Approximately 10x with Pre cision Digital Zoom
LCD & View fi nder
LCD Type 3.0” Clear Photo™ LCD1 (230K Viewfi nder -
Media Slot M S PRO Duo™ media
Still Images
Microp hone / Sp eaker Mono / Mo no
Focus 9 points A F / Center Weighted AF / Spot AF Intelli gent Auto Focus Yes
Macro Mode
Exposure Meter ing Multi Pattern / Center Weighted / Spot Exposure Comp ensation Plus / Minus 2.0EV, 1 / 3EV step ISO Auto / 160 / 200 / 4 00 / 80 0 / 1600 / 3200 Backlight Cor rectio n HDR ­Dynam ic Rang e Optimizer Standa rd / Off / Plus
White Ba lance
Shutter Speed iAUTO(2" - 1/1,6 00) / Program Auto(1" - 1/1,600
Burst Mode
Flash Type Built-In
Flash Ef fective Range
Flash Mode Auto / On / Slow Syncro / O ff
6 eleme nts in 5 groups (
including 5 aspheric eleme nts Auto( F2.4/F7.1(W), 2 steps) / Program a uto (
F2.4/F7.1(W), 2 steps) with ND Filter
Still shots: 24-120mm / Movie 16:9 28-140mm / Movie 4:3 : 34 -170mm
10M (3,648 x 2,736) / 5M (2,592 x 1,944) / 3M (2,048 x 1,536) /VGA (640 x 480); 3:2 / 8M(3,648 x 2,432); 16:9 7M( 3,648 x 2,056) / 2M(1,920 x1,080); Panorama 7,152 x 1,080(256deg) / 4,912 x 1,080(175deg) / 4,912 x 1,920(175deg) / 3,424 x 1,920(122deg 1280 x 720(29.97fps, Progressive) (
Approx.9/6Mbps) / VGA (
640 x 480, 29.97fps, Progressive) (Approx.3Mbps
W:Approx.5cm (1.96”) to Infi nity, T:Approx. 50 cm (19.7”) to Infi nity
Auto / Daylight / Cloudy / Fluorescent 1 (
White Fluorescent Lighting) / Fluorescent 2 (
Natural White Fluorescent Lighting) / Fluorescent 3 (Day White Fluorescent Lighting) / Incandescent / Flash / One Push
Normal / Hi- Spee d Burst(High/Mid/Low) (Approx. 10fps at 10.2M P (Maximum 10 shots)) / Bracketing
ISO Auto: Approx.0.2-Approx.5.0m(W) / Approx.0.5- Approx 2.0m(T), ISO320 0: up to Approx.10.0m(W) / Approx. 4.0m(T
Scene M odes
Image S tabilization Optical Stead yShot GPS -
Multi -shot layering Handheld Twilight / Anti- Moti on Blur Intelli gent Auto Yes Intelligent Scene Recognition 8 scenes Face Detection 8 faces (Auto / Off / Child Priority / Adult Priority Motion D etection Yes Blink D etection Yes Smile S hutter Self- timer Off / 10sec. / 2se c. In- Came ra Editing Trimming / Red Eye Correction / Unsharp Masking TransferJet
Inputs & Outputs
USB Yes - USB2.0 Hi -Speed HD Vide o Component(1080i SD Vide o Yes
Supplied Bat tery InfoLITHIUM® NP- BG1 3.6V Battery Life (Approx. Number of Images (Approx.)350
Weights & Measurements
Dimen sions (Approx.
Weights (Approx.
Soft ware
Supplied Sof tware
Operating Sys tem Requirements
Service & Warranty
Limite d Term Warranty Limite d 1 Year Parts & Labor
Supplied Accessories
Battery InfoLITHIUM® NP- BD1 Battery Charger BC- CSN A/V Cable ­USB Cab le ­Multi -Connector Cable (
A/V / USB Shoulder Stra p ­Wrist Strap Yes Lens Cap Tether ­Paint Pen CD ROM Yes
1. Viewable area measured diagonally
2. PMB requires Microsoft® Windows® XP SP3/ Wi ndows Vista® SP2/Windows 7. Picture Motion Browser software not supported by Mac OS. Movie format is compatible with iMovie® ‘09 or later versions.
9. HD Movie mode records up to 1280x720p, at 30 fps, and 9Mbps.
Technol ogy Yes
Technol ogy -
High Se nsitivity / Twilight / Twilight Por trait / S oft Snap / Landscap e / Beach / Snow / Fireworks / Under water / G ourmet / Pet
Sweep Panorama (
Horizontal / Veritcal up to 256 -d egree s
3 9/16” x 2 1/16” x25/32”
90.5mm x 51.8mm x 19.8mm Approx. 4.2 oz. (120g) body only; Approx. 5.3 oz. (149g) ­With batter y and Memory S tick PR O Duo me dia.
Picture Motion B rowser Ver 4.3(for Windows), Music Transfer Microsoft Windows XP S P3, Wind ows Vista SP2, Macintosh OS X(v10.3 - 10.5
image stabili zation
© 2010 Sony Elect ronics In c. All right s reser ved. Repro duction i n whole or i n part wi thout wr itten p ermissi on is prohibited. S ony, Cyber- shot, Optical Stea dyShot, BI ONZ, Xtra Fine LCD, Clea r Photo, Clear Ph oto LCD Plus, S teadyS hot, Memor y Stick PRO- HG, InfoLITHIU M, Part y-Shot, AVCHD, Exmor, TruB lack, Trans ferJet, Exmo r R, Smile S hutter, DVD irect, BR AVIA, Memo ry Stic k PRO Duo, M emory S tick Duo and the Me mory Stick log o are trade marks of So ny. PlayStat ion is a tra demark o f Sony Comp uter Enter tainment. Microso ft, Windo ws, and Win dows Vista a re tradem arks of Mic rosoft C orporat ion. Mac O S and Maci ntosh are tra demark s of Apple C omputer s, Inc. Blu -ray Disc is a trad emark. H DMI is a tra demark o f HDMI Li censing L LC. A ll other t rademar ks are trade marks of th eir respe ctive owners.
Featur es, speci fi cati ons, avai labili ty, price s and terms o f offers a re subject to c hange w ithout not ice. Non-met ric weigh ts and mea suremen ts are approx imate and may vary
2.7” LCD